S2E17: The Infestation of the Grapefruit (Arc 2)
(Grapefruit island 1)
Y/n, Ironfist, Rhinox, Whirl and Turbospike have been sitting and waiting for Snorlax to fall asleep after he is done eaten but he hasn't gone to sleep. In fact after he finished the Grapefruit tree he begins eating another one.
They were getting a bit impatient especially Whirl as he started to shake his claws in frustration as he watches Snorlaxs eating and eating until he exploded in rage and gets up.
Whirl: THAT'S IT! I HAVR ENOUGH! This fat pokemon have been eaten for hours and still has not fallen asleep! I can't take it anymore!
Rhinox: Whirl calm down.
Whirl: Oh you wanted me to calm down are you? Well too bad I'm not calming down! In fact I'm not gonna calm down unless that fat thing dose not fall asleep or dead!
Y/n: (sigh) There has to be an easier way to put Snorlax to sleep.
Turbospike: Yeah.....oh wait! I know! (Grabs his sniper rifle) Wheeljack upgraded my rifle to have a sleep dirt mode to put things to sleep.
Y/n: And why would he put that into your rifle?
Turbospike: In fact we encountered a large pokemon that might attack us. Either way this one will do.
Once done he aim his rifle at Snorlax and once that he fire his shot. However Snorlax was done and move to another tree which the shot missed Snorlax and was sent flying through the forest.
The bots are stunned as they turn to Turbospike who us stunned as well.
Turbospike: Okay let's try again.
He take his aim and fired and managed to get a hit on Snorlax.
Turbospike: (smirk) Got him!
Then Snorlax looks down at the dirt, pulled it out and tossed it aside snd continues eating.
Ironfist: It didn't work.
Turbospike: I see that thanks. (Mutter) Stupid Wheeljack.
Whirl: Hey I got one!
Y/n: We're not killing him Whirl.
Whirl: Well that's my plan D but plane C is different.
Y/n: Really? How?
Whirl: What about we find a different food for Snorlax to eat and then lower him somewhere that we can trap him?
Rhinox: Hhhmm not a bad idea but the problem being this whole island is Grapefruit, what other food is there?
Y/n thinks about it for a moment and then he radios Ruby.
Y/n: Ruby do you have a supply truck that contains lots of food?
Ruby: (radio) Yeah why?
Y/n: Have some of the frozen foods to be cooked and bring the truck here.
Ruby: (radio) Okay.
(Sometime later)
Ruby, Ash, Misty, Tracy, Hot Rod and Bumblebee arrive at the area and open the back of the truck to all the food with some cook food being smelled by Snorlax. This gete Snorlax attention and he make his way over there. Y/n and the rest follow and soon Snorlax climbs inside the truck and Ruby quickly shut Snorlax inside while he eats.
Y/n: (smile) Done. By the time he's done, he'll be passed out for sure.
Ruby: (smile) I appreciate the help from you all. Thank you so much.
Y/n: (smile) It's no problem. Glad we can help.
Ash: So what are you going to do with Snorlax?
Ruby: I'm not too sure but for now let's head back and make you all something good to eat, my treat.
Misty: (smile) Sounds yummy.
Tracy: (smile) Then what are we waiting for, let's go.
Y/n: (smile) Yeah let's enjoy our break.
Night came and we everyone enjoying themselves as Ruby treats Ash and the other humans and pokemon soke Grapefruits meals which were good. The Autobot brought some energon as they enjoy themselves.
However we see Whirl just watching everyone enjoying themselves and then turns and leaves. Alex and Ben noticed this and so they left to check up on him. We soon see Whirl at the beach and sat down. Whirl sat there in silence as he looks at the ground when Alex and Ben came up to him.
Alex: Hey Whirl.
He turn to see the two as they too sat next to him.
Whirl: Oh hey. So how are things?
Alex: (smile) Pretty good. You did a good work handling Snorlax.
Whirl: Please I would have killed it just to make things easier.
Alex: Okay.
Ben: [Kinda dark.]
Whirl just ignores Ben and then said.
Whirl: Look.....a while ago.....at Mandarin Island. I said some things that upset you and I just.......I just.....scrap...I'm not good at this. I just want to say.......I'm sorry. It was dumb for me to say it....I just don't understand the bond you two have.
Alex: It's alright.
Whirl: Just that.......I.......I was never like this. Not even close. I was just like every bot. Have faces of emotions, smiles and all. But they were taking away from me. Not only I lost identity but I lost myself. I was angry at the world, angry that I lost everything I ever care for and I can't let it go. It's the reason I became a Wrecker kid. As a Wrecker, I can let out my anger out as much as I want. Make every enemy I met pay for the pain and struggle I have gone through. I thought if I succeed, maybe I can get my life back but now......I realise now that's never going to come back. Everything I cared for, everything I loved.....is gone and all I have is my rage. I learn to just never care so that's what I did.
Alex: (shocked) Whirl......I have no idea.
Whirl: Of course you don't. You don't understand what it feels like to lose everything you care for.
Alex: Actually..........I do. I lost my parents many years ago and it hurts. But thanks to Ben......I'm not alone. I think the reason why you like this is because you never have anyone with you.
Whirl: I guess. Perhaps I push everyone away. Including the Wreckers.
Alex: We're a team and as such, we will never abandon you in anyway.
Whirl: Well maybe you should. After all I am a jerk.
Alex: Maybe but your also a friend. Maybe one day you'll break out the trauma you've gone through and moved on.
Whirl is silent for a moment while Alex and Ben decided to stay with him which Whirl doesn't say anything and allows the two to stay with him for a bit as the night continues.
(Next day)
We find Ruby checking things up with the other Grapefruit island however the second, Third and Fourth islands didn't respond. This concerned her so she came out and tells the Autobots the situation.
Ruby: I lost communication with Islands 2,3 and 4. They are silent.
Y/n: That's odd. Maybe the communications is done.
Ruby: I don't know. We never have this happening to us. I have a bad feeling about this.
Joshua: I have a bad feeling about Zero. He hasn't come back since yesterday. You'll think he's in trouble?
Hot Rod: (smirk) Nah I'm sure he's fine.
Suddenly a large Cybertronian body was throne and crashes onto the ground which all turn. They see it is a Decepticon trooper and then Zero decloak himself as he slide his sword behind him.
Sorrel: A Decepticon?
Y/n: Not just a Decepticon but one of Starscreams troops.
Rhinox: Starscream and his forces must be here.
Ruby: (Shocked) This isn't good! If they are here then that means!
Misty: It means they must be on the islands 2,3 and 4!
Ash: We got to stop them!
Bumblebee: Then let's head over there and kick some Decepticon butt's.
Impactor: Perhaps we split up into three teams.
Y/n: Right. Me, Zero, Madison, Joshua and Turbospike will head to Island 2. Hot Rod, Bumblebee, Sideswipe and Jazz will head to Island 3 and the Wrecker will head to island 4. Rhinox you stay here with Ash and the others and report to us if the Decepticons come here.
Rhinox: Got it.
Sideswipe: We can take the dropship to take us there.
Y/n: Right. Autobots roll out.
They all transform into their vehicles forms and they headed off to the the dropship and head to the three islands to stop the Decepticons and whatever plans they have.
(Grapefruit island 2)
We see their dropship flying towards the second island and once there Y/n and his team drop down and they enter the forest. They search around for any Decepticons but no sign of them yet however they did come across Ruby's workers dead on the ground along with their trucks.
Y/n: We must be close.
Turbospike: Why would the Decepticons be here? There's nothing but Grapefruits.
Y/n: No idea. Stay sharp.
They keep on moving and soon they found them. They get down and see Decepticon troops transporting boxes of Grapefruits into dropships as they watch.
Turbospike: (whisper) Okay now I'm wondering why they needed those Grapefruits.
Madison: (whisper) No idea but something tells me they're ain't selling them.
Joshua: (whisper) Agree. Whatever plan they are up to, it can't be good.
Y/n: (whisper) Alright let's surprise them. Joshua Zero Yo take left, Turbospike, Madison and I take right. Let's take them quickly and-
Then they heard something and they look up and see Blitzwing diving down and then firing missiles at them. Immediately they move out of the way just as the missiles made contact to the ground and the explosions sent them flying.
Y/n land hard onto the ground but quickly gets up as Blitzwing transforms into his bot form while flying towards him and then grabs him by the neck and the two were sent flying inti the air.
Turbospike: Scrap Y/n!
Then Decepticon troops begin to fire which they fire back while Y/n and Blitzwing were going up and up as Y/n try his best to get Blitzwing to let go.
Blitzwing: (smirk) You think you can surprise us? Well you thought wrong.
He keeps sqeezing his neck until Y/n pulled out his pistol and fire a few shots at Blitzwing which hits him on the waist and he was forced to let go.
Y/n falls down as he sees how high he was. He continues to fall and he gets ready to hit the ground when Joshua flies over and catches Y/n.
Joshua: Got you sir.
Y/n: Thanks. Let's rejoin with the rest.
Joshua: That maybe a while.
Y/n: Why?
Joshua points his finger and Y/n turns to see Decepticon seekers flying towards him with Blitzwing leading them as they begin to fire. Quickly Joshua transforms into his jet with Y/n riding on top of him.
Joshua: Hold on!
They soon fly away with Decepticon seekers chasing after them as we see three island now in battle with Hot Rod and his team engaging Decepticon troops as well as the Wrecker.
However little does anyone know there is another group or Decepticons arriving on the first island and we see it is lead by the Combaticons as Onslaught looks around and then orders his team and Decepticon troops.
Onslaught: Alright men, let's clear this island out and kill anyone inside.
They all comply as they head into the forest to complete their objective.
To be continued...............................................
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