S2E15: Prowl's police days
(The Ark)
We see the Ark getting some upgrades while we cut to the bridge to see Perceptor and Prowl talking to Y/n through the screen as Y/n tells them the Mercenaries his team encounter at the Orange Islands.
Perceptor: Hhmm that seems impossible. There are reports of Mercenaries still active in the galaxy but never at a large number.
Y/n: (screen) Well we encounter all three what seems like high ranking Mercenaries and their forces. They seem ready for a hunt.
Prowl: Have you got any images that we can see who they are?
Y/n: (screen) Yeah, sending you all it right now.
The image gone through and they see the three Mercenaries which shocked Prowl while Perceptor noticed his shock.
Perceptor: What's wrong?
Prowl: (shocked) It's what I feared. Y/n you and your team are lucky to survive because those mercenaries ain't your normal Mercenaries. They belong to a guild called "The Hunters."
Y/n: (screen) The Hunters? I don't seem to heard that name.
Prowl: That's because they are the most dangerous group of Cybertronians that has ever lived. So dangerous in fact the council deleted their files in fear that the Decepticons might hire them on their dangerous jobs during the war on Cybertron. They are lead by a powerful mercenary by the name of Lockdown.
Y/n: (screen) Wait, Night-claw told me by that name. She told me her planet was attacked by Lockdown and she and her sister managed to escape.
Prowl: Then they too must be lucky or Lockdown let them go because he wanted the hunt them do as well. Either way they are dangerous and the three of them you encounter are Lockdowns top three best mercenaries. There is DoubleDealer, he's Lockdowns weapons specialist and a power house. His quirk is making brilliant deals to those in the Black Market that no other Cybertronian will not refuse. His body is almost unstoppable and usually stands there and act as the gunner or brute. The next is Bug Bite, don't like his size get to you, he has a powerful cannon that can immediately destroy a Cybertronian spark and he is viewed as their marksman. The last is NightBird, her files is unknown but she's the assassin of thr group. A deadly assassin who kills her targets without them even knowing they were there. She is a skilled with blade combat and learns every fighting style she knows.
Y/n: (screen) She's also silent kinda like Zero.
Prowl: Yes, I highly recommend to stay away from them. They are dangerous and they will kill you.
Y/n: (screen) On it.
Perceptor: Where are you?
Y/n: (screen) At Navel Island. Impactor, Springer and Whirl are away to check for anything for a Omega lock while Hot Rod ans his team are with Ash to battle a gym leader on this island.
Perceptor: Well have a safe adventure and good luck. You gonna need that.
Y/n: (screen) Right. Over and out.
The call ends as Prowl begins to walk away but Perceptor stops him.
Perceptor: Let's have a chat.
(Swerve's bar)
We wee Prowl and Perceptor at the bar and sat down together so they can have a private chat as Perceptor ask Prowl.
Perceptor: I noticed there is something your not telling them. Also how would you know those Mercenaries if the Cybertronian council deleted their files during the war?
Prowl: it's harr to tell.
Perceptor: Why?
Prowl: Because it reminds of my past before the war.
There was a moment of silence and then Prowl decided to tell him so he look up at Perceptor and then tells him.
Prowl: Before the war I lead a team or Cybertronian's best police force to crack down terrorist groups, criminals and many more. We were the best of the best. That is until we got a call of a Illegal dealing at the sea of rust. No one is not permitted to go there but the threat is serious so we head there to take it down. Little did we know......the knew we were coming.
(Sea of rust)
We see Prowl leading his team through the sea of rust and soon they were close to the draling so they transform inro their bot forms and pulled out theie weapons as Prowl turns to everyone and tells them.
Prowl: Listen up. This is where the dealing is at so let's be carful and weapons up. We don't know what we might be facing.
His team agree and they slowly move through the wreckage of melted metals sitting up and signs of Cybertronians that came here only to be victims to the acid of the sea.
They slowly and carful move through until they were just around the corner as Prowl lend his should against the wall and turn back to his team.
He node to them and they came out and they aim theie weapons only to see nothing but a table which confuses them.
Prowl: Search around, see if there is any signs that they have left.
They split up while Prowl checks the tracker he has placed and it is still on and they were at top of it. This confused him when a drip of fresh energon lands on his arm. Prowl looks up and to his horror and shock sees the criminal he place a tracker on hang over him and shown to have his spark torn out of him.
Prowl: (shocked) Oh no.
Suddenly one of Cybertronian police officer gets attacked by a large blue shark as he launches out from the acid waters and bite the Cybertronian police officers head off and then he transform into his bot form as he let's out a chuckle.
???: (smirk) Hello.
He aim his cannon and fire at two Cybertronian police officers as Prowl flips over a table and get behind cover. He ans his team return fire as Prowl radios in.
Prowl: This is Prowl! We need back up, I repeat we need back up!
Suddenly a table behind them gets cut in half and split apart as NightBird revealed herself which cost them to stumble back.
Suddenly one of Cybertronian police officers Che exploded and behind him was Bug Bite while the other try to flee but gets grabbed by Double Dealer and slammed into the ground and he rip off his spark. Prowl is surrounded by them only to be knock to the ground by someone behind him and he fall onto the ground.
He try to reach over his gun but a foot stomps onto his arm as a deep voice spoke.
??? 2: What do we have here?
We see the outline of his body with him having a hook while only his mouth is seen as he kneel down in front of Prowl.
???: Nicely done Sky Byte. You surprised them well.
Sky Byte: (light chuckle) What can I say? I love to scare my victims.
Bug Bite: (smirk) Yeah, you scare them good.
Prowl: You all are under arrest for illegal dealing!
???: Is that so? Do you know who I am?
Prowl: N-No.
Lockdown: What a shame. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Lockdown, leader of a Mercenary guild known as "The Hunters." We were making a deal but it appears the dealing went south as you can see. Now, we have theie weapons, their crew and their ship which is now belong to us.
Prowl: You won't get away for this!
Lockdown: Oh? And why is that? We're not your normal day criminals you see. We are more experienced and more dangerous then ever before.
He then reach towards Prowl and he rip off his Cybertronian police badge and looks at it.
Lockdown: Not trophy to remember but enough to remind you what happens if you play the big bots.
Prowl is shaking with fear which he never do but now he is. Prowl did something he thought he never do. He quickly crawls away and transform into his Cybertronian police car ans drives away while Lockdown stands up and watch him drive off.
DoubleDealer: Shall we go after him?
Lockdown: No. He's not worth it for the hunt. This is only the warm-up. Once we leave this planet.....we're never coming back.
We cut to Prowl racing away with fear as this trauma will stick with him forever in his whole life.
(Present day)
(Swerve's bar)
We see Prowl shaking his drink in fear while Perceptor sat there and stunned after Prowl told him this story.
Perceptor: I.....I have no idea. I'm sorry for what you have been through.
Prowl: They killed my team and I run away like a coward. I never do that but the sight on Lockdown shook me with fear and wanting to live. I'm ashamed of my cowardly way and I should have fight but......but....
Perceptor: Please don't blame yourself. You have no chance against Lockdown and his Mercenary elite team. Don't beat yourself up for
Prowl: I suppose so.
Perceptor: Still you never mention Sky Byte to Y/n of to his team. You said in your story that he is a shark?
Prowl: Yeah and according to his records......he used to be apart of quintesson's sharkticons.
Perceptor: (shocked) What?! You mean Sky Byte was apart of the Quintesson's during the Cybertronian and Quintesson war?! A war that Nova Prime many Cybertronians to fight back against the Quintesson's?!
Prowl: Yes. According to his records he was captured and imprison by Nova prime but after he left Cybertronian to colonies planets, he escaped and became a Bounty hunter and then a Mercenary during the Golden days of Cybertron.
Perceptor: So he's the most oldest member of the Hunters.
Prowl: Yeah he is. These Mercenaries are highly dangerous and I just hope Y/n ans his team won't encounter them again.
Perceptor: Yeah but why though? Why are they here at earth? I understand they hear stories about the war happening on this planet but why coming here?
Prowl: Their goal is to hunt anything they see as a challenge. They either kill or capture their prey and if capture kept them within their trophy room which contains all the parts, weapons, emblems and alien creatures.
Perceptor: I rather not go into that room.
Prowl: Same. Sorry for keeping this secret from you all. Its just.....thinking about it brings me back bad memories and I wish I would forget it but I can't.
Perceptor: I understand your pain. I'm sorry again for what you have to go through.
Prowl: It's fine.
Perceptor: Still even if Y/n and his team may encounter them, there is a chance they might win. Their records of impossible survival is impressive.
Prowl: Well let's hope that luck hasn't run out.
Then Optimus Prime enter the bar and walks over to their tables.
Optimus prime: Perceptor, Prowl I request a assistants
Perceptor: (smile) Ah Optimus welcome back.
Prowl: (salute) We are ready at your service.
Optimus prime: As you know the peace between Autobots and humans have grown and as the result of it, they requested they created a military force that has military soldiers to work with Pokemon and Autobots in our battle against the Decepticons. I need you two with me.
Perceptor: (smile) Of course. It will be a honour.
Prowl: Me too.
Optimus prime: Good. Let's roll.
They leave the bar and while walking Prowl does really hope Y/n ans his team will not encounter The Hunters again cause if they do, then either all of them will die or one of them will live to suffer the same pain and fear as Prowl has many years ago.
To be continued............................................
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