S2E13: Starscream attacks

(Sunburst island)

We see Starscreams ship flying over Sunburst island and over the town as we see the town being attacked he Decepticon forces as we see the Conheads on the ground with Decepticon jet troopers as they blasted everything in their way and costing enough destruction while the citizens run away in fear.

We then see Starscream with Onslaught and the Combaticons as they oversee the attack but they haven't have any luck locating the entrance to the Omega key.

Starscream: Search this island! We will not rest until we will find that key!

Onslaught: You sure you know what you are doing?

Starscream: (Turns to Onslaught) Of course I do! We must locate the key so I can- I mean so "lord Megatron) Will use the Omega lock to turn this planet into metal.

Onslaught: Whatever you say Starscream.

Suddenly there was a explosion coming from the town as they see Impactor and his Wreckers came charging in, slaughtering the Decepticons and costing some like the conheads to get behind cover and open fire at them.

There is a massive fire fight as Starscream sees this and then turns to Onslaught.

Starscream: I believe these Wreckers are all yours.

Onslaught: For once Starscream I'm glad. (Turn to the Combaticons) Combaticons, attack!

Then they charge towards town as Starscream sees this while Blitzwing came up next to him.

Blitzwing: Onslaught is going to be hard to deal with, especially the Combaticons.

Starscream: (smirk) Yes but they are pretty useful in their combine form.

We cut to the town and immediately of the street we see Jessie, James and Meowth trying their best to avoid the fire fight and being crushed by fallen dead Decepticon troopers after they were shot. They hide within stores for cover as explosions happen outside.

James: So what should we do?

Meowth: Don't look at me, I'm not a soldier.

Jessie: (angry) I swear Starscream is gonna regret this.

Then they watched as the Combaticons drive by the building they were in and approaches the Wreckers.

Onslaught: We need to take them out once and for all. Combaticons, form into Bruticus!

Swindle and Brawl drives by Onslaught and immediately transform into legs which Onslaught leaps up and transform into the body as Vortex flies around and then transforms into the right arm and Blast off transforming into the left arm and both attached it into Bruticus and once that Bruticus is online ad the Wreckers turn and we're faced to face with Bruticus.

Bruticus: Bruticus will crush you Wreckers!

Whirl: Oh scrap.

Impactor: Wreckers take him down!

They all open fire on Bruticus and launching rockets but nothing damages Bruticus as they move out of the way as Bruticus lands a massive punch at the floor, costing a lot of destruction.

Whirl transform into his helicopter and fire multiple rockets which hits Bruticus but it didn't phase him as he goes to swipe at him but Whirl dodges it.

Roadbuster: There's too many of them boss!

Impactor: I know but Wreckers don't flee, they go straight through!

???: Yeah, but not alone!

Suddenly the Decepticon troopers get shot while Joshua in his jet form came down and fire missiles that hit Bruticus in the chest, making him stumble back as we see Y/n qns his team came as after he drop the humans somewhere safe he along with the rest transform into bots and join up with the Wreckers.

Y/n: (smirk) Nedd some help?

Impactor: (smirk) Usually no but since we are working together, guess I have to say yes.

Y/n: Right. Hot Rods team protect the humans and hold off Decepticon attacks. Arcee you Bulkhead, Roadbuster and Whirl take care with the Decepticons. The rest of us, take down Bruticus!

And so a massive battle happened with Hot Rod and his team evacuated the humans somewhere safe while the Autobots deal with the Decepticons.

While the Autobots battle the Decepticons, we see Alex and the rest are searching for any humans still in town when one of the Decepticon trooper in front of them turns to the crystal store and aims the blaster at the store.

Marissa: Leave our store alone!

Mateo: Marissa no!

She rush out while a Decepticon trooper noticed and aim it's blaster at her only to be blaster with thunder bolt by Ash's Pikachu right in the optic, blinding the Decepticon trooper before getting shot and killed as it fell onto the ground.

Ash: (smile) Nice going Pikachu!

Pikachu: (smile) Pikachu.

But then Slipstream fly down and transform into her bot form as she crashed into town with a slide which Mateo came out and hugged his little sister as Slipstream stopped in front of them as she pulled out her twin shoulder blasters at the siblings.

Slipstream: (smirk) Look at you two being cute. Unfortunately that's not gonna stop me.

Alex: Wait!

She then aims her shoulder blaster at Alex and the rest as they rasied their hands while Team Rocket appeared out of one of the stores.

Ash: Team Rocket!

Jessie: (smirk) Prepare for trouble.

James: (smirk) Make it dou-

Slipstream: Will you just shut up! I have enough of you three keep doing that!

James: Wow, rude much.

Meowth: Meow that's right.

Slipstream: (Turns to Alex) Where is the key human or they will die.

Alex: Let them go Slipstream.

Slipstream: (smirk) Or what? What will insects like you gonna do about it?

We then check on Togepi on Misty's arms as he started to swing his arms right and left many times while Slipstream awaits on the of doing anything.

Slipstream: (smirk) That's what I thought. It looks like your time is up, say goodbye you insec-

Then Togepi's hands glow blow and once done Slipstream teleported out of nowhere and she was gone. They were surprised that happened as they look around.

Alex: What just happened?

Tracey: No idea.

Suddenly there was a explosion nearby as they all take cover within the siblings store and once inside Blitzwing joins in battle as he is in his tank mode and fire his cannon at the Autobots, making them taking cover.

Starscream smirks in the distances as they see the Decepticons getting the upper hand and is about to win and destroy the Autobots as Blitzwing takes him on Y/n and was about to fire when suddenly he gets ramed by Rhinox as he was sent crashing into a building as he transforms into his bot form and fire his twin routed guns and gunned down the Decepticon troopers.

Y/n: (See Rhinox) Rhinox?!

Whirl: You know this bot?

Rhinox: Thought you could use some help.

Suddenly the ground bursted open and the Crystal onix came out from the ground as he roared and then charges towards the Decepticons, taking all of them out as Rhinox also joins Y/n's forces as they continue on the fight.

Starscream: Where did he come from?! Fine! Guess you have to do it yourself!

He transform into his jetform and flies down as Y/n fire his assault rifle and taking out a few Decepticons when he noticed Starscream coming so he open fire at him but he dodges and then tackles Y/n across town.

Impactor: Y/n!

Y/n was launched and sent into the forest as he breaks a few trees but stops himself from crashing anymore only for Starscream to transform into his bot form and punching him in the face.

Y/n was sent flying and crash hard onto the ground as Starscream approaches Y/n.

Starscream: (smirk) You think you can gather the Omega keys before we can get them. Well you are wrong.

Then Y/n tripped Starscream onto thr ground as he quickly gets up as Starscream boosted himself up and the two begin the brawl. Y/n dodges Starscreams blows and return back sith his own as he land a few strikes at Starscreams as he punched him a few times and then he kick him back..

Y/n: (smirk) Not much as a fighter screamer?

Starscream: (Evil chuckle) You know its not brawls that makes you strong, it's your intelligence.

He open his chest and fire several missiles at Y/n as he transform into his car form and drives into the forest, avoiding the missiles as they blow up in the forest. Then Starscream boosted over and landing on the roof of Y/n's vehicles mode as he try to swing him off but Starscream just punched hin several times and shattered his front window as Y/n transform once more as the two rolled deeper to the forest and crashing hard onto thr ground while a Omega key was dropped.

Starscream noticed this and attempted to get it but Y/n pulled out a tree and use it as a bat to hit Starscream, sending him flying as he races over and pick it up.

Y/n: Got it.

Then he heard a roar as he turn only to be tackle by Starscream as the two were sent flying as they crash into a few trees and rockets as they soon crashed and roll onto thr ground. Starscream snatches the Omega lock off of his hand as Y/n gets up and launches forward but Starscream pulled out his arm blaster, shooting at Y/n as he was hit and was sent flying and crashing into a few forests and back into town as he crash into the building.

Starscream: (smirk) Finally! The Omega key is mine! The Omega Lock will soon be mine! Decepticons retreat, we have what we needed!

Starscream transforms into his jet form and takes off as other Decepticons pull back and return to the ship. Joshua try to stop Starscream but the conheads blasted him so he was forced to pull away as the Decepticons return to their ship and take off.

Y/n sees this with energon leaking out of his body as Rhinox was the first to find him.

Rhinox: I found him! (Kneel down in front of him) Hold still, your losing a lot of energon, let me patch you up.

He does so as Y/n groan a bit as he tells Rhinox.

Y/n: I failed. I'm sorry.

Rhinox: No need to apologise. You tried your best and besides, this is not the end. There are still other Omega keys to find.

Y/n: Right. (Smile) We won't give up.

Rhinox: (smile) Yeah.

(Sometime later)

With the help of the Autobots and their human companies, they repair the town and the towns people thank them with free food and gifts. We then see them getting ready to leave as Rhinox wishes to join them as we see him petting the Crystal onix.

Rhinox: (smile) You did good old friend. One day we will see each other.

The Crystal onix nodes while he kneel down in front of Mateo and Marissa and tells them.

Rhinox: It's good to see you two.

Marissa: (smile) Same.

Mateo: Thank you for everything. Although.....I'm not too sure about taking over my grandfather's business.

Rhinox: (smile) Your grandfather had a great spirit. Never let his death mean nothing to you. Continue his legacy.

He nodes with a smile as Rhinox turns and walks over to the Autobots as he tells them.

Rhinox: Are we ready?

Y/n: (smile) Yeah. Let's go.

And so they sail off to their next island as a few days later we see Mateo in his store and working on a Crystal statue and soon he was done. He finally have the spirit that he has been looking for as he leaves to check on his sister as we see the crystal statue of Rhinox and the Crystal onix together back to back as he will never forget both the Crystal onix and....the ancient Cybertronian that their grandfather have met many years ago.

To be continued.............................................

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