S2E12: The legend of the crystal Onix
(Middle of the ocean)
We see the Autobots within Broadside as they travel to the next island to search for another Omega key along side team Hot Rod. We see Team Hot Rod and everyone else relaxing as the humans pokemons play around and having fun.
We see Tracey doing a drawing of Whirl as he make some poses while Tracey draws them.
Whirl: How's about this one! I called it "The cool Autobot!"
Tracey: (nervous smile) Looks....Great.
Then Y/n walks over to the two as he let out a soft chuckle while he tells Tracey.
Y/n: (smile) Your drawings are really good Tracey. Have you been doing this a long time?
Tracey: (smile) Yep. I've been drawing pokemon for a long time but get to draw Cybertronian is very interesting.
Y/n: (smile) I heard that a lot.
Whirl: Can you draw me now? I don't know how long I can take.
Tracey: Whoops, sorry!
Y/n smiled and turn to see Zero standing at the edge of the ocean which concerned him a bit as Ironfist approaches him.
Ironfist: We're approaching to our next island.
Y/n: That's good.
Ironfist: (Turns to Zero) Is he okay?
Y/n: Not sure. He's acting weird ever since we visited Mandarin island north.
Ironfist: Huh wonder why?
Y/n: Who knows. (Turns to Ironfist) What island is this one?
Ironfist: Sunburst island. What team are you taking?
Y/n: My team, Arcee and Hot Rods team will go there. We'll call you guys if we needed help.
Ironfist: Roger that.
Soon they arrived to the island and once dock both team Hot Rod and Team Y/n transform into their vehicle forms and enter the town. Ash, Misty, Pikachu, Togepi and Tracey where within Hot Rod while Alex, Ben, Verity and Sorrel were within Y/n's as they drove through town seeing a market place filled with crystal statues as they stop and the humans and pokemon suspect the crystal statues up close.
Misty: (smile) Whoa look at all of them. Their so pretty.
Turbospike: Huh I didn't know human can make crystal statues.
Sorrel: A lot of people made these crystals and sell them to the market or place them in museums if they are really interested to everyone.
Turbospike: Huh cool.
Arcee: I can see why, they are all so beautiful. I bet Springer would like one?
Y/n: How's it hanging up there Joshua?
Joshua: (radio) We're all clear. No sign of Decepticons
Y/n: Let's keep it that way.
???: Your still up?
They look over and notice a store owner talking to a little girl about something which made her a bit sad.
Alex: Hey! What's going on?
Alex and the rest came over as the store owner looks up at them and tells them.
Store owner: It's none of your business kids.
Then Y/n transforms into his bit form which shocked him and the little girl as Y/n stood over them as the store owner slowly walk back and then return back to his store.
The rest of the bots transform into turir bot forms as Hot Rod says.
Hot Rod: (smirk) I thought We're suppose to be blending in?
Y/n: (nervous chuckle) Yeah sorry about that.
Bumblebee: (smile) Don't worry I would have done the same
???: (surprised) Whoa you are the Autobots! From the news!
Misty: (smile) Yep and we're their friends.
Alex: So what's going on here?
Marissa: Yeah by away my name is Marissa and it's my brother Mateo and our business. My brother hadn't made any crystal statues since our grandfather passed away.
Arcee: That's sad.
Marissa: Yeah if only we can find the crystal Onix.
Turbospike: The what now?
???: Marissa!
Then her brother came outside and once outside was shocked to see the Autobots.
Mateo: I'm sorry if my sister is bothering you.
Sorrel: Oh no that's alright.
Ash: Say what is the crystal onix?
Mateo: Well the Crystal Onix is a pokemon said to live on this island. Some say it is real while other say it is fake. Either way one day my grandfather was exploring around the island when all of a sudden he found it. On that day, it cost him to make more crystal statues. We run a successful business until my grandfather passed away. I try to be just like him but I didn't have the spirit.
Marissa: That's why I was hoping to find it so my brother will have the spirit to make crystal statues. Maybe you can help us.
Hot Rod: Well we are on a mission of our own but we can help. After all a crystal Onix does sound fun.
Arcee: (smile) Yeah it be like a treasure hunt.
Bumblebee: (smile) Sounds fun to me.
Jazz: Hold on everyone. Hate to be the fun killer here but this is Y/n's mission so he decide on what to do.
Y/n: (smile) Actually I don't mind we help them about. Besides who know, we might find both what we are looking for and the crystal onix.
Mateo: (surprised) Really. You'll help us?
Y/n: (smile) Sure. Autobots, let's go and find the crystal onix!
(Hours later)
We see them walking through the forest trying to find qny clues of where the crystal onix maybe but there was nothing.
Madison: So how are we going to find it?
Mateo: Well I did brought this.
He then pulled out a small crystal like statue of the crystal onix as he goes on to explain.
Mateo: This was my grandfather's first one and I've kept it ever since.
Turbospike: That's good and all but how exactly is that gonna help us?
Tracey: I know. (Pull out his pokeball) Venonat come on out!
Then Tracey's Venonat came out of the pokeball as Mateo shows the crystal onix statue to Venonat while Tracey ask him.
Tracey: Can you locate it for us?
Venonat agree and head off with the rest following along. They travel throughout the forest until they made it out and was faced with the ocean as Tracey return Venonat to his pokeball and then summons Marill which she appeared.
Marill: (smile) Marill.
Misty, Madison and Arcee: Soo cute!!!!!
Tracey: (pulled out a recorder) Can you find a pokemon eho makes this sound?
He plays the sound of onix and Marill listened and then head off which they follow Marill.
Turbospike: (turn to Tracey) You have some useful pokemon for this hunt.
Tracey: (smile) Thanks. I use Venonat and Marill to locate pokemon far more easier.
Turbospike: (smile) Cool.
Soon they stop to face an island across the ocean as they see they have to swim to the other side.
Y/n: Okay then looks like we have to swi-
Suddenly there was a shake and suddenly a metal bridge transform in the middle between two islands and then expand as it transform into a long bridge for them to cross.
Ben: [Wow! Is that?]
Hot Rod: A Cybertronian bridge? Yep, absolutely.
Y/n: (Turns to Mateo) Has your grandfather didn't tell you about this?
Mateo: No he hadn't!
Y/n:......Let's investigate this further.
They Cross the bridge to the island and once there they walk through the forest and soon come across a huge metal door that looks Cybertronian.
Mateo: (shocked) Why didn't our grandfather told us about this?
Arcee: Maybe he must have forgotten.
Turbospike: That or something else.
Suddenly they heard something within the bushes which they turn and suddenly a large Rhino charge towards them. The Autobots ready themselves but to their surprise the Rhino transform and aims his twin machine guns at the Autobots and asked them.
???: Who are you!? How dare you come here!
Hot rod: Who in the All Spark is this guy?!
Y/n: No idea. But he looked like Optimus Primal and Cheetor.
???: Wait? You know them?
Y/n: Yes. We met them a long time ago and fought together against the Decepticons. I'm Y/n, team leader and these are our friends. We're the Autobots, we came here no harm.
The large bot scan at them and then scans both Mateo and Marissa and scan their dna and it matched their grandfather.
???: (lower his weapons) You two. You both are related to your grandfather correct?
Mateo: Of course. How did you know?
???: Because I met him. How...is he?
Mateo: He's....gone. he passed away.
???: I'm sorry. He was a good man.
Then he walked over to the door as he place his hand onto the door which glows blue and then it opens as the bot turns to them ans single them to enter.
They did so as they walk through the tunnel and during the walk the bot introduced himself.
Rhinox: Apologies for earlier. I was not suspected anyone for a long time. Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Rhinox, Onyx Primes researcher and scientist.
Hot Rod: Huh so your among of Onyx prices beast army right?
Rhinox: That is correct. While the other beast army where warriors, I am a scientist and rarely fight. I don't mind fighting but I fear it may harm nature.
Madison: You love nature?
Rhinox: Nature is my life. I have a duty to protect nature and the pokemons that lived in it. All pokemon have rights to live in a peaceful life.
Y/n: (smile) We use respect that.
Soon they reach a pound where around it were statues of Onyx prime all around and then something came out of the water and they were shocked to see the crystal onix.
Mateo: (shocked) I don't believe it!
Marissa: (surprised) Whoa!
Rhinox: A long time ago this Onix was dying so with my research and scientific work, I save his life however it cost his body to be turned into crystal.
Y/n: (shocked) This is amazing!
Rhinox: Indeed. (Turn to Mateo) I live here along with Crystal Onix for years until your grandfather came. He show his kindness to nature by helping a pokemon that was trapped by a fallen tree. I witnessed this and is amazed how humans care so much about pokemon rather their own self. Soon I introduced him to Crystal Onix and told him to never tell anyone where it is or how he found it. I don't want any humans to discovering it and capturing it.
Mateo: (surprised) That make sense.
Y/n: Still that's not the only reason we are here. We are looking for the Omega key. We have two but we need the third one.
Rhinox: Why?
Hot Rod: Because the Decepticons are going to try to use the Omega Lock to turn this planet into a new Cybertron, killing all life as we know it.
Rhinox: (shocked) What?! This is bad. All nature would be destroyed along with the pokemons.
Y/n: I know we may have first met but we need the Omega key so the Decepticons will not use the Omega Lock.
Rhinox stared at the Autobots for sometime and then he turn to Crystal Onix, node and then he dive into the pound. After a while he came out with the Omega key in his mouth as he hands it to Rhinox and then he turns and hand it to Y/n.
Rhinox: I may not know who are the Decepticons, but if what you are saying is true, then I must not allow the Decepticons to destroy this wonderful world. Promise me not to let that happen.
Y/n nodes as he takes the Omega Key and then telel Rhinox.
Y/n: You can count on us.
Joshua: (radio) Y/n! There's a Decepticon ship just arrived at the island! The Decepticons are attacking the town!
Y/n: Call in the Wrecker and take care the Decepticons!
Joshua: (radio) Roger!
Mateo: (shocked) Our home is under attack?!
Y/n: Yeah. Autobots, let's roll!
They transform into their vehicle forms and once the humans are inside they race out of the temple while Rhinox wonders he can help them but he thinks that this is not his war. Then Crystal Onix lend down which Rhinox turns to him as Crystal Onix nodes which made Rhinox knows that this is not his war but he can't let Mateo and Marissa's grandfather's home be destroyed by the Decepticons.
Rhinox: Alright then. (Pulled out his weapons) Let's go and help out our new friend.
To be continued.............................................
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