S2E11: From scientist to soldier

(Decepticon base)

At Megatrons thrown room we see Shockwave information Megatron of his machines destruction by the Autobots which angers Megatron that the Autobots yet again ruined their plan to control the pokemons against the humans while Starscream smirks hile standing next to Megatron as he telle Shockwave.

Starscream: (smirk) And you say a pokemon resistant the control? And here I thought you were smart but I guess you didn't see that one coming.

Shockwave: This pokemon I speak off has a strong mind to resist its control.

Megatron: Enough. Return back to your lab Shockwave and the next invention you made, do not disappoint me with it.

Shockwave: (bow) As you wish, Lord Megatron.

He soon leaves the throne room and as soon he opens the door, he was met by Jessie, James and Meowth which he glare at them and then walk off just as Soundwave enter the throne room and then tells Megatron.

Soundwave: Lord Megatron, received communication from the Combaticons that they needed back up at their location. Their ship has been damaged and they needed some assistance.

Megatron: (growl in anger) Has no one will not please me for something around here!

Starscream: Lord Megatron how's about you sent me to assist the Combaticons on their mission. Its obvious enough that five Decepticons will be impossible of hunting down the Omega locks. Allow me to aid the Combaticons and I will make you proud.

Megatron: Fine Starscream but fail me and I will scrap you soo much that you will be in stasis lock for 100 years!

Starscream: (bows) As you wish, Lord Megatron.

He then leaves with Jessie, James and Meowth following behind as they reach the elevator and once the door close in front of them the elevator goes down.

Meowth: So how are we gonna find the rest of the Omega keys?

Starscream: (smirk) I have ways to locate the Omega keys before the Autobots can get to them first. After all I have studied the ancient history's of Cybertronian technology and artifacts that the primes made millions of years ago.

Jessie: Studied? Are you some sort a researcher?

Starscream: Technically a scientist. You see I wasn't always a soldier before the war. I was once a scientist on Cybertron and worked along side many scientist and researchers. One of which was Jetfire, he was my friend before the war and we work together studying the past of Cybertron and the primes. But when the war started we've gone our separate ways.

Jessie: So why did you join the Decepticons?

Starscream: (smirk) Simple. The Decepticons have potential of winning the war however with Megatron leading them, we will never succeed. That's why I join the Decepticons, so I can overthrow Megatron and lead the Decepticons into victory.

Meowth: Well good luck with that.

Starscream: You should do the same to your boss.

Jessie, James and Meowth: Huh?

Starscream: You also overthrow your Team Rocket leader and be bosses of your own.

Jessie, James ans Meowth: (shocked) No way!

Jessie: (shocked) We can't just overthrow our boss and take over! That's treason!

James: That's right! Besides we would never dared to betray our boss!

Meowth: Meowth, that's right?

Starscream: (chuckle) You three are such soo weak. If you were like me then you should know that it's better backstabbing anyone who seems to get in the way then letting them tell you what to do. Trust me, you'll be better once you do.

Soon the elevator doors open and the four walk out into a massive prison block where we see many Autobots in prison by the Decepticons as the four walk by with Jessie, James and Meowth take a glance at the cells to see the Autobots have been tortured by the Decepticons for a very long time as they head deeper into the prison block.

They hear screams of pain as Starscream opens the door and they see Shockblast torturing an Autobot as he is strapped onto a table and screaming as Shockblast inflicted some extreme pain to the Autobot which made Jessie, James and Meowth have chills up their spines as Starscream approaches Shockblast.

Shockblast: (noticed Starscream) Ah welcome Starscream, how may I help you with?

Starscream: I'm heading off to track down a groups of Autobots that are looking for the Omega keys and I was hoping you might join.

Shockblast: And why should I?

Starscream: (smirk) Because the Autobots have a team of Wreckers that you might be interest you.

Shockblast: I see. Well I can't say no to that so sure, I'll join, just let me deal with this Autobot right here.

Starscream turns to the Autobot and then asked Shockblast.

Starscream: So who is this Autobot?

Shockblast: His name is Swagger. He was captured along with his team on the planet called Master. He claims to be working with Ultra Magnus and what's left of the Elite guard.

Starscream: (surprised) Ultra Magnus Huh? I thought he was killed back on Cybertron along with the elite guard?

Shockblast: Apparently not. He was last reporting evacuating the other Autobots off world and escaping the planet.

Starscream: I see. (Turns to Swagger) Has this Autobot have gotten any other information?

Shockblast: Not as far I can tell, why?

Then Starscream's hand changed into a blade as he stabbed  Swagger in the spark which he gasp before flying dying and once that Starscream pulled out his blade and then turned to Shockblast.

Starscream: (smirk) Then he will join hid Autobot team in the well of the all spark. Now let's go.

(Sometime later)

We see Starscream army getting inside Starscream personally ship as his army is ready to go while we see Starscream walking towards the ship along side his own second in command named Blitzwing as he tells Starscream.

Blitzwing: So that's your plan of taking command of the Decepticons? Your gonna find the Omega keys and use the Omega lock to turn earth into Cybertron all by yourself?

Starscream: (smirk) Indeed. Once that is done, the Decepticons will see that I am worthy as leader or the Decepticons and all of them will bow down to me.

Blitzwing: And what if Megatron tried to take it from you?

Starscream: (smirk) My followers will protect me. After all, they will see that I am worthy being leader once I have the Omega keys and not Megatron.

Blitzwing: Alright then but remember the deal, I'll help you with this mission and once you became leader, I'll be your second in command.

Starscream: (smirk) Of course. The deal is the deal.

The two enter Starscream's ship and once inside they take off to Earth where we cut to the Combaticons still trying repairing their ship when they heard something from above and sees a Decepticon ship descending down to the island as it hover over the island as Starscream, Thundercracker and Skywarp came down in their jetforms and transform into their bot forms as they land at the shores of the island and approaches the Combaticons.

Starscream: (smirk) Greetings Combaticons. I heard you needed some assistance?

Onslaught: Yeah, anyone besides you. What are you doing here?

Starscream: (smirk) Lord Megatron sent me here to aid you on this mission. I can tell you needed some back up so I came here to help.

Blast off: Yeah right. Your just here because you can use the Omega lock for yourself.

Starscream: (surprised) Of course not. I came here to find the Omega keys and give them to Lord Megatron so he can use them.

Vortex: Yeah, we're not falling for that.

Swindle: I'm maybe an arms dealer who tricks bits for money but I can see your act right there.

Starscream: (smirk) Well if you wish to stay on this planet and left abandon by Megatron then be my guest. I believe Megatron will not be pleased that you fail him for the last time.

Onslaught has a thought and after a while gives it in and telle Starscream.

Onslaught: Fine. You can help but try anything suspicious, we will report it to Lord Megatron.

Starscream: (smirk) Of course. You have my word.

(Starscream's Bridge)

We see them at the bridge of Starscream's ship as Slipstream opens a hologram map of the Orange islands and informs everyone in the room.

Slipstream: According to the Autobots, one of these islands holds the Omega keys. Since there are seven keys and the Autobots have two, which means there is only five keys left.

Thrust: It would have been easier if someone (looks at Swindle) wouldn't have dropped the key.

Swindle: (anrgy) I said it was my first time! By primus.

Dirge: So how are we going to find the rest if the Autobots have the two keys to guide them?

Starscream: (smirk) We simply don't need the keys to show us the way. As we know humans are curious creatures who seeks answers about their existences or anything that existed beyond their planet, that including us. Its a possibility that they have discovered some temples that are ancient Cybertronian and it may hold an Omega key inside.

Skywrap: He's not wrong there.

Thundercracker: So what's our first stop.

Starscream: (smirk) For what I've research, there is an island called Sunburst island that holds important secrets that humanity wants to find out. One report claims to discovered a large metal door deep within the caves. If that's where the Omega key is at, then we should head to that location.

Onslaught: And if the Autobots are already there?

Starscream: (smirk) Do not worry Onslaught. Even if the Autobots will get to the island first, then we will hold them off or ambush them and take all the keys that they have.

Swindle: (smirk) Huh, i like that plan.

Vortex: At least we can have our revenge on the Autobots.

Onslaught: I can't believe I have to say this but, when are we ready to go?

Starscream: (smirk) Now. Onward to Sunburst island.

And so Starscream's ship heads to the island to find the Omega key before the Autobots will get to it first.

(Decepticon base)

We see Megatron enter the hanger as Soundwave told him that new Decepticon have come and once there he approaches Soundwave and ask him.

Megatron: Where is this Decepticon you speak off?

Soundwave: He's entering the hanger bay right now.

Soon a Decepticon ship enters the hanger bay and soon lands and then the hatch open as a Decepticon step out. Megatron was surprised as the Decepticon approaches Megatron and then bows in front of him.

Dead Lock: (bow) Dead Lock reporting for duty Lord Megatron.

Megatron: (surprised) Dead Lock! I'm surprised that you've came. What happened to your commander, Turmoil?

Dead Lock: He was killed my lord. I was resigned here by Deathsaurus to aid you in your battle against the Autobots my lord. My apologies for being late.

Megatron: (smirk) No need Dead Lock. After all you are my very first to ever be recuited to the Decepticon cost. Welcome Dead Lock.

Dead Lock: I will not fail you my lord.

Megatron: (smirk) I know you won't. (Turns to Soundwave) Soundwave, show Dead Lock around the ship and the life forms on the planet. The Autobots will soon be afraid once they see one of my deadlines Decepticons that has ever lived.

Soundwave: As you command Lord Megatron.

Dead Lock follows Soundwave as Dead Lock have a look that we can see that he has been through a lot and seen a lot of destruction as he turns to Megatron walking away as he and Soundwave enter the elevator as Dead Lock knows he will make Megatron proud as the elevator doors shut in front of him.

To be continued....................................................

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