S2E10: Rogue pokemon (Arc 4 final)
(10 years ago)
(Valley Green City)
It was a peaceful day at the neighbourhood when we see a car driving a bit fast through the neighbourhood as we cut to a man looking like he is in a panic as he thinks that he will be late. Soon he managed to arrived to where he should be as he pqrk his car, grab the things at the back and rush over to what looked like a nice house as the man who looked like a scientist burst into the door.
He was breathing heavily as he looks up and then called out with a tired like tone.
??? 1: (breathing heavily) I'm......Home! (Sigh) oh my.
???: Daddy! Daddy!
Then a familiar young boy race over to his father and then hug his leg which he smiled as he kneel down while he pat him on the head with a friendly smile on his face.
??? 1: (Smile) Hey there son, sorry if I was late but I made it. Did I miss it?
He then look up at his father with a smile as we can see that it is Alex as a young boy as he smiled and tells him.
Alex: (smile) Your not late Daddy, welcome home.
??? 1: (smile) I'm glad I made it on time.
??? 2: Yeah otherwise your father here would will his ears pulled by me.
His father froze in fear as the two turn to see Alex's mother who is standing in front of him and looking down at him as he stood up.
??? 2: Jake, I told you studying slowpokes was a bad idea. Who knows how long you were studying.
Jake: (nervous chuckle) Yeah I guess you were right, I'm sorry Penelop, it won't happen again.
Penelop: Hope not. Anyways its all ready.
Alex: (smile) Yay! Come on, come on!
Jake chuckled as they head to the living room to see the living room was filled with Birthday decorations as this is Alex's birthday and they are celebrating his birthday. Logen was apart of the party as he help out Penelop to make the cake.
After Alex blows out the candles of the cake after they sang happy birthday to Alex, Alex starts opening up presents as he open Logens which he open and it was a cool comic book.
Alex: (smile) This is amazing! Thank you Dr Logen!
Dr Logen: (chuckle) No problem Y/n. Just glad you liked it. (Turns to Jake) Say I heard you got promoted q few days ago, congratulations. Sorry I wasn't there to see it.
Jake: (smile) Oh don't beat yourself up Logen, sometimes we are busy with our work.
Dr Logen: (smile) Even though you and Penelop always work together.
Penelop: (smirk) Because he never stops stalking me.
Jake: (chuckle) You caught me there honey. (Turns to Alex) Hey Alex I've got you something very special.
Alex: What is it?
Jake turn and pulled out a small container and within the container was a pokemon egg inside as he shows it to Alex.
Alex: (amazed) Wow! What is it?!
Jake: (smile) You like it? This is an Eevee Egg, you know Eevee's?
Alex: (smile) Yeah! Eevee's are pokemons that has a supee cool ability to change into seven evolution forms I think. But they are rare to find.
Penelop: (surprised) Indeed, where did you get it?
Jake: (smile) When I told my boss about my sons birthday, he offer me this egg to him.
Alex: (surprised) You mean, its mine?!
Jake: (smile) Yep. You must take care of it however. Think of it as your little brother. You must keep it safe and take care of him. I heard that whenever you are sad and alone, a pokemon will hatch to make you feel not alone and make your life happier then ever.
He then hand it over to Alex as he stared at the egg for a moment and then smiled and look up at Jake and telle him.
Alex: (smile) I'll take care of him. I won't let anything happen to it.
Jake smiled as Alex gently hug it which Penelop fine it cute while Logen smiled as Alex continues to hug his new friend.
(8 months later)
We see Y/n at his room playing with the eevee egg that is still in his egg form as Alex laughs as he plays with the egg while we see Jake amd Penelop were outside with suitcases with them while Logen standing at the front door as he ask them.
Dr Logen: You show about this? You don't exactly about this person and the Sinnoh region is quiet far?
Jake: I know but we have no choice. If this project success then this will be a breakthrough that will change humanity forever.
Penelop: Besides it will only be a month and then we be right back. You'll be okay midning Alex for that long?
Dr Logen: (smile) Of course. After all I needed a bit of a break from my research.
Jake: (smile) Okay then. Take care my old friend.
Dr Logen: (smile) Same to you.
The two shakes hands and once that both Jake and Penelop enter their taxi and then drove off. Once that Dr Logen walked into the living room and sat down when Alex with the Eevee in his hand walked up to him as he turn to them and tells Alex.
Dr Logen: (smile) Well then, it looks like it's gonna be me and you for a month.
Alex: (smile) That's not true. (Lift up the Eevee egg) It's just you, me and Ben for a month.
Dr Logen: Ben?
Alex: (smile) Yeah, I decided to give him a name to fit well in the family. What do you think?
Dr Logen just smiled and then pat Alex on the head and then tells him.
Dr Logen: (smile) I think it is a great name Alex.
(A month later)
We see Alex and Ben in his egg form playing at the back with Logen watching them play while drinking hid morning coffee. Then he heard the phone rang inside the house so he goes inside and then answer the phone. What the person said at the other side of the phone shocked Logen as he covered his mouth in shock and after he node to the person at the other end he hangs up.
He was in shock as he froze there on the spot and then he turn to Alex outside and with a deep breath, he walked outside and called out to Alex.
Dr Logen: Alex! Come over here please, there is something......I need to tell you.
Alex came over with Ben and sat next to Logen with Eevee beside him as Logen sat down as Alex ask him.
Alex: Is something wrong? Are my parents coming home?
Dr Logen:........N.......No.....they are not. I just got a call that your parents........got into an accident and.......passed away. I'm (sniff) I'm so so sorry Alex but.....(smiff) Your parents are......are dead.
He then start crying while Alex sat there frozen in shock. He wish this is a dream or some prank but it wasn't.....his parents......were truly gone.
(3 weeks later)
He just came back from the funeral as we see him lock himself in his room as he is sitting on the bed, crying while hugging Ben within the egg as he thinks to himself.
Alex: (thought) My parents are dead........I.....I feel soo lonely without them. Mum......Dad........I'm gonna miss you.
He continues crying when a tear drip out of his eye and onto the the egg and that's when the egg started to crack. Alex noticed this and watched as the egg continues to crack more and more until it hatched.
Alex was shocked as a baby Eevee is hatched as he open his eyes and made eye contact with Alex who is in tears.
Ben: Eevee?
Alex was still in tears as he couldn't believe he hatched. Ben sees his tears so he lend up and lick the tears away and then smiled at Alex. Alex tears up even more and then hugs Ben as he tells Ben.
Alex: (Tears) No! I'm never alone as long your with me Ben. You and Logen.....are the only family I have and I will never lose you two ever again. Especially you Ben.....you're.....my younger brother and I'll do anything to protect you, no matter what.
Ben: (smile) Eevee!!
(Present day)
(Mandrain Island North)
(Decepticon base)
We then get to the moment where Ben bits Alex in the arm while a battle between Y/n and his Autobot team and Shockwave and his Decepticons as Alex and Ben were in the middle of it.
Misty: Alex! Get out of there now!
Ash: It's not safe for you!
Verity and Sorrel: Alex!
Alex: Please Ben......I don't want to lose you as well. I.....I don't want to feel alone.....again.
Then Ben's eyes flicker even more and more as he let's go of Alex and starting groaning and shaking his head as Soundblaster noticed alarms are going off at the controls and turns to it.
Shockwave: What is the situation?
Soundblaster: This is impossible! A pokemon is fighting against Drowzee's control!
Cassidy: (shocked) That's impossible!
Soundblaster: This pokemon is fighting strong! I'll try to-
Suddenly the controls blow up as Soundblaster jump back in shock as the monitors shows error messages as Drowzee tries his best to put Ben in his place but Ben will not allow it.
Ben slowly turns towards Drowzee and stared up at Drowzee as he spoke through the poke translator.
Ben: [I.......I........I will.......not.......turn against.......my friends!]
Drowzee is shocked by this more controls started to blow up all of a sudden and pipes started to burst out as Drowzee loses control this sudden this shocked everyone in the room.
Ben: [Y/n.......Ash.......Misty........Verity.....Sorrel.......Pikachu........Togepi.......and Alex......they are........my friends........they are family to me.....and I.......I..........I WILL NEVER ABANDON OR BETRAY MY FRIENDS! NEVER!!!!!!!!!!!]
Sudden the machine blows up with Drowzee flying off of the machine as the explosion sent the Decepticons, Cassidy and Butch flying back as the satellite disk above also blows up which the Wreckers noticed.
We then see all the pokemon free from control and looking around in confusion.
Ash: (smile) Pikachu!
Misty: (smile) Togepi!
Pikachu and Togepi race over as Ash and Misty hug their pokemon while James and Jessie hugged Meowth and their pokemons as well. Alex gets up while still holding hid bleeding arm and sees Ben unconscious.
Alex: Ben!
He rushes towards him only for to be stopped when Shockwave appeared over the unconscious Ben as Alex looks up at him as Shockwave glares down at the unconscious Ben.
Shockwave: So this pokemon was the one who destroyed my machine. A failure it is.
Alex: Ben is not a failure! He's my younger brother!
Shockwave: Your younger brother? That is highly illogical that thus pokemon is related to you. (Aims his cannon at him) Humans and pokemon are never ment to be together. Pokemons are use as slaves for their masters.
Alex: They are not slaves! Pokemons may not be humans, they maybe pets and they may not be blood related. But pokemons are ment something more then just battling or experimenting. They are the pokemons that make us feel not alone, they are there to help those that are needed and they are here as part of a family! Ben maybe a weak, useless and failed pokemon to you but to me....he is perfect in every way and I will not lose Ben, never again!
He then changed up his cannon ready to kill Alex when suddenly Y/n came up and punch Shockwave in the eye. Shockwave stumbled backwards as Y/n stood strong in front of Alex and Ben.
Y/n: Alex is right! Humans and pokemon are ment to be together and we, the Autobots will protect the bound between humans and pokemons no matter what! I'm may not be human but I too feel like I'm apart of Alex's family! We all are and together, we will protect each other no matter what!
Shockwave sees that the battle as lost so he turns to Soundblaster which he nodes and opens a space bridge behind him as Knockout came rushing in and goes through the space bring first.
Then Soundblaster goes through along with the insecticons as Shockwave stared at Y/n and the Autobots and then said.
Shockwave: You may have won this battle Autobots. However, logic dictates that the war will never end and soon, the win will be earned, by lord Megatron.
Once that he turns and goes through the space bridge and it closes as Cassidy and Butch called out.
Cassidy: (angry) Hey! What about us!?
Butch: (anrgy) I can't believe he left us!
They turn to sneak away but Hot Rod and his team include Arcee surrounded them as Butch and Cassidy rasied their hands.
Arcee: (smirk) Looks like you lose buzz and Cassidy.
Butch: (angry) It's Butch! Oh never mind.
Cassidy and Butch were taken away by the police while Jessie, James and Meowth were gone as we see the Autobots, Wreckers and their human friends staying in front of a crowd of people with Jenny telling everyone.
Jenny: (smile) Thanks to the Autobots and their human friends, they save this city from the threat of the Decepticons and team rocket. Let's give cheers to our heroes.
The people cheered for them as they smiled as their job is finally done. After that we see Y/n ans his team making their way back to Broadside who is waiting for them in his ship form as we see Alex with his arm wrapped up as Ben noticed and look down which Alex turn and noticed him upset.
Alex: Hey what's wrong?
Ben: [I....I hurt you. I didn't mean to hurt you. I'm so sorry for hurting you Alex. I hope this doesn't ruin our friendship.]
Then Alex kneel down in front of Ben and then hugged him. Then Alex tells Ben.
Alex: Ben I would never hate you for that. It wasn't your fault in the beginning. You were mind controlled so it was never your fault. (Smile) Ben, your always be apart of my family. Your not just my friend or best friend, your my little brother and I will not let anything happen to you ever again.
Ben: (smile) [Alex........I love you big brother!]
Alex: (smile) Love you too....Little brother.
The two hug while Y/n sees this with a smile on his face and once they were on, they sail off to continue their journey to find the rest of the Omega keys.
To be continued....................................
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