S1E9: A strike at the Decepticons base
(Location: Valley Green City)
At the hanger at Dr Logen's lab we see Chromedome, Hardhead, Powerglide, Brainstorm and Warpath setting up the base and they were almost done, they just needed to get the Ground Bridge online as Brainstorm dose his work with the help of Logen and his Electrobuzz.
Smokescreen: Dude this planet is awesome!
Then Smokescreen arrive back to the base as he spin around and then stopped as he transform into his bot form and gose on to say.
Smokescreen: This city has so much stuff then the village. Tall buildings, cool shops and they ever have a car wash which I really enjoy the most! I felt like I was in the well of the Allsparks while in that car wash.
Brainstorm: Well if your done with your driving around then you should sort out those energon cubes at the corner.
Smokescreen: Sure thing boss. (Walks off)
Brainstorm: Okay and that should do it. Thank you for the assistance Dr Logen and Electrobuzz.
Logen: (smile) It's no problem. Besides I want to witness the first test of your Ground Bridge! This is gonna be epic!
Electrobuzz: (smile) Electrobuzz!
Brainstorm: (radios Y/n) Y/n we have the ground Bridge set up. Is your team ready?
Y/n: (coms) We're ready Brainstorm. Active the Ground Bridge.
Brainstorm: A Ground Bridge coming right up!
Brainstorm make his way to the control console and set up Y/n and his teams coordinations while other bots watched and soon Brainstorm presses a button and a Ground Bridge comes online and it open up a green portal which Logen find it amazing while the rest look at the Ground Bridge to see Y/n and his team comes through.
Seconds later Y/n and his team come through the Ground Bridge and step into the hanger as Y/n looks around and see the first test was a success.
Brainstorm: It worked!
Alex: Kinda.
They see Alex, Verity, Sorrel and Ben as they step forward and feeling kinda dizzy and sick as Brainstorm tells them.
Brainstorm: My apologies for that. It seems Ground bridges isn't much effective to Cybertronians but when it comes to other life forms, I guess they feel kinda sick.
Verity: Yeah you think?
Y/n: Still it's a success either way. Now we can use it to go anywhere if we have the layouts of the planet.
Logen: I'll downloaded the map of the planet so the Grounr Bridge can download the information.
Logen walks off to do that while Alex and the rest sat down so they can feel a bit better after they walk through the ground Bridge. Then Chromedome and Powerglide walk up to them with Chromedome asking them.
Chromedome: So did you find the Decepticons base?
Turbospike: Nope there is nothing. Still it be difficult to find the base since this planet is huge!
Joshua: I have to agree with Turbospike. This is a huge and unknown planet to us and without any clues where the Decepticon base is, then we're lost.
Chromedome: Yeah your right. We need to find any way to locate them before they locate us first.
Powerglide: What about the Ark?
Y/n: The Ark?
Powerglide: That's the ship where Optimus and his Autobot forces are. They are coming here with the Ark and it maybe soon.
Madison: Like how soon?
Powerglide: Possibly 24 Groon.
Sorrel: What dose 24 Groon mean?
Hardhead: It seems 24 earth hours. That means we have a day before the Ark will arrive at Earth. But with those Decepticons on the planet they may try to shoot it down.
Y/n: So we don't have time then. Okay so what's our options?
Warpath: Easy. We capture a Decepticon and torture him for answers!
Y/n: I don't know about that. If we bring a Decepticon here then our base will be exposed. Plus I don't like to torture a Decepticon. True Decepticons are our enemy but it ain't what Autobots do.
Smokescreen: (smirk) Then what about we lower a Decepticon somewhere far and after they see there was nothing, they return but one of us can place a tracker and we can locate the base in no time.
Powerglide: That will be hard to do. Plus one of us might be caught and be captured or worse.
Brainstorm: Perhaps I have a idea.
They turn to Brainstorm as he approaches him as he pulled out a small file and shows it to everyone.
Y/n: What is that?
Brainstorm: During the way I've managed to download Decepticon warships and other fleets tracking beacons to be used to warn any Autobots of a Decepticon ship. You said a Decepticon ship crashed on Earth correct? Well i think this might help us. I can plug it into the computer and locate the ship with this.
Joshua: I'm not too sure about this. I mean it's a good idea but still what if it had a virus?
Brainstorm: Do not worry. There is no virus in this file and even it was I think our computer can contain it with no problem.
Y/n: If your sure about this then do it.
Brainstorm nodes and plugs the file into the computer and type into the system. It wasn't long for Brainstorm to find a Decepticon ship on Earth.
Brainstorm: I found it! It's a Crack Rock Valley! I'll set up the coordinate for the Grounr Bridge.
Y/n: Good work. Joshua, Zero, Turbospike and Madison, let's go. Chromedome your in charge until we come back. If we haven't call back in 10 Groon then come and help us.
Chromedome: Right.
Alex: What about us?
Verity: Yeah can we come?
Y/n: Sorry but not today. This might get extremely dangerous for you all. Just stay here and we be right back.
Alex: Okay then. Be safe.
Y/n: (smile) Thanks.
Soon the Grounr Bridge for Y/n and his team and they walk through the Grounr Bridge and once all of them are through Brainstorm closes the ground Bridge.
(Location: Crack Rock Valley)
We see Y/n and his team exiting out of the Ground Bridge and once out the Ground Bridge closes behind them as they have their weapons up and scan around and sees nothing but rocks and rocky hills.
Turbospike: Bio this is some creepy location.
Madison: (smirk) You scared over there Turbospike?
Turbospike: (smirk) Me? Never. I'm not a type that gets scared.
Y/n: Joshua see if you can find a Decepticon ship somewhere but watch yourself. I may fair they are trying to locate any Autobots that come here.
Joshua: Yes sir.
He transform into his jet form and flies off as he scout around while Zero is seen on a hill and looking around while Y/n radios in Brainstorm and the rest.
Y/n: Brainstorm this is Y/n we made it to the location. Don't see anything here but I'll keep in touch.
There was only static at the other end which ment either the Decepticons are jamming their communications or this location is hard to connect. Still it doesn't matter because Joshua fly back as he transform into his bot form and tells Y/n and the rest.
Joshua: I see a Decepticon ship alright. Looks like they are getting ready for something.
Madison: Maybe they know we're here?
Turbospike: Maybe. What are they doing?
Joshua: Stacking some engeron outside of their crashed ship as well as gathering their forces. Either they are planning for a attack or something else.
Y/n: Whatever they are up to we have to stop them. Let's roll out.
They transform into their vehicle forms and drive off. They follow Joshua as he guide them to where they are. After what seems like a while with the road behind them bumping a lot for them, they finally arrive as they transform into their bot forms and hide behind some large rocks and peak over to see the Decepticons gathering everything they needed and giving out orders to each other.
Turbospike: (whisper) So what are they doing?
Madison: (whisper) No idea but this can't be good.
Y/n: (whisper) Agree. We need to tell Chromedome and the rest about this and-
Suddenly their cover gets blown up by something which sent them flying back and land hard onto thr ground.
???: Well Well Well look what we got here.
They slowly get up and see two Decepticons walk up to them and looking down at them as one Decepticon tells the other.
??? 2: Looks like we have some Autobots in front of our doorstep. Ain't that right bro.
??? 1: Yeah. Now they are scrapped.
Turbospike: Who in the scrap are those guys?
Apeface: The names Apeface and this is Snapdragon. We are the two most badass and most brutal Decepticons ever and now you Autobots are done!
Y/n: Autobots attack!
They pull out their weapons and open fire at the two but they were not phase by their shots which they charge at them and tackle them. They were sent flying and land hard onto the ground but they get up and Joshua pulls out his cannon and fires a blast at the two which cost them to step back a bit. Then Zero charges at them and strikes some slashes at Snapdragon while Turbospike fire some few shots at Apeface.
Turbospike: (smirk) Come on monkey head! How's about you smile for me.
Apeface: (anger) It's Apeface you Autobot scum!
He transform into a large ape as he beat his chest and charge towards Turbospike and strikes a blow at Turbospike, sending him flying and he crashed hard onto thr ground.
Madison: Turbospike!
She fired her pistol at Apeface but he was not phase by this as he picks up Turbospike by the leg and lift him up in the air and them slam him onto thr ground several times as Turbospike yells out when his leg starts to break and then Apeface tossed Turbospike towards Madison which the two crashed and fell onto the ground.
We then cut to Zero, Y/n and Joshua battling Snapdragon as Zero gets up on of Snapdragon and stab his shoulder with his sword while Y/n and Joshua open fires at him. Snapdragon roars out and transforms into a large Cybertronian bord which cost Zero to fell onto the ground while Snapdragon flies towards Y/n and Joshua and crashed into them.
The two were sent flying as Y/n slowly gets up and sees his team were immediately taking down by these powerful Decepticons as he look over to see more coming their way.
Y/n: Autobots get out of here now!
Joshua: What about you?
Y/n: I'll hold them off as best I can! Contact Chrome and the others before it's too late!
Madison: No we won't leave you!
Turbospike: Yeah! We stay together as a team!
Y/n: If we all stay then we all will die! Just don't worry about me and go!
They were hesitant at first but they have to follow his orders so they make their escape. Once they escape Decepticon troopers arrived and they surrounded Y/n as he aim his rifle at them and see there is no escape so he drop his weapon and raised his hands as Slipstream came up behind him and said.
Slipstream: Say goodnight Autobot.
Then she shocked him in electricity and he falls onto the ground unconscious as the other Decepticons gather with Apeface reaching down to grab him as everything turne black.
A shock of electricity wakes Y/n up as he opens his optics and look around and see he is in a prison and chained up as Knockout came up to him as he smiles while he says.
Knockout: (smile) Remember me?
Y/n: Of course I do. Why couldn't I forget about your ugly face.
Knockout: Whoa that's rude. Can't wait to hear your begging for mercy once I'm through with you.
Bludgeon: So your the Autobot captain.
Then Y/n look over to see Bludgeon as he step into the room and walk up to Y/n as he look at him as Knockout ask him.
Knockout: Shall I torture this bot? I just want to hear his screams while doing it.
Bludgeon: No. There is other ways for this bot to beg for mercy.
Y/n: You may try if you like but you won't make me!
Bludgeon: I see. You may have noticed our forces has been gathered outside of the ship and you may wonder why.
Bludgeon: We know the Autobot ship named the Ark is coming here and unlike you we know exactly where they are gonna land. They are going to land here, in this location and we be waiting for them to land so we can strike and destroy them once and for all.
Y/n: (smirk) Seriously? Do you have any idea how many Autobots is on the Ark? Your forces have no chance against the Autobots.
Bludgeon: You don't say? Well then....I guess we should just give up and leave. Or....maybe this will do.
Then a hologram opens up behind Bludgeon as he step aside as Y/n sees a mountain right next to the Decepticon base but the top of the mountain starts to open to reveal a large cannon that rasies up and soon it stopped and pointed up at the sky.
Bludgeon: We have managed to build thid large cannon so we can shoot down any Autobot ships out from the sky. It's a good thing we have enough materials to build it.
Y/n: So you have a large cannon. So what? The Arks shields is strong enough to hold it.
Bludgeon: You maybe right but this is a special type of cannon. You see this used to fire a blast that can not only shut all ships systems......but Cybertronians as well. This will put the Arks systems along with the Autobots into stasis lock and the crash will kill a few Autobots. If some are still alive then we can kill them and destroy the Autobots once and for all.
Y/n: (shocked) No.
Bludgeon: Indeed. Soon the Ark will arrive at the planets atmosphere and once it's in range, we will shut down the Arks system and the Autobots and end the Autobots once and for all!
Y/n: (shocked) That will never happen! We will stop you!
Bludgeon: Who will stop us? Your team? Fool. You only have four on a run while we have 100 or 200 Decepticon troops here right now! You stand no chance against us Autobot! You along with your Autobot cost ends here!
We see Y/n's team waiting for Chromedome and the rest to come as we see Madison patching up Turbospike and soon the Ground Bridge opens and Chromedome and the rest step out and see them beaten up as Chromedome asked.
Chromedome: Where's Y/n?
Madison: Being captured by the Decepticons. He told us to get out of here while he hold them off.
Turbospike: He's one brave bot I give him that.
Joshua: We need to head there and rescue him.
Chromedome: Well it's a good thing you have some back up.
Alex: Same here!
They look down to see Alex, Verity, Sorrel and Ben step appear as Joshua tells them.
Joshua: No! It's too dangerous for you all to be here!
Alex: Yeah and so what? We've been through dangerous situations same as you have. Besides Y/n is our friend and I can't just allow him to be captured.
Ben: Eevee!
Verity: (smile) Same here.
Sorrel: Me too.
Joshua: Okay then. We must be careful for Apeface and Snapdragon. They are very strong Decepticons so be careful.
Warpath: Ha! Leave those two to me!
Joshua: Okay then. Come on, let's go and rescue Y/n and stop the Decepticon on whatever plans they have.
And so they head off to stop the Decepticons while they rescue Y/n while we cut to out of space as we see a huge Autobot ship makings it's way to Earth as we see it's the Autobot ship named the Ark as it's only a few miles away before they can reach Earth unaware that they are flying into a trap by the Decepticons.
To be continued...........................................
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