S1E8: Secrets below the sand (Arc 3 final)
(Location: Sandy-Land Village)
Zero and Joshua arrived at the Village as they follow Smokescreen and Chromedome as they walk through the village that is covered by sand like walls that surrounded the village to protect them from a Decepticon attack.
The four make their way through the village and enter a junkyard which Chromedome and the rest of his team make it as their base as Brainstorm and Dr Brown are seen looking through the monitors, Hardhead and Warpath checking their weapons while Powerglide walk up to Chromedome and the rest and inform them.
Powerglide: Seems like the Decepticons stopped. Brainstorm and Dr Brown doesn't detected any drilling underneath us.
Chromedome: Either they found something down there (turns to Joshua and zero) or one of your friends is caught and being attacked right now.
Joshua: That's one possibility. Let's just hope they be alright.
Powerglide: (surprised) Joshua is that you? By Primus it's good to see you again.
Joshua: (smile) Same to you Powerglide. Good to see you again.
???: I see we got some new guests.
Then Kate and Poliwag came up to Joshua and Zero as she smiled at them and tell them.
Kate: (smile) The names Kate and this is Poliwag. It's very nice to meet you.
Poliwag: (smile) Poliwag!
Joshua: (smile) Nice to meet you as well. I was surprised these humans in this village doesn't mind Cybertronians here in thier village?
Chromedome: Yeah it's a long story which I might tell you two later.
Dr Brown: That's weird.
They turn to see Dr Brown and Brainstorm looking at something on the monitors while noding as Chromedome, Joshua, Smokescreen and Zero approach them and Chromedome ask them.
Chromedome: What seems to be the problem?
Brainstorm: Well we have detected a few Decepticons and three Autobots below us. But then there is two unknown energon signals that just appeared.
Joshua: Two unknown?
Smokescreen: Could be more Autobots?
Dr Brown: But why is there more Autobots underground?
Smokescreen: (shrugged) No clue. Maybe they crash here before us?
Chromedome: Be smart about this Smokescreen, we don't know who or what those Cybertronians are or we don't know they are on our side or on their side. Still we need to be ready when that comes.
Knockout and Shockblast take cover behind a rock along with the Decepticon troopers ad they peak out of cover and return fire as at the other side we see Y/n, Madison, Turbospike, Optimus Primal and Cheetor shooting athe the Decepticons while Alex, Ben, Verity, Sorrel and Cubone were taking cover with the Autobots as Cubone hugged Verity while she comfort him.
Optimus Primal had the Requiem blaster on his back as he fire his shoulder cannons at the Decepticon forces.
Cheetor: So these are the mighty Decepticons you three were talking about? They're not stoo tough.
Optimus Primal: Still we must protect the Requiem blaster from the Decepticons.
Y/n: We can't stay here any longer. Is there any idea that we can get out of this cave?
Madison: We can go back where we came in and try to get out?
Y/n: No point! The rocks is too hard to climb on.
Turbospike: We can use the Requiem blaster to punch through a hole and get out of here?
Verity: But what if there is a village or a town above us? We might damage it by accident!
Y/n: Verity is right! We can't risk using the Requiem blaster ti escape only to hurt human lives! Any other ideas!
Optimus Primal: There is one. Quickly, follow me!
Optimus Primal transform into his beats form as he beat his chest and roared then leap towards the Decepticon troopers and smash them up and grabbing them and tossed them towards the wall.
He waves to the rest to follow which Y/n stood up and call out while he still open fire at the Decepticons.
Y/n: Autobots follow Primal! Let's go!
The Autobots along with Cheetor transform and as soon Alex and the rest got inside they take off as they drive by the Decepticons while they are trying to shoot them down but missed and they disappeared into one of the cave systems.
Knockout: Where the scrap are they going?!
Shockblast: Doesn't matter! Let's get them before they escape with our prize!
Shockblast transforms into a tanker tank while Knockout transform into his vehicle form as they cheese after them as the Decepticon troopers also transform into their vehicle forms and drive with Knockout and Shockblast.
(Epic soundtrack starts)
Y/n and the rest race through the tunnel with Optimus Primal in front of them as they hopped Optimus Primal knowns his way. Alex, Ben, Verity, Sorrel and Cubone are seen inside Y/n's vehicles mode as Alex, Ben and Sorrel were at the back as Ben turns to look at the back window and called out to Alex and the rest which Alex turned and sees the Decepticons chasing them.
Alex: We hot company!
The rest sees this as the Decepticons gets up to them and they start to open fire at Y/n and the rest. The Autobots turn left the right in hopes to dodge the incoming shots. Cheetor turns around and rushes towards one of the Decepticon troopers and leaps on top of their hoods and start to bite off one of their guns and then he stabbed his claws onto the Decepticon trooper and leap onto another as a Decepticon trooper can't control it and he crashed and roll as he blow up behind the Decepticons as they drive pass.
A few target at Cheetor which he dodges the shots and transform into bot form while standing on top of a Decepticon trooper and shoot down the Decepticon troopers before he leap back, grab the front bumper of the Decepticon trooper and then tossed it at the rest while he turn and transform back to his beast form and catch up with the rest.
Shockblast: Oh I like this kitty. I'm gonna make it as much pet.
A cannon came out at the left side of his tanker and he charge it up and aims it at Cheetor and he was ready to open fire but Turbospike sees this so he transform into his bot form and aim down his rifle and fire a singal shot.
The bolt go by Cheetor and then hits Shockblast cannon which blow up once impact.
Shockblast: Ah! My cannon!
Cheetor: Nice shot!
Turbospike nodes before he transform into his vehicle form as the rest continues racing down the cave and soon sees something up ahead.
Alex: (smile) That's light!
Verity: (smile) We're going to be free!
Cubone: (smile) Cubone!
They get close to the exit whioe Decepticon troopers keep firing at them which they dodged the shots and soon they get close to the exit and finally that make a jump out of the cave and land hard at the sand and immediately slide which they slowly make a stop and then Turbospike transform into his bot form and tossed two grenades at the cave which Knockout sees and immediately stopped while he called out.
Knockout: Grenade! Get away!
The grenades go off which cost the cave to collapse and block the exit for the Decepticons. A fee Decepticon troopers were too late and crash into the blocked exit whioe Shockblast, Knockout and a few other Decepticon troopers stopped and transform into their bot forms and see that they were too late.
Shockblast: (growl in anger) YOU WILL PAY AUTOBOTS!
(Epic soundtrack ends)
Outside of the cave we see Y/n and the rest breath a sigh of relief as Alex, Ben, Verity, Sorrel and Cubone came out of Y/n and land onto the wamr sand as Y/n and the rest transform into their bot forms and they were glad they are free.
Verity: (smile) Surface at last. I'm never gonna complain about the warm sun ever again.
Alex: (smile) Same here.
Ben: Eevee.
Y/n: Let's hope those Decepticons don't find their way out of that cave.
Optimus Primal: Do not worry. That cave is the only exit but they may try to blow it up.
Y/n: Agree. Come on, we should find Joshua and Zero.
Optimus Primal: Right.
Turbospike: (smirk) Looks like they are coming towards us. Look.
They turn and see Chromedome, Smokescreen, Zero and Hardhead making their way towards them in their vehicle forms and soon they transform into their bot forms and Chromedome approaches them.
Chromedome: So you must be Y/n. Well good to see you and the rest are still function.
Y/n: Well it's great to see more Autobots here.
Chromedome nodes and then turn to see Optimus Primal and Cheetor which he asked.
Chromedome: Who are these two? Autobot or Decepticons?
Y/n: Either. These two are guardians of a Cybertronian artifact which you must see.
Chromedome: Let's head back to the village and let's have a look.
(An hour later)
They arrive at the village as they gather around as Chromedome and many others were shocked to see the Requiem blaster as it set on a table in front of them. Kate hands Alex and the rest some water which they thanked her and take a drink. Ben, Piplub, Lucario, Kai and Cubone were also drinking some water while having some pokemon food while Optimus Primal and Cheetor watch the Pokemons eat before Alex as them both.
Alex: So you two were made by Onyx Prime to protect the Requiem blaster.
Optimus Primal: Indeed. We were made to protect one of the primes powerful weapons and make sure they will not fall into any evil hands.
Cheetor: (smile) But it's good to be out of the cave. The surface is very beautiful.
Optimus Primal: Indeed.
Verity: Still why is a ancient cyber artifact doing here on earth?
Brainstorm: Perhaps there is more to truthby the primes more the meets the eye. Maybe this planet is important to these primes then we thought.
Sorrel: Still who or what are the primes? Wasn't Optimus Prime he only Prime?
Optimus Primal: Not exactly. In the ancient days before Cybertron was ever came to be, there was two powerful beings. Primus and Unicron. Both good and evil battled each other that shake the galaxy itself for many Ano-Cycles. That is until Primus created the Seven first Cybertronians who they were primes. They helped Primus to battle against Unicron until he was defeated. After Unicrons defeated Primus transformed into a planet which was Cybertron and give life to Cybertron by making Cybertronians and having the primes to lead them to a brighter future.
Alex: (surprised) Wow that's awesome.
Verity: But what happened to the primes?
Optimus Primal: The Primes either disappeared or they were killed. But their sparks was placed within a ancient artifact made by Primus that contain all of the Primes wisdom and knowledge called the Matrix of leadership.
Y/n: But before Optimus prime was born there was Sentinel Prime. He was leader or Cybertron but he disappeared during a travel through space and let Zeta Prime to be in charge of Cybertron but he didn't last long. He was killed by Megatron at the start of the war. But soon Optimus prime was born and he lead the Autobots into battle against Megatron and the Decepticons.
Verity: (shocked) Whoa those are some stories. Who knew your world have a far more interesting tale then our planet.
Smokescreen: (smirk) You can say we have been through a lot of situations then you humans have.
Kate: So this Requiem blaster? What should you do with it?
Y/n: That's a good question. I'm not too sure. If Optimus were here by now he could know.
Optimus Primal: You mean me?
Y/n: Oh sorry I ment Optimus Prime. Autobot leader.
Optimus Primal: Oh my mistake.
Powerglide: Can we not destroy it?
Brainstorm: That is extremely dangerous! This Requiem blaster could hold a powerful power core that can blow up this whole area if there was even a singal damage to it!
Optimus Primal: And I will not allow you to destroy it.
Powerglide: Sorry just suggesting.
Hardhead: Maybe we can hide ut somewhere that the Decepticons won't find it?
Smokescreen: Where exactly? This planet doesn't have any hiding spots we can hide it in. What about we launch it into space?
Chromedome: We can't risk any more Decepticons up in space to find it drifted off into space. We need other ideas people.
Alex: Well why not hide it within Logen's hanger for a bit? I bet the Decepticon doesn't know where Logen's hanger is so we can keep it there until we can find alternative ways.
Y/n: That's not a bad idea. Besides we need someone to work on the ground bridge and the base while we search for the Decepticons crashed ship. Chromedome do you mind head to Logen's place and maintain our base for a bit?
Chromedome: Sure thing. I'll have Brainstorm get the ground bridge ready and communications so we cab stay in touch.
Y/n: (smile) Right.
Kate: But what about our village? If the Decepticons attack we be-
Y/n: I think the Decepticons might already be gone. They were looking for the Artifact after all, plus they are short of troops so they won't have enough forces to attack this village.
Optimus Primal: In case they do attack me and Cheetor will protect this village and make sure the Decepticons are fully gone.
Y/n: Okay then. Well it's been nice working with you Primal. If you need anything contact us.
Optimus Primal: Understood. Till we meet again Captain.
Both Optimus Primal and Y/n shake hands. Once that Chromedome, Smokescreen, Powerglide, Hardhead, Warpath and Brainstorm make their way to Valley Green city with the Requiem blaster on Chromedome with a sheet covered as they drive off. Optimus Primal and Cheetor defend the village in case if the Decepticons attack for revenge with Dr Brown made robots that are programmed to defend the village from Decepticon forces.
Then we cut to Y/n and the rest making their way through until they see a forest up ahead along with a road which they were about to continue when they heard something and turn to see Cubone rushing towards them and soon he catch up to them.
Verity: Cubone? What are you doing here?
Cubone breaths heavily and then tells them something which they don't understand until Joshua says.
Joshua: I believe Cubone wants to join us.
Turbospike: Yeah and I think he wants to be apart of your team Verity.
Verity: (surprised) Really? You want to be apart of team?
Cubone nodes which Verity smiled as she pulled out her pokeball and then said.
Verity: (smile) Alright then. Welcome to the team Cubone!
Cubone smiled as Verity tossed the ball towards Cubone which the pokeball hits him and he gets sucked into the pokeball. After a while the Pokeball locks in pkace meaning Verity have gotten a Cubone as she walk up and picks up the Pokeball.
Verity: (smile) Welcome to the team Cubone.
Alex: (smile) Nice work Verity.
Ben: (smile) Eevee!
Sorrel: Good job.
Verity: (smile) Thanks. Now let's get going!
Y/n: Right. Autobots, roll out!
And so they head off to continue their journey to find the Decepticons crashed ship before Bludgeon or his Decepticons troops will think of another plan to take over Earth.
(Location: Crack Rock Valley)
Inside the Decepticons crashed ship we see Knockout being tossed by Bludgeon and crashed into a wall as he yell at Shockblast and Knockout.
Knockout: (scared) I-I-I'm sure there are other ways that we can win. We just need to think.....harder?
Bludgeon: (anger) Idiots!
Then Bludgeon storm off out of the bridge as other Decepticons watched him leave. We cut to Bludgeon walking down the halls and soon he arrived at a door that nobody isn't around as Bludgeon gose inside and inside this mysterious room was a huge cell as Bludgeon walks up to the cell.
He had no choice as he pulled out his sword and then tapped his sword onto the cell bars and seconds later two red eyes appear within the darkness as they stare at Bludgeon as Bludgeon stare back at them and then tells the two unknown figures.
Bludgeon: It is time to proof yourselves true Decepticons. I wished to know the Autobots captain named Y/n so I wannt you two to find them and capture Y/n. I needed him alive and in one piece. As for his team......Well.....there is no point to bring them alive so kill them....if you wish.
The two figures agree as Bludgeon walks over to the control console and pushes a button which the cell open and two figures step out while Bludgeon chuckles to himself, knowing that they will not fail him this time.
To be continued.....................................
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