S1E7: Secrets below the sand (Arc 2)

( 3 days ago)
(Location: Cave system (Underneath Sandy-Land Village)

At the dark caves we see many rock type Pokemons living within the caves in peace. A few zybats can be seen hanging upside down as they slept. Things are peaceful but suddenly there was a shake that cost the Pokemons to look around and wonder what was that shake.

Suddenly a large drill break through the walls of the cave as many pokemon run away as a Decepticon drill dig through the wall. Soon squads of Decepticon troopers pour out from the hole and look around and see they are not at the location yet but had noticed some pokemon there as well.

Decepticon trooper 1: Great more of these creatures. How many are those things?

Decepticon trooper 2: Doesn't matter. We have our orders.

Decepticon trooper 1: Right.

Then a few Decepticon troopers start to open fire at the pokemons as a few were shock while the rest make a run for it while the Decepticon troopers march through the cave, eliminating all pokemon that is in this cave. They continue to fire when a bone was thrown st one Decepticon troopers head and turn to see a Marowak ready to battle against the Decepticons.

Decepticon trooper: Now that's just pathetic.

He then aimed his blaster and immediately kill ten Marowak and continue on moving. We then see a young Cobone behind the rock and was horrified to see his mother killed by a Decepticon. In tears he runs away as he escapes deeper and deeper into the cave.

(Present day)

The heat beats on Y/n and the rest as we see them waiting for Joshua to return from his scouting mission while we see Alex, Ben, Verity and Sorrel underneath an umbrella which they luckily gotten and some water as well.

Alex: Man it's hot out here. It's almost like we have been walking around circles.

Ben: (tired) Eevee.

Turbospike: Well seems like there is no cities or any forest here. You sure there are more Autobots here?

Y/n: Let's hope so.

Madison: Look!

They turn to see Joshua returning as he transform into bot form and land onto the ground and approach them.

Joshua: I saw a village up ahead. I believe that's where we find more Autobots.

Y/n: Then that's where we go. Let's move everyone.

Soon we see them in their vehicle forms and driving through the sand. We see Alex, Ben, Verity and Sorrel inside of Y/n as they drive through the desert.

Suddenly there was a small earthquake which they felt as Alex sat up straight and ask Y/n.

Alex: Did you feel that?

Y/n: Yeah. That's probably a earth thing on your planet right?

Alex: Guess so. Though a desert isn't usually have earthquakes.

Suddenly there was a even more massive earthquake as they all stopped as the earthquake continues shaking them.

Verity: What's going on!?

Sorrel: Look! The ground is collapsing!

Up ahead they see the ground collapsing and was pulling everything in.

Y/n: Autobots pull back now!

They did so as they reverse backwards but then Madison, Turbospike and Y/n got stuck within the sand as they try to move but it wasn't working.

Turbospike: Scrap I'm stuck!

Madison: Me too!

Before they can transform into their bot forms the ground collapse below them and all of them fell. Zero quickly transform into his bot form and rushed over to save them but he was too late. They fell into the hole as Zero watched them fell while Joshua flies back and transform inro bot form and once he lands he rush up to Zero and see a a whole which they fell in.

Joshua: We gonna save them!

Zero agree and before they would they heard someone calling out.

???: Wait!

They turn to see a two vehicles driving up and then they suddenly transform into their bot forms as Smokescreen and Chromedome rush up to them.

Smokescreen: It's probably best not to go down there if I were you.

Joshua: Y/n and the rest are down there and we need to rescue them!

Chromedome: I understand that but your friends might have fallen into a Decepticon mining operation. They maybe be captured once they hit the ground.

Joshua: Decepticons? What are you-

Chromedome: We'll tell you everything but right now come with us. Your friends will be fine.

Smokescreen: Yeah we'll rescue them. That's a promise.

With no choice they agree as Chromedome and Smokescreen transform into their vehicle forms and drive off. Zero and Joshua look back and wishing they be alright as they too transform into their vehicle forms and take off, following Chromedome and Smokescreen.


We see a large hole with light coming down of it while we see Y/n, Madison, Turbospike on the ground in their vehicle forms while inside of Y/n we see Alex, Verity, Ben and Sorrel unconscious but then Alex groan as he wake up.

He sees they are upside down as Ben, Verity and Sorrel wake up. They got out of Y/n and they look around to see they are in a cave.

Verity: That was some fall.

Sorrel: Good thing we survived.

Alex: Yeah but what about-

Then the trio Autobots transform into bot forms and groan as they slowly get up.

Turbospike: I'm starting to hate the desert right now.

Madison: So where are we?

Y/n: We must have fallen and now stuck in a cave.

Y/n looked up to see how they got in as they see it be too hard to climb back up.

Y/n: Looks like we have to find another way out.

Verity: Let's probably be careful. Who knows who many pokemons are living down here.

Sorrel: Agree. Many ground type Pokemon or those who live in caves might not be happy for us being here.

Y/n: Agree. Autobots flashlight on.

They activated their flashlight on this Optic and they move into the cave in hopes to find another way out. They can hear nothing but the sounds of dripping water in the distances as they walk through the cave and searching for a way out.

This made Alex, Ben, Verity and Sorrel a bit creep out since this cave is completely silent and it doesn't seem like there isn't any Pokemon around.

Madison: Is there any pokemons down here?

Verity: Should be. Maybe this place is empty?

Turbospike: (smirk) Or they might be sleeping. Guess luck is on our side.

Y/n: I don't know. I have a feeling that something happened here.

They continue on walking and suddenly when they turn around a corner they stopped to see a onix laying on the floor facing them. They walk towards onix and check and they were shocked to see him dead.

Verity: (shocked) This Onix was killed.

Sorrel: But how?

Y/n noticed many burned marks on onix and knows these burns before.

Y/n: Decepticons.

Madison: Why are they here?

Y/n: I don't know. But what ever plans they have it can't be good.

Suddenly they heard something behind them so they pull out their weapons and aim at a rock which a Cubone peak out as he shakes in fear.

Alex: That's a Cubone!

Verity: (smile) Aaaww he's so cute!

Sorrel: But look, it's shaking. Almost like he's afraid.

They noticed this as well so Verity walks over to it and bend down as she assures him.

Verity: (smile) Don't worry. We're not here to hurt you. Come on out.

Cubone looked at her and the rest and slowly came out and walk up to Verity as she smiled to assure him that everything is going to be alright.

Turbospike: This Cubone must have witnessed a Decepticon attack. They must be the one who did all od this.

Madison: And explains why we haven't encountered any pokemons down here.

Y/n: If that's the case we need to find out what they are doing here and stop him.

Cubone: Cubone Cubone Cubone!

They turn back to Cubone as he rush off only to stop and wave to them to follow.

Verity: Looks like he wants us to follow.

Y/n: Maybe he knows where the Decepticon are at now. Autobots let's move!

They follow Cubone through the cave system whioe going pass more dead pokemon that were killed by the Decepticons. They also discovered many holes that seems like the Decepticons must have drilled through to get to the cave.

After a while of walking they hear what sound like drills punching through the walls follow by pickaxe being hit as they rushed over and soon they hide behind some rocks and see Decepticon troopers mining and moving some rocks away as they continue to mine.

Madison: (whisper) Decepticons alright.

Alex: (whisper) But why are they here? What are they looking for?

Y/n: (whisper) Looks like we're about to find out.

He point over and they see Shockblast and Knockout as they connect Bludgeon as his hologram image appear in front of them.

Bludgeon: (hologram) Report.

Shockblast: Sir coordinating to my readings we will find the artifact as soon as we can.

Knockout: Unfortunately there have been many onixs that have been pushing back our mining operation. We're doing our best to eliminate these beast as we speak.

Bludgeon: (hologram) Well hurry up. Soundblaster had told me that this artifact will assure us a great victory against the Autobots and Megatron will be pleased of our find.

Knockout: We will do our best. Do not worry.

Shockblast: Yes do not worry. I will even slice off the Decepticons hands if they start to slow down.

Bludgeon: (hologram) Good and try not try fail me. Or I'll slice off you two's hands myself. (Transmission ends)

Shockblast: Jokes on him, I only have one hand.

Knockout: Lucky you.

The two walk off whike Y/n and the rest over hears their conversion as Turbospike asked.

Turbospike: (whisper) Artifact? On Earth?

Madison: (whisper) Maybe there is a Cybertronian artifact here on earth. But why would an artifact be on earth?

Alex: (whisper) More importantly what doss this artifact can do that can assure a victory to the Decepticons?

Y/n: (whisper) No idea but it can't be good.

Decepticon trooper: Autobots introduces!

They quickly turn to see a Decepticon trooper spotted them so Turbospike quickly shot the Decepticon trooper but it was too late. Other Decepticons even Knockout and Shockblast see them as Decepticon troopers aim their blasters at them. The three aim their blasters at them while Knockout and Shockblast step in front of the Decepticon troopers.

Knockout: (smirk) Well, Well, Well. If ain't the Autobots who ruined my paint job.

Y/n: (smirk) Nice to see you as well Knockout. I see you have brought a friend.

Shockblast: The name is Shockblast and you Autobots will be turned into my experiment. (Noticed the humans) Along with your human pets.

Madison: We've over heard your search and we won't allow you to find it.

Knockout: (smirk) Sorry but I'm afraid we're close to finding the Artifact. Thanks to Soundblaster all we need to is to dig up this area and we'll find it.

Y/n: Not what we have to say about it!

The Autobots open fire and take out a few Decepticon troopers which they return fire as they take cover and return fire. Cubone gets scared and cuddles with Verity which she hugs him while the Autobots continues to fire at the Decepticons. Shockblast fired his arm cannon which made some explosion but Y/n and the rest return fire while most Decepticons take cover.

The battle continues until at the other side there was a glow and the door suddenly open to reveal what looks like a metal room.

Turbospike: What's that!?

Madison: That must be it!

Y/n: Autobots transform and get to that door!

They transform into bot forms and once Alex and the rest were inside of Y/n they race towards the door.

Knockout: Don't let them get inside!

They continue to fire at them but they dodge their bolts as they race towards the door. Soon they managed to get through the door and before the Decepticons could enter the door shuts in front of them.

Knockout: Scrap!

Soundblaster: (turns to Decepticon troopers) Get this door open right now or I'll use your heads to make my own zombie like Decepticons!

They rush to get the door open while we see Y/n and the rest at the other side as Alex and the rest get out as Y/n, Madison and Turbospike transform into their bot forms and they look at the door which they came in.

Y/n: That was close.

Turbospike: Why did they door suddenly open?

Madison: Was it for us?

Alex: Still what is this place?

They look around to see everything fill with Cybertronian metal and there was some written on the walls but Alex can't seme to understand it but Madison walks up and tell him.

Madison: These are ancient Cybertronian writing. It seems we're not the first Cybertronians to be on this planet.

Alex: Any idea what it says?

Madison: Sorry not but Perceptor or anyone who dose might want to read this.

Alex agrees as he pull out his phone and take some pictures while the rest look around as they look through the ancient Cybertronian written when Y/n sees another door up ahead so he walks over and opens the door and step into what looks like a huge room with ancient Cybertronian status that he immediately realised is the status of Solus prime.

Soon the rest came into the room and noticed the status of Solus Prime as well.

Alex: (surprised) Wow what is all of this?

Turbospike: (smirk) Yeah and who is this pretty Cybertronian fembot?

Y/n: That's Solus Prime. One of the original thirteen primes. She was not only the first female Cybertronian to be made but also the blacksmith who makes weapons for the primes.

Turbospike: Huh the first female Cybertronian and a blacksmith?.....(smirk) Neat.

Madison: So why is all of this here?

Alex: I think that's why?

They look over Y/n, Turbospike and Madison were shocked to see what looks like a huge blaster in the middle of the room within a glass case as they approach it and they look at it.

Verity: What is it?

Sorrel: It looks like a huge cannon?

Madison: (shocked) It's not just a huge cannon. It's the Requiem blaster.

Alex: Rwquiem blaster? What's that?

Y/n: (shocked) A extremely powerful weapon that can destroy anything within seconds. It can even blow up a whole planet. This cannon is very deadly to those who wants it for evil.

Turbospike: (shocked) Guess we now know why the Decepticons wanted this.

Madison: If they have this then they will wipe out all Autobots and immediately win the war.

Y/n: Indeed. That's why we can't allow them to take it. This has to come with us.

He smashed the class case and before he could grab it there was a roar and suddenly something jumped onto Y/n and he slammed onto the ground. They all turn to see a four leg creature looking at Y/n as it stare at him and then turne to see Madison and Turbospike aiming their blasters at it.

???: Wait.

They turn and see Cybertronian came out of the darkness as he show themselves to everyone in the room.

Madison: (shocked) Is that! Optimus Prime!?

Turbospike: He doesn't look like him.

Then the creature stare back at Y/n and then leap off while he transform into hid bot form as well and stand next to his leader.

Y/n: (stands up) Who are you?

Optimus Primal: My name is Optimus Primal. This is Cheetor. We are guardians of this chamber as well as the Requiem blaster.

Madison: So you two are guardians?

Turbospike: Disbite one of you look like a Cybertronian wr known.

Y/n: Unless you were both were made by Onyx Prime.

Alex: Why is that?

Y/n: Because he's the first Cybertronian who had a beast form. Which ment he must have made both Primal and Cheetor as protectors of the Requiem blaster.

Cheetor: Indeed. We are made to protect this chamber and stop anyone who dares to take it.

Optimus Primal: Which is you.

Y/n: Look we're sorry but we need to take it so the Decepticons will not have it.

Optimus Primal: Decepticons?

Y/n: It's a long story but these Cybertronians will take control everything if they have the Requiem blaster. I beg of you, we're not your enemies.

Optimus Primal looks at him and then rest when Cubone rushed over and tell Optimus Primal which he node and then look up at Y/n and tell him.

Optimus Primal: This Cubone told me what has happened to many pokemon in this cave and how they were killed. Including his mother by the hands of these Decepticons. Which ment you speak the truth. Very well then, we will allow you to take the Requiem blaster and we will company you.

Y/n: (smile) Thank you.

He nodes when suddenly there was a drilling sound coming from the door they came in and since there is no way out besides going through the door they just came in, they ready their weapons as this might be hard since now they have to push their way out of the room and escape the cave while protecting the Requiem blaster from the Decepticons.

To be continued..................

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