S1E5: The wolfs from the stars
We see the planet of Earth itself and nothing else but stars around the planet along with a moon floating around Earth. Then we see something that looked like meteors going by the planet. But then one or the meteors break off and heads strike towards Earth. We see the meteor is no normal meteor as we see it's made out of metal and it looks like a small ship as the small ship enter Earth's atmosphere and soon break through the clouds and then making it's crash in the large forest which made a huge explosion.
A few pokemon make a run frommthe blast as we see the small escape pode like ship made it's crash with smoke steaming out of the small ship. There was only silence for a while until the back of the small ships doors open and hand came out of the shuttle and lands on the side of the small escape pod follow by a growl.
(Next day)
(Location: Endless wild forest)
We see Y/n and the Autobots waiting outside of the pokemon centre that is outside of the Endless wild forest as they wait for Alex, Verity and Sorrel as we cut inside and see the trio talking to Logen through the computer call as Logen tells them great news.
Alex: (surprised) You got contact by an Autobot named Optimus prime?!
Logen: (call) That's right! It seems him and the other Autobots are going to come here to Earth! This is very much exciting if you ask me!
Verity: (smile) And good to hear. At least Y/n and the rest won't worry about their friends anymore.
Sorrel: Agree.
Logen: (call) Actually I believe some might already be here because there was a report of a meteor crash landed in the area that you are in. I've managed to see the footage of the crash and it doesn't look like a Meteor. (Shows the image on screen) It's more like an escape pod then a huge rock.
Alex: Sent me the image and we'll show this to Y/n and the rest and we can check it out.
Logen: (call) Right! Good luck and I'll make sure this bass is safe.
Alex: (smile) Right.
Once the call ends Logen sent the image which they take and head outside to see Ben, Kai, Piplub and Lucario relaxing by the sun with the Autobots as the trio walk over to the Autobots as they transform into their bot forms and Y/n ask them.
Y/n: So what's the situation?
Alex: Good news and interesting news. Good news is Optimus Prime and the other Autobots are coming here to Earth.
Y/n: (surprised) Seriously?! Thank Primus.
Madison: (smile) What a relief.
Turbospike: And the interesting news?
Verity: Interesting news is that there is a meteor that crash landed in this area but Logen shows us the image and it doesn't look like a meteor.
Alex shows them the image which they look at and they agree that it must be a escape pod.
Y/n: Your right. That's no meteor at all. It looks like an escape pod.
Joshua: So that means the Autobots might already be here?
Turbospike: What if it's a Decepticon?
Madison: Well best we head out and find this escape pod.
Y/n: Right if it is Autobot then we need to help them. If not.....Well let's hope not. Alex, Verity and Sorrel you three and your Pokemons get behind us if things go south. Autobots let's roll out and find this escape pod.
(5 Earth hours later)
We see the Autobots and Alex, Verity and Sorrel making their way through the woods as they search around for an escape pod. They have their weapons on them just in case as they continue moving slowly and carefully through he quit woods.
Turbospike: (whisper) Where is this escape pod?
Joshua: (whisper) It's a huge woods. It will take us Cycle's to find it.
Turbospike: (whisper) Well I'm already getting bored right now.
They continue walking through the woods until Y/n stop the rest and they all turn to see something smoking up ahead. They slowly move forward and soon they come across a clearing where they found the escape pod.
They never seen any escape pod like this one before as they get close to it and search for any Decepticon or Autobot logos on it but there was nothing.
Y/n: There's nothing. Seems like this must be a normal Cybertronian escape pod.
Turbospike check inside the pod to see if there was anyone in there but there was no one.
Turbospike: And no one is inside. Seems like they must have left or this pod was empty the whole time.
Madison: Well there's no way this pod can't be sent to Earth with no one in it. Someone must be inside.
Joshua: I'll search the skies and see what I can find.
Y/n: No point. This area is filled with trees so it be hard for you to locate anyone.
Zero is seen kneeling down and gently place his hands over to see tracks on the dirt floor. Then he heard something rushing in the bushes and he pulled out his sword while Y/n and the rest turn and see a massive Cybertronian like wolf came out of the trees and growled at them while they aim their weapons at it.
Verity: (surprised) Wow look at the size of that thing!
Sorrel: (shocked) This might be bad.
Alex: (shocked) But is it good or not?
Ben: (scared) Eevee.
The Cybertronian wolf scans everyone and when it lands on Y/n it lower down and charge towards them but it got pass Zero and heads straight towards Y/n and soon Y/n was tackled into the ground and land hard onto the floor whike the wolf was on too of him.
Madison: Y/n!
The Autobots aimed their weapons at the Cybertronian wolf as it stare at Y/n for a bit. At first Y/n thinks it wants to eat him but he was caught off guard when it start to lick him which made him laugh.
Alex, Verity and Sorrel:.......Huh?
Y/n: (laughter) Okay Okay stop that! That tickles! Stop that! (Laughter)
???: Mmmm I really like you now Autobot. You have a nice taste in my opinion.
Y/n: (surprised) Wait? You can-
Alex: (surprised) Did that thing talked!?
Verity: (surprised) That sounded like a female voice.
Joshua: Excuse me but who are you?
She turn to them and to their surprise she transform into her bot form as she sat on Y/n's lap while she let out a giggle while she said.
Night-Claw: (smirk) The names Night-Claw. It's very nice to meet you all. Especially you, what's your name?
Y/n: U-Um my name is Y/n. Captain of my team.
Night-Claw: (smirk) Captain huh? Your too cute of being a captain but....who I'm I kidding, I like young but very grave captains just like you.
She pock Y/n's nose which made him blush as she get off of Y/n while the rest lower their weapons as Y/n stood up and ask her.
Y/n: So (clear throat) Night-Claw. Are you Autobot or Decepticon?
Night-Claw: Neither. We're actually apart of a pack on the planet of Eukaris.
Y/n: (shocked) the jungle planet?!
Verity: What's Eukaris?
Joshua: One of of the many Cybertron colonies. It was filled with nothing but wildlife and endless forest. That is until the space Bridges were destroyed and we lost all contacts of many colonies. Even Eukaris.
Night-Claw: (smirk) After we lost contact from Cybertron we adapt to the wildlife on the planet and have our own clans and packs. Me and my sister clan were the "Howling night wilfs." I was the leader of the pack as we hunt while challenging other clans to a battle. Things were peaceful until a large warship came to our planet and killed all the clans and captured some to their warship. Me and my sister was one of them taking however we managed to escape and token one of invaders escape pods and escape the ship.
Y/n: Were they Decepticons?
Night-Claw: I have no idea what they were. They were Cybertronians but not what your thinking off. They have marks like yours except different. They were lead by this Cybertronian named....Lockdown.
Y/n: Lockdown huh. Then you must be talking about the mercenaries.
Night-Claw: That must be them. (Turn to see Alex and the rest) So what are these creatures?
Y/n: These are humans. This is Alex, his Eevee named Ben, Verity and Sorrel.
Alex: (smile) Hi there.
Ben: Eevee.
Verity: (smile) Nice to meet you.
Sorrel: Hello.
Night-Claw: (smirk) How cute. I love a captain who cares about the little life of this planet. Your suchna gentleman.
Y/n blushes even more while the rest sees Night-Claw is flirting with Y/n so Madison step forward and ask.
Madison: You said you have a sister right? What's her name?
Night-Claw: Her name is Abby. She's my younger sister and she's always get herself in trouble. Speaking of her I thought I told here to wait here while I was looking around. Where could she ran off to.
Then Zero waves them over to see more tracks on the ground as they walk over to see more tracks.
Turbospike: Looks like she must have went that way.
Night-Claw: (smirk) That's my younger sister.
Y/n: Let's find her. Autobots let's go!
They follow the tracks so they can find Abby and make sure she will be safe. Then they hear something up ahead so they get some cover and look over to see Decepticon troopers along with Knockout as they see Abby inside a energon like cell as she struggled to break free while she called out.
Abby: Just you wait! My big sister will come and she will eat you all up!
Knockout: (hits hid staff onto the cage) Be quiet you! You will be taking into Decepticon custody.
Abby: Your all going to regret it!
Night-Claw: (whisper) That's my sister!
Y/n: (whisper) We need to free her before the Decepticons can take her away.
Alex: (whisper) We can sneak around them while you guys distract them and we can free her.
Y/n: (whisper) Okay then. Autobots it's show time.
The Decepticons were about to leave when suddenly Y/n and the rest open fire and took out a fee Decepticon troopers as they burst out of the forest and open fire at them. Night-Claw transform into her wolf form and slash at the Decepticon troopers with her claws and grab them by her mouth and throwing them away.
Knockout: (surprised) Another beast! Kill those Autobots and take the bigger one alive!
The Decepticon troopers obeyed as they continue to fire as the Autobots stood their ground and continue to fire at them. Zero pulls out Shurikem ninja stars and throw them at the Decepticon troopers which they get hit and fell onto the ground. Then Madison charge towards them and swings her Electro staff at the Decepticon troopers and sending them flying. One Decepticon trooper was about to shoot her from behind when he has his head blown off by Turbospike as Madison turns to the dead Decepticon trooper and back as she smiled and blow kiss Turbospike.
He smirked and fire his rifle to cover Alex, Ben, Verity and Sorrel as they sneak around and then got onto Abby's cage.
Sorrel: Lucario come on out and use High jump kick!
Lucario came out of his pokeball and use high jump kick and break the cages controls and set Abby free.
Abby: (smile) Thank you. Now time for me to join in!
She too transform into her wolf form and joins in as she safe Night-Claw from a Decepticon trooper that was on her and the two were back to back.
Night-Claw: (smirk) You've could have just waited could you?
Abby: (giggle) You know me sis. I never wait for action to come.
Night-Claw: (smirk) Still let's each them a lesson.
Abby: (smile) Right!
The two charge at the Decepticon troopers and have them go flying. Knockout sees this as he aimed his staff at Night-Claw and Abby and then fired a bolt of electricity that froze them in place while dealing them with pain.
Knockout: Now be good pets and surrender or I will offline you.
The two howl in pain and before Knockout could increase the pain Y/n came up and kick Knockout away which cost the two to be free as they turn to see Y/n dodging the electricity shots from his staff and then Y/n lands a punch and then a kick.
Night-Claw: (smirk) What do you think so? Pretty cool is he?
Abby: (smirk) Indeed. What a true warrior and hero.
Knockout try to swing his staff at him but Y/n grabs his staff and the two struggled for a bit and then Y/n headbutted Knockout which cost Knockout to let go of his staff and then swings his staff at Knockout, making a large scratch at his front bumpers as Knockout off onto the ground and sat up to see a large scratch.
Knockout: (anger) You ruined my paint job! How dare you!
Knockout stood up as he sees his Decepticon troopers was gone and he was the only one left.
Knockout: (anger) You will pay for this Autobots! And for my Paint job!
He transform into his vehicle form and drives off. Once he was gone Y/n drop his staff and suddenly gets tackled by Abby and start to lick him.
Y/n: (laughter) Please not this again! Your very much welcome! Stop it alright! (Laughter)
They smiled to see Abby is safe from the Decepticons and soon we see the two sisters in their bot forms as Y/n walk up towards the two and tell them.
Y/n: I'm very sorry about your clan and your people. But if you want you both are very much welcome in the Autobots. We could use some back up including your beats forms.
Night-Claw: (smirk) Sorry but we're not solders of war. We're more of sticking into the wildlife and defending those who true to harm other homes.
Abby: (smile) Yeah we like the small pokemon creatures and we want to help them by defending theri homes from threats such as the Decepticons.
Y/n: Well if you ever needed a place to stay or needed any help you can contact us.
Night-Claw: (smirk) Always and one more thing before you all will leave.
Y/n: Sure what is it?
Night-Claw: (smirk) When we were about to crash onto the planet, our escape pods controls detected a large ship appear and making it's crash far away from here.
Y/n: Large ship?
Joshua: Is it Autobot or Decepticon?
Night-Claw: According to the ships computer I seems like it had a red symbol on it.
Y/n: Then that's an Autobot ship!
Turbospike: Where do you think it crash landed?
Abby: Maybe south. That's where the ship made it's crash.
Y/n: Then that's were are go. Thank you both, take care now.
Night-Claw: Oh and one last thing.
Y/n: Sure what is-
Suddenly Night-Claw lend over and kissed Y/n on the lips which made everyone surprised as Night-Claw lend back as Y/n stood there frozen as Night-Claw lick her lips.
Night-Claw: (smirk) That's your reward for saving me and my sister.
Y/n doesn't what to say but then Abby came up and she too kissed Y/n on tne lips. She then stepped back and cheerful said.
Abby: (smile) Hope we can see you again Y/n. Goodbye now~!
Night-Claw: (smirk) Take care Y/n. Hope we can see each other again some day.
The two transform into theie beast forms and head off into the forest while Y/n froze there in place while blushing while everyone is slient from this until Turbospike breaks the slient by saying.
Turbospike: (shocked) You are one lucky Autobot are you.
Y/n: (blush) L-L-Let's just g-g-get moving!
He turns and walks off as the other Autobots sees his nervous and shock while Alex and the rest were also the same.
Sorrel: Guess Cybertronian can form a strong bound that involves around romance.
Verity: (smile) Still it's very interesting to meet new Cybertronians from another planet.
Alex: (smile) Yeah, hope we can see more once we find this large ship.
Ben: (smile) Eevee.
And so they heda off to find this large Autobot ship so they can search for any Autobots so they can have a chance against the Decepticons on planet earth.
To be continued...................................
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