S1E26: Kanto Grand festival (Arc 3)

(Indigo Plateau Confernce)

The Decepticon Nemesis is seen hovering over the city as Decepticon forces enter the city and start to attack any life form they can see. Decepticon troopers march through the streets, searching for any humans or pokemon to find as they shoot them down in sight.

Gunfire can be heard along with the sounds of seekers flying through the sky as they bomb city buildings and anything else they can find. We then cut to a battle where we see Y/n's team, Hot Rod and his team taking out Decepticon forces as they get to cover while returning fire.

They shoot down some Decepticon forces as they fell onto the ground while they return fire which some hide for cover.

Jazz: So much for a nice festival.

Bumblebee: Yeah those Decepticons always ruined things.

Hot Rod: You think Ash and the others are alright?

Y/n: We just need to hold them back until back up arrives. We can't allow them to get near the hotel where Ash and the other humans are at.

Joshua: Understood.

Turbospike: Let's hope back up arrives because I don't know how long we can last for.

Turbospike fired his sniper rifle and shot a Decepticon trooper in the head, taking his head off as he fell. Suddenly there was a explosion behind them and they turn to see Decepticon troopers trying to flank them while Treadshot came rolling towards them in his tank mode as he fired and shot Turbospike as he fell onto thr grounr hard.

Madison: Turbospike!

Y/n: Cover them!

Sideswipe: We're getting boxed in!

Jazz: Where the heck is Zero?

We then cut to Zero on the roof as he look down at Treadshot and other Decepticon troopers flanking them. He leap down from the roof, landing on top of a Decepticon trooper and cutting the rest down with his sword, slicing them up and then throws his ninja stars at Treadshot which hits him and I cost him to transform into his bot form and turn to Zero.

Treadshot: This is where you will die Autobot!

He charge towards Zero while Zero stood there and then he leap over Treadshot and land behind him and turn and stabb Treadshot through him with his sword as Treadshot yell while energon spilled out of him. Zero pulled out his sword and roll to the last last Treadshot pulls out his hammer and try to slam at him but missed and then Zero kicked Treadshot back which cost him to crash into a building and Treadshot only watched as Zero rushed up to him and immediately slice his head, cutting it as his head came off of his body and he fell onto the ground dead.

Hot Rod: (shocked) Remind me not to mess with him.

Y/n: (smirk) Don't blame you.

Suddenly they look up to see Tracks and Road Rage fire at Decepticon seekers in the sky. They fire at them and shooting them down but five of them appear behind them and they open fire at them.

Tracks: This is gonna damage my paint job!

Road Rage: Scrap that! I've been waiting for this in my whole life!

She transform into her bot form and grabs one Seeker and start punching the Seeker until she pulled out his wires, costing it go offline while Road Rage fired a few shots at the rest and then leap away and transform into her flying vehicle mode and fly next to Tracks.

Road Rage: Now that was fun!

Tracks: I question how your paint job is still attached disbite the battles you've faced.

They fly over Y/n and the others and then a ground bridge open up and Iron Hide appear out along with Arcee, Brawn, Trailbreaker, Prowl, Hound and Warpath as Prowl walks up to Y/n and his team.

Prowl: We've got your transmission and came here as soon as we can, what's the situation?

Y/n: Decepticon forces are trying to push forward and get to the human survivors. We need to push them back as long as we can.

Iron Hide: (smirk) That's why we're here!

Prowl: The Protectobots are on their way to evacuate the humans out of the city. They should be here in 10 minutes.

Y/n: Right, we just need to push them back long enough for them to arrive.

Prowl: Right, there's more Autobots around the city and taking on Decepticon forces. We'll have them clear out in no time.

Y/n: Right.

Night-Claw: Y/n!

Then Night-Claw and Abby rushed over in their beats forms as they rushed up and tell Y/n.

Night-Claw: I don't know how but we've spotted Soundwave making his way to the hotel right now!

Y/n: Scrap! Brawn Sideswipe your with me! The rest, hold off the Decepticon forces as long as you can!

He, Brawn and Sideswipe transform into their vehicle forms and they drive to the hotel while Prowl give out orders to the others and they take on the Decepticon forces.


We see the human survivors at the hotel and looking out of the windows to see the chaos that is going on. Among them we see Ash, Pikachu, Misty, Togepi, Brock, Alex, Ben, Verity, Sorrel, Oak and Delia as they watched the Chaos.

Delia: (shocked) This is horrible.

Oak: It's like a warzone.

???: Ash, Alex!

They quickly turn to see Ritchie as he rushed over to them.

Alex: Ritchie! Glad you made it!

Ash: You okay?

Ritchie: Yeah I'm fine. Luckily the battle arena was close to the hotel but due to the crowd all in a panic, I have to take a longer way.

Alex: Well I'm just glad your safe and not harmed.

Ben: Eevee!

Then Pikachu's ears shoot up and he turn to the window which cost them to turn as they see a blue jeep apoorching the hotel. The crowd of people sees this and figured there must be more survivors.

Then Ritchie spotted a Decepticon logo and called out.

Ritchie: That's no normal car! It's a Decepticon!

Suddenly Soundwave transform into his bot form and stare at the hotel and then charge up his shoulder cannon.

Brock: Get away from the windows!

Everyone makes a run for it, away from the windows as Soundwave fired his shoulder cannon and then there was a huge explosion that sent everyone flying back. Fortunately everyone was alright as Alex and the others get up and look around to see soms humans are injured and laying on the ground.

Then Soundwave opens up his chest and four minicons came out of his chest and transform into their bot forms.

Soundwave: Rumble, Frenzy, Ravage, Lasterbeak eject, Operation: Eliminating human race.

Frenzy: (smirk) With pleasure!

The four make theie way to the destroyed window as they climb up to the floor and once they were on they aimed their blasters at the humans.

Rumble: (smirk) You humans be wise to surrender and we might spare you all.

Frenzy: (smirk) Hahaha nice one bro!

Suddenly a thunder bolt shot out and hits Rumble which cost him to stumble as Ash's Pikachu and Ritchie's Pikachu nickname Sparky stood in front of them.

Ash: We won't you do that!

Ritchie: That's right!

Sparky and Pikachu: Pika!

Alex: Kai come on out!

Brock: You too Crobat!

Both Kai and Crobat came out of their pokeballs while Ravage and Lasterbeak growl and then Ravage charge towards Kai which he move while Ravage chases after him while Lasterbeak fired his cannons at Crobat but he dodges and the two battle while Rumble and Frenzy replaced their blasters two theie twin heavy hammers on each of their arms.

Rumble: (smirk) Now will be fun.

Frenzy: (smirk) Be ready to say your preys humans, because we're gonna take you all down even by means taking down this building!

Ritchie: Let's do this Ash.

Ash: Right. Alright Pikachu use thunderbolt!

Ritchie: You too Sparky!

Both Pikachu's charge up theie thunderbolts and fired them at Rumble and Frenzy which they block them. Then theynstart to hit their hammers onto the ground, shaking the building and making everything stumble around.

Misty: Let me help you guys out! Go Stary-

Suddenly her Psyduck came out of his Pokeballqnd in front of Rumble and Frenzy as Psyduck stare at the two and then tilted his head in confusion.

Psyduck: Psy?

Verity: Is that a Psyduck?

Misty: (anger) Yes and this one never seem to stay in his pokeball.

Sorrel: What's wrong with Psyduck?

Misty: Let's just say this one easily gets a headache.

Sorrel and Verity: Oh.

Rumble: Hahahahahahaha! Hey bro, check out this idiot duck creature! How dumb is that!

Frenzy: Hahahahahahahah! Yeah, he looks like you but dumber.

Rumble: Yeah I think s-.....Wait? (Anger) What did you see?!

Frenzy: (smirk) You heard me bro, he's dumb then you.

Rumble: (anger) No your dumber and ugly!

Frenzy: No you are!

Rumble: No you!

Frenzy: No you!

Rumble: No you!

Then the two start to fight each other while everyone just watched them fought like siblings.

Ash: Well that was....something.

Ritchie: Yeah.

Pikachu: Pika?

Sparky: Pikachu.


We then cut to the hallway where we see everyone rushing away while behind them Ravage appear around the corner and see them and start to growl as he charge up its twin cannons but then a Houndoom came out behind Ravage and tackle him to the ground, biting it's neck until Ravage tosses Houndoom away which transform to reveal Kai as he slide onto the ground.

Ravage growled while charing up it's shoulder cannons when Ben tackle Ravage away and then leap away and stand next to Kai as Alex came up behind them as he called out.

Alex: You won't get pass us! Ben use Shadow ball! Kai use shadow claw!

Ben charged uo his shadow ball and fired it at Ravage while Kai leaps up in the air and used Shadow claw and land a slash at Ravage, costing him to stumble back but he roared and fire missiles at them.

Alex: Dodge them!

They did so and suddenly Ravage rushed over to Ben and was about to bite him but Kai tackle Ravage away and Ravage turn to Kai and slashed at Kai with his claws.

Alex: Kai!

Kai slammed onto the wall while Alex rushed over to him while Ravage rushed over to them. Ben try to use tackle but Ravage wipes Ben away with his tail and then came up and bites Alex in the shoulder as he grown while Kai's eyes widen in shock that he defeated him.

Alex: (smirk) It's okay.....I won't let them get you. I'll defend you and everyone no matter what. I.....I won't lose you all.....just like I've lost......my parents.

Kai sees a tear pour out of his eyes while Ravage continues to bite him even harder, costing blood to appear. Kai will not allow Alex to die and then suddenly he start to involve right in front of Alex and Ravage and he involve into Zoroark.

Alex: (surprised) Wow!

Kai grabs Ravage and then tossed him across the hallway. He crashed onto the ground while he gets up and let out a roar while Kai let's out a roar as well and then slammed both of his arms down, costing a huge blast that sent Ravage flying back ans crash through a wall as rubble fell on top of him.

Kai breaths heavily and then rushed over and helped up Alex as he stare at Kai new involved form in amazement.

Alex: (surprised) Kai....you've involved to save me.

Kai nodes his head while Alex smiled and then hugged him.

Alex: (smile) Thank you Kai, thank you.

Ben leaps onto Kai and thanked him as well while Kai smiled. Then Brock and Crobat rushed over and Brock check Alex wound.

Brock: It looks bad. We need to get out of here before your wound gets infected.

Alex: Right.

We then cut to Soundwave to see that the operation has failed but then detected something as he turn and then said.

Soundwave: Rumble, Frenzy, Ravage, Lasterbeak, return. It is time.

We then cut to the Autobots battle the Decepticons as more and more Autobots show up to take on the Decepticons. Suddenly there was a huge shake that almost felt like a huge stop and they look around to see where it is coming from. Make shakes that felt almost like gaint footsteps is heard and suddenly a heard Cybertronian like creature came out of the water which the Autobots see in total shock.

Sideswipe, Brawn and Y/n sees it as they stood there in shock to witness the Decepticons ultimate weapon of mess destruction.

Sideswipe: (shocked) By the primes, it cannot be.

Y/n: (shocked) What is that thing?!

Brawn: (shocked) That's.....That's the Decepticons ultimate weapon......Trypticon.

Trypticon let's out a loud roar that shattered all nearby windows qnd costing the humans and pokemon to cover their ears. Trypticon then charged up it's mouth cannon and fired a beam across the city and cost a huge explosion while everyone is shocked by its destruction.

Trypticon: I will destroy anything that stood against my way! Trypticon has return Autobots, now be ready to die!!!!!

(Ark: Perceptors secret lab)

We see Perceptor and other Autobots who knows how to build and repair, working on Omega Supreme and trying to get it online. Then Ratchet came up to Perceptor as he said.

Ratchet: Look you need to tell me what is your connection to Omega Supreme and how come it's here?

Perceptor: It's a long story.

Ratchet: (chuckle) Well it seems we have plenty of time.

Perceptor looks down at his data pad and let's out a sigh as he place it on the table as he tells Ratchet.

Perceptor: What was before the Decepticons strike on Cybertron. Attentions were rising after Megatron's threats on the Hugh Council and many of his followers join the Decepticon cost. It was when they decided to construct gaint Cybertronian guardians that has only one programming which is to protect Cybertron from any threats. In order to do this many scientists came together to work on this project called Project: Omega Sentinels. I was one of them and everything would have been successful and the war would have end early.....if weren't for a close friend of mine.....who betrayed me and.....all of us.

To be continued...................................

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