S1E24: Kanto Grand festival (Arc 1)

(Indigo Plateau Confernce)

It was a sunny day as we see the large city where the Kanto Grand festival is taking place and the Indigo Plateau conference is taking place. This is where pokemon trainers within Kanto gather together and battle each other in a pokemon battle and winner will be the champion of Kanto and that is where Ash is taking part as we cut to a hotel where we see Ash, Pikachu, Brock, Misty, Togepi, Alex, Ben, Verity, Sorrel and Professor Oak is at as we see them sit down on a table as Alex ask Ash.

Alex: (smile) You think you have a chance to win? There's gonna be a lot of strong trainers gonna be there?

Ash: (smile) Sure I will, my pokemon team will win for sure, ain't that right Pikachu?

Pikachu: (smile) Pikachu!

Misty: So is any of the Autobots gonna watch?

Verity: Y/n ans his team are here and during the ride we told them what it is and they find it pretty interesting.

Sorrel: The rest are busy trying to locate any Decepticons that may try to attack.

Oak: Well let's just hope those Decepticons won't attack here.

Brock: Knowing about those Decepticons, they will attack anything they want.

Misty: Agree.

Alex: Say where is your mother Ash? Isn't she not suppose to be here?

Ash points over to where the kitchen is at which they look over to see Delia in there cooking some food while the chiefs were a bit surprised by this.

Alex: Oh....there she is.

Verity: (smile) You have a nice mother.

Sorrel: Agree.

Ash: (nervous smile) Still it's a bit embarrassing.

Pikachu: Pika.

Once they have theie meals they make their way to the elevator which open right in front of them. They enter and Alex pushed a button but before the doors close they heard.

???: Hey hold the door will you!

Alex holds the door and a male trainer rush inside the elevator and o ce he is inside he let's the door close as he looks up at them.

???: (smile) Thanks for that, thought I didn't make it.

Alex: (smile) No problem.

Verity: Hey you look similar to Ash a bit. The hat, the bag and everything else.

Misty: (smile) Ah I see what you mean. How convenient.

Richie: (smile) Guess you can say that. The names Richie, nice to meet you.

Oak: (smile) Same to you, so are you competing the Indigo Plateau Conference?

Richie: (smile) Yeah, we have been travelling a lot but now it's time to see what my team has.

Ash: (smile) Like the sound of that.

Soon the elevator doors open and they make their way out of the hotel when Y/n drives up to them and he informs them.

Y/n: Guys you gonna come and see this.

Alex: What is it Y/n?

Y/n: We detected a Decepticon within this city and we figured they are up to no good. I have my team to secure the city and-

Richie: (surprised) Whoa you got an Autobot as well!

They all turn to Richie with a surprise look on their faces and then Y/n ask.

Y/n: Um you know what the Autobots are?

Richie: (smile) Let's just say I have two of them which they are somewhere in this city.

Y/n: Right. Anyways I have a lock on the singal so we should check it out.

Alex: Alright then.

Ash: (smile) Me and Pikachu will come with you.

Richie: Can I help?

Alex: (smile) Sure thing.

Sorrel: Guess we go explore around the city.

Misty: (smile) We'll update you about the next match.

Ash: (smile) Thanks.

Y/n: Well let's roll out!

(Minutes later)

Y/n pull up at a park as Alex, Ben, Ash, Pikachu and Richie got out and look over to see a large crowd around what looks like a track that is attached to a trailer as Ash, Richie and Alex walk up to the crowd and see what seems like two people along with their Meowth calling out to everyone while the rest put their pokeballs inside the bag they have.

Alex: Wonder what's going on?

Ash: No idea but it seems everything is alright.

Richie: I don't think so. Those people look familiar.

???: Please put all pokemon for an exam for all trainers taking part in the Indigo Plateau Conference. Any all trainers fail to do so shall be kicked out of the championship.

Alex: Wait I never hear that before?

Ash: Same.

The two employees go around as trainers tossed their pokeballs into the bag until it got to Ash, Richie and Alex.

??? 2: Put your pokemons into the bag please.

Ash did so and then the female employee bends down to Pikachu while she said.

???: (smile) And let me take your Pikachu for a bit.

Ash: I rather not do that if I were-

But she touched Pikachu and then Pikachu thunder bolt her which shocks her and then throws Pikachu into the bag.

??? 2: (smile) Look Jessie we got Pikachu!

Alex: Wait did you call her Jessie?!

Richie: Yeah and aren't you guys from Team Rocket?

The two were shocked and now their cover is blown which ment the truck they have transforms to reveal himself to be Motormaster as the crowd of people were shocked by this and start to run.

Motormaster: Seems like our cover is blown but it won't matter now. We have what we need and now we make our leave.

Y/n: I don't think so!

Then Y/n drives towards them and transforms into bot form and kicks Motormaster, sending him flying back and crashing onto the ground. Then he pulls out his rifle and aims it at Jessie and James.

Y/n: You be wise to drop the bag.

Suddenly he was hit by Dead-end who came out of nowhere as Y/n was sent flying and land hard onto thr ground while Dead-end transforms into his bot form while the other Stunticons arrive as they transform into their bot forms while Y/n slowly gets up.

Breakdown: (smirk) Looks like this ain't your day Autobot.

Jessie: We don't have time for a fight!

James: We have the pokemon so let's just get out of here!

Meowth: Transform already and get us out of here!

Breakdown: Don't tell us what to do!

Suddenly a rocky hits Breakdown from behind while the others turn around and they were surprised to see two flying cars heading towards them.

Ash: (surprised) Are those flying cars?!

Richie: (smile) They came!

Alex: You know them?

Richie: (smile) Yep.

Then the red flying car transform into its bot form as she flies down and kicks Drag strip in the face and then lands on the ground and then punches Wildride while she called out.

Road Rage: (smirk) Now that's how you make a entrance! Take that you Decepticon creeps!

Breakdown charges towards her only to get shot a few times while a blue Autobot came out and fired a few shots at Breakdown.

Tracks: Please Road Rage try to be less aggressive. I don't want them to be mad and ruin my beautiful paint job.

Breakdown charge towards him but Road Rage lands a punch at Breakdown and then points at Tracks and tells him.

Road Rage: Shut it Tracks, I haven't beaten any Decepticons for a while so let me enjoy this day.

She then beats up the other Stunticons as they were thrown towards Motormaster and piled up each other as Road Rage dust off her metal hands and then looks down at Team Rocket and them aims her blaster at them and said.

Road Rage: (smirk) Now don't make me mad and be wise to drop the bag.

Without a word they did so and they start running away while the Stunticons fall back while Y/n walks up to them.

Y/n: (smile) Tracks, Road Rage nice to see you two here.

Tracks: (smile) Nice to meet you as well. I see your paint job is not ruined that's good.

Road Rage: (smirk) Did you see them running away? Such cowards.

Alex opens the bag and let Pikachu go which he leaps out while Ash hugs him while Tracks ans Road Rage sees this and asked Richie.

Road Rage: You know these humans Richie?

Richie: (smile) They are my new friends.

Y/n: So you two know Richie?

Road Rage: (smirk) Yep. When we crash landed on Earth, Richie was the first to find us and we became friends since then.

Tracks: We've travelled around this planet and seen many things and many.....disgusting things.

Y/n: (smile) Sounds pretty nice.

Ash: So how can you guys can fly?

Road Rage: We modified our vehicle forms to be able to fly. Not all Cybertronians can do that but some do.

Ash: (surprised) Whoa that's cool!

Richie: (smile) Yep its pretty useful to get through things that is impossible for vehicles to get pass.

Road Rage: Yeah like traffic. Primus I hate traffic, I mean if it's green than vehicle should go, not standing around and look at the clouds!

Alex: So guess we call Officer Jenny and tell her about what happened.

Y/n: Good idea and return the pokeballs to the other trainers.

Ash, Alex and Richie: Right.

(Sometime later)

We see Y/n and his team at an abandoned warehouse were they set up their small base and connected Optimus prime and once he appear on the screen, he tells them about the Stunticons and the arrival of Road Rage and Tracks and after that he said.

Optimus prime: (transmission) It's good to see new Autobots arriving on earth. Welcome.

Tracks: (smile) Thank you sir.

Road Rage: (smirk) Nice to see your still function sir.

Optimus prime: (transmission) Still I was actually contacting you about something Y/n.

Y/n: What is it sir?

Optimus prime: (transmission) We have detected a massive amount of Energon located where New Islands are at.

Y/n: New Island's? You mean that location where we battled Mewtwo?

Optimus prime: (transmission) That is correct. Disbite Mewtwo destroying everything so the Decepticons will not use it, we detected a massive amount of Energon at that area.

Turbospike: Must be their warship?

Optimus prime: (transmission) Maybe but I have a feeling Megatron is up to something and we need ti be ready for anything. Right now I've sent a few Autobots to investigate the island and report on their findings.

Y/n: So what do you us to do sir?

Optimus prime: (transmission) For now you keep watch and keep an eye on any Decepticon activities. If by any chance the Decepticons plan to make a strike then all humans and pokemons will be killed.

Y/n: This city is huge, there will be a lot of humans and pokemon that will be killed.

Optimus prime: (transmission) Agree. For now stay safe and good luck.

The transmission ends as Y/n turns to Road Rage and Tracks and tells them.

Y/n: Glad to have you two here. We need all the help we have if the Decepticons plans to attack here.

Tracks: (smile) No problem Y/n. We will make sure those Decepticons won't attack here.

Road Rage: (smirk) Because they are gonna be beaten by me! Haha!

Madison: So guess we enjoy the festival?

Y/n: Yeah but keep our guards up. We don't know when those Decepticons may strike. The Stunticons maybe the scouts so we must be alart for a full on attack by the Decepticons no matter what.

(New Island's)

It was night as we see New Island's being empty as a ground bridge open and four Autobots walk out of the Ground bridge and step onto the island and look around.

Sixgun: Looks like there's nothing here. This island gives me the creeps a bit.

Cog: Still Optimus wants us to secure the Island and make see what the Decepticons are up to.

Huffer: But there's nothing here. Just dirt, grass and......more dirt. This is stupid, let's just tell prime that everything is fine and get a power sleep.

Getaway: We have a job to do Huffer. Look as soon we look around and find out what the Decepticons, we go back to the Ark and enjoy our power nap.

Huffer: Let's hope so.

The four look around, trying to find anything suspicious but after a while of looking around there ie nothing. Before any of them can report back however the island beneath them started to shake which made them nearly fell onto thr ground.

Getaway: What in the world of Primus was that?!

Huffer: No idea. Must be a Earthquake?

Cog: No I think it's something-

Suddenly the island shook once more but this time very violent now and soon cracks start to appear onto the ground as they immediately sees this and then Getaway radios in.

Getaway: This is Getaway we need a ground bridge now!

Soon a ground bridge open and once Getaway sees this the cracks starts to open and splitting the island apart.

Getaway: Autobots get to the grounr Bridge! Go Go Go!!!

They race towards the ground bridge, leaping and jumping through the cracks while racing towards the Ground bridge. Them Cog leaps over but missed and grabs on the edge and calls out for help. Sixgun and Getaway sees this and rushed over and grabs Cog and help him up.

Cog: Thanks for that.

Getaway: Come on! We gonna move now!

They race towards the ground bridge as Huffer made it through first while the trio were racing towards it but the island starts to destroy itself and it looks like they can't make it.

So Getaway pushes Cog and Sixgun into the ground bridge and they got through while Getaway leaps up into the air and made it through the ground bridge as the ground bridge closes while New Island's gets destroyed as rubble fell into the waters while something huge rasies up from the sea. Yellow glowing ears, a huge Decepticon logo is seen and a large tail splashes out of the water as a huge creature comes out of the water and then made a huge roar that cost the ocean to be violently wash away as the creature roars while we see the Nemesis peak out from the clouds above the creature as we cut to the bridge to see Megatron as he smirks.

Then Soundwave approaches him and tells Megatron.

Soundwave: Lord Megatron, his systems are online and ready for battle.

Megatron: (smirk) Good. Now it's time we introduce ourselves to the humans and pokemon of this world.

Soundwave: According to the news there is a festival happening in a huge city. I will sent the coordinations.

Megatron: (smirk) Perfect. This will be the day the Decepticons will take over this planet and the Autobots will be wiped out once and for all! Now my Decepticon forces, let us transform and rise up as we destroy Optimus and his Autobots once and for all!!!!

They cried out as they cheered and once that the Nemesis flies towards the location while we see the large creature under water once again but this time swimming as it follow the Nemesis so they can introduce themselves to the humans and pokemon of the planet and will take over planet Earth and wipe out their enemies once and for all.

To be continued...........................................

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