S1E23: Rise of the Dinobots


We see Verity taking the walk down through the halls of the Ark with her Piplub beside her as they were making their walk while Verity look around as she tells her Piplub.

Verity: (smile) Whoa this Ark just gets bigger and bigger by the minute. It feels like we've been walking for hours.

Piplub: Piplub.

Verity: (smile) Still I wonder what else this Ark holds?

Piplub wonders himself, then Piplub spotted something and race over which Verity noticed Piplub rushing off and asked Piplub.

Verity: Hey what's up?

She followed Piplub and soon she finds Piplub standing in front of a door that has a weird Autobot like symbol in front of the door as Verity catch up with her Piplub and noticed the door as well.

Verity: Huh I wonder whats behind this door?

Piplub: Piplub?

Verity walks towards the door as she stare at the door and wondering what's inside. Suddenly the two heard something that sounded like a large stomp onto the floor which made Verity and Piplub step back a bit and soon there was a growl which made both Verity and Piplub nervous.

Soon the large footsteps walk towards the door and suddenly the door opens and a very huge bot step out of the room as he look around and then look down and noticed Verity and Piplub as they stare right back at this bot.

Verity: (nervous) Uuummmmm......hi?

The bot stare at her a bit more and then he'll kneel down and gets close to Verity and Piplub as he spoke to them.

???: Wh-What are you two?

Verity: (nervous) I-I guess we never met Huh?

???: No.....we haven't.

Verity: Well my name is Verity and this is my pokemon, Piplub. What's your name?

Grimlock: My name is.....Grimlock. leader of the Dinobots.

Verity: (smile) Grimlock Huh? That sounds like a cool name.

Grimlock stare at her a bit when someone came up to them as they turn to see Y/n looking down at his data pad while he ask.

Y/n: Hey Verity and Piplub, Alex wants to know when you want to join him and Sorrel to catch some pokemon at Pallet tow-

When he look up to talk to her he stopped when he noticed Grimlock as he looked shocked while Grimlock stare at him back.

Y/n: (shocked) Well......good morning Grimlock.....did you sleep well?


We see the four at the bridge where Y/n shows Optimus prime that Grimlock is awake which pleased Optimus prime as he approaches Grimlock and grabs him by the shoulder while he tells Grimlock.

Optimus prime: It's good to see you Grimlock. I always knew you'll and your team be functional.

Grimlock: Thank you Optimus. I am ready for battle but my team needs time to repair.

Optimus prime: I understand completely.

Verity: Grimlock is a bit bigger then Optimus Prime.

Y/n: Yeah Grimlock is the leader of a elite team known as the Dinobots. During the war on Cybertron they were sent into battle to hold off Decepticon forces and give time for the Autobots to escape.

Verity: (surprised) Wow that's cool.

Y/n: It was but soon they were ambush by Decepticon forces and they were taking to Shockwave and he did....terrible things to him and to his team.

Verity: That's sad.

Grimlock: Shockwave will pay for ruined us. He will be destroyed.

Optimus prime: I know your still upset but don't let your revenge get to you. Right now you need time relax and get your strength back.

Grimlock: Sure, whatever you say Prime.

Y/n: Say sir, maybe I can take Grimlock to Pallet Town and show him planet Earth.

Optimus prime: That sounds like a good idea. I have Ratchet ready the ground bridge.

Y/n: Thank you sir. (Turns to Grimlock) Looks like you be coming with us to see the world.

Grimlock: Is it nice?

Verity: (smile) Of course it is. You will love it.

Grimlock: R-Right.

(Location: Pallet Town)

We see a nice town of Pallet Town and outside of of Pallet Town we see Alex and Ban trying to catch a Pidgey with Zai as Zai dodges Pidgey's tackle and then Alex calls out an attack to Zai which he rushes towards Pidgey and used Fury swipe which deals some damages to Pidgey and cost him to fell onto thr ground.

Alex: (smirk) Alright! Pokeball go!

He tossed the Pokeball at Pidgey and once hit Pidgey gets sucked into the Pokeball as the Pokeball landed onto the floor and shake a few times and soon Alex successfully catches a Pidgey which Alex walks up towards the Pokeball and picked it up and smiled.

Y/n: (smile) Looks like we got a new friend. I'm gonna name this one......Sky-Hawk.

Zai and Ben glad to have anew friend and once that they return back to Ash's home where we see Bumblebee and Hot Rod looking at the plants and flowers as Hot Rod ask.

Hot Rod: So is this what other humans do at home? It's not much what I've suspected to be.

???: Sometimes you need to find a hobby that is nice. It's pretty nice if you don't have something to do.

We see Ash's mother named Delia leaves her garden and enters inside where we see Brock, Sorrel, Misty and Ash are hanging about as she step inside with her Mr. Mime and ask everybody.

Delia: (smile) How is everyone else doing?

Mr. Mime: (smile) Mr. Mime.

Brock: (smile) Doing great.

Sorrel: Yeah sorry if we're a bother.

Delia: (smile) Oh don't you worry I like Ash making some friends. Especially surprising friends. The first time I seen Hot Rod and the others I was shocked but after Ash told me about them I allow them to be his friends

Sorrel: That's good to hear.

Alex: (smile) We're back!

Then Alex, Zai and Ben came inside the house and once he closes the door he tells everyone.

Alex: (smile) I got myself a Pidgey who I named him Sky-Hawk. Pretty cool name right.

Misty: (smile) That's cool. I remember Ash trying to catch a Pidgey and it ended pretty badly.

Ash: It was my first time!

Delia: (giggle) Sometimes you can't catch on your first day.

Alex: (nervous smile) Yeah I would know.

Hot Rod: (surprised) Wow!

They turn outside so they step outside to see Hot Rod, Sideswipe, Bumblebee and Jazz looking at something which they look over and they were shocked to see Y/n and Verity along with Grimlock as they apoorches them as Grimlock looks down to see more humans and pokemon.

Y/n: (smile) Everyone this is Grimlock, leader of the Dinobots. Grimlock, these are our human and pokemon friends.

Grimlock: Nice to meet you.

Ash: (surprised) Wow he's bigger then Optimus prime!

Verity: (smile) That's what I was thinking.

Delia: (smile) Oh my what a surprise.

Mr. Mime: (surprised) Mr. Mime!

Grimlock looks around Pallet Town and finds it very peaceful as he walk pass them and looks around.

Grimlock: So this is Pallet Town?

Y/n: (smile) Yep. It's very peaceful don't you think so?

Grimlock: Yes. Very peaceful.

Brock: So where did he come from?

Bumblebee: He along with his team were in the Ark when we were launched. They were found in Shockwaves lab and did terrible things to him and to his team.


He slowly forms a fist while he shakes it in anger as flashes of Shockwave did horrible things to him and to his team appear in his head. Then he can't take it and yells out in anger.

Grimlock: (Anger) SHOCKWAVE!!!!!!!!!

Everyone was a bit scared when he yell out in anger as Jazz rush up to Grimlock and tells him.

Jazz: Hey Grimlock try to chill alright? Shockwave isn't here and he's not gonna harm you or your team anymore.

Grimlock: Yeah......Yeah.....you're right.

Misty: Poor Grimlock. It must have been horrible.

Sideswipe: Yeah. Grimlock and his team been through a lot back on Cybertron more then anyone of us.

Misty: That's so sad.

Togepi: Togepi.

Y/n: Say where's my team?

Delia: At Professor Oak's lab with Perceptor.

Y/n: Say Grimlock, wanna come and see even more pokemon?

Grimlock: Okay.

Ash: (smile) It be great! Let's go!

Pikachu: (smile) Pikachu!

(Professor Oak's lab)

We see Turbospike, Madison, Joshua and Zero at the back of Professor Oaks lab looking at the pokemons run anout while we see Oak with Perceptor as Perceptor scans all the pokemon while Oak came up beside him as he ask him.

Oak: (smile) So what do you think about my lab?

Perceptor: (smile) I must say I am very interested about your research on pokemon as well as all of these pokemon many trainers have catched.

Oak: (smile) Some pokemons were even catched by my grandson. He's not here right now but if he was, he'll be surprised to see you five at my lab.

Perceptor: (smile) Bet he will.

Turbospike: (apoorches them) Yo Oak what's with all the Tauros?

Oak: (smile) Oh I believe Ash cought them all during his journey.

Turbospike: Since when?

Oak: Huh well I can't seem to remember myself but I think it has to do with a guy who wielded a gun?

Perceptor: That sounds......interesting.

Y/n: Hey guys!

They all look over to see Y/n, Ash, Misty, Brock, Pikachu, Togepi, Alex, Ben, Verity and Sorrel walk towards them with Grimlock with them which they looked shocked to see Grimlock. Madison, Zero and Joshua sees Grimlock and walks up to them.

Madison: (smile) Wow Grimlock! It's very nice to see you again.

Turbospike: (smirk) Your still active as always. How is it been?

Grimlock: Good. Very good.

He turn to see all the pokemon and take a few steps forward as he look around to see many pokemons running about and enjoying themselves while Grimlock feels peaceful whioe the rest stare at him.

Oak: Is he alright?

Y/n: He's been through a lot back on Cybertron. I would tell you more but I don't want to trigger him.

Oak: I see. Well it's good to see a new friend here at my lab.

Ash: (smile) Yeah.

Pikachu: (smile) Pikachu.

Grimlock continues to stare at all the pokemon for a bit until he and the others heard something and look up to see something flying down towards them.

Y/n: Oh scrap! It's Starscream!

Oak: Is he another friend?

Turbospike: Not really.

Soon Starscream and his seekers open fire at them. Y/n and his team protected Ash and the others whioe the Pokemons run away from the incoming explosions while Grimlock watched in shock.

Soon Starscream and his seekers transform into their bot forms as they land onto the ground as Starscream stood up and calls out.

Starscream: (smirk) Looks like we caught you Autobots in a bad time. Enjoying your break?

Y/n: We're were doing fine when you show up Starscream.

???: Don't forget about us.

Suddenly a long hand grabs Ash's Pikachu and pulled him away as they soon see Team Rockets balloon hover over Starscream and his seekers.

Ash: It's Team Rocket!

Turbospike: Wait? Isn't that the same Balloon we saw before?

Madison: Looks like it alright.

Starscream: (aims his arm blaster) Now you Autobots, surrender your pokemons or we will-

Jessie: Prepare for trouble!

James: And make it double!

Starscream: Um....what the scrap are you two do-

Jessie: To protect the world from devastation!

James: To unit all peoples within our nation!

Starscream: What are they doing?

Skywarp: I think they are doing a roll call I guess?

Thundercracker: (smile) Huh it sounds good.

Jessie: To Denounce the evils of truth and love!

James: To extend our reach to the stars above!

Jessie: Jessie!

James: James!

Jessie: Team Rocket blasting off in the speed of light!

James: Surrender now or prepare for a fight!

Meowth: Meowth that's right!

Thundercracker: (surprised) Whoa that was amazing! Hey we should do our own roll call just like them!

Thundercracker: Sounds stupid.

Starscream: Indeed now shut up and force on the enemy!

Y/n: Nice team work skills Starscream.

Starscream: Be quiet! We be taking these pokemon and give them to Lord Megatron! As for you Autobots, you will be sent into the scrapyard!

Starscream and his seekers open fire at them which they return fire while some seekers have net guns that they shoot out to catch as many pokemon they can find and if they struggle, they shock them in electricity and pull them towards them.

Grimlock: Decepticons.....how dare they.....they will pay!!!!!!!

Grimlock pulls out his sword and charge towards the seekers as he tackle one away while he turn and cuts down a Seeker with one slice. He the rips open the net and set the pokemons all free which Jessie, James and Meowth sees this while Meowth is holding Pikachu inside of a glass case.

Meowth: Where did he come from?

James: Huh it looks like they gotten a new friend.

Jessie: Hey would someone take care with that bot!

Starscream: Hey I give the orders around here! Would someone take care with that bot!

The seekers start to open fire at Grimlock which he gets shot several times but he doesn't back down as he summons his shield and blocks the incoming shots and then he gose on to cut them with his sword, stabbing them and tearing them apart as he tossed their bodies away.

Soon the seekers start to fire rockets at Grimlock which feals some damage to Grimlock as he stumble back and kneel down which Verity sees this. Not wanted Grimlock to die she rushes towards him while the others called out to her.

Alex: Verity come back! It's too dangerous!

Grimlock stood up and ripped off a seekers arm off and then stomp on another seeker with his foot but more rockets were fired at him and it hit him, dealing some damages to Grimlock as he fell back and land hard onto thr ground.

Verity: Grimlock!

She rushed up to Grimlock and seeing he is leaking out energon which she tells Grimlock.

Verity: Grimlock hold tight. You will make it.

Grimlock: Verity?

Verity: (smile) Don't you worry. I won't leave you no matter what. I won't let you be captured again.

Grimlock stare at her, surprised by her words when a seekers swiped her away with his hand, sending her flying as she land hard onto the ground.

She slowly gets up while being injured which Grimlock sees this as he forms a fist of anger and grabs a seekers leg and tossed him towards the others and then let out a roar.

Grimlock: (anger) Grimlock will destroy you all!!!

Then Grimlock transforms for the first time ever as he transforms into a large T-Rex as he let out a mighty roar which shooting out flames pit of his mouth.

Jessie: (shocked) Okay never seen that before!

James: (shocked) I know. I was suspected it to turn into a huge call.

Meowth: (scared) We might be in trouble.

Then Grimlock fired his flames at Team Rockets balloon which cost them to fell ans crashed onto the ground, shattering Pikachu's prison as he rushes back to Ash while Grimlock gose on to stomp on Decepticon seekers, biting them and sending them flying as he throw them away.

Skywarp: Maybe this plan ain't as thought out as you are hoped Starscream.

Starscream: (anger) Decepticon's retreat!

They transform into jet forms and fly away while Grimlock apoorches Team Rocket as they came out of their burned Balloon as they see Grimlock and were scared. Grimlock stare at them and then turns and hits them with his tail, sending them flying into the air.

Jessie, James and Meowth: (flying away) Looks like  Team rocket is blasting off again!!

Once they were gone Grimlock let out a roar of victory and then apoorches Verity as Alex and Sorrel were helping her up.

Grimlock: Are you....okay?

Verity: (smile) Yeah I'm fine.

Alex: (surprised) I never knew you can transform into a huge beast!

Grimlock: This is what Shockwave did to us. Made us into monsters and now you see me in my beast form, you may think I'm a monster as well.

Verity: (smile) No. We don't see you as a monster. Your great whatever you are.

Grimlock: Really?

Verity: (smile) Of course. Besides you protected all the pokemon just like an Autobot. Even if Shockwave changed you and your team, your still a Autobot no matter what.

Alex: (smile) Yeah always.

Sorrel: (smile) Agree.

Grimlock is surprised by as the other pokemon gather around Grimlock, wanted to thank him which he looked surprised to see while the others watched and smiled as Grimlock sees no one doesn't see him as a monster and as such he let out a mighty roar to show his honour towards the Autobots and to his new human and pokemon friends.

To be continued......................................

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