S1E21: Night of the monsterbots (Halloween special)

(Location: Ark)

It was a dark and spooky night as we see the Ark where the Autobots are seen putting up some Halloween decorations on the walls of the Ark. They don't know what Halloween was about but Ash, Misty and Brock told them what Halloween was about and so they decided to put some Halloween decorations as well setting up a party to celebrate this spooky holiday.

At the storage room we see Misty and Ash putting on Pikachu and Togepi's costumes on while Brock was with them. Soon Jazz and Bumpstead walk up to them and Jazz ask them.

Jazz: So what are you two doing?

Misty: (smile) Putting on their costumes.

Ash: (smile) Yeah, every trainer always has their pokemon dress up for Halloween to make them scary.

Jazz: Huh that explains all those kids and pokemon wearing some kind of weird clothes.

Bumblebee: What do humans and pokemon do while they dress up?

Misty: (smile) We go to people's doors and knock at them and they give us candy.

Bumblebee: (smile) Whoa that sounds fun.

Jazz: (smile) I may not know what candy taste like but I bet they are delicious since all kids like it.

Misty: (smile) Yep. And Togepi is done!

She was done putting on Togepi's custom as Togepi excited by his custom and was very much happy about it.

Jazz: (smile) That's amazing Misty.

Bumblebee: (smile) Yeah nice work.

Misty: (smile) Togepi looks sooo cute!

Ash: (smirk) You do know Halloween costumes are supposes to be scary and not cute.

Misty: It can always be cute as well!

Ash: (smirk) Well Pikachu's custom is better ain't that right Pikachu?

Pikachu: (smile) Pika!

Brock: (smile) That looks good Ash.

Misty: (smirk) Even though he's not scary.

Ash: He is!

Jazz: Alright let's not start a fight on this day. We should be enjoying this day and lucky nothing will not go wrong.

Suddenly the power to the whole Ark came off, leaving everything into complete darkness. Soon Jazz and Bumblebee turn on their head lights and scan around the dark storage room.

Ash: Nice one Jazz.

Misty: How did the power went out?

Brock: Maybe it's just a simple power out?

Bumblebee: I don't think so. Something must have happened at the engine room.

Jazz: Possibly. Come on, let's head over there and check it out.

They agree and they make their way out of the storage room and into the hallway as they scan around, trying to spot any Autobots but there was no one.

Brock: Where is everyone?

Bumblebee: I remember them setting up the party at the hanger. If the power is out then that would mean the hanger is locked until the power is back on.

Jazz: Which ment most od the Autobots are trapped in there for a while. But I'm sure we be fine.

They keep on walking and soon heard something crawling through the vent as they stop and listen as they hear something crawling through the vents above them which made Misty scared.

Misty: (scared) Okay this has to be a joke, right?

Jazz: Wish it was a joke. This is starting to get spooky by the minute.

They continue on and soon they made it to the engine room and they realised the doors are shut and there is no way to get inside. Jazz tries forcing the door open but that didn't work.

Jazz: Scrap. Seems like those doors ain't moving.

Bumblebee: How do we get inside?

Jazz: Hmm I don't know. These doors won't open unless we have some electricity to power it up.

Ash: Wait Pikachu can do that! Pikachu use thunder bolt!

Pikachu nodes and uses thunder bolt at the console which it worked as the door slides open.

Jazz: (smile) Nice thinking Ash and Pikachu!

The two smiled and then they head inside and search around, trying to find the cost for the power out. It wasn't long for them to find out what happened as they see the controls to the power is destroyed as they approach and look at the damage.

Jazz: Now this is weird. The controls are busted.

Brock: Like destroyed?

Jazz: Not destroyed. The keypads are broken and there is many dents around it. Looks like someone wants to keep light off for good.

Ash: But who would have done such a thing?

Jazz: (kneel down) It has to be a bot who is strong. A bot must have done this.

Misty: Can it be a Decepticon?

Bumblebee: If they knew we were here, they would have attacked us by now. No, this has to be a bot within the Ark but who?

Before they can figure out who could have done this, they suddenly heard something move behind Bumblebee which they turn around and sees something moving which Jazz and Bumblebee pulled out their guns and aim at the darkness where the movement is coming from.

Jazz: Okay then, come out and put your hands up.

There was slince for a moment but soon they can hear something moving towards them and it sounded like a group of them as Jazz tells them.

Jazz: That's right, cone on out and we can.....can.....what the primus?!

Ash, Misty and Brock were shocked and scared as the three figures came out from the darkness onky to reveal huge metal monsters as they step out from the darkness.

Bumblebee: (shocked) What are those things?!

Jazz: No idea. I've never seen them before.

Suddenly they let out a loud roar and the two headed dragon charge towards them which Jazz fired at it but the bolts doesn't phase it and slammed Jazz with it's head and sent him flying and crashing onto the wall.

Bumblebee: Jazz!

Bumblebee turn and fired a few bolts but this doesn't phase them and it only make them mad and charge towards Bumblebee but he moves out of the way and fired a few bolts at them.

Ash and the others rush towards Jazz as Jazz groans a bit and slowly gets up.

Ash: You okay?

Pikachu: Pika.

Jazz: Yeah I'm fine. Those things pack a punch.

Brock: We can't win like this. We need to get out of here.

Jazz: Right. Bumblebee let's get out of here and think of a plan.

Bumblebee: Right.

Bumblebee leaps back and transform into hid vehicle form including Jazz. Once Ash and the others are inside of him the two drive off out of the engine room with the metal monsters chasing after them.

The two race through the halls od the Ark while the metal monsters were chasing them.

Ash: They're following us!

Jazz: We need to find a way to beat them.

Bumblebee: Yeah and ans fast. Who knows how much destruction they would cost if they were let out to the world.

Jazz: Agree. We have to keep them away from any exits otherwise the world will have the fright of of their life.

Then the bug like monster leaps over and lands in front of them which Bumblebee dodges but Jazz was not so lucky as the bug like monster kicks Jazz, sending him, Ash, Misty, Brock, Pikachu and Togepi flying and soon they crash onto the ground.

Ash and the others slowly woke up after theie crash and they realised Jazz's headlights were off.

Ash: Jazz wake up! Jazz!

The headlights flicker on and once it lights up they were faced by the large dragon like metal monster as it let out a mighty roar at them.

Ash, Misty and Brock: (scared) AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!

Before the metal monster would do anything a rocket came out of nowhere and hits the metal monster including the others as well.

???: Hey Monsterbots!

They turn and they see Hound as he step out with weapons in hand as he aimed at them and then tells them.

Hound: Trick or treat this.

He fired his machine gun at them which the monsterbots step away while Hound continues whioe he fired his missiles at them which felt some damage to it and soon they pull back and disappeared from the darkness.

Ash and the others got out as Jazz transforms into hid bot form while Hound and Bumblebee approaches them.

Jazz: Thanks for the save Hound. I own you one.

Hound: (smirk) Can't let those monsterbots harm any of my friends.

Brock: Monsterbots?

Hound: Well that's for Wheeljack to explain. Follow me, he'll tell you everything.

Jazz: Alright then, let's see what Wheeljack have to say about this mess.

(Location: Wheeljack's workshop)

We see them at Wheeljack's workshop as Jazz is getting patched up by one of Jazz drones while the others were shown three empty stasis pods which contains three protoforms.

Brock: So let me get this straight. You created the monsterbots so they can be stronger, faster and powerful to the Autobots.

Wheeljack: Yes. We got these protoforms before we left Cybertron and I decided to use the data we have recovered from the archives and give them each beast forms that are based on the creatures from different plants.

Bumblebee: I can tell it didn't work?

Wheeljack: At first it was a success. The monsterbots were loyal, kind and their leader was pretty smart, probably smart like me! However when they turn into their beast forms......Well that's when things gone wrong.

Misty: What was the cost of it?

Wheeljack: Well transforming into their beast forms is very different and very dangerous. If you were a vehicle you can control yourself but in beast mode that's a different story. If they were in their beast form within 15 minutes then they start to change, turning into primal beast that wants to destroy and kill anything in sight.

Misty: So it's not their fault for attacking us. That's horrible.

Hound: I was with Wheeljack when it happened. I enter the room to ask Wheeljack about the party when those monsterbots attack me. Luckily I survived and I went out to find them and get them back in.

Wheeljack: My plan is to trap them in a glass case and use electricity to force them back into their bot forms. Once that they will gain control of it. Unfortunately without the power, I don't have any electricity to zap them once they are inside.

Pikachu: Pika Pika! Pikachu.

Ash: Yeah Pikachu is a electric type so he can power up your trap.

Wheeljack: Fantastic! Now we just need to lower them inro my trap. Those monster bots really like energon so we need to lower them in with some energon.

Bumblebee: There's some at the storage room.

Hound: Let's get up before those monsterbots get to it first.

Bumblebee: Right.

(Hours later)

We see them at the storage room as they set up the trap  and place some energon on top to each other while we see them hiding behind cover and wait for tne monsterbots to arrive.

Soon they hear something and soon the monsterbots came out and they make theie way towards the energon.

Wheeljack: (whisper) Wait for it. Wait for it.

Pikachu was placed on tired around him so he can shoot out thunder bolt as they wait for the monsterbots to get even closer and once they were in Wheeljack press the button and action the shield around them.

Wheeljack: Now!

Pikachu fired a bolt of electricity onto the wires which creates electricity inside the shield that zaps the monsterbots as they let out a roar while in pain.

They continue to roar as they stood their ground but Pikachu's bolts were getting strong and soon the monsterbots slowly start to transform into their bot form and soon they transform into their bot form.

Wheeljack: Okay you can stop it now.

Pikachu did so and he was tired as Ash picks him up as they approach the shield to see the monsterbots in their robot forms.

???: My head. What happened?

Wheeljack: You went berserk when you three transform into your beast forms.

???: (shocked) Really?! Scrap we're sorry about the trouble we have done.

Wheeljack: That's alright. Sometimes we all make mistakes.

Ash: So do you three have names?

Doublecross: Yeah my name is Doublecross.

Grotusque: I'm Grotusque.

Repugnus: And I'm Repugnus.

Jazz: Those are some names you three picked.

Wheeljack: Actually I give them their names. I figured their names would be cool. Now then, now your in control now, time to fix your best forma.

Doublecross: That would be very appreciate with it Wheeljack. Thank you.

Hound: While you do that, we get the power back on and get this party started.

Wheeljack: Right.

And so Wheeljack gose back to his workshop with the monsterbots and managed to fix their beast forms which allows the, to gain control of their beast forms while Hounds and the others heaf back to the engine room and they managed to get the power back online, just in time for the party to start.

(Location: Ark's hanger)

We see a lot of Autobots gathered at the hanger with some energon on the table as they start to dance as Blaster is on stage and playing his music along side Jigglypuff. Some Autobots were even dress up as they dance around and having fun while we see Alex, Verity, Sorrel and Ben with Ash and the others with Ben also dress up and looking very adorable with his custom on.

Alex: So you guys faced against the monsterbots? Whoa that's something.

Ash: (smile) Yeah but now they are good now.

Alex: Huh. And here I thought getting a lot of candy while trick or treating was some fun but I guess you guys have some fun.

Sorrel: (smile) You can say that again.

Verity: (smile) Agree.

Soon Y/n and Hot Rod approaches Ash and the others as they take a sip of their energon while Hot Rod ask them.

Hot Rod: Hey have you guys seen Jazz and Bumblebee anywhere?

Ash: I don't think so.

Y/n: Bet they're doing something. So what are you all talking about?

Misty: (smile) Let's just say we have a fright of our lives.

Y/n: (smile) No idea what that means but I can take it.

Jazz: Sorry we're late!

They look over and see Bumblebee and Jazz approach them while wearing their costumes like the other bots.

Bumblebee: (smile) Happy Halloween!

Verity: (smile) You two look amazing!

Misty: (smile) Yeah and cute!

Jazz: (smile) Well you can say this Halloween is the best.

Bumblebee: (smile) Yeah and this night is something to remember.

Y/n: (smile) Okay you all really need to tell us what happened otherwise I might not stop thinking about it.

Hot Rod: (smils) Yeah tell us!

And so they did while we see the monsterbots also enjoying the party as we see them have energon with them as they see the party going well.

Grotusque: I feel like we're not fit in with the other Autobots.

Repugnus: Yeah. They have vehicle forms while we have beast forms. We're like freaks to them.

Doublecross: Maybe but they did offer us to join the Autobots and we own Wheeljack for fixing our beast forms.

Repugnus: Guess your right Doublecross.

Grotusque: You think they will accept us?

Doublecross: Let's hope so. Well cheers.

Repugnus and Grotusque: Cheers!

They cheered and they enjoy the party with the other Autobots as they enjoy the Halloween night as they party throughout the night.

(Location: Nemesis)

Soundwave enters the bridge and make his way towards Megatron who is watching the monitors of humans trick of treating and find it pathetic so he turns it off and turns to Soundwave.

Megatron: What is it to report Soundwave?

Soundwave: Lord Megatron we have checked all security footage and trying to find out how the Autobot reinforcement arrived at New Island's and it seems all footage have been deleted.

Megatron: How can this happen?

Soundwave: Unknown Lord Megatron. We're trying to figure out what could have cost it and how.


Soundwave: Lord Megatron?

Megatron: I believe it wasn't cost by some malfunction or a mistake. I believe it was done on purpose. Soundwave gather all Decepticons to the Nemesis hangers tomorrow morning.

Soundwave: As you wish Lord Megatron.

Soundwave turns and walks away while Megatron turns to the veiw of the sky as Megatron says.

Megatron: I see now you have brought one of your spy on board my ship prime. I will find thid spy and when I will do, I will ripe out his spark.

To be continued.....................................

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