S1E20: Roll to the rescue
(Location: Valley Green city)
We see a crowd of people rushing and scream as they run away from a huge fire that has started as the windows burst while the people make their escape while fire fighters, ambulance and police arrived on the scene as Officer Jenny came out of her police car and sees the building on fire.
Jenny: Alright I want all fire fighters put down the fire as soon as possible! Ambulances treat the wounds as possible! Let's move people!
They node as the fire fighters took out the fire hose and spray out water at the fire with some releasing their water type Pokemons to help out as they use water gun to take out the fire.
The doctors gose around and treat the wounds and things seemed to be doing well. Suddenly the building exploded which made a huge wave that sent everyone back. The fire truck was hit and flipped over and crashed, crushing the fire fighters chief as he screams in pain.
Male fire fighter: Chief!
Then another explosion but this time huge rubble fell and hits onto most of the fire fighters as they fall unconscious or some where crushed from the huge rubble as they scream in pain.
Jenny sees this and realised that most of the fire fighters are down and there isn't enough ambulance to take them away to the hospital so she calls in through her radio.
Officer Jenny: This is Officer Jenny we need more fire fighters and Ambulances here right now! We have a few injured fire fighters here! We need more back up!
Suddenly sirens can be heard as she look over to see a rescue team driving towards them. Then to everyone's shock the five vehicles transformed into gaint robots as they rush into action as their leader called out.
Hot Spot: Groove, Streetwise, clear the streets so the humans won't be caught by any more explosions!
Groove: Yes sir!
Streetwise: You got it Hot Spot!
Hot Spot: First aid take the injured to the hospital as soon as you can!
First Aid: Right away Hot spot!
Hot Spot: Blades your with me. Protectobots let's do this!
People watched as Groove and Streetwise clear the area so there won't be any more injuries, First Aid transforms into a Ambulance and the doctors have no choice but to load the injured into him and he drives off, taking them to the hospital while Blades transformers inro his rescue Helicopter and shoots out water at the flames while Hot Spot also shoots out water as they shoot it at the fire and after a while the fire was gone and once that Hot Spot looks around to see the humans staring at them and then starred to clap and cheering.
Officer Jenny smiles and saluted to Hot Spot for his action which he saluted her back and once that the Protectobots transforms into their vehicle forms and return back to base.
(Location: Protectobots base)
We see the Protectobots base which was Logen's hanger that they are allow to use since Y/n's team won't be using it for now as we see the Protectobots relaxing after another day's done.
Soon Logen came into the hanger and walks towards them while he tells them.
Logen: (smile) Nicely done! The news are going crazy about a couple of robots took out a huge fire.
Hot Spot: We're just doing our job.
Streetwise: We have been doing this for a long time on Cybertron. We used to rescue and protect but when the war began we joined the Autobots to still protect and rescue.
Groove: We were more like soldiers then rescue bots but now we're protecting the lives of other humans and it felt good.
First Aid: I really missed those days. We didn't have to fight and just protect those that are needed.
Blades: Hey Hot Spot you think Optimus Prime is gonna check up on us?
Hot Spot: Maybe Blades. For now let's just wait and-
Suddenly their computer rings which Hot Spot answers and a screen of Optimus Prime appears as Hot Spot saluted him.
Hot Spot: (saluted) Optimus Prime.
Optimus Prime: (computer call) Hot Spot glad to see you and your team are feeling comfortable here with Dr Logen.
Hot Spot: Indeed sir, and the humans seemed to be getting used to us as we speak.
Optimus Prime: (computer Call) That's good to hear. Hot Spot the reason why I'm calling you is because we have several reports of a gang of fast vehicles that has been costing chaos throughout most cities.
First Aid: (walks up to Hot spots) May I ask what they look like?
Optimus Prime: (computer call) They are unknown at this minute First Aid. However many reports say they are lead by a huge black truck. They have been costing some damages and harm a few vehicles with their reckless driving. I just got a report that they will be coming here to cost more chaos.
Hot Spot: I'll have Groove, Blades and Streetwise patrol the city. We'll make sure they won't cost any more trouble.
Optimus Prime: (computer call) Good luck Protectobots and be safe. Optimus Prime out. (Call ends)
Hot Spot: (turns to Streetwise, Blades and Groove) You three, patrol the city for a gang of fast cars lead by a black truck. We monitor radio chatter and radio you three if they show up.
They node and transform into their vehicle forms and drive off ad Hot Spot looks through the monitors as Logen turn down First Aid and ask him.
Logen: Say I wanna ask you. You told me a while that your a pacifist right? Is it possible there is more like you?
First Aid: Actually there is one group called the Circle of life. Not all are pacifist but they do want to get away from the war. They were let by Dai Atlas who used to be senator of crystal city before the Decepticons destroyed it during the war.
Logen: How interesting, so robots doesn't want to kill each other.
First Aid: Um excuse me?
Logen: Oh I'm sorry about that! I really do like to research aliens from another planet and I'm interested how your world is similar to ours.
Hot Spot: Almost similar. You humans get along well while ours is nothing but violence and destruction.
They stare at Hot Spot which he turns to them and says.
Hot Spot: Sorry. Its just.....I've never seen something as so peaceful throughout my life. On Cybertron there was nothing but chaos, death and war. Just glad we're not in the middle of a warzone.
First Aid: Same here Hot Spot. Same here.
We see Streetwise and Groove driving down the street as they patrol the city while Blades flies around and doing the same as well. They were in theie vehicles modes as they drive down the street as they watch the humans walking about with some trainers with their pokemons.
Streetwise: Look at them. They are all happy and going about like nothing is happening.
Groove: Seems like it. This planet is glad they don't have to suffer a everlasting war like us.
Streetwise: Agree. You know, we haven't gotten any Decepticons activity for a while.
Groove: That's good. As long the Decepticons ain't gonna bother us. We should be fine.
Streetwise: I know but it's just that. They have been quiet and whatever is going on with them can't be good. They maybe planning something big, I just feel it.
Groove: Well let's hope that will never happen.
Blades: (coms) Streetwise, Groove, do you copy over?
Streetwise: Read you loud and clear Blades. What have you got for us?
Blades: (coms) Just spotted five vehicles racing down the street near you. Looks like they are the vehicles Optimus was taking about.
Streetwise: Right. Blades follow them in the sky while me and Groove will lower them somewhere that the humane won't get hurt. Let's do this!
Groove and Streetwise turn on their sirens and head to the area. Soon they see four fast cars and one huge blade truck speeding by them which the two slide to the left and chase after them.
They were on hot pursuit on them as Blades flies over them and calls out to them.
Blades: Slow down your vehicles and put your hands up!
The drives didn't say anything and they keep on racing through the city. Blades decided to cut them off so he flies over and hovers in front of them which force them to stop immediately as Groove and Streetwise spotted behind them and transform into their bot forms and aim their guns at the vehicles.
Streetwise: Get out of the vehicles and out your hands up!
The drivers didn't say anything or do anything. Blades transform into his bot form as they approach the vehicles and to their shock they transform, revealing themselves to be Decepticons.
Streetwise: Decepticons!
Motomaster: Stunticons! Destroy the Autobots!
The Stunticons open fire on them while Groove, Streetwise and Blades find cover and once they did they return fire as the Stunticons continues to fire on them.
Streetwise: Hot Spot, First Aid this is Streetwise! We're under fire by the Stunticons! We need back up here over!
Hot Spot: (coms) Hang tight! We're on our way!
Drag strip: Pathetic Autobots, we ruled the streets!
Dead end: Yeah you be best die soon or die in a slow painful death.
Breakdown: Boss we need to get out of here before more Autobots show up.
Wildrider: You kidding me! Let them come! I've been waiting to turn them into scrap!
Motormaster: Let's show these pathetic Autobots what they are dealing with. Stunticons form into Menasor!
Soon all five started to combine and once they are combined Menasor let's out a laughter as they turn to Groove, Streetwise and Blades as he tells them.
Menasor: Now you pathetic Autobots! Time for you three to be crushed by the might of Menasor!
Streetwise: Blades, Groove pull back! Pull back!
They did so while they continue to fire at Menasor as he stomps towards them, crushing any cars as he gets close and try to stomp on them but they moved out of the way.
They continue to fire on them while Hot Spot and Girst Aid arrived as they transform into their bot forms and sees Menasor.
First Aid: (shocked) The Stunticons!? I thought they were destroyed during the war?
Groove: They must have rebuild by the Decepticons.
Streetwise: And it looks like they are a lot more stronger now then before.
Blades: What's the plan Hot Spot.
Hot Spot: We can't allow the Stunticons destroy this city. Protectobots combine into Defensor!
The five of them start to combine and soon they combine into Defensor as he stood up and turns to Menasor.
Menasor: Even if your combine form you can never defeat us!
Defensor: That's where your wrong. You may have been rebuild and now stronger then ever, but we will stop you no matter what!
Menasor: Then die!
Menasor charge at Defensor and tackle him and gose on to punch him in the face several times but Defensor catches his fist and strikes a blow at Menasor which cost him to step back. Menasor gets in rage by this and charge towards Defensor while Defensor ready himself and once Menasor gets close, Defensor dodges his blow and lands a kick and then grabs Menasor's back snd tossed him away.
He crashed onto the ground but slowly gets up and pulls out a huge gun and fired a shot at Defensor which he dodges but the bladt hits a build board which collapse and falls down as a crowd of people gets away except for a child which she scream and ducked down.
But soon nothing happened and she looks back up to see Defensor grabbing hold of the build board so she won't get crush and then sets it down.
Menasor: Why do you always protect these pathetic humans!
Menasor fires a lot of missiles towards a crowd of humans which they scream onky for Defensor to get in front of them and summons a huge force feild and blocks the missiles.
The humans were shocked by this as Defensor charges towards Menasor and strikes a blow at him whioe he tells him.
Defensor: We will protect all life on this planet! As the Progrise, we will protect all life no matter the cost!
Defensor strike a few more blows at Menasor while Menasor pulls out his sword and tries to land a hit at Defensor but he dodges Menasor's strikes and then Defensor strikes several blows at Menasor a few times.
Then Defensor punches Menasor upwards in the face which cost Menasor to be sent flying and crash hard onto the ground. The Stunticons split apart and seeing they stand no chance they transform into their vehicle forms and ran away while Defensor watches them make their escape.
A crowd of people formed around Defensor while he turn to the humans. Seconds later they all started to cheer but this time even louder as Defensor smiles and gives them all a salute to show their loyalty towards both the Autobot cist and the humans and pokemon of this planet.
(Sometime later)
We see the Protectobots at the beack outside of the city as they watch the sunset as Blades tells the rest.
Blades: Looks lioe another day is saved.
Streetwise: Seems like it Blades. However I feel like those Stunticons might return to get revenge.
Groove: Agree. Those Stunticons will never forget about us. They will come back for revenge.
Hot Spot: Then let them come. Because as long we're here to protect the humans and pokemon, those Stunticons won't stand a chance.
First Aid: I still wonder who they got rebuild?
Hot Spot: We can never be sure how they got rebuild but it doesn't matter. Those Stunticons will try to rule the streets but we be there to protect the streets no matter what.
They agree with a node as the five Protectobots stare at the sunset before they head back to their base to report to Optimus Prime about their encounter with the Stunticons and tells them they did their job and that is to protect lives as the rescue bots.
(Location: Ark)
We see Y/n, Night-Claw, Abby, Alex and Ben walking down the halls of the base while Night-Claw and Abby starts to flirt with Y/n while Alex chuckles a but then Ben stopped and look at something which made Alex turn to see Ben stopping for some reason and walk up to him.
Alex: What's the matter Ben?
Alex looks at what Ben is looking at and he noticed something that I didn't see until now. They stare at it a bit until Y/n call out for him.
The two decided to continue to go with Y/n, Night-Claw and Abby as we see them catching up to them. We them glance at a unknown door and sees what Alex and Ben were looking at. Autobot like symbol that is different to the original symbol that is stuck onto a door.
We then take a look at inside of the room and we see some large melee weapons attached to walls and five Stasis pods which each have huge Autobots inside of the thick cold fog that is covering up the screen.
We then take a look at one of the Stasis pods and we see a huge Cybertronian with a faceplate, claws on his wrist and a golden lioe chest as we see his optic starts to flicker ever second while we here a heavy groan and soon the large Cybertronian spoke.
???:....Grimlock.....GrimLock......GrimLock will have......revenge on......Shockwave.
To be continued....................................
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