S1E2: Getting to know you allies and enemies

We see a Jet fighter flying through the skies of planet earth as the jet fighter flies through the clouds and going by some flying Pokemons that are flying peaceful. It was peaceful flying through he sky, watching as the flying Pokemons falling their wings and flying through the clouds to where ever they are going.

Soon the jet fight take dive down through the clouds and soon exit out of the clouds and fly above the city of Valley Green city as we can see the fighter jet scouting out the city and using a camera at the bottom of the jet to scan the whole town for any activity that is going on. After seeing that everything is clear the jet fighter flies around and returns back to base.

Soon we see the jet fighter flying towards the crashed Autobot ship and it transformed, revealing to be Joshua as he lands in front of the ships main doors which they open for him and he step inside.

At the bridge we see Y/n with Turbospike as we see him laying down while  underneath the control console, trying to get the ships systems working when Joshua enters the bridge and tells Y/n.

Joshua: (salute) I've scout the whole city and there are no Decepticons in the city. We're all clear.

Y/n: That's good to hear Joshua. Turbospike any luck so far?

Soon Turbospike slids out underneath the control console and stood up and tells both Y/n and Joshua.

Turbospike: Yeah I may not be a ship engineer but there is good news and bad news. The good news is the ships communications and our beacon to the Autobots back on Cybertron are working well and they should be coming here.....possibly 5 to 4 Cyber welk or more, depends if they are already in space or not.

Y/n: And the bad news?

Turbospike: Bad news is this ship cannot fly. The engines are busted, the wings are broken and some of the controls ain't working as well. This ship ain't going on where unless we have some parts to repair it.

Y/n: I don't think we have some spare parts to repair the ship.

Joshua: What about the humans? This planet might have some parts we need to repair it?

Y/n: Judging how their technology are when I woek up, i don't think their not as advance as ours are.

Turbospike: So that means were stuck here then. Great. Just scrapping break.

Joshua: Speaking of the human, where are the trio of humans you've brought in?

Y/n: They are with Madison and Zero at the medical bay. I'll head there right now and see what they are doing.

Joshua: Understood sir.

(Medical bay)

We see Ben, Lucario and Piplub on the table in front of Madison as she look at them in amazement while she gently pet Ben on the head with her metal finger which he likes. We see Alex, Verity and Sorrel on the large table while we see Zero standing there and watched as Madison pets Ben, Piplub and Licario.

Madison: (smile) Aaaww you have the most cutest creatures ever.

Alex: (smile) Glad you like our pokemon Madison.

Verity: (smile) You know at first I thought you gaint robots was...a bit scary but now you guys ain't so bad.

Madison: (giggle) Thanks. We're all not bad bots. Especially when it comes to adorable Pokemons like yours.

Ben: (smile) Eevee!

Piplub: Piplub.

Lucario: Lucario.

Sorrel looks over to Zero and see Zero just staring at them and not saying anything which Madison noticed and tell them.

Madison: (smile) Don't mind Zero here. He's a strong slient type but he's very cool and very loyal to us.

Sorrel: I see.

Then the medical bay doors open and Y/n came into the room and ask Madison and the rest.

Y/n: Any problems here?

Madison: (smile) Nope! Everything is alright as always Y/n!

Y/n: (smile) That's good to hear. The ship commander and beacon is only however the ship cannot fly. We need to set up a base somewhere and move our equipment to our new base.

Alex: Oh I think I know one place!

Y/n: (turns to Alex) You do?

Alex: (smile) Yeah and let's just say.....I know someone he might help as well.


We see a large facility within Valley Green city and inside we see Alex, Ben, Verity and Sorrel step into a lab where they see a scientist writing on something on the writing board as they walk over to him and once close Alex calls out.

Alex: Um hi there Logen.

Logen turns to see them as he give them a nice smile and walk over to them.

Logen: (smile) Hello there Alex, Ben, Verity snd Sorrel. It's been a while. So what can I do with you four?

Verity: Well this might be a weird one but do you have a huge hanger that is left abandoned and never been used.

Logen: Yeah I have a few of them. I'm still waiting for any alien beings that might crash down on this planet planet i can take them in and research their ship, history, technology snd everything so I can proof to everyone that i am not crazy!!!!......In short yes but why do you ask?

Alex: (nervous smile) Well maybe it's best you come with us and see this for yourself.

Soon they arrive at the hanger as they stand around outside and soon Y/n and the rest on their vehicle forms came towards them. At first Logen is a bit confused until they transform into their robot forms and walks over towards them which made Logen shock as he called out.


He laughs whike he jumps around which Y/n and the rest look at each other as Turbospike whisper to Y/n.

Turbospike: (whisper) And here I thought Wheeljack was a crazy type?

Y/n: (whisper) Good thing he's not here and hear you say that.

Alex: They are the Autobots. Y/n, Madison, Turbospike, Zero and Joshua. Guys this is Logen, my fathers good friend and the person who took care of me when I was young.

Logen: (smile) A pleasure to meet you alien visitors!

Y/n: Um Autobots or Cybertronian is alright for us.

Logen: Right my apologies! Anyways if you want the hanger as your base well here!

He opens the hanger doors and once fully open they step inside and they look around and sees it looks pretty nice as their base.

Y/n: (smile) Looks good to me. Okay Autobots let's gather our equipment here and let's set up this base.

They agree and soon they gather their equipment out of their ship and into the hanger and they start to get to work. Alex and the rest help them as they get the power online, set up the monitors and computers, getting the communications ready and repaired and after a while they were done.

They walk around and looking at their new base and find it pretty nice and they will get use of living here. Alex and the rest were amazed until they stop and look at a circular like device that was on the wall as Alex ask them.

Alex: Say what's that thing?

Y/n: That's called a Ground bridge. It allows us to travel to different locations across the planet.

Verity: (surprised) Wow really?! That sounds awesome!

Y/n: Yeah but it's not working yet but once it is done, we can travel anywhere on the planet without taking a plane or board. (Points at the computers) Those Computers are linked into earth's satellites so we can monitor the planet from any Decepticon activities and locate them.

Sorrel: That's pretty useful.

Alex: (smile) Very useful!

Logen: (smile) AND AMAZING! Your technology must be  ore advanced as ours! How cool is that!

Turbospike: (smirk) Guess you can see Cybertron is the must high tech planet in all of the galaxy. So Y/n what should we do now?

Y/n: Well to start we need to see if there is any Decepticons on this planet. If there are two Decepticon troopers here, there must be more.

Turbospike: (smirk) Oh will you relax there was only two cons? There is no way there could be more.

Suddenly the computers start to go off which Turbospike turn and type in and tells them.

Turbospike: Looks like I was wrong. I got two Decepticons at the freeway and heading towards the city.

Alex: They must be trying to locate the two Decepticon troopers and what happened to them.

Y/n: I believe so. Turbospike, Zero you two are with me. Madison, Joshua you two stay here and monitor things here. Autobots let's move out!

Y/n, Turbospike and Zero transform into their vehicle forms and ride out of the hanger and head to the free way to find the Decepticons and put a stop to them before they harm any humans there.


We see the freeway as we see a motorcycle bike going by the cars in a very fast pace as the motorcycle bike is heading towards the city when suddenly she can hear a siren behind her and turn to see officer Jenny on her bike as she call out through the speakers on her bike.

Jenny: Pull over now!

Soon she pulled over the sidd of the freeway as Jedny parked behind her and climb out of her bike and walked over to the rider who is wearing all black including her helmet as Jenny stand next to her and the rider ask her.

???: What seems to be the problem officer?

Jenny: Have you got any idea how fast you were going ma'am?

???: I think we was going fast as usual officer. Why do you ask?

Jenny: I would like to see your licence if you can.

???: Is that so?

Suddenly the rider flicker and disappeared which surprised Jenny but she was even more shocked when the motorcycle bike transformed into a female bot as Jenny step back and look at her in shock.

Jenny: (shocked) What the- Growlithe come on out!

She summons Growlithe which he barks at her but this doesn't phase her as she just pick up Growlithe and looks at the small creature.

???: (smirk) How pathetic creatures. Is this the best this planet can do? How weak.

Jenny steps back even more but her hopes were up when she heard police sirens as she turn and noticed a police car driving towards her. She breaths a sigh fo relief as she got soke back and as she rushes towards the police car.

But then the Police care transform into a giant male robot as well and before Jenhy can turn back the robot grabs her and pick her off the ground.

???: I see you were caught by the human officer Flamewar. Told you to blend in among the humans rather then having a race.

Flamewar: Oh gave me a rest Barricade those pathetic humans don't even know how to go faster. Still is this the location?

Barricade: It seems like it. This was the last contact from the two Decepticon troopers before they were offline.

He then hang Jenny by the back of the shirt and hold her at the outside of the bridge as her legs were floating on nothing as Jenny looks down at the large hight while Barricade ask Jenny.

Barricade: Where is the Autobot ship human.

Jenny: What?

Barricade: The Autobot ship human. Where is it or I will drop you.

Jenny: I don't know what your talking about but put me down right now!

Barricade:.....As you wish.

He them drop her off the bridge as she fell and thinking this is where she will die. Then suddenly Zero rides underneath her and transform into his robot form and catch her before she hits the ground.

Jenny was surprised that another robot saved her as Zero put her down safe while Barricade sees this.

Flamewar: Looks like they are here.

Barricade turn and see both Y/n snd Turbospike riding towards them and the two transform into turir robot forms as Y/n calls out to them.

Y/n: We won't allow you to harm anymore humans Flamewar and Barricade. Leave here now and never return.

Barricade: So you be willing of defending the humans of this pathetic planet?

Y/n: We will do anything to defend the life on this planet. Now release that pokemon now and leave!

Barricade: What do you think Flamewar?

Flamewar: (smirk) I think we should leave.....Just kidding, let's fight!

She tossed Growlithe off the bridge which Zero also catch as well as Flamewar charge towards Turbospike and tackle him off the bridge while Y/n turns as Barricade rushes towards him and was about to land a punch at him but Y/n blocks his punch and kicks him back. He then pulls out his rifle and few several shots at him which Barricade pulls out his shield to block his attacks and return back by firing his pistol at him.

While the two have a shoot out we see Turbospike and Flamewar crash onto another freeway below Barricade and Y/n as they hit the ground and then Flamewar try to stab him but he dodges and pushes Flamewar off of him which cost her to leap back.

Turbospike stood up and then charge towards her and the two land each other blows at each other and blocks. Then Turbospike grabs Flamewar's arm and firce her arm behind her back as Turbospike is behind Flamewar as he smirked and tells her.

Turbospike: (smirk) Looks like it's over for you. Not gonna lie you are hot. No wonder your called "Flamewar."

Flamewar: (smirk) There's another reason they call me Flamewar.

Suddenly she shoit out flames out of her hands and towards Turbospike which he steps back and then Flamewar land some quick kicks at him. She then grab him by the arm and tossed him further of the freeway as he land hard onto the ground while Flamewar rushes towards him.

She leaps into the air and was about to land a kick but then Zero leap over Turbospike and kicked Flamewar instead, sending her flying back as Zero land in front of Turbospike and he pulled him up.

Turbospike: Thanks for that Zero.

Zero nodes while the two turn to Flamewar as Zero pulls oit twin swords while Turbospike pulls out his SMG as the two node to each other and they battle Flamewar together.

While we cut to Barricade and Y/n as Barricade rush towards Y/n and ram him st his shield, sending him flying and crashing onto thr ground. Barricade walks towards him but stopped when he turn to see a bus filled with innocent people driving towards them.

Barricade lend out a chuckle, take aim at the bus and fired a shot. The bullet hits the left side of the bus, sending the bus out of the control as Y/n sees that the bus was about to crash off the bridge so he quickly transform into his vehicle form and drive by Barricade as the bus breaks through the bridge as the passengers screamed thinking they are going to die.

But then they stopped fallen and they all look back to see Y/n holding on the back of the bus as he struggled to not let the bus fall off yhr bridge. Soon he managed to pull the bus back onto the street and once that he tells the passengers and drivers inside.

Y/n: Get out of here humans! Go Go Go!

They all did while thanking him for saving them as he turn to see Barricade rushing towards him so he rush at him as well. Barricade tackle him but Y/n stood his ground as he grab him and then he lift him off the ground and tossed him further of the bridge.

He crashed onto the ground heard and even slide which vost him to crash and he fell off the bridge. Y/n walks towards the edge and looks down to see Barricade on another freeway below Y/n as he slowly get up and shake himself as he look up at Y/n as he called out to him.

Barricade: Here my warning Autobot! We know now you are here and we will not rest until Bludgeon will have your heads! All Hail to Lord Megatron and to the Decepticons!

He then transform into hid vehicle form and drive off with Flamewar catching up to him as the two Decepticons fall back while Y/n watched them retreat, knowing that the Decepticons are here as well.


They return back to base as Madison pulls up a wanted Decepticon file on the computer and Bludgeon's face and file appear as Madison read through it.

Madison: "Bludgeon: A Decepticon commander and the most blood thirst Decepticon and fearsome warrior to ever lived. He has killed 12,900 Autobots and reports say that he took parts of fallen Autobots to use as his trophies.

Verity: (scared) That's very scary.

Turbospike: So guess that means Bludgeon is here as well. But where?

Joshua: That's heard to say. Who knows where they are or how long they have been awaken before we had.

Y/n: They might have already connected Megatron and the Decepticons to come to earth. This won't be good.

Alex: So what should we do?

Y/n stood there and thinks about it and after a while he tells everyone.

Y/n: We're going to find them.

Turbospike: Say what now?

Joshua: You sure about this sir?

Y/n: (turns to everyone) I'm sure of it. We can't allow Bludgeon and his Decepticons to ruin both human and pokemons lives. We must do whatever we can to stop them and save this planet. We might be the only Autobots left but I will not allow humans and pokemon to die by the might of the Decepticons on my watch. So whose with me?

Alex: Me and Ben are with you! This might not be our war bit we're now apart of it.

Verity: (smile) Yeah same here.

Sorrel: Guess I'll help as well.

Turbospike: I would refuse but since your the Captain I guess I have no choice. I mean if I can talk with our medic then sure, I'm in.

Madison: (giggle) Same here as well. You need a medic to heal and fix things.

Joshua: Where ever you go sir, I'll go as well.

Zero: (thumps up)

Y/n: (smile) That great to hear!

Then Logen enter the hanger as he have a tray of Pokemon balls as he apoorches them while he tells them.

Logen: I'll make sure this base be working while your away and I'll start hiring a crew to monitor you all and pinpoint the locations of Decepticon or possibly Autobot locations. As for you Alex, Verityand Sorrel.

Then Logen hands them a tray of Pokemon balls which they take as Logen tells them.

Logen: (smile) You gonna build up a team of Pokemons if you wanna help your new friends.

Alex: (smile) Thanks Logen. We will.

Y/n: (smile) Alright everyone. Let's roll out!

The Autobots transform into their vehicle forms and once  Alex, Ben, Verity and Sorrel are inside yhe Autobots ride off out of the hanger and head off to their long journey as Logen watch them go with a smile on his face.

Suddenly a computer starts to beep which Logen noticed so he walk towards it and press play which plays a message from the leader of the Autobots named....Optimus Prime.

Optimus Prime: (message) This is Optimus Prime, leader of the Autobots. I have received your location Captain Y/n and hood timing as well. Hold on there Y/n..... because we are coming to your location very soon.

To be continued..............................

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