S1E19: Mewtwo strikes (Arc 4 final)
(Millions of years ago)
(Planet: Cybertron)
(Location: Iacon)
Living in the most highest tower in all of Cybertron, we see a young Cybertronian standing on the balcony and looking at the veiw of the planet as he continues to stare at the veiw and then he turns and enters to his room as he sat down in front of the monitor and he stare at himself as we can see his reflection as he turns on his computer and type something in.
Soon he finished typing on something and soon he press on it and a Cybertron news plays as it shows a battle arena against two Cybertronians as they battle each other while the crowd cheers for them. The young Cybertronian watched until he heard a knock at his door so he stand up and walks over and he open the door to see a female Cybertron which she give him a smile and said.
Elita-One: (smile) Hello there Orion.
Orion: (smile) Hey Elita, what are you doing here?
Elita-One: (smile) Here to see you silly. (Enter the room) So how is things?
Orion: (close the door) Pretty good. I was actually being teacher by Alpha Trion.
Elita-One: (surprised) Wait seriously?! Alpha Trion? You? No way.
Orion: It's true! I was surprised as well but when I told him my knowledge about the primes and Cybertron's history, he told me that he'll be teaching me more and have me as his personal assistant.
Elita-One: (smile) Whoa look at you being Alpha Trion's personal assistant. I told you one day something great will come.
Orion: (chuckle) Yeah I guess so Elita.
Then Elita-One walks up to Orion and then kissed him on the lips which Orion blushed in surprised but kiss her back and soon the two stop kissing and look at each other as Elita-One smiled and tell him.
Elita-One: (smile) I'm so proud of you Orion. One day...you will make Cybertron better.
Orion: (smile) Yeah.....as long your with me Elita....we will succeed this together.
Elita-One smiled and the two hugged while the computer behind them continues to play as we cut to the battle arena as we see a familiar Cybertronian slaying a Cybertronian as the Cybertronian fell onto thr grounr while the announcer called out.
Male announcer: (speakers) It is now over! Cybertron's greatest champion has defeated all 30 Cybertronian's without going offline. All cheers for Kaon's great gladiator champion, Megatron!
The crowd gose wild as they cheered for their champion as Megatron looks around at the Cybertronian fans who are cheering for him as he raised his battle axe into the air as he calls out to the crowd.
Megatron: Hear me citizens of Cybertron! On this day fourth, I will bring end to corruption that has ruined Cybertron and bring a new age of peace and justice to all those that have been lost! For Cybertron!!!!
The crowd: For Cybertron! For Cybertron! For Cybertron! For Cybertron!
The crowd continues to cheer while they all not know is that this was the rise or Megatron and the rise or his Decepticon empire later in the future.
(Present day)
(Planet: Earth)
(Location: New Island's battle arena)
(Epic battle theme start)
Megatron was punched and sent flying as he crashed into the wall while the cloned Pokemon and original Pokemon get in the way as Megatron crashed into the wall.
Megatron groan and gets up just as Optimus Prime rush at him and strike a kick at him but Megatron grabs his feet and then flips him over as Optimus Prime was flipped backwards but he lands on his feet but Megatron tackle him and dragged him across another wall as they beat each other while we see Madison, Y/n and Hot Rod around the lifeless Ash and Pikachu who is still in tears and wants Qsh to wake up.
Madison placed Defibllator pads on Ash's chest so she can try to bring Ash back to life while the rest watched.
Madison: Okay here we go....3.....2......1....clear!
Ash's chest bounced as Madison check his heart and it wasn't beeping.
Madison: Try again. 3......2.......1.....clear!
She dose it again but nothing worked. Hot Rod is shocked by this while he looks over at Megatron and rage came over him as he stood up and was about to go over there and join Optimus prime but Y/n stopped him.
Y/n: Hot Rod wait! (Grabs Hot Rod's arm) Don't be stupid Hot Rod!
Hot Rod: (anger) Let go of me Y/n! Megatron is gonna die.
Y/n: This is Optimus fight. Don't be reckless!
Y/n: SO AS US HOT ROD! But this is Optimus fight and we should get involved. Right now we need to protect everyone else until this fight is over.
Hot Rod hesitated at first but agrees and joins with the rest while the other Decepticons and Team Rocket watched as Optimus Prime and Megatron battle.
Optimus prime managed to punched Megatron so hard, it knocked out his fusion cannon out of Megatron's arm which Optimus prime grabs while Megatron gets up while he tells Optimus prime.
Megatron: You've always go soft on me prime. After everything I did you still never kill me. You hesitated and that is your weakness prime. You could never embrace your inner rage and-
Megatron stumbles back after Optimus prime strike at him with Megatron own fusion cannon which breaks as Optimus Prime tosses it onto thr ground and then rushed towards Megatron and then began striking blow after blow at Megatron as energon splattered onto the floor as Optimus Prime continues to strike blow after blow at him.
Then Megatron catches his fist and strike a punch and a kick which made Optimus Prime to stumble back as Megatron wipe soke energon from his mouth and smirks as he reach into his back and draws out his sword.
He walks towards Optimus prime while he Optimus prime summons his engery axe as the two start to clash blades at each other. He two block each others strikes, dodging their swings and clashing their blades with sparks fly out of their blades.
Soon Optimus prime blocks Megatron's strike with hid shield that he deployed on his left arm and then he swings his energy axe and strike a blow at Megatron which vost Megatron to step back a few steps. Then the two clash their blades at each other and enter a blade lock.
Megatron: You have failed to save your Autobots and now you have failed to save a human. It was all your fault prime! You could have agree with me but no, you wish to do this your own peaceful ways and now look how that turned out! You let everyone you ever cared for to be gone I front of you! Even Elita-One.
When Optimus prime hears that name, he let out a yell and strike his axe at Megatron even more harder and strikes me Megatron which cost him to lose his sword while Optimus Prime grabs him by the face and tossed him across the arena which Megatron crashed onto the ground.
Megatron slowly gets up only for Optimus prime to kick Megatron in the face while he was getting up and then strike at him in the chest with his energy axe which Megatron scream in pain. Then he slammed onto the wall as Optimus Prime pulls out his engery axe out of Megatron's chest and he can see his spark still attached but one strike will kill Megatron forever.
Everyone watched as Optimus prime hold his energy axe by the hand and then swings his energy axe back, ready to land the final blow at Megatron once and for all. Mew, Mewtwo, Cloned pokemons, Original Pokemon, humans, Autobots, Team Rocket and Decepticons watched as Megatron let's out a smirk while Optimus Prime stare at Megatron's smirk as Megatron tells him.
Megatron: (smirk) What are you waiting for Prime? Finish me.
Optimus prime stare at Megatron for what seems like a minute and then he let out a yell and swings his energy axe.
(Epic battle theme ends)
Megatron optics were open and still functioning as we see the engery axe stabbed right next to Megatron as Optimus Prime didn't finish him off as he pulled out his engery axe and stare at Megatron and then turn and walked away.
Megatron groan as he get up as Soundwave rushed up to him and help him up. Optimus prime walks towards Y/n, Pikach, Hot Rod and Madison around the lifeless Ash as Madison telle Optimus prime.
Madison: I'm sorry sir.....I tried but......I can't.
Optimus prime:........Not on my watch. Please...allow me.
They node as they move out of the way while Optimus Prime bends down to Ash and Pikachu as Optimus Prime says.
Optimus prime: You will not die Ash. You have done so much good for this planet and your dreams are not over yet. Not on my watch. Matrix of leadership, I call apon you!
Suddenly his chest start to glow as his chest open to reveal the Matrix of leadership as it shines bright which cost the sky above them to clear up as everyone sees the Matrix of leadership inside of Optimus primes chest.
Misty: What is that?
Bumblebee: That's the Matrix of leadership. It's a powerful relic that gives those who is the prime unbelievable powers.
Alex: So what is Optimus doing?
Jazz: Bringing Ash back to life. He's calling apon the primes to bring Ash back to life.
Optimus prime: I wish to bring this human back to life. He has risk his own life for mine and to others and he deserves a second chance of life! I wish to give Ash Ketchum to life and to have him continue his dream and protection the life of both humans and pokemon!
Suddenly Ash's body started to glow bright and he floa up in the air in front of the Matrix of leadership as the Matrix shoot out a beam at the lifeless Ash as everyone watched in amazement.
Then Ash was gently placed down and the glow fated away. Then his body started to move and then he sat up as everyone is amazed as Ash is alive again as he looks around and then to Pikachu.
Ash: Pikachu?
Pikachu: (smile) Pikachu!
Ash: (smile) Pikachu!
The two hugged as Pikachu is absolutely glad that Ash is alive as the two hugged. Megatron is in rage by this as he growls in defeated as he telle his Decepticons.
Megatron: Decepticons....we are leaving.
They make theie escape while Ash and Pikachu turn to Optimus Prime as Ash telle him.
Ash: (smile) You brought me back to life. Thank you so much.
Pikachu: (smile) Pika Pika!
Optimus prime: You have done so much good for this planet and not only that but you sacrifice your life to save me. With that, I owe you my life Ash Ketchum.
Ash and Pikachu smiled while the rest smiled as well and even both original and cloned pokemons were glad as well and they start to get along now as they finally see each other as the same then being different. Even Mewtwo sees this as well and says.
Mewtwo: Maybe I was wrong about this world. Maybe there is some humans that are willing to sacrifice themselves for pokemons.....especially those that are beyond our world.
Mew: Mew.
Mewtwo: There is no reason to take revenge apon the world. I believe it is best that we live in peace ourselves.
Then Mewtwo used his psychic abilities to lifted all the Cloned pokemons as everyone watched them go as Mewtwo and the cloned pokemons fly off while Ash called out.
Ash: Hey Mewtwo! Where are you going?!
Mewtwo: Where my heart can learn what yours know so well. What transpired here, I will always remember. But perhaps for then humans and pokemon, these events are best forgotten and ask for the Autobots....I hoped we can cross apart again in the future someday. Until then....goodbye.
And so they fly off and disappeared and once they were gone, suddenly there was a huge bright light and that cover everything around them and then everything turn black.
(Location: Ark)
We see Optimus Prime and Y/n's team back at the Ark as we see Optimus Prime standing on the edge of the cliff and looking at the sunset as Y/n walks up nect to Optimus prime and telle him.
Y/n: Seems that Alex, Ben, Verity and Sorrel doesn't remember what happened at the Nee islands.
Optimus prime: It seems so.
Y/n: Then why did Mewtwo allow us to remember what happened?
Optimus prime: Maybe he wishes to learn what we are and maybe one day he will meet us someday in the future. For now, it's best to respect his wishes and allow some to forget.
Y/n: Guess we have to keep it secret from them. I hate doing that.
Optimus prime: (turns to Y/n) Same here but in order to protect the life that Mewtwo and his clones wished to live in peace, then we must allow their location to be a secret for all of us.
Y/n: Guess so sir. Hey Prime?
Optimus prime: Yes?
Y/n: No matter what Megatron said.....I don't blame you for the start of the war. None of us don't believe it was your fault.
Optimus prime: Thank you Y/n. Now get some rest, you earned it.
Y/n nodes and he heads back inside the Ark while Optimus Prime stares at the veiw of the sunset and then pulls out a small hologram like device as a hologram image of him as Orion and Elita-One appeared as Optimus Prime stares at it and says to himself.
Optimus prime: Elita....I promise I will end this war for you. I promise. I still love you.
(Location: New Island's)
We see the Nemesis flying over the New Island's as the Decepticons were on the island and looking for anything but thanks to Mewtwo, he got rid of everything as the Decepticons try ery hard to find anything they can while Megatron is standing on top of the hill while he was being patched up by Knockout and Shockblast.
Starscream: (walks up to Megatron) Lord Megatron, it seems Mewtwo has taking everything from us and now we have nothing.
Shockwave: Not only that but the blueprints of the cloning machine is gone. We can't make our own cloning machine without it.
Megatron: No matter.
Starscream: No matter? What do you mean by that?! Mewtwo has betrayed us and we must find him and destroy him!
Megatron: (smirk) No. Let the Autobots have their victory for now. They may have won this battle but the next battle will be their last.
Shockwave: Are you talking about our ultimate weapon? Sir it's not ready yet.
Megatron: (smirk) No matter. Have time to repair him Shockwave. Because soon he'll will be the down fall to the Autobots and soon tuid planet will belong to us once and for all!
He laughed as we cut to underneath the ocean as we see q huge object at the button of the ocean. However it's not a huge rock or any large pokemon when suddenly we see a huge eye or huge optics open that glows up yellow and then we see a huge Decepticon logo on it's nose as "it" let our a might roar and then everything turns dark.
???: I will rise again and I will have my revenge on the Autobots once and for all!
To be continued.......................................
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