S1E18: Mewtwo strikes (Arc 3)

(Location: New Island's cloning lab)

Knockout is seen in the cloning lab and making sure that everything is in working order as he gose through the cloning machine's programming and systems while we see Jessie, James and Meowth sat around behind Knockout and board out of their minds while Knockout continues working when James ask.

James: Man I'm board. There is nothing to do.

Meowth: Yeah I'm glad we have a base and all but I feel like we have been here for a long while.

Jessie: Yeah this sucks.

Knockout: You three be quiet! I'm working on some glitches and making sure this is working properly. I just need to find some pokemon to Clone.

Meowth: Well good luck with that (yawn) because this Meowth is gonna get some shut eye.

Knockout turns to Meowth and a smirk appear on his face as he grabs Meowth which cost him to wake up and walk him close to the machine and stick Meowth into the cloning machine.

James ans Jessie: Meowth!

Meowth: Hey what do you think your doing! Ow!

Then Knockout pulled move him away of the machine and tossed him away which Jessie and James catch him while Knockout walks over to the controls.

James: Are you okay?

Meowth: I think that machine took a bit of my fur.

Knockout: (smirk) Looks like it's working.

They turn and sees a image of Meowth on the screen and soon something came through the tub above them and then a cloned Meowth appear in the cryo chamber.

James: (shocked) It worked!

Knockout: (smirk) Indeed. Now we just need to wait for more pokemons to come down here and we will have pur pokemon cloned army.

Beep! Beep! Beep!

Knockout: (smirk) And speaking of which, there they came.

Then capture pokeball drones came down through the slide and land onto the conveyor belt as the converyor belt moved towards the cloning machine and all the capture pokeball drones were inside the machine as the machine takes the pokemons DNA's and clones them.

Soon more and more cloned pokemons appeared into cryo chambers while Jessie, James, Meowth Knockout watched this happen.

Suddenly a sound came from the slide as they turned and sees Ash landed onto the converyor belt .

Jessie, James and Meowth: (Shocked) The Twerp!

Ash: Team Rocket! I got no time for you!

Knockout: How dare you human! (Turns his arm to chainsaw) I'll cut you!

He charge towards Ash and swings his chainsaw but he dodges it and rushes to one of the capture pokeball drones as he leap into the machine and grab it.

Knockout: Hey get out of there!

Ash grabs old the pokeball drone while claws come out around him and grappling him and soon they got Pikachu's DNA and start to clone him.

Soon the cloning machine start to make some loud noise which cost it to blow up as Knockout and Team Rocket were sent flying back while Ash lands hard onto his back. He rolls to his stomach just as the capture pokeball drone opens and Pikachu is freed as he appears in front of Ash.

Ash: Pikachu!

Pikachu turns and smiles as he rush over and the two hugged. While that's going on Knockout gets up and walks towards the two as with his chainsaw still on his hand as he swings at them but they dodged and moved out of the way.

Knockout gose to the other side of the machine and sees them gone but he just smirks as he actives his chainsaw while he walks around while he calls out.

Knockout: (smirk) Come out, Come out where ever you are human.

Knockout looks around the room while we see Ash and Pikachu behind a few empty energon boxes as they peak around to check to see the ghost is clear. Suddenly the box is tossed away as Knockout is staring right at them as he active his chainsaw and swings it back but Pikachu uses thunder bolt which Knockout blocks with his chainsaw.

He then slammed his other hand onto them, trapping them in place while Knockout swap his chainsaw hand to is drill and aims the tip of his drill at them as he slowly moves the drill towards them while it spins around.

Knockout: (smirk) Say ah.

???: What about a second option.

Knockout turns around only to be punched in the face as he fell onto the ground and falls unconscious. Ash and Pikachu looks turns and sees Y/n and his team as they get up.

Ash: (smile) Y/n, Zero, Joshua, Madison and Turbospike! Glad to see you guys here!

Pikachu: (smile) Pikachu!

Madison: (smile) Same to you.

Y/n: We came here to destroy the cloning machine but (turns to the cloning machine) it looks like you done it before us.

Then suddenly the cryo chambers start to open up and all the cloned pokemons were awaken as they make their way out of the room to meet their creatures and aid them in anyway they can.

Turbospike: Looks like the clones are still alive either way.

Y/n: This is not good.

Then the machine blows up and all the capture pokeball drones fly out and released all the original pokemons and now they were free.

Joshua: Looks like they are free as well.

Madison: So now what?

Y/n: Now.....we got a mission to complete.

(Location: New Island battle arena)

We see Misty, Brock, Nurse Joy, Corey, Neesha and Fergus are seen backed up against a door while Megatron, Mewtwo, Starscream, Soundwave, Shockwave and many other Decepticons stared at them as Megatron tells then.

Megatron: (smirk) I wanted to thank you for your pokemons. As a way of kindness, you all may leave.

Then the door behind them opened to revealed a massive storm still going on outside as Mewtwo added it up by saying.

Mewtwo: Unless you can swim through the storm.

They stare at them and wanted to fight back but without their pokemons they are hopeless. Suddenly two Decepticon troopers get shot from behind which caught the other Decepticons and Mewtwo off guard.

Mewtwo: What?

They looked over to see Hot Rod, Jazz, Sideswipe, Bumblebee, Alex, Ben, Verity and Sorrel there as the Autobots aimed their blasters at them.

Hot Rod: (smirk) Reach for the sky's Decepticons.

Misty: (smile) Your all alright!

Brock: (surprised) And Is that Alex and the others from Y/n's team?

Alex and the rest rushed over to them and stand with them as Hot Rod and his team were in front of them as they aim their blasters at them.

Hot Rod: (smirk) Your finished Megatron. Surrender now and we might go easy.

Megatron: (evil laughter) Do you honestly think this is over? No! This is only the beginning.

Suddenly there was a huge explosion where Hot Rod and the others were standing and soon all of the Cloned pokemons came out from the hole and make their way towards Mewtwo and the Decepticons.

Jazz: Looks like Y/n and the rest were too late.

Megatron: (smirk) Indeed. This is only the beginning though. Soon we will make a whole army of super powered cloned pokemons and once we do, we will take over this planet and this planet will bow down to Lord Megatron! Hahahahahahahahahah!!!!!!

Ash: You can't do that.

Then everyone turned to the same hope and Ash, Y/n, Madison, Turbospike, Joshua, Zero and the original pokemons came out of the hole and soon make there way to the the ring and stare at Megatron, Mewtwo and other Decepticons.

Starscream: (shocked) Where did they come from?!

Shockwave: That is impossible for them to appear out of nowhere.

Mewtwo: You set them free?

Ash: That's right! We had to, I'll protect all my friends.

Megatron: (smirk) Friends you say? They are nothing but weakness which they will get in the way. If your willing to defend your friends then your nothing but weak yourself boy.

Ash: I'll show you!

Then Ash charge towards Megatron and was about to throw a punch but Megatron immediately grabs Ash and lifted him up while the Autobots aimed their blasters at him.

Y/n: Let him go Megatron!

Megatron: You all be wise to lay down your weapons Autobots, or else this boy will die.

They look at each other trying to figure out what to do while Ash shrugged to break free but then Megatron aimed his fusion cannon at him as he charge it up.

Megatron: (smirk) Very well then. Let this boys life be taking to whatever afterlife these humans go to.

Misty: Ash No!

Brock: Stop it now!

Megatron charges up his fusion cannon while Ash shuts his eyes when suddenly a bolt hits Megatron by the shoulder, making him stop charging his fusion cannon and he and everyone else turned and they see Optimus Prime aiming his blaster rifle at Megatron whioe he calls out to him.

Optimus prime: Let the human go Megatron.

Megatron stare at Optimus prime and then he tossed Ash away which Ash lands hard onto thr ground while Alex, Verity and Sorrel help him up while Optimus Prime step onto thr ring and turns to Y/n and his team and nodes to him.

Which Y/n agree as he and his team move out of the way while Pikachu and the other original pokemons stay behind with Optimus Prime while Megatron singals his Decepticons to move away which they did apart of Mewtwo and his cloned Pokemon.

Megatron: It's been a while since we last met Prime. See you have a new look. Spoils of war?

Optimus prime: Megatron your actions on Cybertron and now Earth will not be forgiven. You will face justice.

Megatron: I've done what you didn't do from the beginning Optimus! You didn't agree to my ideas for a perfect Cybertron and now it's dead because of you!

Optimus prime: You have done it yourself when you started the war. Your actions cost the death of our planet and you will pay for the fall of Cybertron.

Megatron: I only did it so we can be in one! Our council were corrupt prime, you and I know that!

Optimus prime: I do Megatron. I have seen how the council was before the war. But your idea will just make things worse.

Then Optimus Prime turns to Mewtwo and tells him.

Optimus prime: Mewtwo you must not do this. I know you were made by humans but you must understand that this is all wrong.

Mewtwo: There is nothing you can do to convince me to change my ways!

Optimus prime: Your right. I can't convince you to change.....but I know who. Mewtwo, meet your original.

Then Mew appeared beside Optimus prime which shocks everyone as Mew and Mewtwo look at each other.

Alex: (shocked) Wow that's Mew! A real Mew!

Nurse Joy: (shocked) I never knew I can get to see one in person. I've heard the stories but I can never hope to see it in real life.

Mewtwo: Even if you show me my original, i am far more stronger and far more powerful the Mew.

Optimus prime: That maybe so but you must understand that strength dose not mean anything. The true power is by within the heart and spark from all life on this planet and to show how you care of others more importantly then yourself.

Megatron: Enough talk prime! It is time to fight! Who will win, your pathetic weak pokemons or our strong and powerful pokemons!

Optimus prime: So be it then Megatron. You must be stopped, no matter the cost!

Then Optimus Prime and the original pokemons charge forward while Megatron and his cloned pokemons charge towards them and then the two sides clashed at each other as they battle.

Optimus prime and Megatron battled each other while the original and cloned pokemons battle each other including Mew and Mewtwo while Autobots, humans and Decepticons watched this massive brawl between good vs evil, the original vs the cloned, freedom vs chaos.

They watched as Megatron kicked Optimus prime back and fired his fusion cannon at him only for Optimus prime to dodge it and rushed towards Megatron and tackle him to the ground. Optimus prime strike blows at Megatron, punching him many times in the face but Megatron grab his fist and slowly pushes his fist back and then pushed Optimus prime off of him.

Optimus prime stumble back while Megatron gets up and charge towards him and strike heavy blows at Optimus Prime, sparks fly out every singal punch.

Alex: Look at them go.

Sorrel: They must have been fighting each other for a long while.

Ben: Eevee.

Y/n: They have been for millions of years. Megatron used ti be a gladiator back on Cybertron so he is experience in combat. As for Optimus prime used to be archivist but disbite of that, he's very capable with his fighting attacks.

Bumblebee: In other words, they are in the same strength.

Nurse Joy: Still the pokemons are fighting each other. Disbite they are clones they are living life forms.

Verity: Megatron is the one whose forcing them to fight each other. He doesn't care about them.

Ash: Agree.

Ash looks over to see Pikachu dodging he cloned Pikachu strikes but gets hit several times. Soon the the cloned and original pokemons start to get very weak for fighting too long and they start to fell onto thr grounr one by one. All except Optimus prime, Mew, Megatron and Mewtwo as Mew and Mewtwo battle each other in the skies while Optimus Prime and Megatron battle on the ground.

Megatron: You could have killed me back in Cybertron! When I'm on the ground or at my knees, you could have killed me right there and you and your Autobots would have won the war! Cybertron would have been cured!

Megatron: But instead you let me to live and do you wanna know why!? Because you were weak, you could have pulled the trigger and killed me because you were weak. You could have won Optimus Prime, you would have won!

Optimus prime stumble backwards while Megatron walks towards him while Optimus Prime stares at him and then he charge towards him and strike some heavy blows at Megatron while he tells him.

Optimus prime: The reason I didn't kill you is because I was not right! Killing you would have ruined for what the Autobots stood for! We're not like the council or your Decepticons! We stand for truth, justice and freedom!

Then Megatron grabs Optimus prime in the arm and then he tossed him over Megatron's shoulder and slammed him onto the ground. A blast sent the pokemon back while Optimus Prime turns and fired a shot which Megatron dodges but the bolt hits the power box which cost the lights to turn off.

Then Megatron lifted Optimus prime by the shoulder and start striking blow after blow at Optimus Prime and one punch sent Optimus prime flying amd crashed onto the ground. Optimus prime was getting up as Megatron aims his fusion cannon at him.

Megatron: I do not understanding why you risk your life for these pathetic life forms? Why throw your life so recklessly?

Optimus Prime: Because freedom is the right for all sentient beings. All humans and pokemon deserve to live and I will lay down my life to keep this planet safe from you and your Decepticons.

Megatron: (smirk) If you wish to die for this pathetic rock planet then so be. This is the day you will die Optimus Prime!

He charges up his fusion cannon while Ash sees this and then rushes towards them while Y/n and the others called out to him.

Alex: Ash no!

Y/n: Ash don't be stupid!

Misty and Brock: Ash!

Megatron finished charging up and he fired a beam at Optimus prime but then Ash leaps up and gets the shot for Optimus prime which cost a huge explosion that sent Optimus Prime and the others back as there was a huge explosion which Mewtwo and Mew stop their fighting and look down.

Soon the dust clears up as Optimus Prime gets up and looks over and soon finds Ash.

Optimus prime: No.

Pikachu: Pika Pika!

Then Pikachu also sees Ash but he is laying on the floor and not moving as Pikachu approach Ash and try to shake him, trying to wake up but he wasn't responding. Pikachu tries to shake him but he wasn't moving.

Madison: (covers her mouth in shock) By primus no.

Turbospike: (shocked) He can't be gone! There's no way.

Bumblebee: Ash?

Then Pikachu try to use thunder bolt on Ash, he use thunder bolt again, again, again, again and again. But he stare at Ash's lifeless body while Optimus Prime approach his body and was lost for words to see that Ash sacrifice his life to save him and now Ash is gone.

Pikachu starts to cry as he sobs for the death of Ash while the cloned and original pokemons sees this and they also start to cry as well. Megatron sees this and was disgusted by this.

Megatron: You all show weakness! This what happens when someone gets in Megatrons way!

Optimus prime forms a fist as he shakes it and then tells Megatron.

Optimus prime: After eons of conflict, I finally see the truth of your words, Megatron.

Megatron: (approaches Optimus prime) And what would that be?

He pushed by his fist and swings it but Optimus prime catches his within seconds as Optimus Prime turn his head to Megatron and tells him.

Optimus prime: This universe, this galaxy and this earth, no matter how vast, will never be big enough for you and I to coexist!

Then Optimus Prime strikes a upwards punch at Megatron which cost Megatron ti be sent flying and crashed at the far end of the battle ring. He gets up as he growls in anger while Optimus Prime ready his fist as he gets into a fighting stands while Megatron is also ready as Optimus Prime calls out.

Optimus prime: Let's finish this!

To be continued..................................

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