S1E17: Mewtwo strikes (Arc 2)
(10 house ago)
(Unknown area)
Ash, Pikachu, Misty, Togepi, Brock, Hot Rod, Jazz, Sideswipe and Bumblebee are seen taking a nice break in a open feild near the ocean in the distances as we see the gang doing their usual stuff. Brock, Misty and Ash set up the table and set up a nice fire to make some soup. After they got set up we see Ash sitting down at a chair hungry, Misty set down the plats for them while Hot Rod, Jazz, Sideswipe and Bumblebee play around with their pokemon.
Ash: (sigh) I'm so hungry I can't move another muscle.
Misty: Oh come on Ash.
Brock: Misty. You have to let it simmer slowly until it's just right. You can't rush stew, or pokemon, for that matters.
Misty: Oh.
Hot Rod: (walks over to them) So is this you humans usual do while travelling? I was suspected for some action.
Brock: (smile) Usual the actions will find it's way to us.
Hot Rod: Sounds boring. I rather seek actions rather then sitting around and doing nothing.
Jazz: (smirk) That explains why you were captured by Decepticons back on Cybertron?
Hot Rod: (smirk) Hey at least I have some action then sitting around and doing nothing.
Misty: (smile) You act just like Ash.
Hot Rod and Ash: We do?
Misty shakes her head and soon they started to eat while the Autobots stand around. Sideswipe is looking around when he spotted something flying towards them.
Sideswipe: Hey guys we got something heading towards us.
Bumblebee: Any idea what it could be?
Ash: Are they Decepticons?
Sideswipe: Too small but it's coming really fas-
Suddenly something zoom by them follow by a strong wind that blow away their food onto the floor while a pokemon is revealed to be Dragonite as he turns and flaps over to them.
Hot Rod: What is that?
Brock: That's a Dragonite.
Charizard gets mad and fires flamethrower at Dragonite which Ash immediately summons Charizard back to his pokeball.
Misty: (laughter) Charizard never changes.
Bumblebee: (smile) Guess so.
Jazz: Hey looks like it's handing out something?
Dragonite pulls out what seems like a letter to Ash which they take. They gather around and suddenly it open up a hologram of a mysterious women as she said.
???: (message) Please forgive this surprise message from a stranger.
Jazz: Huh who is she?
Brock: No idea but she's beautiful!
???: (message) You have been acknowledged as up-and-coming trainers. As such, you are invited to a party held by my master, the world's greatest pokemon trainer.
Bumblebee: World's greatest pokemon trainer? I've never heard something like that.
Sideswipe: Me neither. I have a bad feeling about this.
???: (message) The Location? Pokemon Palace, on New Island. (Shows hologram coordinations) We ask that you RSVP, whether attending or not, by checking the box on the return card. The greatest pokemon trainer alive invites you. We beg you to accept.
Then a card fell out which Pikachu catches and shows it to Ash which he takes and look at it.
Bumblebee: Huh well thid would be a honor to meet him in person.
Jazz: Agree. Maybe he likes the songs I've picked up while coming hete.
Hot Rod: (smirk) And Party sounds great! I like to Party so how's about we head over and be apart of it!
Sideswipe: Wait! I don't the sound of this.
Brock: Why?
Sideswipe: Well to start the corner is at the middle of the ocean and the other this lady, I find it very suspicious. We should call in Prime and tell him about this.
Hot Rod: (smirk) Relax Sideswipe it's just a party. How bad can it be?
Ash: (smile) Yeah so let's head there and check it out.
He accepts it and hands over it to Dragonite which he takes it and flies off as they watch him fly off.
Sideswipe: I have a bad feeling about this.
Hot Rod: (smirk) I'm sure that everything will be alright. What can I go wrong?
(Present day)
(Location: New Island)
Hot Rod, Bumblebee, Sideswipe and Jazz were being taking to their prison cell by four Decepticon troopers as they walk down the halls of New Island Palace, homed to Mewtwo and the HQ to the Decepticons.
Sideswipe: "I'm sure that everything will be alright. What can it go wrong?" Nice words of wisdom Hot Rod.
Hot Rod: For the record I did try to blast Megatron only for that Mewtwo guy to grab it with his mind and shot me with it. Plus I maybe leaking of energon right now.
Sideswipe: Well maybe you should have listened to me then walking into a trap.
Jazz: Cool it you two, now thing ain't the time for arguing. We gonna escape and save Ash and the others.
Bumblebee: How? They took away our weapons and these stasis cuffs won't allow us to transform.
They try to think of a plan to escape but soon they arrived to a elevator ad one of the Decepticon troopers pushed a button and they waited for the lift to arrive.
Before any of them think of a good idea, the elevator arrived at their floor and open only for bolts to fky out and took down the Decepticon troopers as they fell onto the ground and offline.
???: Hot Rod?
They look over and see Y/n ans his team as they looked surprised as they exit out of the elevator and rush up to them.
Y/n: What in the name of primus are you guys doing here?
Hot Rod: (smirk) Good to see you too Y/n. I would love to explain but I'm leaking here.
Madison: (check his wound) It looks bad. We gonna take him somewhere to get patch up.
Y/n: Agree. Zero, Bumblebee, scout ahead and see there is a room we can take.
Bumblebee: Right.
Zero nodes as the two head off to search for a room while Y/n helps Hot Rod as they walk down the hallway and search for a room they can take so Hot Rod and others would explain everything.
We see Ash and the other humans and pokemon there with the Decepticons as the door opened on the left and Cloned Charizard, Blastoise and venusaur came out while they followed Shockwave as he approach them and informed both Mewtwo and Megatron.
Shockwave: They are in working order. The clones have been complete.
Megatron: (smirk) Good work Shockwave. Now let's give them a test shall we?
Then a large door opens behind Ash and the others as they see a large pokemon arena with huge lights shining on the arena while cheers of Decepticons sat around and cheering.
Seconds later we see the humans and their pokemons at the left while Megatron, Mewtwo, Shockwave, Soundwave and Starscream at the right as Mewtwo looks at them and asked.
Mewtwo: Who will be the first to battle one of my pokemons?
Corey: I be the first! Go, Bruteroot!
Bruteroot who is a Venusaur step forward while the cloned Venusaur step into the ring while Shockwave pulls out his data pad so he can test the clones strength and abilities.
Corey: Alright Bruteroot use Razor leaf!
Bruteroot dose so as he launches razor leafs at the cloned Venusaur.
Mewtwo: Use vine wipe.
Clones Venusaur pulls out Vine wipe and slaps the razor leaf with no problem and then picks up Bruteroot high in the air and tossed hin down really hard with a huge thud.
Starscream: (smirk) That gonna hurt.
Corey: Use engery ball!
Bruteroot charges up his engery ball and fired it at the cloned Venusaur and land a hit at him. But when the smoke clear up the cloned Venusaur wasn't phase by it at all.
Corey: That's impossible!
Mewtwo: Finish this up with leaf storm.
Cloned Venusaur launches a powerful leaf storm that hits Bruteroot and sent him flying and crashing into the entrance doors and then he fell onto the ground.
Corey: (rushes towards Bruteroot) Bruteroot!
Shockwave: Venusaur test complete.
Megatron: (smirk) Good.
Neesha: Guess it's my turn. Shellshocker use skull bash!
Shellshocker who is Blastoise rush into the arena and used Skull bash however the cloned Blastoise also use Skull bash and the two clash on impact. Shellshocker was sent flying back bit lands on his feet while Neesha calls out.
Neesha: Use Hydro pump!
Shellshocker fired it's twing shoulder cannons and fired Hydro pump at the cloned Blastoise but then the cloned Blastoise enters his shell and blocks Hydro pump and lands a hit at Shellshocker with his shell.
Shellshocker was sent flying and crashed into the same door as Bruteroot and falls unconscious as well.
Neesha: Shellshocker no!
Shockwave: Blastoise test complete.
Megatron: (smirk) Two down, one to go.
Ash turns to them and knows he just beat them so he calls out to Charizard.
Ash: Charizard I chose you!
Charizard steps into the ring with a roar whioe the cloned Charizard also step into the ring.
Ash: Alright Charizard! Win it with speed!
Charizard starts to flap his wings as he leaves the floor while the cloned Charizard did the same as they start theie battle in the air. They two shoot flamethrower at each other as the crowd od Decepticons cheered even more. Megatron let's out a smirk, remembered that the time he fought many powerful Cybertronians back on Cybertron. He missed that and now we see the two Charizards battle each other as they take up high in the sky.
They continue their battle for another long while and soon the Clined Charizard grabs Charizard and they fall from the sky ans soon the Cloned Charizard slammed Charizard onto the ground.
Once that Ash's Charizard was now unconscious as Ash rushes towards him to see he is alright.
Shockwave: Charizard test complete. All in 100%.
Megatron: (smirk) Brilliant work Shockwave. (Turns to the humans) Not only the cloned pokemons have already gain their final forms but they are stronger, faster and more intelligent then your weaker pokemons. But soon, your other pokemons will be taking and be cloned as our Decepticon army. Soundwave.
Soundwave summons three small pokeball like drones as they fly towards Charizard, Shellshocker and Bruteroot and capture them which shocks Ash and the others.
Misty: Your trying to steal our pokemons!?
Mewtwo: Steal? No. We are only making more useful, stronger clones from these pokemon, of which you are so proud.
Starscream: (smirk) But in short. Yes, we are. (Laughter)
Ash: Stop it! You can't do that!
Megatron: And whose gonna stop us boy? Your Autobots isn't here to save you all. Now Soundwave, summon more.
Soundwave summon more Pokeball like drones this time a lot more as they fly towards them and start capturing their pokemons while Megatron smirks in joy.
We see Y/n and the others within a room in the Palace that is safe for them as Madison starts to patch up Hot Rod while the rest of Hot Rods team told them theie story.
Alex: So there is this pokemon named Mewtwo teaming up with the Decepticons?
Verity: And they are planning to make a Clone army of pokemons?
Ben: Eevee?
Sorrel: That's hard to believe.
Jazz: Well right now Ash and the other humans and their pokemons are alone up there with them and who knows what they are doing.
Turbospike: Why bother cloning Pokemons if they can just steal them?
Joshua: Unless they are trying to make them stronger so they can defeat us.
Y/n: That's one possible theory. Right now we need to find this cloning machine and destroy it.
Hot Rod: We also need to save Ash ans the others.
Y/n: Right, Hot Rod, you and your team take Alex, Verity, Ben ans Sorrel and rescue them. Meanwhile we search for thid cloning machine and destroy it.
Hot Rod: (smirk) Well I'm all patch up, time for some pay back. Let's do this!
Hot Rod, Bumblebee, Sideswipe and Jazz transform inro their vehicle forms as Alex, Ben, Verity, Sorrel get inside of Bumblebee nd they ride off out of the room while Y/n and the rest also exit out of the room and look around to see the hallway clear.
Madison: So how do we find thid cloning machine?
Joshua: Let's look around and hurry. Who knows how quick the clones maybe.
Y/n: Right. Autobots transform and roll out!
They transform into their vehicle forms and they head off to find the Cloning machine and put a stop to the Decepticons and Mewtwos plans before their close army will be done.
(Location: Unknown)
Optimus Prime is seen driving up to a peaceful lake as he arrived to it's location and then transform inro his robot form and looks around. He scans around and sees nothing but a beautiful lake with a mountain far from him as background as he walk up to the lake and looks into his his reflection.
The lake is peaceful and nice as it seems its never been visited by any humans or anything until now. Optimus prime looks away from the lake and looks around one last time and seeing there is no one here he then call out to it.
Optimus prime: If you can hear me, I'm no threat to you or your home. I've came here to see if you can tell me about this new threat.
There was only silence with no response to no one so Optimus prime continues to say.
Optimus prime: Please forgive for come to your planet. We didn't came here for coasting destruction on your planet. We wish to keep it safe from the Decepticons and now I feel that Megatron is up to something and I believe you might be the key. Please, come out and allow us to work together to defeat this threat and bring peace to this planet together.
???: Mew.
He then turn around and he sees a small floating pokemon staring at Optimus Prime with curiosity as he fly around him while keep looking at him.
Optimus prime: Hello new friend. It is nice to meet you.
Mew: Mew.
Optimus prime: You look exactly like what Y/n showed us. Your the pokemon that the Decepticons are interested of.
Mew turn his head a bit and then he summon a huge bubble which made Optimus prime impressed and then Mew pop it which made Optimus prime step back a bit.
Mew giggled in a cute way and then flies over and sat on his shoulder while Optimus prime turns to Mew and sense the goodness within him.
Optimus prime: I am glad we have met. Now let us end the Decepticon plans before it's too late.
Mew agrees as Optimus prime calls in Wheeljack as he tells him.
Optimus prime: Wheeljack, set Y/n and his teams last known coordinations and awaited our arrival. I'm gonna aid him and his team before it's too late.
Wheeljack: (coms) Will do prime. Wait, your with someone else? Who?
Optimus prime: (turns to mew) A new little friend.
Mew: (smile) Mew.
And so they head back to the Ark so they can join up with Y/n and his team and end Megatron's plans before he can launches his attack apon planet earth.
To be continued........................................
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