S1E15: Construct and destroy
(Archaeologist site)
We see a group of Archaeologists at a site that holds important and interesting findings for them to dig up. They have gotten word about a rumour about a something underground that cost many human computers to malfunction when ever they get near to it.
We see them digging up and making many holes around the area as they continue their search about what ever is underground. We see the head lead of the Archaeologist group named Eve as she looks around to see everyone doing their jobs including many fighting type Pokemons or rock type Pokemons as they help out the archaeologists and their work.
Male archaeologist: (walk up to Eve) Ma'am we haven't found it yet. It's been a long while, I don't think we can't find it.
Eve: (smile) Don't give in. I know we will find it I just know it.
Male archaeologist: We could have call in for hope but our phones still not working due to this area.
Eve: (smile) That's alright. It seems we have enough people to help out. Still let's continue on searching.
Male archaeologist: Right.
They continue on working as they continue on digging when suddenly they heard something in the sky as they look up and see three jet flying down as everyone looked up and see the jets coming towards them.
Eve: Are those.....jets?
They wonders what is going on when suddenly they open fire at them, destroying the vehicles around them as the archaeologist make a run for it while the jet fighters continue to fire at them while they ran for their lives.
Eve gets some cover while the archaeologist make a run for it. She hide behind a huge rock and peaks over and to her surprised the three jets transform into gaint robots and land on the ground as they look around.
Thurst: (smirk) Hehehe did you see those insects run for their lives. They are a bench of weak beings.
Dirge: Hey Thrust, maybe try not to blow this area up. What if you damage the artifact.
Thurst: What was I suppose to do? Those insects were in the way, it's best I make them run before they get crush.
Ramjet: Enough talk you two. Now we have this area ours, we should bring in some help.
Thurst: Roger that. (Radios Soundwave) Yo Soundwave we're at the location. Open the ground bridge.
Seconds later a ground bridge open and six Decepticons came out through the grounr bridge and and once all of them are through the ground bridge shuts behind them as they stood in front of the conheads.
Scrapper: The Constructicons are ready for duty. What job you want us to do.
Ramjet: Listen up, there is a Cybertronian artifact here and your goal is to dig it up and find it. Lord Megatron wants this article intact so don't damage it.
Scrapper: You have no worries. The Constructicons will make sure the artifact will not be destroyed.
Bonecrusher: What if its not here?
Scrapper: Then we can just blow this area up and dig up it.
Thurst: Well this artifact is tough so there won't be any problems if it was blown up a bit.
Ramjet: I suppose that's right. Very well then, if your team can't find it in 5 minutes, we blow up this area along with any live in this area until we find it.
Eve: No!
They all look over as Eve rushed up to them and call out to them.
Eve: You can't blow up this area! This area belongs to innocents of pokemon. If you blow it up, you'll kill many pokemon!
Then Ramjet grabs Eve at the back of her shirt and stares at her and tell her.
Ramjet: We don't care thees creatures or their lives. We only care about location the artifact and bring it to Lord Megatron. Anyone else who dare to stop us will be crushed.
Eve yelled as Ramjet shows Eve to the many other archaeologist that were in hiding as Ramjet tells them.
Ramjet: (smirk) As to all of you insects, you be wise you be working for us by finding the artifact we are looking for otherwise, you all will not make it out of this area alive.
(Location: Ark's bridge)
We see Y/n, Alex, Ben, Verity, Sorrel Optimus prime at the bridge as Blaster, Wheeljack and Prowl were at the controls as a hologram map along with a red dot is shown to them.
Optimus Prime: What's going on?
Prowl: Decepticon activity. They are located at some sort a human archaeologist site.
Wheeljack: I also got Punch on the line. Looks like he has something for us.
Optimus prime: Put it on screen.
Then the screen changes to Punch as he stare at them through his screen whioe he tells them.
Punch: (transmission) Optimus the Decepticons have located a artifact that seems important to them. Unfortunately I couldn't fund out what it maybe but it must be important because they are sending out the conheads along with the Construticons.
Y/n: (shocked) The Construticons! That's can't be good.
Alex: Who or what are the Construticons?
Y/n: Six Decepticons that transform into constructive vehicles. But what makes them dangerous is their combining form.
Sorrel: So they are combiners as well.
Verity: But I thought there was suppose to be five combiners? Why six?
Optimus Prime: The Construticons were made by Shockwave to make a new kind of Decepticon combiners. Five team combiners are one thing but six team combiners are worse. The Construticons are the most powerful group of combiners that have ever been seen.
Blaster: And the conheads are more of the elite class of Decepticon seekers. Unlike the seekers that look like Starscream, these Seekers are made to be powerful seekers in the Decepticon cost.
Punch: (transmission) I suggest sent in a group of Autobot combiners as well along with a group of Autobots as well. Gonna go now before someone spotted me, Punch out. (Transmission ends)
Optimus prime: Y/n have your team ready to move out. I have Silverbolt and his team to join you.
Y/n: Will do sir.
Alex: (smirk) You can count on us! Let's do this guys!
Verity and Sorrel: (smile) Yeah.
Ben: (smile) Eevee!
(Archaeologist site)
A ground Bridge open near the site as Y/n and his team enter through the ground Bridge and once that they make their walk and soon arrived at the location as they kneel down and see the captured human archaeologist and their pokemon bring used as slaves to help the Construticons mine for the artifact while we see the conheads watching this happen.
Eve is seen inside a enger cage as Ramjet is holding her cage and shakes her cage which cost her to bounce around while Ramjet laughs as Turbospike sees this through his scope.
Turbospike: Looks like that female human inside that cage is the head lead of the Archaeologists.
Y/n: Looks lioe it. Joshua should be here soon along with the aerialbots.
Alex: I hope so. Whatever they are looking for can't be good.
Then Scavenger hits his shovel onto thr ground many times and then he hit something metal which he bend down and calls out.
Scavenger: Hey Scrapper looks like I found it.
Scrapper walks over to Scavenger as Scavenger reaches down and then pulls out a Cybertronian artifact as he shows it to Scrapper which he takes and looks at it.
Scrapper: Looks like we found it boys!
Scrapper turns to the conheads as he show it to them which they smiled in pleased while Eve ask them.
Eve: N-Now you found it, c-can you let us go?
Ramjet: (smirk) Mmmm better idea. Thrust.
Thrust nodes as he pulls out a bomb and throws it in the middle of the site. Once it's armed it starts to count down while the archaeologist scream and try to run but Mixmaster spray concrete onto the floor which they step on and they got stuck and can't get away from the bomb.
Eve: You can't do this!
Ramjet: (smirk) Sorry but we can't allow anyone to tell anyone what happened here. Enjoy your after life.
He tossed the cage which crashed as Eve rolled around inside and once she hit the ground she falls unconscious.
Y/n: That's not good.
Madison: I hope Joshua and the Aerialbots arrive here soon.
Zero stood up and look up which the rest noticed and they they see Joshua and the Aerialbots arrived at last as they came down and start open fire at the Decepticons.
They were immediately surprised by this as they look up and return fire.
Ramjet: Those Autobot scum! Quick, we need to get the artifact out of here before-
Suddenly Ramjet get shot in the shoulder by Turning as he give them sniper fire while Y/n picks up Alex, Ben, Verity and Sorrel and slide down the hill along with Zero and Madison. Once they are on the ground Zero and Madison charge at the Construticons while Y/n sets Alex and the others down and runs off joining in the fight.
Alex: Come on!
They rushed over to where Eve is at while the Autobots battle the Construticons and the conheads. Joshua and the Aerialbots keep firing at them in the aid so thrust and Dirge leap up, transform into jets and take them on in the sky.
Y/n, Madison and Zero get behind cover while the Construticons keep firing at them. Zero pulls out three Ninja stars and throws them which hits Long Haul, Mixmaster and Scavenger while Y/n and Madison open fire as Scrapper and Bonecrusher take fire and push back.
Y/n: Zero free the archaeologists!
Zero nodes to Y/n as he dashes towards the still stuck Archaeologist and once there he pulls out his sword and stab it onto thr grounr that cracks and soon breaks the concrete as Zero turns and blocks the incoming fire with his sword.
Bonecrusher: Those Autobots are really gonna regret it.
Scrapper: Then let's show them not to mess with us. Construticons, form into Devastor!
The Construticons start to transform into body parts of Devastor and then start to combine which Alex, Ben, Verity and Sorrel watch this happen while they were trying to free Eve as they were shocked how big they became.
Devastor: Devastor online!
Y/n: Everyone pull back! Pull back!
They move back while Devastor stomps his way towards Y/n, Zero and Madison but Devastor gets hit by Turbospike as he continues to fire at him which he turns to him and picks up a large rock and tossed it towards Turbospike.
Turbospike: Oh Scrap!
Turbospike leap up quickly and slide down the hill once the large rock hits where he was as he alive down the hill and land onto the ground.
Joshua fly down and transform into hid bot form and helps Turbospike up.
Joshua: You okay?
Turbospike: I'm good. Ain't the first time I was nearly killed by a Combiner.
We cut to Alex and the others as Sorrel summons Lucario and he has Lucario use low kick to break the cage and once that Sorrel and Verity pulled Eve out just as she wake up.
Eve: What happened? (Noticed Alex and the others) Wh-Who are you people?
Alex: (smile) Here the help. Including they are.
She turn and was shocked to see more gaint robots and then she noticed a bomb which she point at and tells them.
Eve: That bomb is gonna blow up any second!
Alex: Then we have no time. Y/n! The bomb!
Y/n: Right! Silverbolt, take care of Devastor!
Silverbolt and his team transform into their bot forms while they hover in the air as Silverbolt nodes to Y/n.
Silverbolt: You can count on us! Aerialbots form into Superion!
The five transform into body parts and they start to combine into Superion as Superion charge towards Devastor and lands a punch at Devastor in the face.
Superion: Take that Devastor!
Devastor: (stumble back) Superion will be destroyed!
Devastor charte towards Superion and lands a punch but him which Superion steps back but he stood his ground and rush up to Devastor and lands a kick at Devastor in the chest follow by a blast with his huge rifle as Devastor stomps backwards.
Devastor roars in rage and charge towards Superion and while they fight we see Y/n and his team made it to the bomb as Turbospike open the panel and start looking through the wires.
Turbospike: Give me time. This might gonna take a while to-
Then Zero stab his sword onto the bomb as the bomb immediately shuts off which surprised Turbospike as he said.
Turbospike: (surprised) Or we do that.
Joshua: Incoming!
Then the conheads open fire at them which they return as Ramjet leaps over and tackles Y/n onto the ground as they roll away as Ramjet punches at Y/n in the face.
Ramjet: You won't ruin our mission Autobot. We will crush you and end the Autobots once and for all.
Y/n: Better luck next time Ramjet!
He kicks Ramjet away as Ramjet activities his thrusters on his feet and fire his minigun at Y/n which he rolled out of the way from the shots and then he fired his rifle at his foot, costing it to malfunction and sent him flying and crashed into Thrust and Dirge as they land onto the ground.
We then cut to Superion as he get shot by Devastor several times and then he charge towards Superion and punched him in the face, costing him to be sent flying and landing hard onto thr ground.
Y/n: Superion!
The Construticons split apart into turir bot forms as their grounr Bridge open beside them.
Scrapper: That's our exit boys, lots get out of here!
They all race through the ground bridge with the artifact in hand which the conheads sees this and they head towards the ground bridge while Y/n the others sees this and they open fire but they dodges the shots and got through thr portal and it shuts in front of them.
Y/n: Scrap. They got away.
Turbospike: Yeah with the artifact.
Joshua: At least the human archaeologist are safe.
Y/n: True.
Sometime later we see Madison patching up the aerialbots while we see the rest with Eve and her Archaeologist group as Eve tells them.
Eve: (smile) Thank you so much for saving us. I thought this was it for us.
Alex: (smile) It's no problem.
Sorrel: Still you should be careful. Decepticons might try this again if they find something near your location.
Eve: (smile) We will. Thank you again. Say any idea what they have found?
Y/n: Not too sure. Maybe Optimus might know what it is once we return back to base.
Joshua: Let's hope those Decepticons don't know how to use it.
Y/n: Me too.
Soon Eve and her archaeologist leave while Y/n and the others walk up to the aerialbots as Y/n ask them.
Y/n: You all alright?
Silverbolt: We're fine. Those Construticons are tough to beat.
Air Raid: You can say that again. Even if our combine form, Devastor is still harder to beat in battle.
Skydive: If only we were stronger.
Y/n: Well don't beat yourself up for the lost. At least we save some lives.
Skydive: Yeah guess your right.
Silverbolt: Say I've saw the artifact they were holding and I think I know what it is.
Turbospike: You do?
Verity: What is it?
Silverbolt: I think I was called a Spark extractor. It's a ancient device that extract sparks from Cybertronians, leaving their bodies as nothing more then shells while the sparks are extracted within the device itself.
Turbospike: Well that can't be good.
Silverbolt: I've heard some ancient tales about it. Some say it has enough power to take spark from all Cybertronians and use their sparks to make new Cybertronian's. If Megatron uses it and drain our sparks or sparks of others....then who might make a new army by using that device.
Y/n stood there in slince as a thought of a army of Decepticons powered by the sparks from other Autobots would be extremely bad.
Y/n: Let's return back to base and inform Optimus the bad news.
They agree as the Aerialbots get up and they request a grounr Bridge which their grounr Bridge appeared and they walk through ad they return back to base and report the bad news to Optimus Prime and they really hope that the Decepticons have no idea how to use it otherwise this war will be far worse than anything they can imagine.
To be continued....................................
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