S1E14: A recon mission

(Swerve's bar)

Y/n, Turbospike, Alex and Ben are seen hanging out at Swerve's bar within the Ark. There was also many other Autobots at the bar drinking some energon with their friends, chatting or playing some activity to pass the time before they can be sent for battle.

We see the four at the booth of the bar as Swerve hands both Turbospike and Y/n two cups of Energon which they each take and have a drink while Alex and Ben sat down at the table of the bar with Ben eating some pokemon food that Alex give while Y/n have a sandwich as Swerve turns to them and says with a friendly smirk.

Swerve: (smirk) So these what you humans call "sandwiches" huh? Must be pretty famous for many travelling.

Alex: (smile) I can say the same to Energon. How dose it taste like?

Swerve: (smile) It's like what you human adults drink in parties or other bars. Drink too much and we get dizzy and go into stasis.

Alex: So basically like alcohol?

Swerve: Yeah, something like that. (Turns to Y/n) So Captain Y/n, how is things with you and your crew. It's been a while since you left Cybertron. There have been many Autobots spreading rumours that you and your crew were killed since it was a long time. Ha! Bet they were shocked when they got your transmission.

Y/n: (smile) Bet they were. Still nothing much. We've managed to move the Requiem blaster to Perceptor's lap so he and Wheeljack will research it and see there is more information we should know about it then we thought.

Swerve: (smile) The Requiem blaster. Must be one important relic. Bet his much fire power it has against a Decepticon army?

Turbospike: (Drink some Energon) I'll say...it can one shot a Decepticon flag ship.

Swerve: Ooooo like the sound of that. You think Optimus will use it one day?

Y/n: I bet not. It's a destructive weapon and Optimus will never use it unless it's for a situation that requires him to us it.

Swerve: Guess so. Optimus always takes the hard way then the easy way to defeat Megatron and his Decepticons.

Y/n: True but he believes it is right to end the war without wiping all Decepticons within seconds. Besides its not honor to use any over powered weapons like the Requiem blaster.

Alex: Say I have a question? What is Optimus like during the war on Cybertron?

Swerve: (smirk) Oh kid, he was the best. He was like the most powerful bot to ever lived. He's a bot with few words but when it comes to battle, he'll go out of his way just to be a cool Autobot leader.

Turbospike: I heard he took on 100 Decepticon troopers on his own and he never seem to panic or worry.

Swerve: I also heard that he lead 50 Autobots against 200 Decepticon troops and made it out alive.

Alex: (surprised) Wow he sounds amazing.

Ben: (surprised) Eevee.

Y/n: (smile) Yeah he is. As a prime he never back down from a fight and will sacrifice anything to save any Autobots as best he can.

Alex: Still though, what makes him a prime? How can a Autobot become a prime? Is it a rank or what?

Y/n: Well you see, being a prime is not like a rank what you humans have within military. How they become a prime is by the Matrix of leadership.

Alex: And what's that?

Swerve: It's a ancient Cybertronian artifact and it contain the wisdoms from all the primes. Some bots say that Optimus Prime was actually one of the 13 primes and he was reincarnated as a Cybertronian named Orion Pax. Whne the war began, he make his way to the core of Cybertron and was given the Matrix of leadership and once again became a prime.

Alex: (surprised) Whoa!

Swerve: (smile) Yep. Some say that a new prime can be chosen by the Matrix of leadership if Optimus prime dies.

Turbospike: (smile) Yeah, lioe that's ever gonna happen!

Y/n: Who knows. Optimus maybe strong but he's not invisible and has suffered many damages on Cybertron during the war. Its a scary thought to think that one day...we will lose a prime.

They agree and cannot imagine that would ever happen. Then though thoughts were interrupted by Teletraan 1 called out through the speakers.

Teletraan 1: Autobot Y/n and Turbospike, report to the bridge for you mission.

Y/n: Seems like we finally have a mission.

Turbospike: (smirk) Let's go then!

Alex: (smile) Mind we come?

Ben: (smile) Eevee.

Y/n: Sure, let's see what's our mission.

They leave the table and make their way out of the bar as Swerve cleans their glass once they left the bar. Seconds later they arrived at the bridge will Optimus, Blaster and Ratchet there including many other Autobots as Blaster is seen on the controls as Y/n and Turbospike walk up to them.

Y/n: We're here Optimus. What's our mission?

Optimus prime: (turns to Y/n & Turbospike) Punch as contact us about a Decepticon mining operation. It seems the Decepticons are search for energon.

Ratchet: And possibly capturing any pokemons within the area. Punch has sent us the coordinations and we need a small group of Autobots to search the area and stop the Decepticons frok getting more Energon.

Y/n: Well you count on us for this mission.

Optimus prime: Good. Blaster, give the coordinations to Y/n and Turbospike. (Turns to Ratchet) Ratchet active the grounr Bridge.

Alex: You don't mind I tag along with Y/n and Turbospike?

Optimus prime: I suppose but be careful.

Alex: Right.

Ben: Eevee!

Turbospike: (smirk) Let's go and ruin the Decepticons job.

Y/n: (smile) Agree. Let's do this.

(Location: Decepticon mining area)

A ground Bridge opened as Turbospike and Y/n drive out the grounr Bridge with Alex and Ben inside of Y/n's vehicle mode as the two still feel dizzy about the grounr Bridge travel as they slowly move through the woods and search for a mine.

Turbospike: Is it me or is this forest a bit quiet?

Y/n: I agree. I don't hear any Pokemons or wild pokemons anywhere. The Decepticons must have force them to leave the area.

They keep on driving through the woods whne they heard something up ahead which they stop behind the bushes and see two Decepticon troopers guarding the entrance and looking around.

Turbospike: (whisper) Seems like we got two unlucky Decepticons outside of the mine? Well, time to scrap them.

Y/n: (whisper) Take them down quietly. We don't want to draw any attention.

Turbospike node as he transform into bot form and sneak up to the first Decepticon trooper and once close he quickly grab the Decepticon troopers head and break it and then kick his body to the other Decepticon troopers which gets hit and fell onto the ground. Turbospike walks over and smashed the Decepticon troopers head and took both of them out.

He turns to the rest and give them the all clear signal which Y/n drive up and let's Alsx and Ben out of him and once  that transform into his bot form.

They soon enter the mines tunnels and make their walk through the mines as they turn on their headlights on their chest and walk through the tunnel.

Y/n: Looks like they have be doing this for a while.

Turbospike: Yeah. They have this huge tunnel that is fit for us to walk through.

Y/n: Still we should keep our guard up for anything.

Turbospike: Right.

They continue walking down the tunnel and being careful for any Decepticon troopers that may come around the corner. After a while they see a light up ahead and once through they were amazed to see a massive circular like room with Energon crystals pointed out everywhere in the walls and grounds and a huge hole above them that they theories is how they carry the energon crystals from the mines to the Nemesis.

They duck down when they see Decepticon troopers mining the energon crystals along with many guards patrolling the area as Alex and Ben noticed some have wings on their backs and ask whike he whisper.

Alex: (whisper) I didn't know some Decepticon troopers can fly?

Y/n: (whisper) Those types of troopers are called Seekers. They are lead by Starscream who is the sky commander. Some Decepticon troopers are build in different situations or units they are in.

Turbospike: (whisper) Yeah and guess whose in charge.

They look down and in the middle was no other then Starscream as he watches his troopers mining out the Energon crystals while Knockout walk up to him and inform him.

Knockout: It seems everything is going according to plan commander Starscream. As soon we mine the energon cubes and transport them to the Nemesis, we will keep fighting a bit longer.

Starscream: Good. I can imagine how struggling the Autobots are once their energon is out.

Then a Military helicopter make its way down form the hole and lowers down while Starscream and Knockout watch as the helicopter transforms into his bot form and lands in front of Starscream and Knockout.

Blackout: I've came here to see what are your progress on the energon mining operation. I see you haven't blown the whole mines up and mess up like always Starscream.

Starscream: If Megatron have told you to check up on me then you should assure him that everything is doing fine and he should not worry.

Blackout: Oh really. Remember the last time you told me that to Lord Megatron back on Cybertron. It wasn't long for you to mess up and you got a beat down by Lord Megatron. No matter how hard you will try, you will always fail.

Starscream: May I remind you that I am your sky commander and you should treat me with respect!

Blackout: You maybe our sky commander but your not much liked among the Decepticons for your failures and your obsession of leading the Decepticons. Even by means trying to kill Lord Megatron.

Starscream: Well I don't want to hear things from you Blackout! You will best leave my sight or you will never return to the Nemesis ever again.

Blackout: Like to see you try Starscream.

Alex: (thought) Man Decepticons sure do fight each other a lot.

Knockout: Now, Now, let's try not to scrap each other and forced on the job.

Decepticon trooper: Sir I found something.

They turn to the Decepticon trooper as they walk up to him as they see what seems like something on the wall that was revealed when a Decepticon trooper broke a wall that revealed them a image of a pokemon and some written on it.

Starscream: What is this?

Knockout: It looks like a ancient writing. Made by the humans long ago before we came.

Blackout: What dose it say?

Knockout: Hmm it says "A pokemon that has the power of everything, a pokemon that's far stronger then others, a pokemon that is nothing like many other pokemon and a Pokemon that no other people have ever seen. The great Mew himself." Huh, fascinating. These humans may have worshipped this pokemon a long time ago.

Starscream: " A pokemon that has the powers of everything." What dose that mean?

Knockout: It's possible this pokemon holds the abilities of every singal pokemon on this planet. If that were case then just imagine what it can do for us.

Starscream: (smirk) Indeed. Blackout, take it to Lord Megatron and tell him a interesting news.

Blackout: Sure thing.

They break the panel off and once Blackout gets it, he transforms into his Helicopter form and flies off as Y/n, Turbospike, Alex and Ben watched.

Y/n: (whisper) Do you know Mew?

Alex: (whisper) Yeah. Apparently it's a mythical pokemon that has the abilities of all the pokemon in the world. Mew is the first pokemon to ever be born to thie world so it explains why he have all these amazing abilities.

Turbospike: (whisper) Sounds like the Decepticon are interested of it. We gonna head back to base and report this to Optimus.

Turbospike: (whisper) Right but let's leave those cons a gift.

Turbospike pulls out a grenade and unpins it and tossed it somewhere before they leave as the grenade hits the wall and lands next to a energon crystal which blows up which cost the energon crystal to blow up and killing many Decepticons apart of Starscream and Knockout.

Starscream in a panic transform into his jet form whike Knockout grabs his wings as they leave the mines as the mines blow up sky high high while Y/n, Turbospike, Alex and Ben managed to escape from the exploding mines and a grounr Bridge open in front of them as they gone through and once that the grounr Bridge closes.

(Location: Bridge)

We see them at the bridge as they tell Optimus prime and the others what they see and tell them about Mew which Optimus prime nodes and tell them.

Optimus prime: If Megatron finds Mew, then it's no telling what he will do with it.

Alex: Mew is able to do anything and if the Decepticons find Mew then that will be a problem for all of us.

Y/n: The Decepticons have the written and drawing of Mew but it's a small cat like pokemon with along tail.

Ratchet: Seems like this planet has some secrets of their own. The question is where is Mew?

Optimus prime: The time will come but at the mean time, I've thankful for your successful mission.

Y/n: Thank you sir.

Optimus prime: By away. After you left, two unsuspected guest came and they ask about your were abouts Y/n.

Y/n: Wait unsuspected guest? Who are?

??? and ???: Hi there Y/n~!

Then Night-Claw and Abby suddenly came up behind him and hugged each of his arm as they smiled in joy.

Y/n: (surprised) Night-Claw and Abby?! What are you two doing here?

Night-Claw: (smirk) We made a small computer and use that to locate a large ship that just landed here.

Abby: (smile) It wasn't long for us to find out it was the Autobot Ark and we ask about you and they told me you were on a mission. So we waited and here we are.

Optimus prime: I see they are your friends?

Alex: Yeah. They are from a planet called Eukaris.

Ratchet: (shocked) Eukaris?! You mean one of the lost Cybertronian colonies?!

Blaster: Never knew they be here on Earth.

Night-Claw: (smirk) How's about we spent together.

Abby: (smile) Yeah come on!

Then they drag Y/n out of the room as Alex and the other Autobots chuckle a bit as Y/n is now on his own.

(Location: Bridge)

We see Jessie, James and Meowth cleaning the floors of the Nemesis at the bridge while we see Megatron looking at the drawing and ancient written that was given by Blackout who is standing behind him as Megatron looks at it and tells Blackout.

Megatron: You have done your job well Blackout. It seems there is one Pokemon that is stronger then all the rest on this planet.

Blackout: (bow) Thank you Lord Megatron. I will please you as best i can.

Soundwave: (Walk up to Megatron) Lord Megatron, I was informed that the mining operation that Starscream was in charge was destroyed. All Energon has all been destroyed.

Blackout: I told him that he will mess up and he always will.

Megatron: I do not care about that anymore. I'm interested on this "mew" pokemon and I wonder if I can catch it.

Soundwave: Lord Megatron I believed I have seen that before.

Megatron: Really? Tell me Soundwave, where have you seen it before?

Soundwave: I have hacked into all humans records , history, information and everything else and I have stumble apon a project that the human scientist have planned. They called it "Project: Mewtwo." They were trying to make a even more powerful pokemon that can stand against any odds. In short, they were trying to make a pokemon weapon.

Blackout: Those pathetic humans believed they have the technology to clean pokemons? I'll laugh if their first test was a failure.

Soundwave: It was a mix. Mewtwo was successfully been made but unfortunately it want out of control and killed all scientist including the heaf scientist named Dr. Fuji.

Megatron: I see. Then we must find this Mewtwo and have him to be apart of the Decepticon cost.

Soundwave: As you command, Lord Megatron.

Megatron: (turns to Blackout) That includes you Blackout. Find Mewtwo and report his location to me as soon as possible.

Blackout: Of course Lord Megatron.

Blackout leaves the room as he walks by Jessie, James ans Meowth as he leaves the room.

Megatron: Jessie, James ans Meowth.

They flinched in fear as they slowly turns to Megatron as he turns to them with a smirk as he tell them.

Megatron: (smirk) I have a mission for you three.

To be continued.................................

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