S1E13: A rampaging Charizard problem

(Ark: Bridge)

Optimus prime, Iron Hide and Jazz are seen at the bridge maintaining and testing out the long range communications that Jetfire and his team have placed so they can contact each other in long distances.

Jazz: (smile) Looks like all systems are alrighty prime!

Ironhide: Long range communication tower is stable. Seems like Jetfire and his team did their job well.

Optimus prime: That's perfect. Now we will have communications in long distances.

Then the bridged opens and two Autobots enter the bridge as Optimus Prime turns to them.

Sunstreaker: (smile) Jammer's and a cloak is now online and we're all good. Those Decepticons will not know where we are with those things up and running.

Sideswipe: Still through we need to be careful in case of any pokemons get close to them. We don't want them to damage them and expose our location to the Decepticons.

Optimus prime: Understood, good job.

Jazz: Say Optimus, you think the Decepticons are doing the same?

Optimus prime: I believe so Jazz. All we know they could be above us right now and they don't even know.

Ironhide: (smirk) Well I can't wait to get out there and beat some Decepticons into scrap.

Sunstreaker: (smile) You can say that again Ironhide. Say where are the three new humans? I want to meet them.

Optimus prime: You should ask Y/n. He was with them and last time I saw them.

Sunstreaker: (smile) Nice. Come on Sideswipe, let's go find Y/n.

The two head off as we them walking down the hallway, failing to notice Jigglypuff as Jigglypuff watch them walk by. She is a bit frustrated that no one hasn't noticed her until she heard some music somewhere down the hallway.

She decided to follow as she make her wal down to a different hallway as the music gets louder and louder meaning she must be close. Soon she made it to a door which was left open as she peak through and sees a Autobot blasting some tons while he's typing his way onto his computer.

Blaster: (smile) Haha now that's some great music there! These humans are great with their music.

He enjoys the music which Jigglypuff is surprised but then she looked over to see what seems like a table that she thought was a stage which she gets excited and makes her way over there.

Blaster was listening to his song and minding his own business when suddenly something appeared into the song which he sat up and turns off the music. It sounds like a calm and nice song which Blaster is confused and look around.

Blaster: Huh, now where is that nice music coming from?

Then he looked over to see Jigglypuff signing on his table which Blaster is surprised as he stood up and walk up to her which made Jigglypuff stop as Blaster stare at her.

Blaster: (surprised) Whoa. What a cute creature.

Jigglypuff finds his words very nice so she start signing to which Blaster smiles and likes the song as he tap his foot onto the ground and snap his fingers several times as Jigglypuff continues to sing.

Blaster: Now that is some calm music right there. I may not know what you are but you have some smooth voice in my books.

Jigglypuff is surprised by his nice reactions and smiles in joy. Then Blaster picks up Jigglypuff and looks at her and ask.

Blaster: Still I wonder what are you thought? Hhhmmm well I thinm it's time to visit a bot who knows.

(Perceptor's lab)

We see Ash, Pikachu, Brock, Misty, Togepi, Alex, Ben, Verity and Sorrel at Perceptor's lab and standing on his huge table as Perceptor was written up some history about the Cybertronian race, their abilities and everything else as everyone else is a bite bored with Pikachu, Togepi and Brn even fallen asleep as Perceptor turns to them and finishes off by saying.

Perceptor: (smile) And that's our history and how our lives changed very differently after the golden age of Cybertron. So is there any questions?

Ash: He really likes the history dose he.

Misty: No kidding. I think I can't feel my legs from sitting this long.

Sorrel: (puts up his hands) Perceptor I have a question? When Cybertronian die, is there to bring them back to life?

Perceptor: Well there hasn't been a report from that. You see, we contain what we call "a spark" that is like a human heart. If it dies out then we be gone for good. However, if it was critical damaged then it will set us to a stasis lock that will keep us alive for a bit until pur sparks are repaired. However there are ways to bring a fallen Cybertronian back to life, they can be given a new spark which allows them to come back to life or their memory banks be copied and be transferred into a protoform.

Misty: You mean like a prototype Cybertronian?

Perceptor: That's correct! That's how new Cybertronian's are made. Once they were given a spark then a new Cybertronian is born.

Brock: What about names? Where do you guys get names?

Perceptor: A Cybertronian will have to go with a number until they can be given a name. For example Bumblebee was "B1-27" and later on he got the name Bumblebee by the Cybertronian council. Its very much different to how you humans got your names or how you humans were born.

Alex: (smile) Including some pokemons as well.

Blaster: (enters room) Yo Perceptor, check out what I've found.

Then Blaster walks into the room as Perceptor sighs to himself a bit and ask Blaster.

Perceptor: Blaster if its about a new music you found on the Internet please, let's not do it here.

Blaster: No No it's not that! Check this one.

He shows them the Jigglypuff with a microphone which Ash, Misty and Brock immediately recognised.

Alex: That's a Jigglypuff!

Sorrel: Why dose it have a microphone though?

Verity: (smile) Who cares, what a cute Pokemon!

Ash: (panic) Um I might cover your ears if I were you.

Alex: Why? It's just a Jigglypuff?

Brock: (panic) You don't understand! Once that Jigglypuff sings, she can-

Then Jigglypuff starts to sing and as Perceptor and Blaster listened to the music and after what seems like a minute she stopped and smiled at the two bots which Perceptor says.

Perceptor: Huh that is a nice music. So what we're you saying Bro-?

They turn only to see Alex and the rest fallen asleep all of a sudden which confused them.

Blaster: Huh guess they must find it a calm music they falling asleep.

Perceptor: Or maybe it's one of that pokemons abilities.

Blaster: (turn to Perceptor) Huh?

Perceptor: Well I've actually looked into their pokedex's and it seems Jigglypuff's ability is put beings to sleep with it's song.

Blaster: Really? Then how come we're not effected by it? I don't feel sleepy when it first heard it.

Perceptor: Perhaps maybe due to our Cybertronian bodies being completely different to humans and pokemon. I believe the songs that Jigglypuff sings doesn't effect us because our Brain Module are all machine like while humans and pokemon are organic and it can effect them.

Blaster: So in others words us Cybertronian don't go night night?

Perceptor: Yes.

Blaster: (smile) That's great ain't that right Jigglypuff!

He looks at his hand and see Jigglypuff not on his hand and the two sees Jigglypuff's disappears and start looking around for it.

Perceptor: Where could it gone to?

Blaster: No idea but I'm ain't gonna lose my favourite pokemon.

They keep on searching and after a while they couldn't find her. That is until Perceptor looks over and spotted Jigglypuff writing up Alex and the others faces as punishment for sleeping while she was singing.

Perceptor: Look! There it is!

Blaster: Got it!

Blaster rushes over and try to grab her but she leaps while which Blaster lose balance and slammed onto the ground which cost a shake which made one of Ash's pokemon to roll out of his pokemon and fell off the table and hit the ground.

Suddenly it open and Charizard is summed in front of Blaster which have his eyes shut.

Perceptor: Oh that can't be good.

Blaster: Why? I think it's asleep?

Then he opened his eyes and gets mad about Blaster waking up him and he charge up his flamethrower.

Blaster: Oh Scrap.

(Y/n teams room)

We see Y/n's team relaxing and enjoying the time they needed. Zero is seen sitting on his bed sharing his sword, Turbospike and Madison as seen together as Turbospike tells Madison some jokes which she laughs while we see Y/n sitting on his bed and looking at a holopad which open up to reveal a hologram of the Autobot elite guard symbol as he look at it and then closes it when Joshua walk up to him.

Joshua: You okay sir?

Y/n: I'm good. Just.....(sigh) You think we can ever retake Cybertron?

Joshua: Hard to say sir but I believe we can retake it.

Y/n: I hope so Joshua. Just glad Optimus and the others are save.

Joshua: Well....not all didn't make it.

Y/n: Maybe. But who knows....we might see them one day, I just kno-

Suddenly there was a sound of a explosion which made them stop and look around follow by rushing footsteps right at theie door as Y/n opens and see many Autobots racing towards the hanger.

He sees Prowl which he stopped him and ask him.

Y/n: Prowl what's going on?

Prowl: A pokemon somehow got into the hanger and right now is attacking any Autobots in site!

Y/n: (shocked) What?! How?

Prowl: No idea but if you wanna help, take your team and coke with us.

Y/n: Right! (Turns to his team) Team let's move!

They gather their gear and race to the hanger with Prowl leading them. Soon they reach the hanger and they see Charizard shooting out flamethrower at ant Autobots and making a huge mess.

Then Brawn rushed up behind him and grabs Charizard as Charizard shoots out flamethrower everywhere as Brawn holds him tight.

Brawn: (smirk) Ain't you a strong dragon type are you. Well you can't escape from me!

Then Brawn was swiped away by Charizard's air slash and then shoot its flamethrower at the stack on energon but Trailbreaker came in front of it and use his dorm shield to block the flamethrower before it can hit the energon and blow up.

Trailbreaker: We need it to keep it away from the energon!

Prowl: Right! Autobots open the hanger and shoot it out-

Ash: Stop!

Suddenly Ash and the others came with black pen drawings on their faces that were drawn by a child.

Turbospike: Um what happened to your faces?

Ash: Never mind that! That's my Charizard and it's in rage!

Prowl: Can you calm it down?

Ash: Charizard doesn't listen to me. That's the reason why I didn't want him to introduce to you all. He might see you as a challenge to him.

Y/n: Then what can we do!?

Optimus prime: Allow me to handle this.

Then Optimus prime appeared as he make his way towards Charizard as the Autobots stopped and watched as Charizard turns to see Optimus Prime as he stare at him and tells him.

Optimus prime: Your in no danger. We're all friends here.

Charizard just glare at Optimus prime as he make his way towards him slowly and carefully as he tells him.

Optimus prime: Your not in anger danger. We're the Autobots, good Cybertronians and friends with your trainer Ash.

Then Charizard roars and use tackle and slammed Optimus prime which shocked everyone bit Optimus prime wasn't phase by this as he gently places a hand on Charizard and tells him.

Optimus prime: You have no reason to proof yourself to be strong. Strength isn't always everything and you must know that your trainer cares for you along with others around him. We're all friends here and you have no reason to attack anyone, now rest.

To Ash, Misty and Brock surprised Charizard did listen and calms down. Optimus prime sets Charizard down which Ash walks up and puts Charizard back to his Pokeball and turns to Optimus Prime.

Ash: I'm sorry about that Optimus.

Optimus prime: No need to apologise Ash. As long no one isn't harm, we're all good.

Then the others came up to Optimus Prime and they were amazed by it.

Misty: (surprised) That was amazing! I never seen Charizard listen to anyone.

Brock: (smile) Yeah that was very impressive.

Y/n: (smile) Well that's Optimus prime.

Optimus prime: Thank you humans but I must ask, where did you and Charizard met?

Ash: We met when he was a charmander. You see, he was abandoned by his trainer and was in the pouring rains until we saved him. After he involved into Chameleon, he suddenly start to change and become more aggressive and refusing to listen to me.

Optimus prime: I see. Tell me, why did the trainer abandoned him?

Brock: The Pervasive trainer said that he was weak so he abandoned him for it.

Verity: That's horrible.

Alex: Yeah how dare he.

Optimus Prime: Then perhaps that's the reason.

Ash: The reason?

Optimus Prime: I may not be a pokemon expert like you but what I've seen among my Autobots is that they will believe that Strength and power is the only way and anything such as weak pokemon or acts of kindness is a weakness and due to your pur of heart, Charizard refuses to listen because he believes your going soft on him.

Ash: You think so?

Optimus prime: Maybe Ash. I've seen this with a few Autobots that is similar to your Charizard.

Ash: Then....is there a way for me to make Charizard as my friend? Is there anything you can do?

Optimus prime: Ash, I cannot do anything to change Charizard's mind. It is something that you and Charizard must do in hopes of becoming friends. It maybe hard Ash but judging how you bound with Pikachu and others, I believe you and Charizard can be friends once again.

Ash smiles and nodes as the other smiled until Turbospike asked.

Turbospike: So tell me again why you have your face drawing?

They realised this and they wipe it off, explaining about Jigglypuff and what she can do after she sing her song.

(Short while later)

We see them in front of the grounr Bridge as Wheeljack turns it on and a ground Bridge portal opens in front of Ash, Pikachu, Misty, Togepi and Brock as Bumblebee, Jazz, Hot Rod and Sideswipe as asigned to protect Ash and the others in case of a Decepticon try to capture them again.

Wheeljack: The corrects is set prime.

Optimus prime: That's good. (Turns to Hot Rod) Good luck and be safe.

Hot Rod: (smile) Sure thing Optimus. We be fine.

Ash: (smile) My mum is gonna be amazed when they see you guys.

Hot Rod: (smile) Let's just hope your home town would accept.

Jazz: (smile) Sure they will. I can even put some sick beats to show how friendly we are.

Bumblebee: (smile) It be great to spent more time with you guys. I can't wait.

Misty: (smile) Trust us, we're gonna have the greatest time in your life!

Togepi: Togepi!

Bumblebee: (smile) I can't wait.

Alex: (smile) Take care Ash and we can come by to your home town and visit you.

Ash: (smile) Sure thing. Good luck.

Once that Hot Rod, Jazz, Bumblebee and Sideswipe transform into vehicle forms and once Ash and the others climbed inside, they take off and enter through the grounr Bridge. Once that Wheeljack closes it as Y/n turns to Optimus Prime and ask him.

Y/n: So what now sir?

Optimus prime: Now we need to locate these artifacts Chrome talked about. You have it in your base right?

Y/n: Yes sir. I'll contact Brainstorm and he'll bring it over right away.

Optimus prime: Good. Let's hope Megatron and his Decepticons won't know we have it.

And so they make their way back inside the Ark as the sun sets down for the night and as soon the sun rises up, they will get to work on finding any other ancient Cybertronian artifact and find them before the Decepticons find it first.

To be continued.........................................

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