S1E12: A tour around the Ark

(Location: Viridian City)

It was a sunny day at Viridian City as we see vehicles driving by down the street just minding their own business and getting to their locations. But then driving up near a cafe and parking across of the cafe we see Barricade as he sees Ash, Pikachu, Brock, Misty and Togepi enjoying themselves with some food as Barricade radios in.

Barricade: I have the humans on my sight. I'll lower them somewhere isolated so no other humans won't find them.

It wasn't long for Ash and the others leave the cafe and make their walk which Barricade drive behind them and making sure he's not spotted. He watched as Ash check to see all of his badges that he gotten as he smiles and says.

Ash: (smile) After all of the training I finally got all the badges.

Pikachu: (smile) Pika!

Misty: (smile) That means you be in the pokemon League in no time.

Brock: (smile) But that's not gonna started for 4 weeks so what should we do while we wait?

Ash: (smile) I know! Let's head to Pallet Town and stay at my place!

Misty: (smile) Sounds like a good idea.

Togepi: (smile) Togepi.

Brock: (smile) Sounds great, let's go.

And so they try to make their way out of town while Barricade follows them however it wasn't long for Misty to turn around and sees a police car following them which Barricade stopped as Brock and Ash stop after seeing Misty stopped.

Ash: What's up Misty?

Misty: I can't help but feel like that police car was following us for a second.

Brock: Maybe it's officer Jenny come to see us!

Then Brock rushes over as he gets to the driver side door and says.

Brock: (smile) Hello Officer Jenny! Care to roll down your windows so i can see your beautiful face?

Barricade: Man you humans are scrapping weird.

Brock: (smile) No need for that Jenny, your the most beautiful and.......Huh?!

Suddenly Barricade transform into hid bot form which Ash and the rest step back in shock as Barricade stand over them and try to grab Brock but he dodged and rushes back to Ash and Misty.

Ash: It's a Decepticon!

Barricade: That's right you human scum. Now hold still or else.

Then Pikachu fired lighting bolt at Barricade which made him block the attacks as Ash and the other make a run for it  while Barricade chased after them.

Brock: Why is a Decepticon chasing us!? What did we do!?

Misty: I have no idea!

Ash: Well at least there is only one.

They turn around the corner only for the be block by three gaint metal insects which Misty get terrified and hide behind Ash.

Misty: (scared) You just have to say there is only one, do you Ash!

Suddenly the trio of insecticons transform into bot forms which they were surprised to see they too are Decepticons are well.

Shrapnel: And here we thought we were the disgusting insects type but it seems we're not the only one, only one.

They try to turn around but they were blocked by Barricade as Bombshell and Kickback each grab Misty and Brock, Pikachu was about to charge up his lighting bolt but Bombshell fired a blast that sent Pikachu flying which Ash catched before he hit the ground.

Ash: You okay Pikachu?

Pikachu: Pika.

Barricade: You humans will be taking to Lord Megatron along with your pokemon.

Ash: We're not coming with you!

Barricade: You don't have a choice.

Barricade was about to grab Ash and Pikachu when suddenly a ground Bridge open up behind Barricade which they turn and suddenly a fast car came out and slammed Barricade onto the ground as the vehicle transform into bot form and kicked Shrapnel onto the ground and turn to the two other insecticons.

Hot Rod: (smirk) Let's heat this up!

He fired flames out of his twin arms that cost Bombshell and Kickback to stumble back as Misty and Brock were let go but then a small yellow car also came out of the ground Bridge and transform inro bot form and catch the two before they hit the ground.

The two open their eyes and see the yellow Autobot as he smiles while he ask them.

Bumblebee: You two okay?

Brock: Y-Yeah thank you.

Misty: (smile) Aaww what a cute bot.

Bumblebee: (smile) Well Jeez thanks.

Barricade: (anger) Those Autobots scum!

Suddenly bolts fly by as Jazz and Cliffjumper came out and open fire at them as Barricade sees they caught them by surprised and transform into vehicle form and ride off with the insecticons following him.

Jazz: Come on, time to get out of here before more will come.

Hot Rod: (smirk) Sure thing. Let's ride with style!

Hot Rod transform into hid bot form and allows Ash and Pikachu to enter while Bumblebee dose the same to Brock and Misty as they ride towards the Ground Bridge and gose through and after that Jazz and Cliffjumper follow as well as the grounr Bridge closes after the were in.

(Location: Ark)

We see Hot Rod, Jazz, Bumblebee and Cliffjumper exit out of the ground Bridge and stop as soon the ground Bridge closes behind them.

Ash, Pikachu, Misty and Brock got out and they felt dizzy after going through the ground Bridge while Hot Rod and the others transform into bot forms.

Ash: Now that's some ride I don't wanna go though.

Hot Rod: (smile) You'll get to us it somehow.

Brock: So where are we?

???: Our new Autobot base.

They look over and they see Y/n, Alex, Ben, Verity and Sorrel walk up to them as Ash, Pikachu, Misty and Brock rush up to them in surprised.

Alex: (smile) Long time no seek guys.

Ash: (smile) Same. Good to see you all here.

Pikachu, Ben and Togepi leap onto thr ground as they share a greeting as well while Brock sees a massive ship behind them which Ash and Misty also sees and they were amazed.

Misty: (surprised) Whoa look at the size of that thing!

Ash: (surprised) What is that?!

Y/n: (smile) That's the Ark. Our new Autobot base. Let's go, there is someone you wanna meet.

They enter inside the Ark and sometime later they arrive at the Ark's bridge as Ash and the rest were amazed to see how huge the ship is from the inside. Then the feet something walking towards them and turn to see Optimus Prime walk up to them and look down at Ash and the others.

Optimus Prime: Greetings new humans. My name is Optimus Prime, leader of the Autobots.

Ash: (surprised) Wow your leader of the Autobots!? So cool! My name is Ash Ketchum and this is my partner Pikachu.

Pikachu: (surprised) Pika!

Misty: (smile) My name is Misty and this is Togepi.

Togepi: (smile) Togepi.

Brock: (smile) I'm Brock. You Autobots really saved us from the Decepticons and we wanna thank you for that.

Optimus prime: Your very much welcome. We were connected by pur spy named Punch about Megatron's plan of capturing you and your pokemons.

Ash: Megatron?

Y/n: He's the leader of the Decepticons and a bot that you do not want to make friends with.

Optimus prime: A trio working for Team Rocket have become allies to the Decepticons and they have told them information about this planet and the pokemons.

Misty: I bet it was Jessie, James and Meowth.

Bumblebee: That's what Punc told us. He also said they are apart of a criminal organisation.

Ash: Yep that's right.

Alex: They have plans to use the pokemons to make a army to take over the planet.

Optimus prime: But we will stop Megatron and his Decepticons before their plan will be successful.

Ash: Same to us! We won't let them harm any pokemons, you can count on us!

Pikachu: Pikachu!

Optimus Prime: I am glad for that. Since you are our guest, allow my captain and his human friends to show you return.

Y/n: Will do sir. (Turns to Ash and others) Come on, let me show you all around.

They follow Y/n while Hot Rod decided to go with them while Bumblebee and the others take a brea. They walk down the halls and enter the medical bay as they see a white Autobot helping out another Autobot patching up his wounds.

Red Alart: I'm telling you Ratchet, I think I'm gonna die I jus know it. I can already feel my spark slowly dying. This might be it for me.

Ratchet: Oh will you settle down Red Alart, your not gonna die just because you have a small wound.

Y/n: (walk up to them) Came here for a bad time?

Ratchet: Yeah, pretty much. (Noticed Ash and friends) Who are those three? Never see them before?

Y/n: This is Ash, Pikachu, Misty, Togepi and Brock. These are the humans that Hot Rod and his team saved from the Decepticons. Guys this is Ratchet, our medical and Red Alart, our prison guard.

Ratchet: Great....more humans in the Ark. Just remember this is not a hotel.

Brock: He's kinda unhappy.

Hot Rod: (whisper) He's never happy.

Ratchet: I can hear you Hot Rod.

Hot Rod chuckles while the door open and red Autobot step into the medical bay.

???: Looks like we got some new humans here.

Y/n: (turns to him) Yep. Everyone this is Iron Hide, our weapons expert.

Iron Hide: Yep. If you need a call to clear out a Decepticon army (pulls out his arm cannon) I'll be your bot.

He then accidentally fired a shot that bounce off the ceiling and everyone panics and then the bolt hits a computer screen as Ratchet sees this and turns to Iron Hide and called out.

Ratchet: Iron Hide, I needed that!

Iron Hide: Whoops, sorry about that.

Y/n: Um let's move on.


We see a few Autobots at the hanger doing their own thing while Y/n and the others enter as they walk up to a Autobot drop ship as we see Hoist kneeling down and fixing somethings and once he's done he turns to Arcee whose at the cockpit as he called out.

Hoist: Okay give it a try.

Arcee did so and the engines slowly turns on but it exploded with dust as Hoist steps back as he wave his hands to get rid of the smoke while Arcee exit out of the cockpit and ask.

Arcee: Probably give it a try next time?

Hoist: Maybe.

Y/n: (smile) Hoist, Arcee!

They turn to see Y/n, Hot Rod and the humans walk up to them as Y/n tells them.

Y/n: (smile) I would like you to meet Ash, Pikachu, Misty, Togepi and Brock.

Ash, Misty and Brock: (smile) Nice to meet you.

Hoist: Oh a pleasure to meet you all.

Arcee: (smile) Aaawww look how adorable your pokemon are!

She kneel down and picks up Pikachu and Togepi as she smiled and said in a cheerful tone.

Arcee: Your pokemon are so adorable, I love them so much!

Pikachu: (nervous smile) Pika Pika.

Togepi: (smile) Togepi!

Misty: We have pokemon if you like to see.

Then Brock and Msity throw their pokeballs into the air and summons their pokemon which Hoist, Hot Rod and Arcee weer amazed.

Hot Rod: (surprised) Where did they come from?

Y/n: (smile) They have pokeballs that allow to keep their pokemons inside safely.

Ash: (smile) Yeah and here's mine!

Ash also summon his own but there was one more pokeball which he immediately realised as he look at it which Hot Rod ask.

Hot Rod: What's wrong?

Ash: Well.....this is my Charizard and I'm not too sure I introduce you guys to him.

Hot Rod: Why not?

Misty: You see....Charizard doesn't listen to Ash.

Brock: And go in rage pretty easy.

Hoist: Oh well that's unfortunate.

Arcee: (smile) Still your pokemons are soo cute and powerful.

Misty: (smile) Thanks. Glad you like them.

Then they hear like the sound of a jet engines and they see six jet fighters enter the hanger and they transform inro bot forms once they land at the hanger.

Jetfire: (smile) Good job bots. Let's get some rest.

They walk off except for Jetfire as Y/n and the others walk up to him.

Y/n: (smile) Jetfire, welcome back.

Jetfire: (turn to Y/n) Ah if ain't the MIA Captain of the Autobots. Glad to seeyou here. I also see you brought soke new humans here.

Alex: (smile) That's right. Everyone this is Jetfire, the Autobots sky commander.

Jetfire: (smile) Nice to meet you. So enjoying your time here?

Ash: (smile) Heck yeah! This is awesome!

Pikachu: Pika!

Jetfire: (smile) I'm glad you like it. This is what Autobots we have back on Cybertron. Others were either killed or still active among the stars.

Brock: Is there anyway youcan find them?

Jetfire: We have set up a transmission to all Autobots to come to Earth and I think the Decepticons are doing the same as well.

Y/n: Then that means we just hope our Autobot back up will come as soon as possible.

Jetfire: Let's hope so.

Misty: Say I have a question? How did you gaint human vehicles?

Jetfire: (smile) I'm glad you ask. We have scanning drones that gose around and scanning earth base vehicles for us to use. Once that we get into the pods we have in the Ark and be installed into our vehicle forms. Now of course we can scan Earth base vehicles forms but it be a lot more quicker and safer to have a drone to scan the vehicle forms in here then out there.

Brock: (smile) I guess that make sense. Still how can you transform?

???: I can explain that.

Then a Autobot walks up to them with a data pad in hand as he introduces himself.

Perceptor: (smile) Hello, My name is Perceptor, head Autobot scientist and to answer your question we have transformation cogs or in short "T-Cogs" that allow us to scan and transform into out vehicle form.

Ash: Transformation cogs?

Perceptor: That's correct. We all installed with T-cogs that allow us to scan vehicles and transform into them. In some occasions, bots can transform into three forms which is bot and two other vehicle forms. We call them "triple changers" and they are viewed as the powerful Cybertronians to ever lived.

Ash: Wow you got an Autobot that can do that!?

Perceptor: Well there is three who can do that but we don't have them here. However there is some Cybertronians that can combine into a larger bot.

Misty: (surprised) Wow really?!

Verity: (surprised) That's cool.

Perceptor: Indeed. For example, those Aerialbots are combiner's and they can form into Superion. We also have the Protectobots that can form into Defensor.

Alex: So you have two combiners at the Ark?

Perceptor: (smils) That's correct. Say would it be alright I tell you everything at my lab? I've been looking forward to teach you all our race history and what we been through.

Y/n: (smile) Sure thing. Besides I'm gonna check up with my team and see how they are doing.

Hot Rod: (smile) I'm gonna explore around and see how fast I can go.

Alex: (smile) Guess that leaves us and our pokemon. (Turn to Perceptor) Sure thing Perceptor, tell us about your races history.

Perceptor: (smile) How wonderful! Please follow andi will tell you the wonders of Cybertron and its history.

And so Alex and the others ho with Perceptor while Y/n and Hot Rod headed to down their own thing while outside of the Ark we see Jigglypuff peaking out of a rock and staring at the Ark in curiosity as she sees two Autobots walk up the ramp to the Ark which Jigglypuff decided to make her way over as she rushes up to the ramp and then run up the ramp and look around as the two same Autobots open the door and walk in.

Jigglypuff rushes towards the door before it closes in front of her as she leap through the door and the door closed before her as Jigglypuff is now inside the Ark and will have the Autobots are her beautiful song once she finds anyone or a stage to do her song.

To be continued..........................................

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