S1E11: The Decepticon cost

(The Nemesis)
(Location: Hanger)

On board the Decepticon flag ship known as the Nemesis, we see many Decepticon troopers around the hanger. They are seen stacking up Energon cubes that they have brought from Cybertron and cargos containing weapons and equipment for the Decepticons to fight against the Autobots or.....a unknown threats on the planet that they are in.

Among many Decepticons is one as we see him placing down a Energon cube and breathing in a sigh of relief as he look around to see many other Decepticon troopers busy with their jobs.

CounterPunch sees this and start to walk around the hanger and looking around in a suspicious way. He constantly looking around whne he gets near a cargo and then opening one of them to see some weapons that he nodes to himself and then place something inside and close it.

He then gose around looking around, opening the cargos and placing in a small device into the cargos and moving on. We see him between the two cargos near the hangers exit as he place the device inside the cargo only to immediately close it when  he hears the sound of jets coming towards the hanger.

Then two Decepticon seekers named Thundercracker and Skywarp fly into the hanger and transform into their bot forms as they walk through the hanger.

On Skywarp has a cage which Jessie, James And Meowth are inside as they looked scared as they look around to see gaint robots walking about and looking a bit scary.

James: (scared) Jessie, I don't like this one bit.

Jessie: (scared) Wh-What are those things?

Meowth: (scared) They are gaint robots but I don't think we're not welcomed.

???: Thundercracker, Skywarp! What have you brought back!?

Then their air commander Starscream walks up to the two as he gets up to them and cross his arms as the two explain.

Skywarp: We find these insects outside of the Nemesis with their tiny floating thing. We brought them in for interrogation.

James: (scared) Interrogation! Oh no we're doomed!

Jessie: (anger) Hey! Who are you calling us insects!

Meowth: (panic) Jessie I don't think it's a good idea to yell at them!

Starscream: Eh what in the name of Cybertron are those things? (Lend towards them) They look so weird and their bodies. Ew, what disgusting creatures.

Jessie: (anger) Who are you calling disgusting you pipsqueak!

Starscream: (anger) Pipsqueak!? How dare you disrespect me! I am Air commander Starscream and you will show respect!

Thundercracker: What should we do with them?

Starscream: Take them to Shockwaves lab. They will be taught a lesson about insulting me.

The two node and they two them away whike Starscream walks off as CounterPunch watched the whole thing and decided to follow to see what will happen next.


The doors open as Starscream enters the Bridge. He walk pass the Decepticons crew along with the communication officer named Soundwave as he turns to see Starscream walking up to their leader and turn back to do his work.

Starscream walks up to his leaded who is standing and looking out of the window to see nothing but clouds as Starscream walk up behind him which he said without turning around.

???: What is it now Starscream.

Starscream: My lord, Thundercracker and Skywarp have brought some creatures that was near our ship.

???: Are they Autobots?

Starscream: No. They are weird insects with weird bodies and it seems they belong to a faction judging by the symbol they have on their chest.

???: What is their symbol?

Starscream: Just the letter R my lord. Nothing else, it seems this planet is either in a war or something else.

He continues to stare out of the window until he finally turns around to face with Starscream and he ask him.

???: Show me them.

(Shockwaves laboratory)

Jessie, James and Meowth are seen still, within their cage and they were extremely scared as they see the large tools, test tubs and other stuff that make this room more like a torture room then a lab.

James: (scared) This feels like horror film. I can't take it anymore, I want to get out of here!

Jessie: Well don't just stand there let's get out of here! Arbok come on out!

James: You too Weezing!

Then Arbok and Weezing came out of their pokeballs and stand in front of them.

Jessie: Arbok use bite!

James: Okay Weezing use tackle!

Arbok use bite but it only hurts his teeth when the electricity around the cage zaps Arkbok while Weezing try to tackle the cage but it zapped him as well and sent him back and crash into James which they fell onto the grounr.

Meowth: Well that didn't work.

Jessie: (Grabs Meowth) Well don't you stand there, you try to get us out of here! (Tossed Meowth)

Meowth: Alright then! Taste my fur-

Then when one of his class hits the cage he too get shocked with electricity and was sent flying back and crash into Jessie as well. Soon the doors open and footsteps came into the room as they sat up and look over to see a cyclops like Decepticon with a cannon on his left arm while his hand on thr other as he look at them and lend in close to their cage and spoke.

Shockwave: Hm so this is what Thundercracker and Skywarp told me about before I came here. How peculiar.

Jessie, James and Meowth: (thought) Now that's one scary robot.

Shockwave: Judging by your reactions it seems this is the first time you have ever seen our kind.

James: (nervous) A-Are you not shocked as well?

Shockwave: No. I am not. Tell me, what are you?

James: (nervous) W-Well.....um....you see-

Jessie: We're from Team Rocket and you should know that we are the greatest criminal organisation in the world!

Shockwave: Team....Rocket? What a illogical name. More importantly a lazy name. Either your race are nothing but dumb or not organisation properly.

Jessie: (anger) Are saying that Team Rocket is weak?!

Shockwave: In my eye.....that is logical.

Jessie gets mad while Shockwave walks over to another table and looks around while he tells them.

Shockwave: In order to find out what you race are. I require a test to see what you race are called and what this planet we arrived into. Do not worry, this will not take long.

Meowth: (sigh of relief) Well that's a relief.

Then Shockwave finds it and turns around as they immediately scared now to see a large torture like device as Shockwave turns it on while he informs them.

Shockwave: Because once I'm done, your bodies my die due to lose of whatever is fualing your bodies. (Walks over towards them) Now stay still and allow me to begin the procedure.

Jessie, James and Meowth: (scared) NO PLEASE DON'T! QE BEG OF YOU!

Shockwave walks over towards them and was about to open the cage so he can grab them when his lab doors open and a voice called out.

???: Stop Shockwave.

Shockwave turned while the trio open their eyes and they see another Decepticon with a huge cannon on his arm as he walk up towards them and look at their feared faces as he glares at them.

Shockwave: Lord Megatron. I was about to begin the procedure. Allow me to-

Megatron: No Shockwave. I want to know from these..."things" alive.

Shockwave: Of course Lord Megatron.

Meowth: (scared) G-G-Guess h-he's the boss.

Megatron: Be silent! I am Lord Megatron, leader of the Decepticons and we have come to thid planet to sear for the Autobots. But first you must tell me what are you and your gonna tell me that....right now.

(Short while later)

We see CounterPunch make his way down the halls and make his way to the bridge which he enter and he watched as Megatron, Starscream, Soundwave and Shockwave were in the room with Jessie, James and Meowth as the trio tells them what thid planet is and what they are.

Megatron: Ah so let me get this straight. You two are humans while your talking pet is a pokemon.

Meowth: (smile) Technical I'm apart of Team Rocket.

Megatron: Right and this planet is called Earth.

Starscream: (smirk) Earth sounds like a weak name. They should call it dirt.

Shockwave: They also said they are apart this criminal organisation called "Team Rocket."

Megatron: I see. (Turns to the trio) What dose your faction do?

Jessie: Glad you ask. We steal other people's pokemon in hopes of taking over the world.

James: And become the mkst powerful criminal organisation in the world!

Meowth: Meow that's right!

Megatron: So you steal other humans pokemon and you don't seem to feel ashame about it?

Jessie: And you do?

Megatron: No.

Soundwave: Lord Megatron, Lazerbeak has live footage of the planet surface and is transmitted it right now.

Megatron: Put it on screen.

Soundwave turns to a nearby computer and the screen changes to two pokemon trainers in a pokemon ring as they have their pokemons out for a pokemon battle.

Starscream: What are those insects doing down there?

Shockwave: It seems they are having their pokemon fighting each other to the death.

James: It's actually called pokemon battle. Trainers use their pokemons to battle each other as entertainment and competition.

Megatron: Explain.

Jessie: There are these Gyms that trainers go to get badges if they won and move on to the championship to be champion to their regions.

Starscream: (smirk) Hahah these insects try to be the best like no one has ever was? Ha! How pathetic of these humans. I would have blast all those who stand against me with no problem.

Megatron: Like you try to overthrow me several times back on Cybertron, right Starscream?

Starscream: (nervous) Well I.....(nervous laughter)

Meowth: Hey look!

They all look at the screen and see a boy with a hat along with a Pikachu who was next as James and Jessie called oit.

James: It's the twerp!

Jessie: Why is eveyrtime we see him and his other twerps!

Starscream: Twerps?

Shockwave: Explain yourselves about that human.

Jessie: His name is Ash and we have been following him for the best few months! He has a powerful Pikachu that we have been catching but we never seem to get it.

Shockwave: Are you talking about the yellow electro creature?

James: That's right! We've been trying to capture his Pikachu but we fail many times!

Meowth: And we have been sent blasting off every time as well.

Shockwave: A powerful Pikachu? Hhhmmm (turns to Megatron) Lord Megatron, perhaps we can use these so call "pokemon" to our advantage against the Autobots.

Megatron: Explain?

Shockwave: These pokemon have powers that we have never seen before. If these three are correct, who knows how many other that are stronger and maybe we can use these pokemons as a way to defeat the Autobots and win the war.

Starscream: Are you suggesting we should allow more of these creatures into the ship?!

Shockwave: It is logical. Imagine what they can do if they are our side Lord Megatron. We can have an army of these pokemon for the Decepticon cost and we can not only destroy the Autobots but take over thid planet and the universe itself.

Starscream: Lord Megatron you cannot agree to Shockwaves idea!

Megatron stood there and thinks about it and then a evil grin appeared in his face as he tells Shockwave.

Megatron: Ready your lab Shockwave. Soon we will have many of these pokemon as our Decepticon slaves.

Shockwave: Yes Lord Megatron. (Leaves the bridge)

Megatron: As for you three. (Turns to the trio) Your wise answers pleased me.

Meowth: (nervous smile) That's good to hear.

Megatron: As a reward you will be apart of the Decepticon cost. You will be our allie and you will be apart of our cost and if you ever dared to disobey me or try to betray me. You will be destroyed.

The trio gets scared and nodes immediately. Soon they leave the room as Starscream walks up to Megatron and ask him.

Starscream: Why keeping them?! They should be destroyed and get rid of them.

Megatron: Your an idiot Starscream. This planet is unknown to us and we needed as much allies as we needed in hopes to explore more about this planet.

He then walked up to the screen to see Ash won and him and Pikachu hugging as Megatron stares at them when suddenly Soundwave walk up to him and said.

Soundwave: Lord Megatron, I have detected a Decepticon singal outside of the city. It appears Barricade is heading towards the city.

Megatron: Good. Contact Barricade and tell him to bring me the human Ash and his Pikachu. Any other humans with him, bring them here as well.

Soundwave: Yes Lord Megatron.

Megatron: And one more thing. Sent out a scanning drone to scan for vehicles that the humans have. I suspect the Autobots are doing the same as well.

Soundwave: Understood Lord Megatron.

CounterPunch watched all of this as he sneakily leaves the room and soon he arrives back to his quarters as he shuts the door behind him once he's inside and transform into his true form as Punch.

Punch: I better call Optimus about this.

He walks over to his computer that is blocked from Soundwave's sensors and turns it on and sent in the transmission to him.

Punch: This is Punch calling to Autobot Ship Ark, do you copy over!


At Crack Rocky Valley we see the Ark Autobots are placing down cloaked shields to hide the Ark from the Decepticons. Inside the Ark's bridge we see Y/n and Wheelkjack working on the controls as they get then working.

Wheeljack: That will do it.

Y/n: Now we just need to wait for Jetfire and thr Aerialbots to contact us so we can test on the communication.

Wheeljack: Won't be for long.

After he said that they get a incoming cummerbund which Wheeljack answered.

Wheeljack: This is Wheeljack speaking. Your loud and clear jet-

Punch: (coms) This is Punch. I need Optimus right away.

Wheeljack: (shocked) Punch!? Hold on there, I'll get him.

Optimus Prime: No need to.

Then Optimus prime enters the Bridge with Alex, Ben, Verity and Sorrel as they walk up and once there Optimus prime answers to Punch.

Optimus prime: This is Optimus Prime Punch. Glad to hear your voice old friend. What's the situation?

Punch: (coms) Not good Optimus. Megatron and his forces have arrived at Earth and they were told what this planet holds.

Optimus prime: Where did he got this information?

Punch: (coms) A trio of humans. They call themselves Team Rocket.

Alex: Wait! Those are the people that we stopped a whioe back!

Verity: They are very cruel people who steal humans pokemon.

Wheeljack: Huh and here we thought this planet was peaceful.

Punch: (coms) They have plans to capture the Pokemons and make them as a Decepticon army.

Optimus prime: Megatron....your destruction of Cybertron waste enough for you.

Punch: (coms) That's not all. He has Barricade to track down a human by the name of Ash.

Y/n: (shocked) Ash?!

Wheeljack: Another human friend?

Y/n: Yeah along with Brock, Misty and her togepi including Ash's Pikachu. If that is the case then they are endanger. (Turns to Optimus Prime) Sir allow me and my team to go and rescue them.

Optimus prime: You did enough Y/n. You and your team deserve some rest and do not worry about them. We will rescue them from the Decepticons.

Y/n: Yes sir.

Punch: (coms) Looks like you guys need some backup while you at it. I've just got an alart that the insecticons are out of the Nemesis and maybe joining Barricade on the hunt.

Optimus prime: We cannot allow Megatron to harm any Pokemon nor humans. We must protect them at all cost.

Punch: (coms) I'll contact you guys later. Take care Prime. (Communion ends)

Optimus prime: Wheeljack have Bumblebee, Sideswipe, Hot Rod and Cliffjumper be sent to rescue Ash and his human friends.

Wheeljack: On it prime.

Sorrel: So how dangerous is this Megatron?

Optimus prime: Megatron is the leader of the Decepticons. He will destroy anything in his path and he has come here to Earth along with his forces to take over this planet and destroy everything that you race stand for. But we will not allow your planet go fall. We may have lost Cybertron but as long our spark is still active, we will not allow your planet to fall on our watch.

To be continued........................................................

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