S1E1: I'm a Autobot

(Planet: Cybertron)
(Opening scene)

(Planet: Earth)
(Region: Kanto)
(City: Valley Green city)

We over see Valley Green City, a peaceful and nice city that is surrounded nothing but forest and in the middle is a city where we see humans and pokemon living together in peace. This town was made many years ago and it is viewed as a nice city but also a hot spot of many rare pokemon for pokemon trainers to find.

We then see one of those trainers named Alex and his Eevee partner named Ben at the park as we see the two between the bushes and peaking through to see Farfetched as Alex and Ben were ready to catch it.

Soon Farfetched turns to leave when suddenly Alex burst out of the bushes and called out to Ben.

Alex: Ben hurry and use tackle!

Ben charges towards Farfetched by using tackle and he was about to land a hit when Farfetched quickly turn and hits Ben with his long Green onions at him and sending Ben flying towards Alex where the two crash and fell onto the ground. Once that Farfetched fly off while Alex and Ben get up and see Farfetched flying off.

Alex: Well damn.

Ben looks down in disappointment but he pets Ben on the head and tells him.

Alex: (smile) Don't worry, it's not your fault. We can get him again.

Ben agrees and then two trainers came out behind them with a female voice telling Alex.

???: Any luck?

They turn around and they see Verity and Sorrel as they look down at the two while Alex gets up.

Alex: No such luck but I'll get a new pokemon someday.

Verity: It's been a while since you have just Ben with you. Besides have you ever think about what to do in your life?

Alex: I don't really know. I really try something different but exiting for me.

Sorrel: Why not take part in pokemon battling? Many other trainers are doing that by now.

Alex: I'm not much a battler and besides there is millions of Pokemon trainers are doing that by now. We wanna do something different for a chance, something I really like to do.

Sorrel: Well good luck. We'll see you at home.

Verity: Bye.

The two make their leave as Alex watched them left and once they are gone he lend out a sigh and he and Ben take a walk into the woods to think about what to do in their lives.


We see the two walking down the forest as Alex is trying his best to think about something to do with his life but soon he lend out a sigh and stop which made Ben stop as Alex lend out a sigh once more.

Alex: Damn I have nothing to think of. There have to be something to do in my life. I mean, what do you think Ben?

Ben thinks about it and then he shake her head meaning he has no idea. Alex sighs and then sees a rock on the ground so he kicks the road that disappeared into the bushes and before the two continue on walking, they heard the rock his something metal which made the two stop and turn to the bushes where the rock go through.

Alex: Um did you hear that?

Ben: (nodes) Eevee.

The two look at each other and then decide to go into the bushes to investigate it. They make their way through the bushes and after a short while the two made it to the other side as Alex looks over and then said in amazement.

Alex: (surprised) Wow!

Ben also sees it and he too was amazed by what the two are seeing. They were looking at a large high tech like ship that seems like it crashed here for a very long time.

The two approach the large ship and look around. It seems that this ship crashed landed here for a very long time because they can see vines taking hold of the ship along with many holes around which Alex looks at the hole and see one of the holes if fit enough for him and Ben to go through.

Alex: Ben, let's go.

He gose through the hole girdt while Ben followed as the two go through the hole and soon they came out of the other side and they were amazed to see what seems like the bridge. It was filled with giant robots with some laying onto the controls while some where on the floor. They looked like they are unconscious or something.

Still the two look around and come across a huge blue robot as the two climb onto the control console and once onto the control console the two look at the bot and many others as Alex tells Ben.

Alex: What is this? Some sort a alien ship?

Ben doesn't know but what they didn't know was the large bot behind them have his eyes flicker a bit and then his eyes turns blue all of a sudden.

Ben turns and gotten scared whike Alex turns to Ben and ask him.

Alex: Ben what's wrong? Why are you-

Then he turns around and sees what Ben is scared about ad they see the blue robot online and he slowly get up as he lend out a groan whike he stretched his head and then look down to see both Alex and Ben.

???:.....Um....Hi there?

The two were shocked that the gaint robot is alive and they slowly step back in fear but then he calmly tell them.

???: Wow it's okay! I'm not gonna harm you.

Alex: Your not? Just.....what are you?

Y/n: My name is Y/n, I'm a Autobot from the planet called Cybertron.

Alex: Cybertron? Wait, from another planet?!

He nodes but then see his crew unconscious as he rush over and check on them.

Y/n: Scrap. The crash must have sent us to statics mode. Still they need to be healed before their sparks did out.

Alex: Statics mode? Sparks?

Y/n: I'll explain later but for now I need to put my crew to healer Chambers right away.

Alex: Okay.

(Sometime later)

We see Y/n placing his crew into healing Chambers and once that he exit out of the room and looks around the ship and lend out a sigh. He then looks down to see Alex and Ben as he bend down to them with one knee and ask them.

Y/n: How did you two enter this ship?

Alex: There was a hole in one of your ship we gone through. The names Alex and this is my Eevee partner named Ben.

Ben: Eevee!

Y/n: I see. So what are you two?

Alex: I'm a human and Ben is a pokemon. Your on planet Earth, welcome to Earth I guess.

Y/n: Earth. Wait Earth......EARTH YES OF COURSE!

He rushes off while Alex and Ben look at each other in confusing and followed him as they enter the bridge to see Y/h getting the controls only and once that he opens up a hologram of Earth in front of him.

Y/n: Yes! Yes we're saved! Hahaha! They will never find us there!

Alex: What do you mean? Who is "they?"

Y/n: It's heard to explain but I'm sending out my coordinations to the Autobots on Cybertron so they will come. Let's just hope it's not too late.

Alex: Okay you gonna need to tell us what is going on?

Y/n sees how confused he is so he turn to them and explains to them everything.

Y/n: You see on Cybertron there is a war between the Autobots and Decepticons. The Decepticons wanted to rule Cybertron with fear but the Autobots were fighting for freedom and our survival. Soon Cybertron was dying so Optimus Prime, the leader of the Autobot sent me and my crew on a mission to find a planet where we can regroup and retake our planet from the Decepticons.

Alex: (surprised) Wow that must be hard.

Y/n: Yeah it was. Soon we were attacked by a Decepticon ship but we managed to take it down but our ship was critically damaged and we crash landed on this planet. Still I won't give up our mission to save the Autobots and end the war once and for all.

Alex: Well.....if you want to know our planet, how's about we give you a tour.

Y/n: (surprised) Really? You will?

Alex: (smile) Why not. I mean you are a good bot so why not we be friends.

Ben: (smile) Eevee.

Y/n is surprised by this but he agree and once that they leave the ship so Alex can show Earth to his new alien friend while the rest of his crew is getting healed up.

(Short while later)

We see the two peaking out of the forest to see a carpark with a lot of people there as Y/n asked Alex.

Y/n: So why did we stop? Those humans are nice right?

Alex: Yeah but they might get scared once they see you. We might need to find a way to disguise you somehow.

Y/n looks as the many cars parked and soon he noticed a nice blue care being parked as he smirked a bit and said.

Y/n: (smirk) Don't worry about that. I just found one.

Then his eyes glow green as he scan the vehicle and once that he transforms into that same vehicle which shocks both Alex and Ben.

Alex: (shocked) Wow I never know you can do that!

Ben: (shocked) Eevee!

Y/n: We are able to transform into our vehicle form as well as scan vehicles and transform into them. Now, shall we roll out?

Alex and Ben climb inside and once that Y/n drives off into the city. Alex showed him around the city and tells him the humans rules which he listened as they drive through the city. Alex find this to be fun and even Ben thinks so as well. Soon they drive by Verity and Sorrel as they walk by when they stopped when they noticed Alex and Ben are inside the car as they drive by them.

Verity: Was that.....Alex and Ben?

Sorrel: Should we follow them?

Verity: Yeah let's go.

They follow the two while we cut back to the trio as Alex tells Y/n everything when Y/n noticed two black cars following them. At first Y/n thinks it was nothing but then he noticed their Decepticon logos on them.

Y/n: Oh no.

Alex: What is it?

Y/n: Best to put your seat belt on you two.

They did so and once that Y/n gose fast while the twi black cars also gose fast and chase after Y/n as they drive through the city, turning different street while Alex holds on to Ben while he called out to Y/n.

Alex: What's going on?! Why are we going so fast?!

Y/n: It's the Decepticons. I don't know how but they are here.

Alex: Decepticons?! Where?!

Y/n: We need to lose them and fast! There!

Then Y/n immediately turn and heads to a nearby abandoned factory and once he burst through the gates he stops his car, unbuckle Alex's seat and opens the driver side door.

Y/n: Hide! I'll find you once I lose the Decepticons

The two gets our of Y/n and once that Y/n drives off to lead the Decepticons away while Alex and Ben hide. Before they could however they heard Verity and Sorrel called out to him and they turn to see the two rushing over to him.

Verity: Alex why are you here?

Sorrel: And who was that car you were in?

Alex: Look it's hard to explain but we should hide now.

Verity and Sorrel: Why?

Just then they heard two engines behind them and they turn to see two black cars looking at them and then driving up towards them. Suddenly the two transform into two giant robots as they walk towards them and look down at them.

Sorrel: (shocked) Wow!

Verity: (shocked) What in the world are those things?!

Decepticon trooper 1: Where is the Autobot!?

Sorrel: Autobot? What Autobot?

The two turns their arms into blasters and aimed at them which they were scared now.

Decepticon trooper 1: We're not asking you again. Where is the Autobot?

The trio have no idea what to do as the two Decepticon troopers walk towards them and they were about to fire. Then suddenly they heard a car horn and turn to see Y/n driving up towards them. The two Decepticon troopers open fire at him but he dodges the shots and then he transformed and land a punch at one Decepticon and then land another at the other one.

The two Decepticon troopers stumble back while Y/n turns to them and tell them.

Y/n: Get out of here now! They are mine.

Verity and Sorrel were shocked by this while Y/n pulls the two away and they start running while Y/n battles the two Decepticon troopers. He throws the second Decepticon trooper away but he gets grabbed from behind by the first but he land his elbow at his face which cost him to let go and he struck a kick at him.

The first Decepticon trooper slammed onto the wall while Y/n turns to deal with the other one. The first Decepticon trooper looks over to see Alex and the rest enter a warehouse so he stood up and followed them inside.

Meanwhile we see the trio entering the Warehouse and hide within an office as they bend down while Verity asked Alex.

Verity: (whisper) What is going on at Alex!?

Alex: (whisper) Well......let's just say me and Ben found a giant alien ship in the woods and I made friends with Y/n.

Sorrel: (whisper) You mean that huge bot fighting the other two?!

Alex: (whisper) He's an Autobot whipe those two are Decepticons.

Sorrel: (whisper) How can you be sure?!

Alex: (whisper) Well Y/n is fighting both robots that treating our lives so.......yeah they are Decepticons for sure.

Then suddenly they heard the warehouse door open and they look over and they see a Decepticon trooper enter the warehouse and look around for them. He step in the middle of the warehouse and scan around the warehouse searching for the humans while Alex and the rest stay quiet.

However the Decepticon trooper switches to his thermal vision and sees the three humans at the office.

Decepticon trooper: Found you.

He aim his blaster at the office ready to blow them up when suddenly Y/n came out of nowhere and hold up the Decepticon troopers blasted towards the ceiling which cost the Decepticon trooper to open fire several times.

Y/n: I don't think so Decepticon!

He then tossed the Decepticon trooper to the ground and then land a kick at his waist. Then Y/n grabs an abandoned truck and before the Decepticon trooper can stand up, Y/n slammed the truck onto the Decepticon trooper several times and after a few more times just in case, he tossed the truck away and see the Decepticon trooper moving a bit but soon shuts down. Y/n looks at the Decepticons as Alex and the rest exit out to see Y/n as he turns to them.

He then approached them and then bend down on one knee and ask them.

Y/n: Are you all okay?

Sorrel: Y-Yeah we are. Thank you for saving us.

Verity: But why did you save us?

Y/n: (smile) Because Autobots will sacrifice everything to protect those that cannot defend themselves.

Sorrel: So your really are a good robot.

Y/n: (smile) Indeed I am.

Alex: (smile) See! I told you guys he was a good robot!

Ben: (smile) Eevee!

Both Verity and Sorrel kinda already knew that while Y/n turns to the Decepticon trooper while Alex ask him.

Alex: How did the Decepticon trooper get here?

Y/n: It must be that Decepticon ship we tooking down. It must have crashed landed somewhere on earth. This is bad, if the Decepticons are here then who knows how long it will take for the whole Decepticon army will come.

Alex: Then you might need some help to stop that from happening.

Y/n: You mean? You humans can help?

Alex: (smile) Yeah! It maybe not our war but it seems now we're apart of it now. Besides you need some humans to show you around the planet.

Ben: (smile) Eevee.

Then both Sorrel and Verity approached to Alex as they look up at Y/n and then said.

Sorrel: Us too. We may have just met but if Y/n's says your his friend, then your good in our books.

Verity: Agree. We can help you as well.

Y/n is surprised by this which he smiled and node to them. He stood up as he and the rest turn to see the sun setting  down as they stare at the sun setting down in peace until Y/n heard someone through his coms.

???: (coms) Captain? Do you copy? Captain do you read?

Y/n: Turbospike? Is that you?

Turbospike: (coms) Yeah it's me! Where the all spark are you?!

Y/n: (smile) Just exploring this new planet. Have the crew be ready at the bridge as soon as you can (looks down at Alex, Ben, Verity and Sorrel) because I have new friends I would like to introduce to you all.

To be continued...........................

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