S1E0: Prologue

Y/n: Life on Cybertron was once nice and calm, pity crime and illegal activities but besides that it was peaceful.....that is until the Decepticons rise up and start the war against the Autobots and now we are fighting for our lives against Megatron and his Decepticon forces as we fight for our lives. At first we were fighting to stop the rain of the Decepticons and restore peace but now.....now we're fighting in order to survive, fighting so us Autobots will survive to see a new day.....but I'm getting a feeling that some of us.......will not see that new day if this war continues.

(Planet: Cybertronian)
(Location: Iacon)
(Epic soundtrack)

We see the Autobot city capital of Iacon being invaded by the Decepticons as we see Decepticon war ships along with Seekers flying through the cities as they took out Autobot Air support as they shoot them down from the sky. Many Autobot fighters get blown up out of the sky while they battle against the seekers.

The Seekers even get blown up along with the Autobot fighters as we see both sides transformer into their robot forms while hoovering in the air and fire at each other. While the skies are filled with Autobot fighters and Seeker, down at the ground we see Decepticon troopers battleing against the Autobot troopers as both sides fire each other but they get shot left and right.

We see an Autobot commander ducked down as Decepticons start to throw grenades at their cover with a few Autobots blow up by the grenades while the Autobot commander radios in Autobot command and calls out.

Autobot commander: We're pinned down here! We need Autobot reinforcements right away!

Autobot command: (coms) Negative we have a situation just south from Zeta primes base. We can't sent in reinforcements at your location!

Autobot commander: But we need to get that Anti aircraft cannon online right now! If we don't, then those Seekers will bomb mamy Autobots in the city!

Autobot command: (coms) I'm sorry but your own your own for now. Autobot command out.

Autobot commander: No wait! Scrap!

???: Sir!

Then we see a young Autobot named Y/n make his way ti his commander and once he made it to his commander he tells him.

Y/n: I think I know how to get pass those Decepticons and get those cannons online.

Autobot commander: Hope you got an idea but we don't know how long until this area will be over run!

Y/n: I know but hear me out. There is a path I remember that can get me for that cannon. It maybe risky but it's our only shot.

Autobot commander:.......Okay then. Take half of my Autobot troopers and get that cannon online!

Y/n: Yes sir!

Y/n takes half of the Autobot troopers and they take through the alleyway as they slowly move through the alleyway while making sure no Decepticons will not jump at them while walking through the alleyway. Seekers fly above them but hadn't spotted them yet which is good so they continue on moving forwards and after a while they reached a wall which the other side leads them to the cannon.

Y/n: Trooper plant an explosion there.

Autobot trooper: Right.

The Autobot trooper plants an explosion onto the wall and they all get clear from the explosion. Once they were safe, Y/n press the trigger and the wall gets blown up and made a hole which Y/n calls out.

Y/n: Alright let's move auto-

Suddenly purple beams fly by them as some Autobot troopers get shot while the rest include Y/n return fire as two Decepticon troopers appear out of the dust and open fire at them. They immediately take down the Decepticons and once that they keep on moving and soon they arrive to the cannon.

Y/n: Cover me while I'll get this cannon online.

The Autobot troopers did as they give him cover while he gets onto the controls and try to get the cannon online. After for sometime Y/n managed to done it and looks at the cannon to see it going online and start to fire a nearby Decepticon ship which made critical damage to it and soon the Decepticon ship loses it's engines and starts to fall from the sky.

Y/n: Commander this is Y/n. We have managed to get the cannon online. We're heading back right no-

Autobot commander: (com) Good job. We see you ther- (explosion) Damn it what was-......oh no.

Y/n: Sir? Sir what's going on?

Autobot commander: (coms) All bots pull back! PULL BACK! AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!

Y/n: Sir! Sir do you read me?! Sir!

Suddenly there was an explosion where their commander was at as they stood there as they see Zeta Primes base is in flames and Decepticon Seekers flies over and cost even more damaged by shooting missiles at it. Y/n stood there and can't believe it had happened. With a heavy spark he radios in command and tells them.

Y/n: Autobot command this is Y/n......we need a pick up.

(Epic soundtrack ends)

At the Autobot base somewhere deep within Iacon we see many Autobot heard the terrible news. Zeta Prime.....has fallen by the hands of Megatron and his Decepticon forces. Many bots do not believe but soon Megatron have appears on every screen to show Zeta Prime hanging by his arms and legs while his head is looking down as Megatron tells the Autobots to surrender otherwise this will happen to them.

Among the Autobots we see Y/n watching it as he can't believe this but he can't just ignore it. He thinks he had seen enough and turn to leave. He walked through the halls of the Autobots possible last base as every Autobot outpost or base was destroyed and taking over by the Decepticons. A few Autobot troopers rush by him while he walk down the halls. He was thinking about something when suddenly Teletraan 1 spoke out through the speakers and calls out.

Teletraan 1: Would Autobot first Lieutenant Y/n report to the bridge immediately.

Y/n: Guess someone wants to see me.

He make his way to the bridge and once there they doors open in front of him and he step inside as he sees three bots with two bots named Ratchet and Ironhide as they turn to see Y/n as he approach the and gave them a salute.

Y/n: First Lieutenant Y/n reporting for duty sir.

Then the big red bot turns to Y/n and at first he must have mistaken him to be a prime but then he introduces himself that shocked him.

Optimus Prime: Hello First Lieutenant. My name is Optimus Prime, and I'll be leader of the Autobots.

Y/n: (surprised) Your a prime? For real?

Ironhide: Show some respect kid.

Y/n: (little nervous) Ri-Right! Sorry sir it's just...I never know there was another prime.

Optimus Prime: You are alright. I understand the surprise.

Y/n: Thank you sir. So what can I do to help?

Optimus Prime: As you may know the war has gone worse to us. Cybertronian is dying due to low energon and we do not know how long until we be all out of it.

Y/n: There's got to be a way to get the upper hand somehow.

Ratchet: We've tried to gain uppers hands and some did succeed others fail. We can't keep this up any longer and we only have one option that we can do.

Y/n: And that is?

Ratchet: We must leave Cybertron in order to survive.

Y/n: (shocked) What?! But this is our home! We can't just leave, we have to stay and fight!

Ironhide: Yeah but for how long kid? The Decepticons ain't gonna share some energon with us so we can continue the war?

Optimus prime: Ironhide please be calm. (Turns to Y/n) I understand your shock but we have no choice. Even the council agrees and they have already voted. Now we must find a safe planet so we can regroup and take by Cybertron from the Decepticons.

Y/n: So any planets you thinm it will be safe?

Optimus prime: No. Which is why I call apon you. Your mission is to travel through the stars and search for a new home.

Y/n: (surprised) Wait. You've chosen me? But why? I'm just a soldier.

Optimus Prime: Your not just a soldier. You were destined to lead. Your action of taking down a Decepticon ship was incredible and leading your troops was impressive.

Y/n: Thank you sir but I was just doing what I thought was right.

Optimus Prime: Indeed you have. Which is why I'm promoting you to Captain and be Captain of the ship call "The Galactic of free worlds."

Y/n: (surprised) Wow. Th-Thank you sir. I promise I won't let you down.

Optimus prime: I know you won't. Head to Hanger B3, there  will be a ship waiting for you along with your crew. Good luck Captain, your dismissed.

Y/n: (salute) Thank you sir.

Y/n turns and leaves the bridge and once he left Optimus prime turns to the screen while Ironhide ask him.

Ironhide: You think he'll succeed?

Ratchet: Optimus knows which bot he thinks can do the job. If Optimus have fate on that bot then I have fate on him as well.

Optimus Prime: We may not know how long until Y/n will find a home. But we will stand our ground until we be able to get off world. But first......

On the screen in front of them was blueprints of a larger ship with a name beside it called "The Ark."

Optimus prime: We need to make our own ship so we too can leave as well.


At Hanger 3B we see Y/n looking around for his ship and after for sometime he sees his ship as he walk up to it and once he gets close he was amazed how big his ship is and can't believe he is the captain of it now.

Y/n: (surprised) Wow!

???: Hey you!

Then he noticed a bot standing near the ramp of the ship as he walks towards Y/n and once he approach him he ask him.

???: Are you our Captain?

Y/n: Indeed. Names Y/n and you must be?

Turbospike: (smirk) The names Turbospike bit I bet you already know me anyways. I know, I know you can feel shock that your crew member is actually a-

Y/n: Sorry I really don't know you.

There was silence from Turbospike and then he fell onto the ground and then immediately stand up and calls out.

Turbospike: Oh come on! I'm the famous race bot in all of Cybertron! You know! Won first in ever race! Challenged the legendary Blurr to a race! Everyone knows me!

Y/n: (nervous smile) Sorry I guess I'm not much into racing.

Turbospike: (sigh) It's fine. Anyways I'm not only a racer but I'm also a nice sniper to the group.

Y/n: (smile) That's pretty good. Let's head in and see the rest of the crew.

Turbospike agrees as they climb into the ship and after the two look around they enter the bridge where they see the rest of the crew as they turn to see Y/n and they form in line and they gave him a salute.

Joshua: Nice to see you Captain! The names Joshua, Corporal of the Autobots and scoit for your crew. I've be looking forward to be working along side you!

Y/n: (smile) That's great to hear Corporal.

Y/n: (thought) He's a bit....too serious a bit. Kinda like me a bit.

Madison: (smile) Names Madison and it's great to have you as our captain! Oh I'm also a medic to your crew so anything you need just visit me and I'll heal you wight up.

Turbospike: (smirk) Well I might need some healing myself if you like?

Madison: (giggle) I might as well but maybe later.


Y/n: Um are you okay?

Joshua: That's Zero sir. Lieutenant Colonel and a very well trained assassin but very loyal.

Y/n: (smile) I see. Nice to meet you Zero, hope we can get along quiet well in the future.

Zero: (nodes)

Y/n: (thought) Huh he must rather not want to talk or something? I'll respect that.

Y/n: Okay crew listen up. The fate of the Autobots rest on our shoulders and we're the only ones that can save our race from the Decepticons. You all know why your all are here so get into your stations and let's go.

They saluted to Y/n and they get into their stations. They all sat down and push some buttons and pulling down levers while Y/n sat down in the middle of the bridge and look at his crew getting the ship online. Once that Y/n flips open the button and hover his finger into it. If he dose this then they will exit out of the hanger and leave Cybertron, maybe to never return for who knows how long.

He take a deep breath and then pushes the button and they take off. Soon they exit out of Cybertron and once that theri ship flies into the stars to search for a new home for the Autobots as they are thier only last hope of thier race to survive.

(Many Cyber-Weeks later)

We see the Galactic of free worlds travel through space in search for a new home. They have been floating through space for sometime and they haven't found any planets yet for a while. We cut to the bridge to see the crew either working on talking to each other.

Soon Y/n enters the bridge and sat down and looks at the stars as he lend out a sigh as Madison walks up to him and asked him.

Madison: (smile) Your alright there Captain~?

Y/n: Yeah it's just....it feels different being out there. No explosions, no war ships....it's just....peace and quiet.

Turbospike: (smirk) Yeah but for how long?

Joshua: Do not make the captain be nervous more.

Turbospike: (smirk) What? I'm just saying.

Y/n: I'm not worried nor I'm not nervous. It's just......feels....weird that's all. Anyways anything on the maps?

Joshua: Nothing yet sir. No planets detected nearby.

Y/n: Keep looking.

Turbospike: (sigh) Well at least I'm not alone otherwise I might lose my mind if i was sent alone.

Madison: (smirk) What if it was just you and me?

Turbospike: (smirk) Now that will be just prime.

Madison giggled while we see Zero working when suddenly he detected something and stood up and turn to Y/n which Y/n sees and ask him.

Y/n: What's wrong Zero?

He points onto the screen and he walks over and looks at it and see there is a unknown ship heading towards them on the left.

Y/n: There is a unknown ship coming towards us on the left.

Turbospike: Huh I wonder who they are?

Madison: More Autobots?

Joshua: There have been bots exit out of Cybertron when the way started. Maybe there is some that gotta lost.

Y/n: Let's find out.

They look at the left side of the ship and they look around for the ship. At first they see nothing but then Madison called out while she point.

Madison: Look! I see it!

Turbospike: Where?

Madison: Over there! You see it!?

After a while they all do see it. It looks like it's coming towards them but then Y/n realised something.

Y/n: That's no Autobot ship.

Soon the ship gets closer and they were shocked to see it was no Autobot ship.....but rather a Decepticon ship approaching their ship.

Y/n: (shocked) It's a Decepticon ship!

Turbospike: Well....maybe they haven't noticed us?

Suddenly the Decepticon ships cannons open fire at their ship and they immediately get into their seats and dodges the incoming blast and flies away as the Decepticon ship follows them while they keep on firing at them.

(Decepticon bridge)

We see the Decepticons crew on the controls as they follow the Autobot ship while they are opening firing at them while we see their Commander sitting at his chair looking at the ship while a female Decepticon Seeker appear next to him and said.

???: Looks like we got those bots on the ropes Command Bludgeon.

Bludgeon: Indeed. Continue to chase them. Do not let them escape.

???: Yes commander.

(Galactic of free worlds bridge)

We see Y/n ans his crew trying to dodge them as best they can but their ship gets hit several times as alarms starts to go off.

Y/n: Joshua, Turbospike, get the turrets online and return fire!

Joshua and Turbospike: Right!

Soon they get the turrets online and ones that, Y/n takes control of the ship and turns the ship around and return fire, landing some hits at the Decepticon ship and dealing some damage to it.

Turbospike: Take that you Decepticon scum!

Suddenly there was a shake as Madison check to see what is going on and then call out.

Madison: The engines are hit! Soon we will lose power and we be drifting through space!

Y/n: How long?!

Madison: 30 arcs!

Y/n: Okay then let me think.

Before he could think of anything he noticed asteroids in the distances which gives him an idea.

Y/n: Fly through those asteroids!

Turbospike: Oh sure then cap- YOU WANT US TO DO WHAT?!

Y/n: Trust me! I know what I'm doing.

Joshua: Sir you sure this is a wise idea to-

Suddenly the ship immediately turns and head towards the asteroids as they turn to see Zero control in the ship as Turbospike calls out.

Turbospike: THIS IS CRAZY!

Y/n: (smirk) No. This is brilliant.

They fly through the asteroid with the Decepticon ship behind them as they dodge the incoming asteroids while the Decepticon ship try to dodge it as well but due to the size it gets hit several times. Soon it takes too much damage and it deal some serious and critical damage to the Decepticon ship.

Soon smoke and flames appear out from the ship while Y/n and the rest sees this as they cheered.

Turbospike: Yeah! We're gonna live after all!


Turbospike: OH COME O-

Suddenly they were hit by a asteroid and they were spinning out of control as alarms go off around them as they lose control of the ship.

Madison: We lost control!

We see the Decepticon ship seeing them going out of control but soon they too were hit by a very big asteroid and they too were going down as well. Both ships exit out of the asteroids and start to be sucked by a nearby planet as both ships get heat up as they fallen into the planets atmosphere.

Joshua: We've lost all controls of the ship! We can't pull up!

Y/n: Everyone brace yourselves!

They did so while we see both ships going different directions and disappeared once they enter the planets clouds.

(Planet surface)

We see the forest as we see small creatures known as pokemon as we see a Pichu making his way home and soon he climb up the tallest tree and once made it at top, he was welcome by two Pikachus as they hugged him home and they turn to look at the beautiful night sky.

They were enjoying the peaceful night when suddenly they noticed something that at first they thought it was a shooting star but they see it coming down and coming close to the woods.

They watched as something made a crash landing and there was a shockblast that sent the trees blown back while the Pikachus and Pichu hold on for a bit. Once that the father Pikachu tells his wife and son to head inside while he check it out.

Once they were inside the father Pikachu make his way to the crash and it wasn't long until he sees a crowd or pokemons surrounded the large crater and once the father Pikachu squeeze his way through the crowd, he sees what every pokemon is seeing and that is a large alien ship crash into the planet as they all stare at each and wonder what this might be.

Little did they all know that this was the start of something they would never suspect and years later the alien lifeforms inside will wake up and find themselves a very peaceful planet and that planet is called......Earth.

To be continued.................................

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