Brave Up! J-Deckerd!
Here's the next chapter, and for anyone curious, you can watch The Brave Police J Decker on Youtube, best source is Gun's Brave Storage. There is no English Dub so you'll have to watch English Subbed. Enjoy.
Out in Canada in a state named Airmania, where new aerial defenses were being developed, in response to the Brave-Bots being unveiled in America.
A man suddenly walked into the main control room of the building, he wasn't dressed like any of the workers there so he was already majority suspicious. A huge man with fair skin and his eyes coerced by the lid of his uniform cap. He is fashioned in a green uniform, white gloves with magic circles on the backs of the hands, and green blue overcoat.
The man spread out his coat and began making handsigns.
???: Rin... Pyou... Tou... Sha... Kai... Jin... ... ... ... ... ...
The man stands there in silence before repeating himself.
???: Rin... Pyou... Tou... Sha... Kai... Jin... ... ... ... ... ...
The man then began sweating profusely, before he put his arms back under his coat and stepped backwards, letting the door shut behind him.
???: Again!
The door slid shut and the workers were left baffled and perplexed as to... Whatever the hell that was... Outside, the man was muttering to himself, wiping his forehead with his glove, .
???: Ugh, I forgot the rest of the mantra again... (looks forward) Rin... You... Tou... Sha... Kai... Jin... ... ... Retsu... Zai... Ze... (smiles) Good...
The man reopened the door, where the workers had gathered their thoughts and had guns trained on him.
???: I am Noriyasu Cato! The dark fiend, the destroyer of the age of science!
Noriyasu pulled out his hands again and repeated the mantra with the same hand-signs.
Noriyasu: Rin... You... Tou... Sha... Kai... Jin... Retsu... Zai... Ze...!
He then pulled out several sheets of paper with signs on them before throwing them into the air, then the papers turned into serpentine creatures that had clawed toes, gills, teeth, and had no eyes eyes.
The men opened fire at the strange creatures but they were quickly overrun by the unnatural creatures. Some of the monsters landed on the control panel and began smashing the buttons and screens.
Worker 1: Don't touch that- ARGH!!!
The worker was silenced by a monster that strangled him.
Noriyasu: They will destroy everything in sight! Bwahahahahahahahahahaha!!!
Outside the base, Several advanced jet fighters began rolling out of the hanger.
Following behind it was a massive red airship, where Noriyasu was standing on top.
Noriyasu: Now Canada's Airmania Air Fleet, the strongest in the world, is mine! Snow Warrior, Barrbaros- Wa-ah!
Noriyasu slipped and fell on his back, forgetting how slippery the ice was when he drove the plane out of the hangar. Getting back up and adjusting his outfit and hat, he looked forward.
Noriyasu: Now... To Crown City. Home of the Brave-Bots!!
*Friday, 7th Day of Spring Break, 2 Days Left*
In Crown City, Chip and Simon were in the main office looking over the news covering Noriyasu's attack on Canada's air defense base and a file on Noriyasu Cato.
Chip: Noriyasu Cato, a famous Japanese magician whose shows were ridiculed as over the top stunts, "magic is all fake", said reviews. Until he turned 40 people into fish and left them outside of a fish bowl for too long.
Simon: Sounds like a real head case. Think that is real magic he is using?
Deckerd was looking into the office through a window, he raised an eyebrow.
Deckerd: Magic? What is magic?
Chip: I know it sounds ridiculous, but to me, magic is more like a trick you can't explain, sometimes it is more of a way of making you guess.
Simon looked around as Chip began typing on his new computer.
Chip: Noriyasu has been arrested 20 times for Anti-Technology Riots that ended with lots of people hurt. This guy is building a record.
Chip: Solus, got his flight plan?
Solus: Judging from his point of leaving and the satellite imaging, he's heading for Crown City.
Simon: Why here?
Simon was looking around in confusion for the source of the loud buzzer sound. Before looking outside to see Deckerd in the commons playing some kind of video game on a screen big enough to make the jumbotron look small. The 'game' was of Deckerd transforming and combining with some kind of vehicle but the digital Deckerd fails to line himself up and the combination fails.
Deckerd: God...!
Deckerd clenched his fist when he noticed he was being watched and quickly calmed himself.
Simon: Why are you playing a game of yourself?
Chip: It's not a game, it's a simulation.
Simon: For what? What's he going to do? (sarcastic) Pull a Power Rangers Zord combination?
Chip smiled as he rolled off to the exit lift, Simon immediately followed after him realizing that he guessed right.
Simon: Wait, he can combine?!
Chip: More like a Sudo-combie with armor.
Chip led Simon to a garage, where a large truck with white tint all over, black tint designs, yellow tint designs on the roof, four yellow lights on the metal bar, two front wheels and four back wheels. It has a white POLICE logo and an emblem on the sides.
There were several bots doing maintenance on the truck.
Chip: This is Deckerd's support vehicle, J-Roader. It will allow Deckerd to form J-Decker, a powerful Brave-Bot based on the Thirteen Primes. With information provided by Solus.
Solus: Normally, Combiners are ONE large Transformer made from several smaller ones, sometimes it could just be two bots beforming one, but this is new to me. I have never seen someone be a combiner with armor.
Simon: So why is Deckerd-
Deckerd: (in the other room) Dangit!
Simon: Doing that?
Chip: Deckerd's systems are fine-tuned to be able to Master anything after doing Perfectly One Time, however, that requires him to repeat things until he either masters it naturally or does it perfectly.
As they were trying to work on making Deckerd combine, they noticed by the entrance of their base/office that they had a few vehicles parked outside. It opened up remotely with a small yellow car, white sports car with the number 38 on the sides of it, and a black police motorcycle drove in before it closed and the three vehicles transformed into Bumblebee, Smokescreen, and Prowl. Bumblebee noticed everything around and had to ask.
Bumblebee: What happened here, you had a fight or something?
Chip: Deckerd is trying to combine with a armor.
Smokescreen: He can do that?
Chip: Not yet.
Prowl: So he's doing a simulation to practice this?
Chip: In a sense, yes. But I just don't see what is wrong.
Prowl took a closer look at the screen, he held his chin thinking.
Prowl: Hmm, could it be that his program is against it since it isn't necessary at the moment?
Chip: Huh?
Prowl: Deckerd has police programming, yes? Isn't it standard programming to only use such a device when necessary?
Chip: But that... wait a minute, you could be--
Simon: (from inside) Dude!
Chip: What?
Simon: (from inside) Come check the TV!
Chip rolled himself to where Simon was where he saw that Noriyasu was hijacking TV. Meanwhile, Bumblebee and the others watched from the window.
Chip: Solus, run the Anti-TV Hijack Program.
Bumblebee: Do you have a program for everything?
Simon: You talking to a guy who built robots in his free time.
Bumblebee: Right, stupid question.
Chip: Shush, he's talking.
Noriyasu: (on TV) Attention, People of Crown City. I demand that the government surrender and cede all of its technologies to me, the dark fiend Cato.
Bumblebee: That has to be one of the lamest names I've ever heard.
Noriyasu: (on TV) Otherwise, I will send Barbarossa from the mountains to destroy Crown City.
The camera then showed a feed of Barbarossa, Prowl grimaced at the sight of so many weapons of war.
Prowl: Another weapon created by our presence on earth.
Noriyasu: (on TV) We are already on our way. You have one hour.
Deckerd: (in the other room) Dangit!
Bumblebee: Looks like we'll have to fight in Deckerd's place until he can do that transformation thing.
Chip: Possibly, you think the Autobots can handle Barbarossa? You got thrown around when that other guy attacked you.
Bumblebee quickly got defensive as he didn't want to seem weak.
Bumblebee: Hey, now, we were surprised. That's all because that jerk expected us to be Autobots, not a Bravebot.
Chip: Most of your weapons run on and shoot energon, and most criminals had armor designed to absorb energon. Rendering your main method of attack useless.
Smokescreen: Geez, you do not mince your words, do you.
Simon: Oh, that was him holding back, if your feelings are still intact after an argument with Chip, then he wasn't paying any attention.
The handicapped boy then returned to his work while Deckerd-
Deckerd: (in the other room) Dangit!
Chip looked worrisome, he built Deckerd and J Roader to help and they can't use them. But something that Prowl said caught his attention.
Chip: Okay, I am sorry for what I said I was--
Prowl: You were trying to put logic into example. It is alright I understand.
Chip: Thank you Prowl, I want to work with you guys and pay you all back.
Bumblebee: Pay us back?
Chip: Um, I meant... look, some humans have tech that could counter you guys, that's why I made Deckerd, he is like you all but different.
Bumblebee: Right, to help, we understand Chip.
Chip: Thanks, can you guys try and stall or even stop that guy, I just need a few minutes to fix up something.
With that the Autobots took off to help with the situation while Deckerd failed another simulation.
Out in the mountains at the edge of Crown City's borders, Noriyasu was on top of Barbarossa, where he looked down at Crown City.
Noriyasu: 15 minutes until I make my grade display of power.
Noriyasu laughed maniacally as he approached the town, only to nearly fall off when one of the accompanying flying crafts suddenly exploded.
Noriyasu: WAH!!! What!?
The dark mage then looked down to see the Autobots firing at him with a Cybertronian Rail Cannon. There were two other Autobots beside the cannon, acting as a brace and tripod for the weapon. The one acting at the tripod was Whirl, while the other was a large bulking figure in green armor, they were Bulkhead.
Optimus: If energy weapons aren't an option, then we'll simply have to downgrade and use older weapons.
Whirl: To humans this is still super high-tech.
Bulkhead: Why do I have to be the brace?
Whirl: Cause you lost Bolt, Plasma Cutter, Holo Screen.
Suddenly a wrench came flying at both Whirl and Bulkhead, hitting them both dead on in the head, first hitting Bulkhead then bouncing off hitting Whirl, making him fall and dropping the rail cannon.
Whirl: AH! What the Frag, Ratchet?!
Ratchet was an old-looking Auto in white and red armor, having medical symbols on his shoulders and having a small pair of horns on his forehead.
Ratchet: Because you two seem to act like this is a joke, take it seriously! You wouldn't have been the brace and tripod if you hadn't damaged them from messing around!
Whirl: We were just roughhousing. Anyway, we're lucky. The Jets may be fast but they are still easy to hit being so big, it will be like shooting down Decepticon jets.
Suddenly some of the jets started to stop and change shape, having a bipedal appearance with their heads just poking out of their necks.
Whirl: Oh scrap they can transform... SCRAP!
Some of the jet-troopers got close firing at the Autobots, Whirl transforming into his helicopter mode, passing by some, cutting a few in half with his blades, and firing a few well-placed shots.
Bulkhead swung his arm, releasing a wrecking ball to swing around crashing into one of the jets. Optimus Prime pulled out his rifle and fired, hitting one of the jets-troopers. When another was getting close a throwing star came out of nowhere along with some electricity shocking another. Optimus turned around to see Prowl, Bumblebee, and Smokescreen.
Optimus: I see you've decided to join the fight.
Bumblebee: We were in the area, what about the others?
Optimus: Currently only Sideswipe and Arcee are in the city aiding in evacuating humans, the others are away on missions recovering Energon and other materials, so it is only us, but what of Deckerd?
Prowl: Currently, he is working on something with Chip, he may have found an issue with it but is fixing it, though something he said caught our attention, he mentioned "paying us back" as if he owed us.
Optimus: That is strange... It doesn't matter. We have to protect the humans, Autobots, take charge and take out as many of them as you can.
Back at the garage, Deckerd was-
Deckerd: (in the other room) Dangit!
Deckerd was failing every chance at getting it to work, he was starting to get frustrated.
Deckerd: Dangit a million more times! I don't know what I am doing wrong! I don't have time for this either, the city needs me but I can't get this thing to work!
Chip: I'm sorry, but I didn't have time to program the docking data. This is the fastest method besides just trying to do it manually. But that runs the risk of damage and failure.
Upon hearing that Deckerd had an idea, Deckerd silently leaves the building.
Chip: Alright Deckerd how's... (sees that Deckerd was gone) Why did I think adding silent soles to Deckerd's feet was a good idea.
Back in the city, Whirl was dealing with enemies in the air, as the only flyer on the time at the moment he was in the most danger as he was an easy target if it wasn't for his blue paint making him fade in the sky. He looked to see the other Autobots were taking care of anything that came close to the ground but Whirl was running low on everything he had.
Whirl: Okay, just how many of these things do you have! How elaborate do we have to make this fight! Come down here and fight!
Noriyasu: Hahaha! Foolish Autobot! You face me and my army! Now parish at my power as I--
Whirl was too far away to hear the man who was standing on a plane, honestly almost no one could hear what he was preaching.
Whirl: What?
Noriyasu: And that's my entire life story! Glad that you understand, now parish at my wrath!
Whirl: What?!
Several red sight lines appeared all over Whirl's body.
Whirl: WHAT?!
Missiles barrage all around Whirl, who quickly fled to the sky in his helicopter before two missiles collided. The explosion caused Whirl to spin out of control.
Two shots rang out and Whirl felt his tail rotor get hit and kill all his spinning momentum, allowing him to make a safe landing before he crashed in his vehicle mode. Deckerd ran up as Whirl recovered himself.
Whirl: Whooo... Thanks for saving my tailpipe, time for a round two- WOAH!!
Deckerd pulled Whirl out of the way as the Barbarossa opened fire on them.
Deckerd: You're hurt, stay down and let me handle this.
Deckerd then looked up at where Noriyasu was standing on top of his plane, seeing him laughing. He then pulled out his badge and pressed the button, a blaring horn could be heard with the J-Roader.
Noriyasu: Hmm? What is he doing?
Deckerd: Brave Up! J-Decker!!!
Deckerd then leaped into the air with J-Roader blasting up along with him, the once trailer then started to change into what looked to be a large suit of armor. Deckerd changed into a police car mode and congested to the suit, forming a chest piece and head for figure.
J-Deckerd: J-Deckerd, Online!
Bumblebee: Whoa, he combined with that thing.
Whirl: It isn't a combiner relly, more like armor, still this is awesome! (thinking) But there is something about it, if greater power comes with this, there has to be a drawback.
J-Deckerd looked up to where the plane is, he needed to reach it but then saw in the corner of his eye a timer it started at 99.9 seconds, counting down the moment he merged.
Chip: (flashback) Okay Deckerd, J-Roader is powerful but remember it drains a lot of your energy as well just using it, so you don't over use it I made this countermeasure, a timer that will release you from the armor, I don't want you getting hurt.
J-Deckerd: Don't worry Chip, I only need it for a short time.
J-Deckerd then blasted off into the sky with a jetpack built in them, using the wings on their back to guide themself through the barash of jet-troopers, he then pulled out a weapon that looked to be a baton. he hacked and slashed anything that was close to him and fired at a range, taking out a number of the enemy. Noriyasu looked furious.
Noriyasu: Curse you! How dare you attempt to foil my plans!
J-Deckerd: I'm not attempting to foil your plans, I am succeeding. J-Buster, unlocked!
J-Deckerd then pulled out some sort of pistol from his side and started to blast at his enemies, not missing a single shot as he got jet after jet, and before anyone knew it, all the remaining Jet-Troopers were eliminated.
Noriyasu: (shocked) I-impossible! Those Jet-Troopers were meant to combat both Autobots and Decepticons, how can just a few beat them?!
J-Deckerd: Simple, we're stronger united, now Noriyasu it is over!
Noriyasu: Hehe! No, it isn't! Die!
Noriyasu then throws paper talismans that quickly changed into horifying bat-like creatures that quickly swarmed J-Deckerd, shocking him.
Noriyasu: Ha Ha HA! Behold, I have great powers! Now parish you-
Suddenly, smoke surrounded the madman, confusing him before suddenly the bats disappeared, turning into simple paper. J-Deckerd quickly grabbed it and scanned it.
J-Deckerd: Hmn, so that's how he does it, these papers are mixed with both hologram technology and also change shape to fill in any mass he controls because he needs to see them, some magician, he's just a fake.
Noriyasu: Wh-what's happening?!
Smokescreen: I'm what's happening!
The smoke started to clear revealing Smokescreen just behind him was a hole in the base of the plane, big enough for a Transformer to get in.
Noriyasu: When did you--
Smokescreen: You got too close to some buildings, flying just above them but me and my master drove on the sides of it to launch ourselves in the air and land while you were getting you butt handed to you by Deckerd.
Noriyasu: Your... master?
Smokescreen: Prowl, he is currently inside the plane taking control of it, he is my master because... (strikes a pose) he and I are Cyberninjas!
Inside the plane, Prowl managed to squize into the cockpit of the plane, finding somesort of talisman in the middle of it with wires pocking out, he used one of his throwing starts to cut it in half down the middle and placed an Autobot badge on the controls, he then started to call some one.
Prowl: Ratchet, I have given you control of the plane, it is all yours.
Ratchet: (over comms) Great, let's find a place to land it.
Backside Noriyasu was shaking with worry, his plans have been officially foiled.
Noriyasu: I-impossible, I am... I am a great man, I shouldn't lose to some machines!
Smokescreen: Too bad, I'll let Deckerd handle you.
J-Deckerd then landed on the plan, Noriyasu backing up, shaking out of worry.
J-Deckerd: Noriyasu, you are charged with stealing military technology and causing mass terror to the innocent people of this city, how do you plead?
Noriyasu: I have done nothing wrong! It is my right to do this!
J-Deckerd then pull out his badge and with the press of a button Noriyasu was currounded by lights, text floated around. [Increased heart rate] [sweating] [fidgeting] [widened eyes] then the badge had a red X.
J-Deckerd: Guilty!
J-Decker then attached his badge to the J-Buster and fired a shot that captured Noriyasu inside of a card. Once they were captured, J-Deckerd stroked a pose, upon seeing them Smokescreen ran next to them and did a similar pose while Prowl leaped out from the plane and did his own.
J-Deckerd then picked up Prowl and Smokescreen, holding them tightly before jumping off and landing thing on the ground. Just as they landed, the timer ran out, Deckerd was launched out of his armor and it turned into J-Roader.
Optimus: Excellent work everyone, Ratchet has control over the plane and will land it somewhere safe, we should go around and offer aid to the people. Deckerd, you handle the prisoner.
Noriyasu: (from the card) Release me at once! You can't do this to me!
Deckerd: (salutes) Roger that! I'l be heading out now.
Deckerd placed the card in a built-in holder on his badge before transforming and driving off.
Back at Headquarters, Chip was at his computer, angrily typing away while Deckerd entered and J-Roader parked itself into its garage.
Deckerd: Chief? What's wrong?
Chip: Nothing. I just detest the idea of 'Winging It'... If you had failed then Noriyasu would've blown you to smithereens. Go to the repair shop.
Deckerd: Uh... Okay...
Noriyasu: (from his card) Release me from this prison!
Deckerd: Quiet you.
Deckerd walked himself into the repair station of the building but not before sliding Noriyasu's card prison into a slot on the wall that sorted him with all the other criminals charged with using high-tech weaponry. Meanwhile Chip continued to code something into his computer. Simon then entered from the elevator with a bright smile on his face.
Simon: Noriyasu has been captured and my leg is gonna be healed in another week!
Chip: Uh-huh...
Simon: What's got a boot up your butt?
Chip: You know fully well that I despise the concept of 'Winging It'.
Simon: But yet, we were winging it out there and it worked. Sorry your simulation didn't work out.
Chip: It's alright, I guess at times I have to wing it huh?
Simon: Yeah, we all can't be prepared for everything after all. So, what do we do with him? (shakes Noriyasu's card)
Noriyasu: (from the card) AHHH! STOP THAT!
Chip: Turn him over to the police, I doubt he'd answer any of our questions.
Simon: What questions?
Chip: Like what were those jets for, he mentioned they were designed to combat transformers but yet upon looking into some of these things data banks, no government contractors commissioned them.
Simon: Third party?
Chip: Maybe, possibly a fourth party two, but yet there are some odd things about them, according to the data from the jet-troopers, it seems there is a program for some sort of leader called "Lord" deep in the programming. Whoever they are, I hit a roadblock trying to reach them.
To Be Continued...
Thanks to ECHO-173 for his help making this chapter, especially given how bouncy I am with my stories. Bye.
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