Never be yourself
Burgertron went into the lost and found holding a kazoo then blew it waking everyone up. Everyone fell and transformed.
"I'm up!"
"Nothing like rousing kazoo music to get the energon pumping!"
"Ey man, what the hell was that for?"
"You lost bots aren't used to getting up at the crack of closing, but if we're going to get accepted back by our squads, we have no time to waste. We need the perfect plan. And guess what?"
"You're a ventriloquist!"
"What? Why would--? I have the perfect plan! Follow me!"
Everyone followed him except Clogstopper.
Clogstopper took out a puppet "No one ever asks if I'm a ventriloquist."
"You aren't."
They saw spud muffin doing a video on couch surfing with a flip flop. "See? If there's one thing that all bots love, it's a dope BotVid."
"Totally. And that spud muffin is a hunk! What poise! What charm!"
"Yeah he's got sort of a sidekick charm maybe. But that's not the point. Look at how everyone loves BotVids!" Shin-knee said "Uh cool bots make BotVids."
"We're not cool bots remember?"
"Well not YET! Sure you're a little weird, and one of you, not saying who, is distractingly unhygienic."
They all looked at Clogstopper who was licking a chewed piece of gum on a chair leg "He could mean anybody really."
"But once we make BotVids for each of you and get them to play on that moving wall, your generalized greatness will be apparent and all the Squads will forget about how much they hate us! You in?" Everyone shrugged "A half shrugged of acceptance? That's all I need!" "Your weird, little dude."
They all walked to an area.
"Woah! What are these things?"
"Hmm no idea. Nerd stuff?"
"Who you calling nerd, nerd?"
"Fomo! These are who I was telling you about!"
"Oh I know. Everyone knows about you "Lost bots". Echh. I can't believe you broke the sacred rule!"
"Okay, well Fomo Here is going to film your BotVids for you."
They all cheered.
"Hold up on the thanks, loser-trons. Fomo is in this for Fomo! Yeah, I did not become the top influencer in the Mall by helping others."
""Influencer"? What do you make people do?"
"I make 'em watch sick BotVids. My lifestyle is my brand! Which means I need content, content, content. That's the only reason I'm willing to slim it with you pariahbots."
"You seem rude, but say cool words. So I guess that makes it okay?"
"Let's go with that. Now go. Shoot great stuff. Show off your personalities! Don't worry be yourself."
Meanwhile Dave set up the traps ready to catch the botbots.
"Alright! Ready to show me the gold you captured on video?"
"Yep! We were kinda nervous at first, but we're really proud of what we got."
"Can't wait. Lay it on me!" Fomo played it.
It just showed Dimlit, making Burgertron confused. "When does it start?"
Then stars as kittens and #kittens showed up.
""Hashtag kittens"?! Why did say "Hashtag kittens?!""
"Everybody loves kittens!"
"You just erased my Brain. What were you doing in that video?"
""The standing completely still challenge"! Everybody also loves stuff that ends in "challenge"!"
"Okay...I. There are no words. "Who's next? Please be good."
He saw Bonz-eye playing a game. "Alright! That's more like it!"
Then bonz-eye went nuts.
"Enlightening, is it not? My blade is so sharp, it can slice through our concept of reality itself."
"The end might be a little off-putting."
"Well, mine's ON-PUTTING! Roll en Fomo!"
It showed Clogstopper about being a friends with others.
"So? Best one? Or better than best?"
"Don't decide yet!"
It showed Kikmee hitting people as they got hurt. Burgertron got scared "Why would you do that?!"
"What? It's a fun, sporty prank!"
"You probably just enrages half the mall!"
"For real. Y'all are more hated than ever."
"You didn't see ours yet!"
"I don't know whats going on, little dudes." Spyke said
"We made videos to be part of the squads again!"
Shin-knee said "My turn!" The video played. (This is the closest I can find.)
Burgertron was impressed "That was...not what I was expecting."
"I didn't understand any of that."
"These are emojis based on moods."
"The hells an emoji, dude."
Shin-knee shrugged. "Look. It's my fault. I should've directed this project myself." Let's just head to the South Wing, I'll think of something new."
"Yeah we can't go, there. That's where the flesh creature is setting up his traps."
"His WHAT NOW?!"
Dave finished up his traps but they fell apart, when he left for his rounds. The botbots were looking at it.
"Is that a new amusement park?"
"Nah dudes, I don't see no rides."
"They're traps!"
"They are PERFECT!"
"Well, whereas you all see danger, I see opportunity!"
He walked over over to a trap
"If we can beat these traps, well not only protect all the other bots, we will look incredibly amazing as we do it on video!"
They all smiled except Shin-knee, Spyke, and Dimlit.
"And when our Squads all see it, they'll be BEGGING us to join
Dimlit said "Look, these are called "traps" which makes me think there will be some kind of
"trapping". What if WE get trapped?"
"Well, you're certainly not gonna
beat the traps with that attitude!
Now let's get started, the flesh being's rounds only
take twenty minutes."
Clogstopper grabbed a bolt "Uhm why are there loose bolts
"And batteries in a jar?"
"And oil?"
Burgertron said "You gotta be kidding me.
They're lures! These are robot stereotypes! Come on! Does he really think we eat nuts
and bolts?"
Clogstopper was eating the bolts but spat them out.
Bonz-eye looked at the picture then the trap "Is it possible the flesh
creature built these with a blindfold on?"
Shin-knee bumped the oil making everything fall. Dimlit poked his head through the wreckage "Oh good! We don't have to do this!"
Burgertron said "Bad! We need these traps to work if we're going to impress
Kikmee said "So? It's not like we're gonna
rebuild them properly and put ourselves in more danger
just to look better on video."
Burgertron said "Yeah! Great idea! Let's do that!"
Kikmee facepalmed.
Then it showed the traps looking better than ever.
"Hey, great work! We should think about applying
to an Engineering Academy."
Spyke saw someone
"The hells that?"
It turned out to be Sprinkleberry D'uhnut who was checking out the traps "BotBots."
"This is only the beginning!
Once we make this BotVid, you'll be signing autographs for
Clogstopper said "No. I will never write my own
Burgertron said "Ack! The flesh beast is only
three minutes away! We have to make our cinematic
masterpiece! Let's go!" Kikmee stopped him "Woah, watch it, coach! Oil slick."
"Good catch, Kikmee. Now everyone, on your ones!" Everyone split up "Fomo, you ready?" Fomo said "Readier than you dweebs."
"Okaaay hit record!"
Fomo pressed start
"Hey bots! BT here, and we couldn't help but notice
the flesh creature set up a series of traps for all of
us. OH NO! But never fear your brave and indisputably cool heroes are here to shut this down."
They began to activate the traps and shut them down. "We're really doin' it!
We're actually coool! Wuh oh!" Before Dimlit got caught Burgertron stopped the skateboard "And that is a wrap on the traps!"
Dimlit then fainted.
"YES! MONEY! Oh! This'll be the way sickest
BotVid yet!"
"That was amazing!"
Burgertron hit the stick "There is no way we don't look
coo-" The box then closed on Burgertron. Everyone gasped then heard Dave then left "Huh. The traps went off, but no robots? I built these perfectly, so..." he saw the box moving "WHAT?! Oh YES!" Why don't you laugh at this mom. Laugh with your face, laugh..." he found nothing "... at me for another night. I'll find you robots, I swear." It was shown the box was cut from the back. Burgertron and Bonz-eye ran "Thanks for the save, Bonz-Eye. Now let's see how the other Bots
react!" They joined FOMO "Are you showing it? Our
brilliance? Our transcendent filmic experience?" "Better b-b-believe! I got it on
Burgertron looked up and saw that it showed Sprinkleberry D'uhnut, slipping on the oil with the other Bot Bots laughing "What is this? This isn't us!"
"No, it's BETTER! I have a keen eye for fails, and when I saw Sprinkleberry
headed for that oil, oooh, I knew exactly where the
MONEY was!" Clogstopper was laughing hysterically but stopped when the others were staring.
Burgertron was walking defeated at the hard work had failed. Dimlit said "Hey, look at the bright side, sir. Sure, no one saw it, but we DID beat all those traps. And we did it by being ourselves!"
Bonz-eye said "Which was your idea if I remember."
Burgertron said "You know, good point. It's not our fault other bots
don't have discerning taste and will laugh at the stupidest
stuff on a BotViii... " he slipped on something. It turned out to be oil. Everyone tried not to laugh.
Burgertron asked "Uh, hashtag kittens?" Then they all laughed. Then it ended.
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