
Chapter 14.Redemption

Oc- Xx_Hecate_Prime_Xx

Ocs- X_Midnight_X

Transformers © Hasbro


"Sari come to the med bay, I want to look at your arm, to see how it looks," Ratchet told Sari in the living room who was with Bumblebee watching TV.

"Okay," Sari sighed, got up and followed Ratchet to med bay to look at her arm.

Snowstorm watched the young femme go to the med bay then turned to Optimus.

"How you feeling Optimus?" She asked

Optimus sighed, "I feel like I got hit by a train twice, but I'm good,"

The white femme smiled happy to hear that but got surprised of what Optimus said next.

"Snowstorm, thank you."

"For what?" She asked.

"For saving Sari in time. If you didn't save Sar from Sharpfang, she would have been predacon chow," Optimus smiled.

"Well to tell the truth, I see Sari as a daughter to me, so protectiveness kick in."

"Sari probably sees you as a mother too, actually Sari sees all of us as a family," said Optimus.

"What does she see in you Optimus?" Snowstorm asked.

"She sees me as father even though she already has a father but the others she's sees them as older brothers and Ratchet like a grouchy old grandpa."

"I heard that!" Ratchet yelled from the med bay.

"You were supposed to!" Optimus yelled and dodge in time as a ranch came flying out of the med bay.

Snowstorm stiffled a laugh.

"See one big family," Optimus laughed

Both laughed for a little bit but stopped when Sari walked by feeling tired and sad and went to her quarters.

"Ratchet is she okay?" Snowstorm asked when the medic came by.

Ratchet sighed and explained

"She's fine her cut is healing fast."

"But..." Optimus pushed

"The cut that Shadow gaved her is going to leave a scar," Ratchet explained.

"When I see that con, he's gonna wish he was never been born," Snowstorm growled.

"No one messes with one of our own and get away from it," Optimus agreed.

"Hey I have a question," Wheelfire came walking up to the three Autobots, "why did Sharpfang ignore Optimus and went after Sari?"

"Instincts, predacons like predators will go after anything that's injured sick and old," Optimus explained making the young wrecker understand.

Ratchet looked at Optimus seeing that he was thinking and the old mech knew.

"Optimus don't even think about it."

"About what?" Optimus asked.

"Thinking that the predacon will redeem herself into leaving the cons and joined us cause no way in Primus will that ever happen," Ratchet replied.

"I agree with Ratchet, there's no way Sharpfang would join us after what she did," Snowstorm agreed.

Those two had a point, Sharpfang would never leave the Decepticons and if she did well the Autobots would not be safe from her.

Optimus sighed, "you two maybe right but as a leader, I need to believe in good things and that Sharpfang hopefully would see how the Decepticons are and she would get away from them soon."

"We won't argue with you Optimus but be careful, I don't want you to get hurt," Snowstorm put a servo to his chest.

Optimus almost blushed but nodded, "don't worry I will."

Snowstorm smiled then walked off going to Sari's quarters while Optimus went to the commad room blushing.

Ratchet almost snickered when walking back to his med bay.

Those two young bots are gonna end up together. I can tell. The medic grinned and close the door.


Sharpfang walked down the tunnels of the mine that the decepticons consider as their base, deep in thought thinking of what Megatron told her.

'Youre a beast, Sharpfang', his words repeated in her processor. 'Can I trust you won't attack my men like you did in the city?'

Sharpfang bowed to the grey warlord

"Of course my lord, I won't attack the men like I did awhile ago it was my primal instinct."

Sharpfang growled deeply in anger of what Megatron told her.

'Is that what I truly am?!' She thought. 'A beast?! A monster?!'

The decepticons are worse then the Autobots, they don't care nobody but themselves.

But should she join the Autobots? After all, they're the ones who imprisoned her and treated her like trash.

Sharpfang vented, she needs to make up her mind. Soon.


Sari sighed for the third time then looked at her covered wound that was bandage up. It was healing well but she knew it was gonna leave a scar thanks to Shadow yesterday. Sari felt like breaking down crying, but she knew it wouldn't make her feel better, she had to be tough and be there for her friends and honor Prowl's memory.

Prowl, I really wish you didn't sacrifice yourself to save us, then you would give me your wisdom. Sari staring off into space thinking.

"Sari?" Snowstorm's voice breaking Sari out of her thoughts.

Sari looked up to see Snowstorm standing in the middle of the doorway looking at Sari with concerned optics.

"How you feeling?" The white femme asked walking in.

"I'm fine though I'm a little upset that I'm gonna have a scar forever," Sari replied.

Snowstorm smiled a little and sat next to Sari.

"Scars maybe ugly on us, but do know that they tell memories of when and how we got them like Ratchet since he's missing a part on helm and his arm where Lockdown took his emng generator."

"So you're saying don't hate them and accept them?" Sari looked up at Snowstorm.

Snowstorm nodded smiling

"Yes, that is what I'm saying."

Sari pondered this for a little then nodded.

"Thanks Snowstorm, I feel better now that you told me this."

"I'm glad that you're excerpting of what I said and I just want to look out for you cause you are like a daughter to me."

Sari hugged Snowstorm, "I see you as a mom to and I'm actually happy that you came to save me in time."

"Well you are on our side so I couldn't let you become predacon chow."

Sari laughed, she felt better when she talked to Snowstorm. But something was bugging her. Shadow. He seemed off, like his optics being pitch black instead of being Decepticon red, it was still bugging her. Was it possible for a Cybertronians to have black optics maybe it was a mood thing.

Before Sari could ask Snowstorm, the alarm went off.

"Decepticons again?!" Wheelfire yelled in disbelief outside.

"Yep," Ramblaster sighed while Sari and Snowstorm came walking over.

"Don't they ever give up?" Hotshot asked but got glares, "never mind stupid question."

"Well no time to waste," Optimus said showing determine in his optics, "Autobots transform and roll out!"


"Autobots didn't learn your lesson yesterday not to defied us?" Megatron smirking when the Autobots came.

This time Shadow was presence but Sharpfang was nowhere to be seen. That was not a good sign.

"Autobots whatever you do, don't let your guard down, Sharpfang could be hiding somewhere waiting for to attack us," Optimus instructed to his team.

The others nodded.

"Actually Optimus its just you and I facing each other this time," Megatron laughed

Before someone could blink Lunar went ahead and attacked her twin Eclipse.

"Lunar you idiot," Faë facepalmed but went attack one of the cons

"Well Optimus?" Megatron having his arms cross glaring daggers at Optimus.

Optimus's battle mask slid on and he got his axe out

Both of leader of the factions charged at each other and clashed

"You're getting weeker by the moment, Prime", Megatron taunted.

"I won't listen to words Megatron," Optimus growled

"Then so be it."

Before Optimus could attack him, Megatron struck the prime with his sword, knocking him down

"Optimus!" Ratchet yelled

Megatron loomed over Optimus sword raised

"Give your cyber ninja my greetings", Megatron cackled as he was about to bring his sword down

But before he could do that a growl was heard and Megatron was swat hard by a tail.


Megatron looked up to see Sharpfang in beast mode growling

"Sharpfang explained yourself now," he ordered.

She went into bot mode and glared at him, hatred seething in her optics

"I thought better of you", he could detect slight bitterness in her voice. "But I guess I was wrong".

The decepticons who were fighting the Autobots stopped fighting were shocked at what just happened while the Autobots jaw dropped.

Well that was unexpected Shadow thought while smirking

"I'm here to correct the mistake I made long ago", she clasped her servos together, which formed a giant cannon.

Megatron's optics widen in shock and horror

"Decepticons! Retreat!"

No way in the pit he was gonna fight her nor was he risking his soldiers to fight her.

The decepticons retreated leaving Sharpfang and the shocked jaw drop Autobots and Sari.

"What just happened?" Lunar who was covered in scratches asked.

"Fate maybe?" Cäsium guessed.

Sharpfang's servos dropped to her sides again and she snorted

"That's right. Run like the cowards you are, Decepticons", she glared in the direction the cons had retreated

"Optimus why do you gotta be right?" Ratchet glared at Optimus. Optimus just shrugged.

The Autobots tensed up when Sharpfang turned to faced them.

She snorted at their expressions

"Are you fools really that dense?"

"Kind of," Hotshot said but KickBlade smacked him across the helm

Optimus got up and looked at Sharpfang curiously

"Sharpfang may I ask," he began, "why? Why stand up to Megatron?"

She glared at him

"He was no better than you"

Before Optimus or the others could reply or say something, Sharpfang turned and was about to leave.

"Hey where you going?" Sari asked.

Sari hide behind Snowstorm when Sharpfang turned around and glared.

"It's not your buisness", she stated coldly.

"But where will you go? You can't go back to the decepticons after what you did, Megatron may have either Zoë or Shadow to assassinate you," Jazz said

She snorted

"Why would I go back to them, little Autobot?"

Jazz was quiet.

"Join us," Optimus blurted out

Everybody including Sharpfang looked at him in shocked and disbelief.

""Even though we we weren't there when they locked you up and thinking you were treated badly, we want to apologize to you and let you join us."

Sharpfang seemed to think about his words

"Very well......."

Before someone could snap at Optimus, Sharpfang continued talking.

"BUT......if you so much as try anything funny.......I won't regret taking your sparks like I did to your Sentinel friend".

Everybody nodded terrified of her words.

"We won't," Optimus replied

"Good then I shall join you." Sharpfang simply.

The Autobots were a little scared but were glad to have a new member to the team and hoped they have her stay with them.


A/N I think I just caused a ship with Optimus and Snowstorm at the beginning. But anyways got this chapter up finally so hopefully who was bugging me can now stop. Next chapter will be called Hiding In The Shadows, I'm introducing new OCS that are mine and X_Midnight_X but they won't show up fully they'll show up in chapter 19. Anyways


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