6- We need Answers

Over the next few weeks, Rainbow went to training then visited Toothless in the afternoon. Though Toothless was hesitant at first, he let Rainbow ride him so she could try to control his tail from his back, but this didn't go without failure.

Their were many crash landings as they learned to fly together. One of them ended with them landing in a patch of overgrown grass in the forest.

When Rainbow found him, he was rolling in the grass in pure bliss. She looked down at the grass surprised then brought a small handful to training where she used it to please the Groncle and once again amaze her friends and the others.

She and Toothless were messing around as she scratched his neck when he fell to the ground in bliss since she found his sweet spot. Rainbow looked at her hands amazed and the next day, the Nader approached her, energetic as ever. Rainbow noticed that Adagio was charging with her axe ready, so she scratched the side of the neck no one could see till she found her sweet spot and the Nader fell to the ground casing Adagio to look at her in shock.

Rainbow brought a laser pointer with her on one of her visits where Toothless proceeded to try and catch the light almost like a cat would. Then they were introduced to the Terrible Terror, which was the size of a small cat.

Aria laughed at the size of it, "This puny little thing got a name like that?"

"Don't test me!" the terror yelled as he pounced on her face, not doing any harm, but scaring the life out of her.

Rainbow calmly took out her laser pointer and did just what she did with Toothless and the Terror also responded in a cat like manner being lead right back into its cell where Rainbow locked it again.

The dragons sang Rainbows praises, sometimes literally, because, as they claimed, their princess has finally come. Rainbow seemed confused every time she was called Princess, but never asked Toothless about it.

She learned how to talk to them without anyone noticing and so told Sunset the voices stopped. However, when it came to Toothless' tail, they could use a bit more practice.

"Ok bud. We're gonna take this nice and slow." Rainbow told Toothless as they flew over the ocean quite a ways from land.

"If we die, I'm blaming you."

"Yeah yeah, now," She looked at a sheet with different drawings of the tail with different amounts of open and closed. "Let's go with position four, um, three," She said before turning the tail to the corresponding position.

They flew up and down with a fair amount of ease that is, till he went straight up causing Rainbow to lose her grip and her safety rope became un latched. With nothing controlling the tail, the two began to fall to the water below.

"We're gonna die! We're gonna die! We're gonna die!" Toothless kept yelling while Rainbow tried to get back on his back.

"You just need to sort of, potition, yourself Ahh!" She got hit by his tail as they broke through the clouds. Somehow, Rainbow managed to climb back on his saddle and she kicked the tail back into gear. Unfortunately, the sheet flew off and she couldn't look at it to well with it in her hand and they were quickly approaching tall stacks of rock they would need to fly through and approaching fast.

Rainbow looked at the sheet, quickly memorizing it, before throwing it behind her. "Alright bud. We'll need to approach it head on."

"Let's do this."

They flew through the rock pillars as they thought and felt completely in sync. Looks of determination was matched as they swerved to miss every pillar with ease.

They succeeded and safely got out of the sea stacks. Rainbow shouted in exhilaration that the tail finally worked. Toothless shared in her delight by shooting a plasma blast in front of them causing them to be flying straight into an inferno. "Oh come on."

They were on a rocky beach. Rainbow was trying to clean her slightly charred hair as to not raise suspicion while Toothless happily chomped on a pile of fish.

"As if it wasn't damaged enough," Rainbow muttered ringing out her hair. "Let's hope that wet hair will look less suspicious then slightly burnt hair. Right bud?"

"I don't see why you scaleless care so much about your head fur."

"I don't get it either, but I guess I just grew accustomed to it through my life."

She sat by Toothless and spotted a small flock of Terrible Terrors coming over. They each sported two main colors. Red and white, blue and black, light blue and grey, purple and black, Green and black, while the last was yellow and black.

"Hey look! Some fish!"

Toothless growled and protected the pile by grabbing it. "Don't even think about it."

"Oh no. I'm thinking about it." The green and black one said sarcastically as he attempted to grab a fish. When he failed, he tried firing at Toothless, but the bigger dragon just shot a small blast in the smaller dragons mouth right before he was going to shoot.

Rainbow laughed. "Not so fireproof on the inside, are you guys?" She said as she watched him stumble in a daze.

"Can we please have some fish?" The light blue and grey one asked Toothless.

"Catch your own."

"We've been trying!"

"Come on Toothless. Be nice," Rainbow said as she grabbed three fish and threw them to the terrors for them to each have half. "There you go."

"Thank you surprisingly nice scaleless!" The blue and black one said as he and the blue and grey one ate theirs together.

The Purple and Black one and the Red and white one went a little further to eat their fish, while the remaining two ate it where it was thrown.

When the light blue and grey one finished his half of the fish, he went to Rainbow and curled up in her lap obviously tired, as if he wanted to take a nap.

Rainbow marveled at how quick the dragon was to trust her because of that simple act of kindness and began to pet him. "Everything we know about your kind is... wrong!"

-Princess Twilight POV-

The orb disappeared and the room was enveloped in silence.

After a bit of everyone thinking to themselves, Starlight decided to break the silence. "Why did they keep referring to her a princess?"

"There was a prophecy among the dragons," Discord said with a sly smile. "Long ago, there was a viking chief named Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the third. He was the first to make peace with dragons and tried to prove to other people that they weren't murderers, most of the time he succeeded, but it was obvious that there were some people who would never be willing to coexist with the dragons. So they sent the dragons to a hidden world where no human can harm them. During that time, a prophecy was stated, a human female that looked to be taken from the sky will have the body of a human, but the soul and strong loyalty of a dragon. She will have powers from every dragon that will be activated by the king of dragons. Once she gains control, she will use them to unite the two species once and for all."

"What about me?" Pony Rainbow asked curious. "Am I affected by this?"

"Not at all."

"How is she dealing with this?" Twilight asked curiosity.

"Do you want to know what happened earlier today?" Discord asked bored.

"Sure why not."

"Just some context, they were having a competition between the classes to see who gets the supposed honor to kill their first dragon in front of the entire town. The finalists are Adagio and, of course, Rainbow."

The two girls were in the ring with a good amount of people watching. The gronckle was flying around as Rainbow hid behind a barrier.

Adagio sumersalted next to her then grabbed her shirt. "Stay out of my way, I'm winning this."

Rainbow put her hands up, "Please. By all means," she said with all seriousness.

Adagio ran behind a different barrier then sumersalted to another before charging at the Gronckle. Only to find it was on the floor in bliss with a sheepishly grinning Rainbow next to it.

Adagio threw her axe to the ground in a rage as the Groncle was put back in her cage. "Thanks for the dragon nip princess!"

Rainbow shot her a small smile before the doors were closed. She grew close to the dragons over the training with whispered conversations. She had yet to meet the Monstrous Nightmare.

"Well, I'm gonna go--"

"Not so fast," Coach Walsh stopped her. "It's time to choose the winner."

Rainbow sighed as she was taken before Mayor Mair, who was sporting a scar on her right arm and face.

Coach put a hand over Adagios head and Mayor Mair shook hers. When he put his hand over Rainbows, Mayor Mair smiled and nodded.

Cheers went through the crowd as her friends went to congratulate her. Rainbow didn't seem too thrilled. "Yeah. Wow. I'm so--"

Discord stopped the image. "Just making a quick switch to the present, and--"

"Screwed!" Rainbow yelled in frustration as she entered the cove. "There is no feasible way that I can do this! Come on bud! I need your hel--"

"Who's your bud?"

Rainbow let out a startled noise and saw The three former sirens on a levitated rock slab glaring at the sky blue girl. "G- girls! I-I."

"Cut the chit chat," Adagio command hopping down, the other two following suit. "No body just gets as good as you do. Especially you when it comes to animals. Now start talking. Are you training with someone?"

"Um, training someone?"

"Better not have to do with what's in the bag." Aria said motioning to the leather strap sticking out of her bag.

"W-well, I'm just." That's when the trio looked up and their eyes widened. Rainbow suddenly became aware of a big force looming behind her.

"Dash! Dragon!" Sonata yelled pulled Rainbow away from Toothless.

"Don't touch her!" Toothless roared as the trio got out their weapons.

Rainbow ran to him. "Dash!" Adagio shouted, "Get away from it!"

"You just scared him," Rainbow said casually as she calmed him down.

"We scared him!" Sonada shouted surprised she would even suggest such a thing.

"Who are these kin killers." Toothless snarled as Rainbow got between the two.

"I believe some introductions are in order." Rainbow stated trying to lighten the mood. "Toothless, this is Adagio, Aria, and Sonada," she pointed to each of the respective people as she stated their name. "Girls, Toothless."

"Why is he named Toothless?" Sonada curiosity asked looking at his snarling teeth.

"Well, it's a long story--" during the moment she was distracted, the other two pulled Sonada and they began to run in the direction of the village. "Du du dum. We're dead," Rainbow stated in a matter of fact tone as Toothless tried to sneak away. "And where do you think you're going?"

The trio was running through the forest when Adagio was swept off her feet by Toothless. "Meet us at the cove!" Rainbow yelled to the other two before dropping Adagio in a tall tree.

"Adagio, we need to talk."

"Get me down this instant!"

"I will," Rainbow promised. "But you need to trust me." Rainbow extended her hand for her to take.

Adagio looked at her and the dragon before pulling herself on the branch she touched Toothless causing him to growel. "Don't touch him. He doesn't trust you yet. Saddle only," Rainbow translated.

Adagio rolled her eyes before using the saddle to boost herself behind Rainbow,still on the saddle. "Now get me down from here."

Rainbow nodded. "Toothless. Down. Slowly."

Toothless rolled his eyes and a determined expression came on his face, but all Rainbow noticed was the opening wings. "See, nothing to be afraid of. We'll just go back to the cove, and talk this out."

At that moment, Toothless shot into the sky at full speed causing Adagio to scream in fear.

"Um, Toothless. We want her to like us." Toothless ignored her and began to do tricks. "And now we're spinning. Thank you for nothing, you useless reptile."

Toothless just got more crazy till Adagio hugged Rainbow tighter. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything. Just get me off this thing."

Rainbow seemed surprised while Toothless seemed to have gotten exactly what he wanted. As soon as the apology was spoken with sensarity, he leveled out and began to glide with a breathtaking view of the ocean horizon. They continued to glide over the ocean and through, every sight beautiful. Adagio was breath taken as they flew. After a few minutes, they went back to the cove where Aria and Sonata were waiting.

The trio hugged and Adagio spoke of her experience leaving the other two to talk. "You just wanted her to apologise. Didn't you?"

"Maybe. But afterwards I made sure to get her back on our side. If she was on our side to begin with."

"Thanks bud," Rainbow smiled as she scratched his neck.

"Wait," Aria said, noticing the exchange. "Can you understand dragons?" the others looked to her for an answer.

Rainbow sighed. "Yes. I still want to keep it a secret though. I still don't know exactly why I can while Flutters can't, but I'm glad I can. Because it helped me realize that everything we know about dragons is wrong. They're intelligent creatures whose soal reflects my own. I became good friends with the dragon training dragons via whispered conversations and stopped the fight before either side got hurt by using different techniques I found while hanging out with this guy."

"But what are you going to do?" Sonada asked as Rainbow sat down. "The entire village is expecting you to kill that dragon."

Rainbow looked down as Adagio spoke up. "And don't tell me you befriended the Monstrous Nightmare. Cause that's the one you're facing and we haven't gone against it before. It doesn't know you."

Rainbow sat for a while in complete silence before shouting in a voice full of stress and fear, "I DON'T KNOW!!!" and flopping on the floor.

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