5- Who am I

-That Evening-

They were in a maze with no dead ends as a Blue Deadly Nader hoped and flew above them. "Today is all about the attack," Walsh said as the 10 girls ran around the rink. "A Deadly Nader is very quick and light on their feet. Your job is to quicker and lighter."

"Where are you hiding little scaleless? Don't you want to play? Is this the Princess class?" The Nader questioned as it looked for the girls.

"Why do they keep mentioning a princess?" Rainbow muttered.

"What you say Rainbow?" Sunset asked.


"Come on then," Sunset beckoned and they ran past a barrier.

Applejack and Adagio found themselves together, sending glares when the other wasn't looking, and ran into the Nader.

"One of the best things you can do is go for the blind spot. Every dragon has one. Find it. Hide in it. Then go for the attack."

The two were unintentionally in the blind spot with Applejack in front and continued to step side to side so they would remain in it.

"Stay in the spot Apple girl," Adagio said as she moved with her.

"It's Applejack. Just don't attack my back and we'll be good."

"Why would I attack you?"

"Ah wouldn't doubt you would have done it by now if we weren't in front of a dragon."


"What's that noise?" The Nader asked nipping in the girls direction.

"Blind spot? Yes. Deaf spot? Not so much." Coach Walsh said sarcastically.

The two ran while Sunset and Rainbow ran into Aria so they stuck together. Rainbow summer salted past an opening with her shield,Sunset following suit. But the shield messed up Arias roll and caught the Naders attention.

Rainbow groaned before grabbing Arias collar and running with great agility while the others were slightly more clumsy about it.

"Split up," Dash whispered to the other two and they all took a different direction. Of course, the Nader saw her Rainbow hair and decided to follow her.

"Why are you running!?"

"Because you're chasing me," Rainbow sarcastically responded only loud enough for the dragons sensitive hearing to pick up.

"Ok, then I'll stop," but she couldn't stop in time resulting in the walls falling down, almost crushing some people.

The Nader was put back in her cage. "Guys! It really is the Princess!"

"I'll believe it when I see it."

Sunset noticed Rainbow was rubbing her head with her eyes squeezed shut. "You ok Rainbow?"

"You know what Sunset? I don't even know what I am anymore," She responded before running off to her house then room.

She went to the forge area and mapped out what looked like a saddle that would fit Toothless' back before going to her room and grabbing her sketch pad and drawing a realistic Nader as it flew through the sky. Free as a bird with a peaceful expression on it face. It had no color since it was just a pencil sketch, but it didn't need it.

She put it away having worked on it for three hours (the ponies saw a time lapse version) She read a chapter of Daring Do then went to sleep.

She woke up the next morning with her phone vibrating to signal Sunsets call.

"Yeah?" Rainbow asked, obviously still tired.

"Hey, are you doing ok? Last night had me worried."

Rainbows eyes widened, remembering what she said. "Sorry about that Sunset. I was just tired. I don't know why I said that."

"Have the voices still kept going?"

"Yeah, but it's fine. They only happen when dragons are around and even then they don't always happen. I'm sure it'll stop soon." But her thoughts said, 'I know they won't.'

"Then disprove what you said. Who are you?"

"I'm a human girl named Rainbow Dash that goes to Canterlot High school with the best friends a girl could ask for. I'm the element of Loyalty with the soul of a soldier, training to protect her friends and family from the dragons."

"Ok good. I really need to stop worrying so much. By the way, since most of the adults are gone, dragon class was moved to ten o'clock effective today. You ran off before he told us."

"Thanks Sunset. See you and the girls there."


Rainbow hung up then let out a huge breath. "Why did it feel so wrong to say some of that?" she groaned before getting dressed in black leggings and a blue shirt. She put her primary color sweat bands on and pulled her hair in a ponytail. He hair was only slightly longer than when they met so she probably cut it at least once before it grew back.

She saw the smoked eel that she got Toothless and sighed. "I'll throw it out on my way to the ring," she told herself before putting it over her shoulder and throwing on a grey button up that hid it well while the shirt was still unbuttoned.

She had eggs and a smoothie for breakfast before going to the secret forge in the back. She began to put together the saddle looking thing with leather before she looked at the time and saw it was 9:45. "Shoot!" She yelled before running off to the ring with her speed, making it their at 9:57.

"Running late?" Sunset teased as the others were already there.

Rainbow blushed, "Got caught up reading Daring Do again." She suddenly became aware of the eel still hidden in between her tops, but it was too late to get rid of it as class started.

They were all given a bucket full of water, Rarity was repulsed by the un polished handel, and a gate was opened causing mist to fill the arena. Everyone drifted into pairs or trios.

"The Hideous Zippleback is known for its two heads. One spits a gas, the other lights it. You need to figure out which is which then pour the water on the spark head to disarm it."

Twilight and Rainbow were together as Twilight said stats about the dragon. "Attach 12 and speed 10. It grows up to 66 feet long with a wing span of--"

"Would you stop that!" Rainbow sharply whispered as she wasn't willing to deal with that right now.

Applejack, Fluttershy, and Adagio were together. "There!" Adagio pointed to a shadow in the fog and they all threw their water at it.

"Hey!" came the voice of Rarity as the shadow revealed to be her, Aria, and Sonata.

"It's just us idiots!" Aria yelled as she tried to shake out her wet clothes.

"Oh!" Adagio said with realization then smirked, "Guess you all were just so big you looked like a dragon.

Rarity soaked Adagio, "That's for the insult."

Eventually, only Twilight and Rainbow had their buckets left as the smoke began to clear up. Twilight screamed as a head of the Zippleback was right in front of her and threw her water at it.

The Zippleback just chuckled, "Pathetic human." he mocked as the head she splashed began to emit gas.

"Wrong head." Twilight said blushing as the mist finished settling.

"You have the last one Rainbow. Make it count." Coach Walsh said as Rainbow griped the bucket.

"Princess?" The Zipplebacks left head asked lighting sparks in shock.

"Please stop calling me that." She muttered, hoping the dragon had sensitive hearing, before throwing the water towards it's left head, but the head was too high and gravity took its course.

"Princess? What's going on?" Rainbow seemed to be freezing up and her breath increased, "Why are you scared?"

"She's shutting down! Get her out of there!" She heard before looking at her surroundings. The dragons open cage was behind it while she was on his front. Remembering the eel in her shirt, she made it visible and the Zippleback reeled back in fear.

"Back. Get back! Don't mess with me."

"Why do you have that!" he exclaimed.

She pretended to not understand with her face showing dominance and anger, but her eyes expressing that she didn't want to do this. "Back in your cage. That's right, back." She took the eel from her shirt, keeping it out of sight of her friends, then threw it in the cell. "Now think about what you've done."

Rainbow closed the doors and it automatically locked. She took deep breaths as she turned to face everyone else who looked surprised beyond belief. The adrenalin wore off and she fell against the gate, knees weak. "I need to lie down," she managed to get out causing the girls to rush over and make sure she got on the floor without getting hurt.

Sunset used her magic and Rainbow panicked, but she soon let go. "You were so scared I can't see anything. What happened? Did that voice come back?"

"It asked me why I was afraid," she said before showing symptoms of extreme exhaustion.

"Get her home," Coach Walsh told Applejack as Rainbow began to fall asleep. "Just put her in bed and leave. An adrenaline rush after nearly passing out with fear drained her quite a bit. Sleep with be the best for her. Class dismissed."

Rainbow slept for a few hours before waking up looking confused, she called Sunset. "Hey Sunset."

"Hey Rainbow! Feeling better?"

"What happened? One thing I know I'm standing in front of a Zippleback, next thing I know I'm in bed."

"Well, you were so scared that your body began to knock itself out, we were about to get you out of their when you started yelling at the Zippleback causing it to back into its cage. When you were done, I remembered that you told me that the voices only came when dragons were around so I asked if that had something to do with it and you told me that 'it asked you why you were afraid.' What did you mean by that?"

"It's coming back a bit now," Rainbow stated while rubbing her head. "After it asked why I was scared, I guess my instincts took over. I have no idea why I yelled at it though." Meanwhile in her thoughts, "Don't tell her about the eel. Don't tell her about the eel. Don't tell her about the eel!"

"Well, whatever the case, it was really impressive. We never thought that a dragon could be scared of an unarmed angry teenager."

Rainbow nervously laughed, "Ok? Not sure if we can ever repeat it. A lot of things were in play to lead up to a miracle like that." "Shove an eel in a dragons face and they'll cower at your feet."

"Anyway, get some rest and we'll see you for training tomorrow. Ok?"

"Yeah. See you Sunset," Rainbow responded before hanging up and letting out a deep sigh. "This whole understanding dragons thing is going to be the death of me. Literally."

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