4- A Downed Dragon is a Dead Dragon

-3erd Person-

"Welcome to dragon training!" Health Walsh said as he opened the gates to the kill ring. It was a big hole in the ground lined with stones to make a wall. The roof was made of thin but strong metal rods that have holes just big enough for a muscular man to squeeze through.

"No turning back." Sunset said with a deep breath.

"I do hope my hair won't get ruined." Rarity said patting her hair she put in a braid.

"Rarity, if it doesn't get ruined in here, it will on the battlefield." Applejack reasoned. Her own hair was cut to her shoulders.

Rarity simply shrugged. "A girl can hope Darling."

"Now," Coach Walsh said looking at his role. "The other three have a few minutes till they need to show, so we'll wait for them."

"What others?" Rainbow asked confused.

"There's ten to a class," Coach Walsh explained. "The other three should be here soon."

"They already are."

The girls turned and were shocked to see Adagio, Aria, and Sanada standing there all with swords.

"What are you guys doing here?" Rainbow asked confused.

"The same as you idiots." Aria said sarcastically. "Dragon training."

"Aria," Adagio sing sang, then spoke quietly with a growel. "We want them to like us."

"Hi!" Sanada waved with an energetic wave, oblivious to what was going on.

"Anyhow," Coach Walsh said marking her clipboard. "The ten of you will be training together using the following species."

The coach introduced the different species as Twilight muttered stats. But we heard what Rainbow was focusing on. Their conversation.

"Oh! Visitors!"

"Calm down Stormfly. These are the kin killers in training."

"Why do we need to fight again?"

"You know why. Or do you want to be eaten by the queen?"

Rainbows eyes went wide before refocusing on the Coach who had his hand on the release switch.

"Wait, aren't you gonna teach us first?" Fluttershy asked scared.

"It perfectly safe," he responded. "Plus, I believe in learning on the job."

He pulled the lever down and a Groncle flew out. "I'm free," The Groncle said in a female voice. Then realized that there was no escape. "Ok. Nevermind. Are those weapons!?"

Rainbow dropped her sword but picked it back up when her friends gave her a panicked look as they ran around the ring.

"Today is all about survival." Coach said as the Groncle ate some rocks. "If you get blasted, you're dead. What's the first thing you're going to need?"

"A doctor?" Rainbow threw out as a random guess sounding scared.

"Super speed?" Sanada suggested. (Not knowing one of them had it.)

"A shield," Twilight said confidently.

"Right Twilight. Shield. Go!" Everyone ran to grab one. "Your most important equipment is your shield. If you need to make a choice between a sword and a shield, take the shield."

Aria and Adagio began to fight over a shield and the Groncle noticed. "Yeah! Hit the shield! My favorite game!" She said before blasing the shield dead on.

"Adagio. Aria. You're out." Coach said. "Those shields are good for another thing. Noise. Make lots of it. It will throw off the dragon's aim." Everyone but Rainbow began to make noise.

"Every dragon has a limited number of shots. How many does a Groncle have?"

"Five?" Sanada said in a questioning tone.

"No. Six!" Sunset corrected.

"That's right. So we might have three winners." A shot hit Sunsets shield. "Sunset. You're out."

Sunset screamed and ran away.

Shield after shield was hit till the Groncle only had two left. Rainbows got hit and knocked out of her hand. She chased after the shield as the dragon went toward her.

"I think that Scaleless smells like fish!"

"I should have showered before coming here with seeing Toothless." Rainbow mumbled to herself.

The Groncle slammed Rainbow against the wall and began to sniff around her. "Awe. No food?" The Groncle asked disappointed.

"Do they not feed you guys?" Rainbow muttered to it.

"Did you just-"

Coach Walsh pulled up on her mouth with a metal hook scaring the Groncle into firing her last shot. "And that's six."

"Let me go!"

"Go back to bed you lazy lump of sausage."

"Hey!" The Groncle exclaimed, offended, before being tossed into her cell.

"You'll get another chance."

"But I want to talk to the Princess!" She yelled as the door rattled.

"What does she mean Princess?" Pony Rainbow Dash asked with the rise of an eyebrow.

"I'm sure all of us and your alternate self is just as confused as you are." Princess Twilight said with a nervous smile at not knowing what was going on.

"Remember," Walsh said locking the cage. "A dragon will always," he looked at Rainbow, "Always. Go for the kill."

Rainbow looked down tuning back into the dragons talk.

"I'm telling you it's her! The one from the prophecy!"

"How can you be so sure?"

"How else could she have understood me? And taking a second look, she fits the description perfectly."

"So she really does look like she was a piece of the sky?"

"Sky blue tone and sky color arch hair. I'm sure of it!"

"But if the dragon princess is training to be a kin killer, is there any hope?"

Rainbow looked at the cells in a trance till her friends called for her near the entrance and she ran over to them and they walked out; Rainbow still deep in thought.

"If dragons always go for the kill, why hasn't Toothless killed me yet?"

Coach Walsh and the ten people in her class were around a fire roasting marshmallows. Coach Walsh was telling the story of a scar he hid under his sleeve.

"-then the dragon bit right into my arm. I must have tasted terrible because it spit me right out and flew off. Figured he spread the word because I haven't been bitten by a dragon since."

Adagio made a violent comment no one was expecting. "We'll avenge your former arms beauty. I'll chop off all those dragons legs." Some of the girls shutterd at the image.

But Walsh merely shook his head. "Nah, it's the wings and tail fins you want. If it can't fly, it can't get away. A downed dragon is a dead dragon."

Rainbows eyes widened having a brief flashback to the fact that Toothless only has half of his tail wings. She stood and walked away without another word.

The others noticed and looked at her worried. "Is she ok?" Sunset asked concerned.

Rainbow went home and took out her sketchbook to the first drawing she did of Toothless and drew in the missing Tailfin.

She went to the back of her house and showed a secret forging area. "Ok." Rainbow said to herself. "You have limited knowledge about forging, but your parents know it like the backs of their hands, you've seen millions of things made, you know the basics for safety, and you have common sense." She began to collect metals and leather. "Your parents as well as most of the other adults are off on another useless attempt to find the dragons nest but even if they were here you couldn't tell them what you're doing because if anyone finds out you'll be banished and possibly killed. No pressure."

She set out all of her materials she felt she'd need on a table and went to another smaller one with a blue print paper.

"Now let's just hope that all those years of craft projects, DIYs, and drawing will come through for you."

She cracked her knuckles and got to work.

She drew out the half of the tail fin according to the measurements she remembers them being and figured out how to assemble the prosthetic.

After lots of heating, cooling, and assembling, an opening and closing tail half was completed to give to Toothless. She just attached some shortened belts to attach it to his tail then wrapped it up to bring him the next day.

Rainbow walked in the cove with the tail hidden in a bag with a basket of fish.

"Toothless! Breakfast!"

Said dragon bounded over overjoyed at the aspect of more food. Rainbow knocked over the basket and an array of fish spilled out and Toothless immediately divided in.

"We've got a few smoked salmon, some Atlantic Cod, and even an entire Pacific eel."

Toothless growled at the eel as it came into view and Rainbow grabbed it and threw it away to stop the growling.

"Yeah. I'm told that it's bad."

Toothless muttered a thanks as he once again began to eat the fish.

"Yep. Eat up bud," she said sneaking to his tail. "I'll be back here. Minding my own business."

Toothless ignored her as she took the tail fin out of her bag and layed it next to where his missing one was. She pushed it closer and Toothless moved his away. She tried again, but to the same result.

She took a deep breath before straddling his tail and quickly strapping the prosthetic tail wing to him.

As she finished, Toothless ate the last of the fish and was now aware of the pressure around his tail and his eyes went wide knowing what it was.

Toothless silently spread his wings as Rainbow inspected her work proud, "Alright! It fits, it's the right size, right amount of... line thingys. Now just to see if it actually, Woooorrrkss!"

Toothless shot into the air forcing Rainbow to hold on for her life. Unfortunately, the tail didn't open and the two began to fall. Toothless tried to regain his control again, but with the false fin closed, it was impossible.

Rainbow quickly saw the problem and let go with one hand so she could pull open the tail. Their fall broke and Toothless soared over the cove. "It works? It works!" Rainbow shouted overjoyed.

Toothless noticed she was still hanging on and flicked her off into the lake below. But doing so made it so nothing was keeping the prosthetic open and he fell into the lake soon after her.

Rainbow couldn't care less about being drenched in the lake and let out a cheer that her creation worked.

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