14- Rising Guardians
-Jack Frost POV-
I shouted for joy as I flew around. Spring was ending, which meant not as much to do, but there were some places in the world I was able to give snow to. Yellowstone park even has snowman building contests every summer thanks to yours truly.
I had been pledged a guardian no more than two months ago and was pleasantly surprised to find it didn't add all that much to my schedule. I just needed to make double sure kids were happy and answer when the other guardians call.
I stopped, looked up and saw the aurora borealis shining in the north. I smirked, "Well, our work is never done, I suppose."
With that, I zoomed to the North Pole where Santa and the others would be waiting.
I flew in the window of the workshop were I immediately heard North, Santa, speak. "Frost, you're late."
"Well, one reason most of my attempts to break in failed before I became a guardian was because I could never find the place. Seriously. I need a map or something." Then I realized there was someone I didn't recognize in the room. "Company?"
“Jack,” Tooth told me gesturing to the unknown man. “This is Father Time. He’s on a similar rank to Manny.”
I looked at the man with a new respect. I knew he was real but never saw him before. He looked like your typical old wise guy with spectacles and a robe. “Nice to meet you.” I told him with a small smile.
“Well,” Bunny said in his Australian accent, seeming slightly impatient. “Now that we’re all here. Mind telling us what’s going on?”
Father Time nodded. “Sad to say that Pitch is already planning to return with a method we have never seen before. He plans to indirectly attack children by corrupting the adults.” I raised my eyebrow at that, but he wasn’t done. He walked over to the globe and extended his hand causing it to glow. “There’s one teenaged girl in particular he has his eyes on. If he corrupts her, the world will end as we know it. You are all aware of the return of dragons on the west hemisphere. Corect?”
We all nodded. “Let me just say, they’re making our job a whole lot harder.” Sandy did pictures showing his agreement with this sand above his head.
Father time nodded. “As much as it pains us that the dragon queen forces her subjects to act this way, a beacon of hope has been found."
An image of a teenager with sky blue skin and Rainbow colored hair was shown on the globe. She was flying on a black dragon, looking like she was having the time of her life as they each did tricks.
“This is the dragon princess. Prophesied long ago to have the body of a human, but a dragon for a soul. Destined to unite the two spesteze at last. She has a defining trait of all types of dragons. She still needs to learn to control her power, but once she does, nothing can stop her. Pitch wants to take advantage of that power she wields.”
North stepped closer as I studied her face, wondering where I’ve seen her before. “What should we do?”
Time smiled. “Well, it will mostly be Jack.”
I reacted before looking at him with confusion and surprise. “Why me?”
“Jack,” Time said, with a twinkle in his eye. “She seems familiar. Does she not?”
I nodded. “Yeah, but what does that have to do with anything?”
“Jack. She used to believe in you.”
I did a double take as the others had varied reactions. Tooth and Sandy seemed excited while Sandy gave me a double thumbs up with a third with his sand over his head. Bunny looked shocked while North just nodded as if he had a hunch about the whole ordeal.
I shook my head. “N-no. That’s impossible. Ever since I was chosen, until Jaimey and his friends, no one ever saw me.”
“That’s where you’re wrong. She is very special. She never really found any of the other guardians to be believable, but with you, she continued to believe for much longer than most people believe in any other guardian. You just never noticed as she watched you pass over with every snow fall you made. Longing to be able to fly like you and join in the fun. But never could as her parents never allowed her to go out while the snow was falling unless they had somewhere to be.”
I backed up into a conveniently placed chair behind me and sat down with the realization. “All this time.”
Time spoke up again as Tooth put her hands on my shoulders in an attempt to help comfort me. “I understand that this is a bit to take in. Unfortunately, she no longer believes as the words of others are very influential, but memories can be sparked."
"So. I need to get her to believe in me and protect her from Pitch?"
Time nodded, "You may want to make an attempt for her to believe in the others as well. But it won't be easy. She never did before."
I stood up, "I'll do my best. What should I do to protect her?"
"For now, become her friend. If you see signs of Pidge, inform everyone immediately."
I nodded and received the coordinates of her island and where she was going at that moment. After a few more words, I flew out the window.
When I found her, she and her dragon were looking in a house. Six girls were inside making copies of every page in several books. A few binders sat next to the machine with an open one they were filling.
"Looks like they found my sketchbooks," the dragon princess told her friend. The dragon made some noises. "No. Nothing about what I did in the ring. I only did one and I ripped it out before meeting Hookfang."
She looked longingly at the scene in the house as a tear came inview.
I touched a railing and frost came from my hands that the princess noticed. She looked at it sceptical before shaking her head and climbing on Toothless. "Let's go bud."
She flew off on her dragon and I quickly followed her. She seemed uneasy and the dragon made some noises.
"I'm ok. Just a little light headed. We should land for awhile."
The black dragon, completely camouflaged in the night, obliged and landed in the forest below. She jumped off his back and sighed. The dragon warbled and the princess took a deep breath. "I don't know Toothless. Something doesn't feel right."
Then the dragon, Toothless, looked up as if he heard something. Once he did, the princess began to listen and seemed to pick up something. "Follow that noise."
The princess hopped on Toothless and they bounded in a certain direction. It took a bit before I realised what they were following. A babies cry.
We ran for a bit more before we came upon a clearing where a bundle of blankets was seen in the middle. She ran to it and moved the top of the bundle to reveal a few month old baby boy crying out for someone, anyone, to hear and find him.
The princess immediately scooped up the baby and began to cradle it, bouncing slightly, and shushing him quietly. He continued to cry loudly. I wanted so bad to help, but he seemed so cold already.
At that moment, the princess began to sing.
"Constant as the stars above
Always know that you are loved
And this love shining in you
Will help you make your dreams come true
Will help your dreams come true"
The boy stopped crying and was looking at the princess with wet jewel green eyes. Wisps of yellow and orange hair could be seen on his head with a navy blue skin tone.
She pulled her right hand from holding the boy and blew on it causing a green gas to come off it before putting the child on the other arm and snapping with her left hand causing the cloud to burst into flames for a second before disappearing.
The boy laughed and the princess smiled before walking over to Toothless the child still in her arms. Toothless warbled.
"I don't know, but I know what the next right thing is. Time to visit the dazzlings."
Toothless gave a happy warble and they flew off. I had a hard time keeping up and by the time I found them again, Toothless was invisible to any oblivious eye on some roof while Rainbow was inside talking to three girls, the boy still in her arms. Only now he had a clean baby blue blanket and a red T-shirt fitting him like a dress.
One of the girls, that had long purple hair, stood up and went to another room. They talked while I tried, and failed, to hear what they were saying.
The purple girl came back with a cup of milk and a plastic bottle cap. She said something to the princess before a blue one stood up and left the house with a wallet. The princess tried to have him drink from the cap, but was having little success.
The blue girl came back later with a baby bottle package of two, and what I recognized as powdered baby milk. There were two bags of the formula, which should keep the baby satisfied for a few months at least.
When the princess saw it, she tried to deny it for some reason but eventually accepted them so long as they took her sword. I opened the window a crack and heard the princess say, "Then take this and use it to defend yourself. Gronckles make a really strong and light metal so I can just make another one. Just don't sell it. I don't want it being used against dragons."
They agreed and hugged their goodbyes before the princess walked to the backyard with the baby stuff in a large drawstring backpack. Toothless jumped down and they flew off.
I knew they were going to her island, so while they flew at a slow pace as to not wake up the child, I rushed over to look around before she got there.
By the time she did, the sun was beginning to rise and they flew into a cave high up on a mountain. When I entered, I saw that it was really cozy inside. She entered into a room where a group of tiny dragons known among humans as Terrible Terrors came making lots of noise, quickly being shushed before she showed them the baby.
"Each of you grab a fur from storage. Toothless, you get one of the beds from another room. It will need to work till I can make a cradle." The boy began to cry. "Virgil, you go get a bucket of water and make a fire. He's hungry."
The dragons dispersed and the princess brought him over to her bed so she could sit down. "What to name you? Huh, little baby?"
He was still crying, but a little less.
The princess studied his features as the purple and black Terror came in with a half full metal bucket of water. before saying, "How about, Night Fire?"
Night Fire calmed down looking at the princess before beginning to cry again. She smiled. "Night Fire it is."
Virgil had a fire lit and put the metal bucket over it to warm up the water. "Thanks Virgil."
Toothless came in dragging a wooden bed frame and the others each had a fur, putting them on the bed. Rainbow poured some water in a bottle and mixed in some formula as Night Fire's cries became louder.
She put the tip of the bottle in Night's mouth and he stopped crying to drink.
A red and white terror made some noises.
"It's called a baby human, Roman," the princess told him as she cradled the feeding child. "Now. Go find the others. It's time to meet the newest resident of the island. Night Fire."
The flock left and I tried one more time to get her attention by frosting a wall with a J and F. She looked at it and Toothless made some noises.
"Nothing, Toothless. It's just some frost. In June. Next to a fire."
A bunch of dragons came in and I knew I wouldn't be able to convince her about anything with the crowd so I went back up to my own corner of the north pole. North gave me permission to make a place to stay after I became a guardian. Something about always having somewhere to return keeps one grounded. I did seem to be more at ease since I made it, so maybe he was right.
I entered the ice palace and closed the double doors. I wasn't much for designs so I took the design from another ice palace I found at the top of a mountain. It was pretty much an exact replica other than the frost decorating the walls. I walked up the stairs to the second floor. I don't know. I guess there's something relaxing about using my own two feet at times. I really need to find out where that original ice castle came from. All I know is it followed a winter in the middle of summer in the area of the world that's much further behind than the rest of the world. I'm still trying to convince Bunny I didn't cause it.
When I got to the top, I was surprised to see Father Time looking out the balcony. "Nice place you've got here," He told me, turning in my direction.
"Um. Thanks? If you don't mind, what are you doing here?" I asked as respectful as possible.
He shrugged. "I could tell you still had questions. Manny may choose people to become spirits and later guardians depending on their performance, but as you might have noticed, he doesn't tend to have the time to do anymore than that. I, however, need only to exist."
"Well, I am curious. What will Pitches corruption look like? How will it change her?"
He thought for a moment before saying. "Keep in mind that Pitch's corruption is reversible. We must keep the princess safe, because it is extremely difficult. This is a possible future."
The ground glowed and an orb came up showing the princess crying as she drew herself in a sketchbook. She was wearing some type of leather armor and her hair was to her waist. She stopped drawing.
"I'm so tired of pretending," she said, the tears still flowing. "Where's my happy ending?" She closed the book and continued her song.
"I followed all the rules
I drew inside the lines
I never asked for anything that wasn't mine"
She walked over to a wall completely covered with pictures. A black shadow of sand rushed past but went unnoticed.
"I waited patiently for my time
But when it finally came
They called his name"
The shadow got closer as she collapsed to the floor, as her knees were weak.
"And now I feel this overwhelming pain
I mean it's in my veins
I mean it's in my brain
My thoughts are running in a circle
Like a toy train"
She lightly touched the biggest middle picture with a large group of people as the sands touched her and part went into her.
"I'm kind of like a perfect picture
With a broken frame"
The color of her eyes became black for a split second and a glare was on her face.
"I know exactly who to blame"
She stood and touched a sword handle at her belt, an evil look in her eye.
"I never thought of myself as mean
I always knew that I'm like a queen"
She swung her hand angrily, causing a green gas to come off that she merely ignored.
"And there's no in between
Cause if I can't have that"
She smirked, the black coming back to her eye for another few seconds.
"Then I will be the leader of the dark and the bad"
The sand came to her shoulder, more sand infecting her body.
"Now there's a devil on the shoulder
Where the angels used to be
And it's calling me the queen"
She stopped her song and walked out of the room. No one was around as she went down stone halls to a room blocked by a big boulder.
She easily moved it aside, then went through a curtain that blocked anyone from seeing the inside. In it was a crown on a pillar with a semi glowing jewel in a glass case resting on the pillar.
"Being nice was my past time"
She pulled out her sword hilt and hit a button causing a flaming metal to come out. She circled the pillar angrily, sword at her side. The black sand continued to surround her, infecting her by the second.
"But I've been hurt for the last time
And I won't ever let another person
Take advantage of me
The anger burns my skin
Third degree
Now my bloods boiling hotter than a fiery sea
There's nobody getting close to me"
She climbed the steps to the pillar, stopping once she reached it.
"They're gonna bow to the evil Queen
Your nightmares my dream
Just wait until they fall for my wicked schemes"
She smirked and broke the glass case with the now extinguished blade.
"I never thought of myself as mean"
She carefully grabbed the crown, mind the glass.
"I always thought that I'm like queen"
She turned away from the pillar angrily holding the crown, sand still infecting her skin
"And there's no in between!
Cause if I can't have that"
She smirked coming down the stairs the pillar was on.
"Then I will be the leader of the dark and the bad"
The sand flew around her as she remained oblivious to its presence. Her eye's color was now black and not changing back to her magenta.
"Now there's a devil on the shoulder
Where the Angels used to be
And he's calling me the Queen of Mean
The Queen of Mean!"
The sand moved another curtain as a voice called out, "Rainbow," to her. The room had four pillars surrounding a floating staff. The staff was black and split into two areas with a blue jewel floating between them. The pillars had objects relating to war surrounding it.
The princess was about to throw the crown to the side, but stopped. Entranced by the voice.
"The Queen of Mean"
The voice once again called, "Rainbow," before it was as if she was being pulled towards the staff. Crown still in her hand. She spoke the words as if in a trance.
"Something is pulling me
It's so magnetic
My body is moving
Unsure where I'm headed"
She threw off a basket of shirkens from one of the pillars so she could place the crown on top of it.
"All of my senses have left me defenceless
This darkness around me is promising vengeance"
She walked to the staff, black eyes now taken over the whites as well. Entranced by the staff's powerful glow.
"The price that I'm willing to pay is expensive
There's nothing to lose when your lonely and friendless"
She grabbed the crown and brought it over to the staff.
"So my only interest
I'm not just a princess"
She knelt and brought the crown over her head.
"Now I am the queen
And my reign will be endless!"
There was a blinding flash of light, then it showed the princess was now in a black-violet dress like an evil queen. Her eyes were blacked out with a deep purple glow and black lines came down her face and neck like thick tears.
She continued her song, placing the crown on her head and grabbing the staff. Jewel now purple. Black sand flowing around her menacingly.
"I want what I deserve!
I want to rule the world!
Stand back and watch them learn
It's finally my turn"
She took the staff and moved it. A trail of purple followed the jewel when moved fast, quickly fading after.
"If they want a villain for a queen
I'm gonna be one like they've never seen!
I'll show them what it means!
Now that I am that
I will be the leader of the dark and the bad
Cause the devils on shoulder where the angels used to be
And he's calling me the Queen of Mean
The Queen of Mean
I want what I deserve!"
She slammed the staff on the ground causing the jewel to glow and the lights went out.
The orb disappeared and I was silent for a bit. Time spoke up, "Pitch will corrupt someone eventually. But it will be better if it wasn't the girl who will have a dragon army and multiple magical relics at her disposal. And with her as an ally, we can defend much more easily. Understand?"
I nodded, "I understand. If she becomes corrupted, the whole world suffers."
Time smiled, "And who knows? Maybe Manny will make her a guardian?"
Jack: Doesn't matter. There are only four rules you need to remember.
Make the plan,
Execute the plan,
Expect the plan to go off the rails,
Throw away the plan.
If you have a Tick Tock mine is @strberryseed and I have a Jack Frost cosplay I made a bunch of things that I can see Jack doing such as this one. Just wanted to add a plug of myself. Bye!
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