Chapter 7

Ok so Once again long overdue chapter but here it is things are gonna get interesting in this chapter I am going to have Bruce, Dick, Jason, and Kate all in the same chapter and a little well I'm not gonna spoil it

WARNING- Abuse and talks of self-harm so sorry this was hard to write but it won't be happing often probably 2 times through this book so here's one

Previously on Tragedy...


S/N was picking on me the rest of the evening until I went to my room to calm down a little before having to go to bed for school tomorrow. I got changed into my PJ's and looked at the necklace in the mirror smiling, I laid down in my bed searching through Netflix for something to watch when I heard my phone go off. I grabbed it to see it for a text from a new number. Good thing Tim put himself in my phone as Tim, I laughed and changed his name to 'Timmy🤓🥰' then opened his text.

Timmy🤓🥰-Are you still up Y/N?

Y/N- lol yes I was chilling before bed

Timmy🤓🥰- My siblings wanna take you dress shopping

Y/N- Okay, umm I don't have their numbers so when?

Timmy🤓🥰- lol just come over tomorrow after school and we will all go together, if that's okay with you

Y/N- Of course I will ask S/N, but I should head to bed I will see you tomorrow Timmy

Timmy🤓🥰- okay Y/N sleep well :)

Y/N- you too Timmy :)

Time Skip

I woke up to the smell of breakfast so I chuckled. I got out of bed and got ready for school I made sure to wear my hoodie. I finally went down to see S/N already ready for work and she was waiting for me with breakfast, she turned to me "here I made you your favorite breakfast" I smiled and sat down taking a plate full of food "thank you S/N". I ate half of it and S/N seemed satisfied so she said I could leave so I said goodbye and head out I made it to the front of the school and was about to head in before I saw a lino pull up so I smiled 'Tim'.

I saw Tim step out he saw me and smiled, I came closer to see Dick inside so I smiled at him and waved he waved back "hello Y/N" I chuckled before looking at Tim I heard Dick laugh under his breath "well bye love birds". The limo pulled off leaving me with Tim and blushing cheeks I saw him look down at the necklace he just gave me making my blush heat up "Good morning Y/N" I smiled "and good morning to you as well Tim". 

We both laughed before Tim put his hand in mine making me stop "let's get to class" I nodded, we both started walking in a few people stared at us but I put my hood up until we got to class when Tim pull me all the way to the back. Before we sat down he made me look at him while taking my hood down I looked away and at everyone who was in the class right now "don't worry about them Y/N".

I nodded but put my hood back up making him frown "do you have to wear the hood?" I shrugged "it just..I I feel safe with it on" he smiled "fine but as soon as we get out of school can you take it off" I nodded making him look pleased. We sat down closer to the front but I could see B/N she was steaming before she turned away from me with a smile so I frowned wondering what she could smiling at me for but I didn't get long to think about it before the teacher walked in starting the class.

Time Skip

Tim and me did not have our last class of the day together but he was kind enough to walk me to my last class before going to his but that class went by quick so I packed up my stuff after the bell rang and was waiting for Tim but I just pulled out my phone and told him I would meet him outside as I started going for the exit I saw B/N and a group of her friend so my eyes widen but I tried to go around them but to no avail. I felt one of her footballs player friends grab my arm and her best friend grab my other while taking my bookbag, I struggled but stopped when B/N came up to me and smirked pulling out scissors so I started to struggle again. 

I saw her go behind me and and tear my hood down before starting to cut it so I screamed out but the school was empty she came back in front of me hold my hood so I put my head down "I wonder what Tim really thinks about you, especially with this hood off I told you you can't steal him away from me" I felt her slash the scissors across my shirt ripping it so I tried kicking and screaming out some more before the dropped me.

I held my stomach in pain before B/N leaned down to me and slashed my check making tears come to my eyes she laughed before she saw the necklace hanging around my neck and ripped it off me breaking the chain making me gasp she leaned down closer to me and cut at my hoodie more before standing up "I told you that you would regret taking him" she threw the necklace at me before walking off with her friends laughed. 

I laid there for a while before getting up and grabbing my bookbag and my broken necklace tucking it in my hoodie and walked very slowly to the back exit. I pushed the door open and limped home, I opened my door then heading to my bedroom. I went to my bathroom and open my locked cabinet pulling out a small knife and left my house.

I went to the only place I know that is glued in the back of my mind 'my old house' I lived here with my parents my horrible parents I sat down on the steps bulling out the knife I took I hesitated but memories started coming back to me

Flashback 10 years ago

My dad and mom were talking with to other people but S/N went to a party with her friend so I had to come with my mom and dad I ran around but knocked something over and let out a breath of relief that it didn't break but laughed, but that was soon cut off by a sharp slap to my check I looked at my dad with teary eyes "LOOK WHAT YOU DID" I backed away my mom looked at me angry and grabbed my wrist tight before pulling me out and dad followed behind us. We got home and that's the night it all started the beatings came I tried to make them happy but when I grew older no matter how hard I tried I could never please them.

I stopped and left them alone but one day when I was 12 they took but to one of their rich employers house and I was sitting on a couch then I saw a bunch of flowers neatly arranged with knifes next to them, the flowers were flat and pressed into glass frames so I looked at them confuse but I slowly touched them making them come of the wall so the glass shattered and I screamed. 

My parents and their partner came from the room they were in and that night was the worst for me the put me outside on these exact steps telling me not to move for 48 hours.

Before the kicked me out I couldn't remember much just much blood and the sound of my parents screaming at me and the feel of their first, knives and feet.

Flashback Over


I felt the tear coming down my checks I still held the knife above my wrist before I heard a car pull up so my eyes widen before Tim stepped out so I got up to run but he caught me and pulled me to his chest letting my tears fall freely now I just let myself be held in his embrace I pulled away when my breathing was under control he looked at me and caressed my face while wiping my tears away I looked behind him to see S/N along with Dick,Jason,and Kate. I looked back at time though he took my wrist making me whine in pain making Tim sigh "i'm sorry" he looked back at S/N and shook his head making her sigh in relief.

He carefully brought me to sit down on the steps once again taking me into his embrace while S/N came up to me "are you ok Y/N" I don't say anything. I felt Tim put both his hands in mine so I turned to him he frowned standing up and picking me up bridal style.He brought me to the limo where everyone was seated but he kept me in his lap and laid my head on his chest making a small fragment of a smile come to my face.

Time Skip

We made it to the manor and Tim carried me in, we all sat in the living room and Tim sat me next to him but kept his arm around me I saw S/N sit in front of me so I turned me head away I went to get up but Tim pulled me back down "not a chance Y/N" he turned my face to his "not until you tell me what happened that lead you to almost cut yourself" I looked at him with the tears coming back to my eyes I whispered out low "please just let me go" he kept ahold of my hands "No".

 I looked back into his eyes, B/N's words comign back to me 'I wonder what TIm really thinks about you' I went to pull my hood up but then I remembered and brought my hand back down making Tim gasp and played with the end where my hood was he looked at the front of my hoodie too and shook his head before getting up and running up his stairs making S/N sit next to me "she was right" I felt everyone's eyes on my making me feel a little dizzy but I kept going.

S/N put and hand on mine "about what Y/N who?" I put my head down "I don't deserve him" I flet Kate come to my other side and put her arm around me as well we all heard Tim coming back down so S/N and Kate moved away. He turn my head to his and put one of his hoodies in my arms making more tears come to my eyes, good thing I was wearing long sleeves under this hoodie so I pulled off my tore up one and changed into Tim's hoodie the said Coffee is life.

 I relaxed and put up the hood "Y/N put the hood down it won't make matter any better" I flinched at S/N's voice before I felt Tim pull me to his side and wrapped his arm around me again.

"Just let her have the hood" I look up at him and he gave me a small smile making me give him a small smile to "do you feel better now" I nodded making him sigh in relief "can you tell me what happened" I put my head down before looking back into his eyes.

 "B/N" I felt his grip get a little tighter before he pulled away and just held my hands "what did she do I swear if she laid one finger on you" I put my head on his chest " her and her friends cornered me...she cut off my hood" I felt Tim take my chin in his fingers "what else" I bit my lip "I.. she slashed my stomach with the same scissors and.... I'm so sorry" I broke down on his chest as he rubbed my back

Tim's P.O.V

I looked at everyone else they all looked worried as Y/N cried on my chest I looked at S/N who had tears in her eyes but I turned my attention back on Y/N. "What are you sorry about Y/N, you don't have anything to be sorry about" she didn't answer as she calmed herself down before looking at me and slightly pulling down the front on my hoodie where her neck was empty. 

I sighed and caressed her cheek resting my forehead on her not caring that everyone was watching us "it was just necklace Y/N I can always buy you a new one but I am more worried about you" I moved both my hand to slowly wrap around her wrist "I can replace a necklace but I can't replace you..ever".

Y/N's P.O.V

I looked into his eyes "you mean that" he smiled and nuzzled his forehead against mine "yes Y/N" I give him a light smile before pulling of my hood he pulled me back on his lap making me sigh in content "i'm sorry I cause you so much trouble" he made me look at him "your not trouble Y/N" I chuckle before wiping away some more fallen tears before throwing my arms around him. 

I felt his arms wrap around my waist making me relax before a clock went off so I looked back at everyone in the room as small blush came to face since they just saw and heard everything we just went through Dick chuckled "it's almost time for the party" I nodded and turn to S/N she nodded "well I guess we should be going then we wouldn't want to intrude" she grabbed my hand and smiled at everyone. I waved goodbye before I heard Tim "you said you would come with me tonight Y/N" S/N looked at me shocked I sighed turning around rubbing my wrist "I didn't think you would wanna go with me after all this and besides I don't have anything to wear".

Kate came up to me "I actually went shopping while you and Tim were in school and I found the perfect dress for you, if you come with me I will get you ready" I turned to S/N who was smirking "you are not about to say no, and we're gonna talk about the fact that you didn't tell me about this" I blushed Kate smirked turning back to the guys "how long do we have before we have to leave?" Bruce checked his watch "we all need to leave in an hour".

 Kate turned back to me "good enough" I bit my lip "but then you won't have time to get ready" she rolled her eyes and pulled my hand up the stairs "forget me" she lowered her voice so only I could hear "I need you and Tim together and soon".

Time Skip

She pulled me into a room and told me to take a shower while she got everything ready, When I came out she was already in a dress and had on minimal makeup. She sat me down and got to work, she pulled out my dress and made me put in on first before she finished everything on my makeup.

She stood me in front of the mirror and I gasped

"I..I love it Kate" she smiled and put her hand on my shoulders "Thank you" she chuckled "Y/N you don't have to thank me it was my pleasure".

Time Skip

We all piled into the limo dressed in our finest S/N went home first while I got ready then came back in a long blue formal gown that fitted her perfectly. We all sat and had good conversation Kate and my sister seemed to get along very well so that good. S/N doesn't have many friends so it's nice to see her conversate with someone other than me or the TV, I however sat nervously next to Tim. 

He put his hand in mine "it's ok to be a little nervous cause there is gonna be a lot of cameras and you don't have your hoodie but I will be right by your side" I turn to him "thank you" he smiled and then looked over my outfit making me blush "you look gorgeous by the way" I lay my head on his shoulder "thank you" he chuckled making me bury my head in his chest "Timmmmmm" he pressed a small kiss in my hair while rubbing my back "everyone is here" he pushed me away a little to make me look into his eyes "I know" I smiled and laid my head back on his shoulder.

Kate groaned so we both looked at her and everyone else as well "Tim I worked hard on that girl right there her outfit is on top of the world right now, so what will come of this night" we both blushed "I well.." I smiled and shook my head I took his hand in mine turning to Kate "don't tease him Kate" she leaned back at S/N patted her shoulder "we tried" I pressed a light kiss to his cheek before laying back against his shoulder.

Time Skip

We arrived at the place where the party was being held We all stepped out one by one but when Tim stepped out with me behind him the reporters and photographers uproared He gave me his arm as we walked through I was a little self-conscious but we made it through "are you okay" I nodded making him smile and let go of my arm to take my hand in his. We mingled while Tim did most of the talking, we sat together at a table though when we need a break S/N came to talk with us as well as Kate and Jason. 

Jason doesn't like people and Kate just wanted to see if anything happens between me and Tim same with S/N We were all in a conversation when I saw Jason's eyes widen so I looked at him confused until I heard someone clear their throat so me and Tim looked behind us my mouth parted before closing I turned to S/N and Kate who gave me a sympathetic look "hello Tim" her voice matched with her face and body as amazing as the picture making a slight fear go through me "it's been a while"


Well, I am back with a new chapter, I hope you enjoyed this chapter :) I am sorry it took so long but I hope I made up for it. Also part 2 of the party and who just showed up with be in the next chapter.

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