Chapter 4

Well i'm back peoples, so let's get this next chapter on the road and sorry for the last chapter I will start putting a warning if you need tissues Lol.

Previous Chapter- After reading it over a few times I went to my bed and cuddling into my pillow letting my tears flow freely 'I knew this was a bad idea, I have to let him go' "and just when we were getting closer".


I woke up the next morning and got up getting ready then looking at my reflection in the mirror 'awful' I sighed and put my hood up again I walked down stairs grabbing my backpack and skipping breakfast. Once I got to the front door of the school I put my head down and made my way to my locker, once I got there Tim was already waiting for me so I got my stuff and walked away but I felt him lightly grab my wrist and pull me to the same closet "what's wrong" I didn't say anything. He put his hands on my hood but I grabbed his hands and put them down, he didn't let go though so I pulled away "let me out Tim" he sighed "but we, what happened we were fine yesterday" I still didn't say anything.

He put his hand on my check and tilted my head to him "please tell me" he looked closer at me and then pulled down my hood in a hurry "what happened Y/N, have you been crying" my tears started flowing again so I leaned against him burying my face in his neck so he wrapped his arms around my waist "please tell me what happened" I pulled away but he still had his arms around my waist. "She emailed me, she's not gonna stop which means I can't be friends with you" he made me look at him. 

"No, I don't wanna stop being friends with you she's not gonna do anything to you not while i'm around ok" I smiled at him "promise" he nodded and pulled me in for another hug which I smiled at "thank you Tim" he hummed and pulled away which still holding both my hands "that's what friends are for, now if your ready were really late to class" I giggled and open the door and we both ran out and to class.

When we both got there we were out of breath but we looked down to notice we were still holding hands so I saw him blush he was about to let go but I gave his hand a squeeze so he looked at me shocked but smiled. We both walked into class and we saw a lot of people stare at our hands but we ignored them, once we sat down we heard a scream and then someone storm over to us and it was B/N Tim gabbed my waist and put me on the other side on the bench behind him "enough B/N" she smiled "I don't know what you talking about Timmy bear" he rolled his eyes.

 "I told you yesterday to leave her alone, yet though you still come after her" she glared at me so I hid more behind Tim "I was just gonna congratulate you guys" we both looked at each other and blushed we heard the class 'awwwww' so we blushed harder "so when's the wedding" most of the class chuckled "just leave her alone B/N".

She screamed again and stormed out of the class so I looked at Tim and we laughed but stopped when the teacher walked in but we both smiled but looking ahead.

Time Skip

Once classes were over me and Tim waited for our rides under the tree in the front of the school. When we sat down Time held my hand so I looked at him "whenever she or anyone else gives you a problem just come to me ok, we don't have to stop being friends" I smiled and hugged his waist "thank you Tim". "of corse Y/N, I just love having you as a friend so I don't want to lose you never forget that", I sigh and lay my head on his chest when his ride pulled up he got up and held his hand up but when I got up I felt lightheaded almost falling but Tim caught me "what's wrong Y/N". Then I remembered that I skipped breakfast this morning and dinner last last night and lunch this afternoon but I put on a fake smile "i'm fine Tim", he pulled me up and against him "you don't look to well are you sure".

I felt dizzy again almost blacking out btu Tim held me, but all I heard was him calling my name before I blacked out. I woke up in a room I had never seen before, I looked around seeing pictures of Tim so my eyes widen "Tim" I heard the door open too see a old man in a black suit he put a tray in front of me when Tim walked in with tree other guys walked in. Tim sat next to me "did I black out" he nodded looking at me worried I looked down. 

"I'm sorry, I just" he grabbed my hand "you blacked out from not eating Y/N, when was the last time you ate anything" I look away "I should go,y my sister is probably worried" he didn't let go of my hand "we already called her" I sighed "she gonna kill me" he gave my hand a squeeze "why aren't you eating Y/N" I frown "I didn't mean to ok between some things and stuff I guess I just lost track".

A man came over to me "your sister is on her way to pick you up but Tim is going to keep an eye on you" I turn to him "i'm fine, I don't need him to" I turn to Tim "plus you probably have better things to do then look after me ok and i'll have my sister" Tim lifted my chin "i'm coming with you Y/N because you are very important to me ok " I sigh "fine" I heard a phone go off "your sisters here, follow me".

Tim grabbed my backpack and a different bag so we both get into my sisters back seat and were off to my house as I look out the window the whole way there not saying a word but I know that when I get home S/N is going to flip. Once we finally pulled up to my place and got out we all went inside I told Tim he should wait in my room he nodded and went where I pointed him too while I turned back to S/N who was glaring at me "what were you thinking Y/N, we already talked about this you can't keep doing it". 

I looked down and gave her my phone that was opened to the email that I got from B/N she read through it and sighed frowning at me then pulled me into a hug "why didn't you tell me earlier" I shrugged so we pulled away "has she bother you since this message" I nodded "but Tim he" I stopped smiling "he defended me" she smiled "you should keep him by your side Y/N, I know you don't trust basically anyone but me but he seems like he really cares about you and wants to help" I nod then see a smirk come to her face "plus this little friendship you have could turn into more" I blushed a bright red and glared at her while she laughed.

"S/N!" she calmed down still chuckling "just deserve to be happy and just because B/N wants him doesn't mean she's gonna get what she wants, plus he seems like he wants you and he's a very handsome young man and you too seem like you have a lot in common for you to e hanging out this much" I sigh knowing she's right "but if he doesn't like me in that way" she smirked again and turned me around pushing me to my room "trust me he does" she pushed me into my room and closed the door.

I blushed seeing Tim admiring some of my photos that I took "so you like photography" I blush "yeah I mean there nothing special but they look good to me" he turned to me with his bright blue eyes and I blushed darker looking down 'dang S/N' I look back up to see Tim smiling at me right in front of me 'a little close" he caressed my cheek like he always does "so what do you want to do until I have to leave tonight" I shrug "movie" he chuckled and pulled out F/M/S so I giggled "funny you said that" I gave him a hug and buried my face in his chest "thanks Tim" he wrapped his arms around my waist "for what".

 I looked up at him "for protecting me and just being there for me" he chuckled softly lifting my shin so I was looking at him "no need to thank me" I smile pulling away and walk to the door "i'll go get popcorn" I put my hood down and ran out my room to the kitchen too see S/N waiting for me with a smirk on her face "sooo" I blush and turn away.

She squealed and hugged me so I did the same trying to keep quiet so Tim doesn't' hear she pulled away then gave me a bowl of popcorn so I looked up at her confused while she smiled wide "were you listening to us, were you right outside the d" she pushed me back to my room slowly then pushed me into me room and closed the door leaving me with a blank expression on my face then I looked at Tim "what's wrong" I was about to tell him before I heard S/N acg on the door so I facepalmed "nothing, let's just watch the movies" he smiled when I crashed on my bed he joined me.

Time Skip

Half way through the the second movie I was getting uncomfortable and I think Tim noticed so he chuckled so i glared at him "what" he smiled "nothing, just you can lay down if you want" I shook my head and moved closer to him and laid on his chest he seemed shocked at first but wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me closer laying down so I Smiled and snuggled up to him more "better" he chuckled then we went back to the movies and at the second to the last on I started to drift off but I heard my phone go off sitting up slowly seeing Tim asleep so I giggled and moved his hair smiling then grabbing my phone to see another email from B/N.

From: @TopgirlinGothamcity

You are going to pay for not obeying, I said to stay away from Tim but since you still don't wanna listen. You will get what's coming to you, Mark.My.Words Y/N this isn't over.

To: You know who you are

I frowned but smiled when I felt Tim move a bit so I put my phone behind me and press a kiss to his forehead whispering and I layed back down on his chest "this time i'm not leaving you".


Well I hope you liked this chapter and sorry this took a while but here it is and things are heating up!!! we'll see what happens next chapter of Tragedy because it's only starting but anyway I hope you enjoyed the 4th chapter :)

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