Singer Law x Dancer Reader - Songfic
Note: this was inspired in "Odds &Ends" and "A star was born" (Lady Gaga everybody!) and also a real life story.
Also! I don't listen to J-Pop, only K-pop, besides rock and hip-hop, so some songs might be korean, portuguese (cause that's what I am) or english, but I'll translate them anyway (if needed)!
None of the songs are mine or the characters!
"5... 4... 3... 2... 1... And action!" - The director whispered behind camera towards your group of dancers.
*(You can be whoever you want from the group)*
"...And cut!" - He signaled the team to stop and seconds later the cameraman made an 'ok' signal with his hand.
Everyone let out a long sigh and you and your team were finally able to blink again! You stopped posing and walked towards the chairs on the opposite side of the room, where your things were, and took out your water bottle for a quick refresh.
"That was a good work ladies, we're done for the day!" - The director concluded and everyone nodded in agreement.
You put your water bottle back and took out a small towel to wipe out your sweat.
"Do you think they'll like it?" - You heard a teammate ask.
"I sure hope so! We worked really hard to make this choreography!" - Another one said.
"What do you think, (Y/N)?" - Another one's voice caught you by surprise.
Sometimes you still couldn't believe you got friends...
"It's the best, we're the best! There's no way they'll reject it!" - You cheered on trying to hide your true dark mood.
"Well said!"
"They'll love it! I bet they'll even hire us for the next one!"
"We should go out to celebrate!"
"I'm in!"
"Me too!"
"Girls, we haven't even sent the video yet! We have nothing to celebrate..." - You spoke realistically.
"True... but we haven't gone out in a long time! Plus it's friday! I don't wanna spend the whole week inside!" - Your friend tried to reason with you.
"You're right." - You admitted defeat - "Let's go..."
The girls cheered and placed their own bags on their shoulders, you copied them and then followed them out, dismissing yourself from the rest of the crew that was left to clean up.
"Where should we go first?" - One of the girls asked in excitment.
"I heard there was a new karaoke place near (Y/N)'s place!" - Another one commented - "Oh, but... (Y/N) doesn't like singing right?..."
"I-It's not like that... We should go if you want. Don't mind me!" - You quickly dismissed seeing your friends worried gazes - "I'm just... a bit shy..."
"Then there's no problem! This karaoke place has multiple rooms for parties who want privacy!" - The previous one clapped happilly.
"Then it's decided!"
You sighed feeling your stomach ache already...
"Should we change clothes and meet at (Y/N)'s house after?" - One of them asked along the way.
"Yeah! Her house is the best meeting point. See you guys later!" - Another one waved goodbye while walking towards her car.
"See you there!"
"See ya!"
"K!" - You waved at them, your car beeing the farthest one.
"This place is full!" - The girl beside you stated in shock with the amount of people just at the entrance.
"This place must be really good!"
"Hurry, or we won't go in tonight!"
After pushing many displeased people aside your group finally managed to get to the front of the line and get a room for themselves.
Once inside, you saw it was kinda small but cozy, and the walls were sound proof, which was good!
"Who wants to go first?!"
A war between your friends started, everyone wanting to go first, so you sudgested playing rock-paper-scissors and in time each got her turn.
It had been almost an hour into the night, you still hadn't sang a single time, letting your friends have all the fun, of course you cheered them on and sang along, but never on your own!
"Poor (Y/N) still hasn't had her turn yet! She's only heard us sing all night long!" - One of the girls commented and everyone stopped what they were doing to look at you.
"T-T-T-There's no n-need to! I-I-I-I-" - You trembeld before their burning eyes.
"You're going to sing." - They demanded while pushing you onto the small stage.
You sighed and cried internally as your fear attacked you in back of your mind.
"I-I don't think I can d-do this..." - You revealed your deepest thoughts.
"We're your friends (Y/N), no one in this room will judge you." - They smiled sweetly at you and you couldn't say no to those big babies.
"Ok, I'll try." - They cheered on and you picked the first song you found.
At first your friends stood in silence with their mouths open and eyebrows up in shock, when the chorus came on they jumped and began dancing along to the original choreography.
In the end you ended up doing almost a concert for them and for a little while you felt like you were going back in time, to the good old days of your rising dream career as a solo singer...
Too bad it didn't last long.
Through out the night you drank and sang along with your friends who later joined you 'on stage', completely drunk too.
A few more minutes into yours and your friend's private concert one of them went to the bathroom and when she came back left the door slightly open. Not noticing this, your group kept singing, unaware of peeping eyes.
Soon the small room was invaded by strangers who at first were looking for empty rooms for themselves but then decided to crash at yours, both male and female, and quickly turned the karaoke place into a discoteca...
The next morning you woke up with a massive head ache and your phone ringing so loud you felt like exploding!
"WHAT?" - Your half asleep half deaf self answered.
"(Y/N), this is your boss. I know you're probably really hung over by now but you have to get to work right away! This is an emergency!" - You groaned but complied to his request rolling to the side of bed until you fell out.
"You better be giving promotions..." - You began to talk back to your boss once you entered the usual conference room but quickly stopped upon noticing the presence of more people than usual - "Who-"
"(Y/N)..." - Your boss looked your unkempt-hair-still-remaining-make-up-from-last-night-half-dressed-in-pajamas-and-gym-clothes-figure - "These are the world wide famous 'Heart Pirates'. They're here for yesterday's videos."
"Um..." - Your cheeks burned bright as your terrified eyes jumped from one member of the band to the other.
Right in front of you stood four tall men, all wearing black clothes with their unique band simbol, the yellow smilling face. Two of them wore funny hats, you immediately recognized them as Shachi and Penguin, weird hats was their thing, and so were guitars and bases; the more larger one with the white hair and pale skin complexion, Bepo, was the adorably shy bear lover who searched for his soulmate every single concert; and finally the tallest and sexiest man alive, Doctor Heart Stealer, with an even weirder white spotted hat that made him adorable!
"H-Hi... I-I-I'm glad that you liked our work!.... B-But I d-don't think... it's fit for m-male groups... we could still try thought!" - You stuttered in embarrassement.
The members chuckled and your friends, who stood beside them, made an 'X' sign with their hands while shacking their heads.
"No... not those videos. The late night karaoke party videos you girls posted on social media..." - Your boss cleared as the leader of the band stood up and stepped towards you, stopping right in front of you.
"O-Oh..." - Was all you managed to say as Doctor Heart Stealer, the leader, took your hand in his and lightly kissed your knuckles.
"It's a pleasure to meet you (Y/N)-ya." - His smooth deep voice and predatory grey eyes sent you shivers down your spine and your cheeks to burn like fire.
"I-I-I-I feel the s-same!" - You stared into his narrow animal eyes as if they were the most precious jewels - "B-But you saw-"
"Yes, I did." - He cut you off sending you dangerous but attracting vibes.
There was an awkward silence coming from you two as you began something like a staring contest, that even your friends could not deny was cringier than twilight.
"To resume..." - Your boss coughed catching both your attentions - "You'll be working on a new project with the Heart Pirates for the next few days starting now."
'Doctor Heart Stealer' looked at your boss and they both nodded at the same time before your boss concluded the meeting and got out, leaving you to the band.
"What was that about?" - You asked with no clue what just happenned.
"I asked your boss if I could take you for a quick song practice and he said his employes could only be hired for dancing..." - The tall tanned man before you smirked darkly and your mood went down a little.
"It's ok, I really don't sing anyway." - You tried to lighten up the mood but your comment only made him mad.
"You don't sing? Then what was yesterday about? What was all that show off about (Previous Stage Name)?
Your heart dropped for a moment as you stared in shock and fear at the man and your face paled a little.
"How did you know?!" - Your brain overworked itself with so many questions but none other was able to come out.
"I'd recognize that voice anywhere angel." - He smirked and lowered himself so he could stay face to face with you - "Just painting your hair won't change who you are darling. So what do you say about us singing together?"
"Why... Why would you want to work with me after that..." - You whispered glancing at your friends who were busy socializing with the rest of the band to notice you two arguing.
"Anyone can make mistakes, yours was trusting too easily..." - He straightened himself and took your hand in his before pulling along - "Perhaps next time you'll be more aware of the dangers of sending intimate photos to losers like your ex-boyfriend in order to prevent him to share them with jealous bitches you call friends to share them furthermore online."
"I am..." - You let him take you anywhere while your mind filled itself with horrible moments from the past - "Stop, I don't want to do this..."
He stopped in the middle of the empty hallway and turned around, wiped a small tear forming on the corner of your eye and held your head with both his hands, gently caressing your cheeks with his thumbs.
"Yes you do, yesterday's events prove me right. Do not worry, I am not like them. I too have been through something similar in life..." - His small sad smile made you smile in return.
"You should smile more..." - You commented.
Although his skin was a bit dark he was unable to hide his pink cheeks.
"Come, let me show you something." - He pulled once more, but this time towards the nearest boy's bathroom.
"I shouldn't be h-here!"
"Look!" - He stopped in front of the mirror and reached for his eyes taking out the colour in them - "I too hide the real me..."
"You use color lenses..." - You admired his beautiful bright golden eyes with joy - "Doc-"
"Law. Call me Law. It's my real name." - He smiled softly and you returned through the mirror.
"Law... How did you know it was me, for real?"
"I used to be a fan of your work." - He scratched his neck awkwardly before putting his lenses back on - "I also tan a lot, my skin is actually like paper. I hate it..."
"You're very handsome..." - You stared at each other for an unknown amount of time, but with no one to interrup now.
"So you want to help me back up?" - You sat confortably beside Law in the small piano bench avaiable in his practice studio.
He nodded, placed his hands on top of the piano keys and closed his eyes. Taking a deep breath in he began playing with the keys as he desired.
The song had a sad tone to it, one that you could relate to and also pulled you close to the man beside you in a bitter-sweet way, as you both shared the pain...
You too closed your eyes, taking a deep breath, focusing for a moment on everything that happenned and let the words flow through you.
*(I'll translate the song but you should listen while reading vvv)*
"With jaws open I've seen it all, I saw all the virtue
Between the past and the present, living alone
I was just an echo of my ego, If I'm not who then?..." - You started before getting serious.
"And everything in me was a dream and the words poems
Stupid apologies caught in schemes, you never know where it came from.
I'll tell you a secret if you don't tell anyone!...
I do not know if I do, I do not know if I can! I've always been a weirdo, what only you do if you can! I just wanted attention and show some gifts, I lived all by myself and needed them all...
What on there goes on!... And I fell on me!
How's it going? If you're still here!
I did not change, I just did not want to be more like this...
What goes on goes on... What goes on goes on...
And if it just goes and does not come back anymore, tell me what's in it?...
What goes on goes on... What goes on goes on...
And if it just goes and does not come back anymore, tell me what's in it!...
Tell me what's the matter! Ohhhh!
Tell me what's in it! What goes on goes on..."
*(I'm jumping the rap part because it doesn't go well with the story since they refere to themselves (the singers))*
What goes on goes on...
What goes on goes on...
And if it just goes and does not come back anymore, tell me what's in it?...
What goes on goes on... (What goes on goes on!)
What goes on goes on... (What goes on goes on!)
And if it just goes and does not come back anymore, tell me what's in it!...
What goes on goes on! (What goes on goes on!)
What goes on goes on! (What goes on goes on!)
(Tell me what it is you have!) And if it just goes and does not come back anymore, tell me what's in it?!
What goes on goes on! (What goes on goes on!)
What goes on goes on! (What goes on goes on!)
And if it just goes and does not come back anymore, tell me what's in it!
Tell me what's in it...
What goes on goes on...
What goes on goes on... Hmm...
What goes on goes on...
Tell me what's in it.
Tell me what's in it?..."
The both of you finished at the same time, perfectly synced. Openning your eyes you saw him already observing you with a gentle smile.
"Got it all out?" - He asked.
"Yes... It's in the past now. What goes on goes on." - You smiled genuinely for the first time.
"So..." - He awkwadly rested his hands on his lap eyeing you in certain expectation.
"I'm all in."
Two months later:
You and Law nodded while holding hands upon hearing the crowd's cheer.
"I'm proud of you." - Law caressed your cheek with his free hand - "The world can once more see your true potential."
"Only thanks to you my love..." - You approached him closing the distance bewteen your lips as he did the same before breaking apart - "I couldn't do it without you by my side. Now let's quick ass!"
You both laughed and ran on stage with your hands still linked together, completely familiarized with the feeling.
"Hello everyone! I'm Doctor Heart Stealer and behind me are the Heart Pirates!" - Law announced on the microphone - "And as usual, I brought my beautiful fiance with me!"
He waited for the crowd to calm down to continue.
"But today things will be a bit different. Today the love of my life will be the one openning the concert." - He then stepped aside for you to take the standing microphone and went to stand beside his bandmembers.
"Hi guys! I just want to say... for all of you who tried to put me down, this is song is for you!" - The crowd went into complete silence and confused stares watching you close your eyes.
"You've always been hated
Unlucky, you're made to do things
And at last, get caught in the rain
The wind blows away your favorite umbrella
Saying "good work"
The stray over there steps on your legs
As usual, you're hated
Pushed away without doing anything
Even though you tried
The reason is "vague" and
You're both confused and sad
So, you should use my voice
Some people say it's incomprehensible
And a dissonant
Bad-sounding voice
But I'm sure it will be of use to you
So please let me sing
With your own, your very own words
Spell them out and put them together
Because I will scream out those words
I won't let anyone touch
The ideals and feelings that you paint
And so the voice of a piece of trash echoes
Awkwardly connecting the truth
A loud voice raised to full volume
Eventually, you became popular
I'm also proud that you're recognized by so many people
But eventually, you changed
You became colder, but also seemed lonely
There are plenty of voices of opportunity
"I am myself." And so
You then uncontrollably
Began to hate me
Behind you, someone said
"Even though he's just pretending"
You must have been crying all alone
Can you hear? With this voice
I'll drown out all the insulting words
I understand, you really
Are kinder than anyone else
And so the voice of a piece of trash sang
For no one else, but for your sake
Overcoming the grating and squeaking limits
Together, surely we came up with
A lot of words
But now, we cannot come up with anything
But I understand everything
"I see, this is a dream.
A dream that I'll never wake up from, where I met you"
Wearing a happy expression, the piece of trash
Won't move anymore, no matter how much how many times it's called for
In the conclusion that should have been desired
You cry out. "It must be a lie. It must be a lie."
So you cry out
"I'm powerless.
Unable to save even a single piece of trash"
The emotions turn to tears
And run down those cheeks
At this time
The world immediately
Changes color
Happiness and sadness
I know that everything is
One and the same
In this world where words turn to songs
Once again, I begin to run for your sake
Putting intent into my voice
Now, feelings resound"
The crowd cheered as you glanced back at everyone on stage supporting you, a warm overwelming feeling growing in your chest.
"Thank you for listening when no one would." - You smiled taking deep breathes feeling a pair of arms hold you from behind.
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