Law x Extravagant Reader
Note: I'll be using the Met Gala 2019 looks for this chapter. None of the dresses are mine! Also this chapter is passed on Dressrosa Arc and it's not as romantic, it's more about comedy and adventure, etc.
' Masquerade (Y/N) (L/N)
200,000,000 berries'
You had lost count of the years ever since you got your devil fruit as a child, not knowing yourself what exactly it did. With time you understood your powers and began using them wisely with the help of your captain, carefull to hide your weaknesses. Still, no one else beside your crew members new or understood what your powers really were about, the powers of Sut Sut no Mi, the powers of suits, fashion!
"(Y/N)-ya, you're coming with me, Robin-ya and Nose-ya to deliver Caesar to Joker at Green Bit. Thi is not up for discussion!" – He ordered watching you grunt in annoyance.
"But I wanted to destroy the Smile factory with Franky, Luffy and Zoro!" – You pouted, your eyes watering and staring sadly at Law's twitching figure.
"Like I care!" – He huffed pulling the tip of his spotted hat down shadowing his eyes and turning around.
"You meanie!" – You cursed him without actually cursing him, not wanting to be punished by your captain.
"Don't worry about it (Y/N)! We'll be able to fight together some other time!" – Luffy put his hand on your shoulder, a wide smile on his face that made you want to return it.
"Ok, Luffy-senpai." – You wiped your tears away as a very annoyed captain glared your way.
"Hurry up!"
"(Y/N)-ya, what are you wearing?" – He narrowed his eyes at your new outfit – "I thought I specifically told you this was a cover mission..."
"Yes, you did. So I dressed up... as a normal resident from Dressrosa." – You took a sip from your cup of tea feeling the CP-0 agents approach from behind.
"You think?" - He replied rather sarcastically.
"I think, you better than anyone else, should have a better sense of fashion, captain." - You watched as the CP-0 walked by without batting an eye in your direction - "Told ya."
Robin and Usopp eyed each other over your bickering but refrained from saying anything...
"We have to cross this bridge." – Robin informed as the group looked around for any other way of travelling to the Island on the other side.
"That's easy!" – Usopp said happilly stepping in first.
"It shouldn't be..." – Law's non smart ass-sarcastic phrase caught your attention. Whenever he got like that it was a bad sign...
"Why not?" – You dared to ask.
"These waters should be infested with fighting fish, the main reason no one goes to Green Bit anymore." – He explained and you gasped dramatically along with Caesar and Usopp.
"And you let us go anyway?!" – The three of you yelled at his carelessness.
"There's no other way to get there. Now let's go!" – He ordered while eye rolling.
"I can't die like this, I have to change clothes!" – You cried dramatically into Usopp's arms.
Law turned himself around to scold you about changing clothes like usual when a big shadow swallowed your whole and much more. The pounding of a giant body against the side of the bridge made you aware of reality, turning your head towards it you saw the creature, a fighting fish...
The ground shook and your group barely managed to stay up.
"What the hell is that?!" – Usopp cried hugging your stunned figure.
"A fighting fish..." – Blood drained from your face upon realizing the mess you were in.
"Run!" – Caesar panicked not too far from Law.
"No! We have to go to the other side!" – Law managed to grab Caesar by the hoodie despite the continuous banging of the fighting fish against the grid.
"But how?" – You asked yelping as you lost your balance and fel along with Usopp who was too scared to let go of you.
"Caesar! He can fly us to the other side!" – Robin's quick thinking saved you.
"N-No way! I can't take all of you at the same time!" – He tried to prove his point of view but Law wasn't having it.
"It's ok. I can help!" – You got up, excited to put on a new handmade outfit you had recently created – "Let's suit up!"
Your dress shone bright, blinding a few of the fish, before gaining a new form. The blinding was enough to gain you time to grab Usopp and flee in your new outfit by flying towards Green Bit.
You landed nicely on Green Bit soil, with Usopp thanking you for the lift. Shortly after Caesar landed with bigger impact on the ground while Robin and Law jumped to their feet, landing much safer.
"So what now?" – You asked your captain.
"We wait..."
A few minutes into the waiting you and Law were all alone, if you didn't count Caesar being dragged, thanks to Robin and Usopp venturing further into the forest after catching sight of a marine ship. They had decided to go and investigate closer while you waited for Doflamingo to appear...
"You should have gone with them." – Your captain muttered after a few silent minutes.
"I won't leave you so stop complaining!" – You blushed realizing how it sounded afterwards.
Not that you didn't have a crush on your captain but you knew he wasn't looking for any romantic relationship with anyone, including you, which made you fear his reaction to knowing you had feelings for him... You just hoped he wouldn't kick you out of the crew.
He didn't say anything and you took that as a sign to shut up.
A few minutes passed and Law received a call from a very worried Sanji, you heard him talk about how it was all a Joker's scheme to turn you in to the marines but it was too late, at that same moment Doflamingo made his appearance, followed by a group of marine soldiers and a new admiral.
"Doflamingo..." – Law growled out his name.
"Young Master, you came for me!" – Caesar cried in happiness.
"You big..." – Your body shook as your eyes took in Doflamingo's every feature – "...genius!"
Your squeal made heads turn, some in confusion, others in anger.
"How did you find such beauty?" – You flew to Doflamingo's side touching the pink feather coat's arm – "So soft to touch, with such delicate fragrance, and so pink! Such elegant piece, I'm surprised you were able to keep it so clean-"
"(Y/N)-ya!" – A yell almost distracted your obssessed clingy fangirl self from your true objective.
"Do you wanna see mine? I made it just for this occasion!" – You squealed taking a step back as Doflamingo stood confused, not knowing whether to laugh at Law's misery or push you away with disgust over the drool – "Suit up!"
In the blink of an eye- more like after a blinding light a few blinking adjusting eyes- you were in another outfit, this time almost matching Doflamingo's.
"What do you think?" – You posed and winked at the soldiers who drooled with hearts for eyes.
"Fufufufufufu! Quite the interesting friend you got here, Law." – Doflamingo mocked your captain before turning his attention back to you, this time, examining your work - "Not bad, not bad."
"Wait until you see the other one!" – You squealed before transforming – "Suit up!"
"Tell me how much you like it." – You smirked watching some marines faint while their admiral shook his head in disappointment, beeing blind had it's perks.
"Worthy of a queen..." – Doffy hinted smirking.
That was the last straw for Law, you could tell by the smoke in the sky coming from behind you.
"Too bad it's not for you." – You winked watching Doflamingo's features change from pleasure to anger.
Predicting his anger you took a feather out of your dress and threw it like an air kiss, a sudden air current sending soldiers flying to the sea, Fujitora stood thanks to his sword buried in the sand, and Doflamingo stumbled back a bit using his strings attached to a three to stay in place.
You jumped back to stand side by side with your captain and crying scientist, begging for Doffy to save him...
*after Doflamingo and Fujitora defeated Law (I don't like remembering that T^T)*
"L-L-Law..." – You watched as the love of your life was unfairly defeated after being humiliated yourself.
Your suit was ruined, but you didn't care, you had to save him... So deciding to take a risk, you sumoned a new suit, a non finished and yet to experiment suit. It's powers were dangerous, you had intended to keep it until the end for an emergency, but there would be no ending if you didn't use it now.
"Suit up." – You whispered, your clothes shone catching the attention of the blonde man.
The suit had been especially made for when confronting enemies physically too strong for you, so you chose to mess up with their mind by creating hallucinations only they could see.
"Hallu!" – Despite being prepared for any attacks the men could not predict what had been brought upon them.
You watched as their confused figures walked around, sometimes even stumbled and fall. Seizing the opportunity you ran towards Law and grabbed him, pulling his into your back for a piggyback ride, and got Caesar's heart back from Doffy's hands.
Pinching a crying Caesar hard enough to make his skin purple, you forced him to fly you away after receiving Robin's message that she and Usopp were in a tight spot inside the forest and that you should leave without them.
Caesar brought you to Luffy's ship, where the rest of the crew helped you treat yours and Law's wounds
"Here." – Law gave Nami a vivre card – "It'll lead you to Zou, the rest of my crew is waiting over there."
After much protest from the straw hat's crew, you and Law convinced them it was best to go there. Mingo was strong and had too many allies at the moment, a new plan had to be created for it all to work, but staying here would only put them in your way.
"You too (Y/N)-ya." – Your head snapped in his direction, your brain refusing to believe your ears.
A fight broke out where you and your captain went form arguing to simply yelling in each other's faces...
"You have no right to do this!"
"I can do whatever I want, I am your captain!"
"Listen to yourself, you old hag!"
"Old or new, you will obey my orders!"
"Like hell I will!"
"No subordinate of mine talks back to their captain like that!"
"I've been doing it since day one. You have no power over me!"
"Just because I've been more lenient-"
"Lenient?! You call that breaking a girls heart?!"
"What are you even talking about? You mad woman!"
"Of course I'm mad! My asshole of a captain won't listen to me!"
"Ass- Maybe because I don't have to. But if you hate it that much why don't you quit?!"
"I will!"
For a few seconds there was only silence. The straw hat crew watched in worry as the two of you stared at each other, out of breath, and shocked by what just happenned.
With a swift movement Law pulled your head closer and kissed your warm lips before releasing them into the cold air.
"Go... Don't wait for me." – He whispered before using his powers to teleport himself to the bridge of Green Bit, where a now completely sober flamingo waited for him with a scowl on his face, and deflect a meteor coming your way.
"No!" – You screamed falling to the ground after Franky used Coup De Bust – "Stay away from the clouds!"
Those were your last words before you jumped off mid air while the crew scream at your insanity.
"Suit up!" – You used your powers for a new suit that would somehow help you soften the fall in the ocean – "Flower river!"
Tiny pink water flowers appeared mid air from your dress, shifting into a path, like a river they carried you across the sky.
Since you had jumped from a high place you were still very far away from the fight scene and could only watch, praying Law would win.
As the fight progressed you had to change directions, following the two back to Dressrosa. Searching for Fujitora you could not find him but he was nowhere near Law, so for now he did not worry you...
The worst part was watching Doflamingo shoot Law three times. You hurried yourself but your powers were at their limit, you were still too far away from the ground... Thankfully Zoro and Kinemon came to his rescue but the damned admiral had to show up again!
You gritted your teeth watching from above. You gasped when you saw Doffy taking Law with him to his palace, then your plan changed, you could no longer be in sight, you had to cover up...
"Tsk. Get out of the way you imbecil!" – You kicked a guards ass out of the way as you walked inside the palace – "Can you not see I am the young master's stylist?!"
The dumb guards trembled in fear, it must have been awful working in the palace, by the way they let you in so easily you could tell they were badly treated, to the point of not questioning anyone.
The inside guards were another history. Now you had to step up your game!
This new suit granted you the ability to shape shift reality, you used it to create doors and passageways as you explored the inside of the castle, totally unaware of it's plant... or residents...
Having poor sense of direction you were bound to lose yourself in that labyrinth, having to stop to rest for a few times.
In one of those times the ground shook beneath you creating waves. You ran, not knowing what the hell was going on, but soon enough you found out one of Doffy's generals had found you, Pica. Or at least you thought he did...
Carefully peeking behind the walls you saw Zoro, Luffy, kinemon and a strange woman running from the stone guy. Mentally apologizing to them you took the chance to run in the opposite direstion knowing you'd be free to roam with Pica after them and not you.
Not too long after you got tired of stairs, long halls and walking in general, you remembered of a suit that could help you in this situation.
"ALright! Now were talking!" - You used your hands to draw invisible lines in the air and with your powers actually cut through the whole levels of the castle, taking a few levels down.
You rearranged the castle the way you wanted it to be, just like an architect, except you were to architect and the castle ended up looking almost completely destroyed...
Finally, you found the room where they put Law but he wasn't alone. You saw Luffy and the strange woman from before waiting outside as a buff man fought the blonde all by himself.
"What is he doing?! He won't last against Doflamingo!" – You whisper-yelled to your companions.
"(Y/N)!" – They said upon seeing you squatting down like them – "We have to get Law's handcuffs' keys but Doffy has them."
"Leave that to me! Suit up!" – You got up, ready to go in.
Using the suit's powers you were able to shape shift your body as you saw fit. You shrank yourself to the size of a water drop after signaling Luffy to throw you to the man in pink, and he did.
Going unnoticed by the said man you climbed his feathery long coat before jumping to his shorts' pockets and embracing the keys for your big ending, the 'growing back up' enough to punch Doffy's face.
With the key in your hands Luffy and Viola ran inside to help the unknown warrior defeat Doflamingo, while you ran to the side of your captain and released him from his cuffs.
He grunted, ready to give the biggest scold in his life to your stubborn ass but was interrupted by Mingo's clone being decapitated. A few gasps were heard as the clone revealed itself and turned into strings.
Then you heard a voice, his voice. He sounded happy for some reason, like a hunter playing with it's prey, he commanded Pica to kill you all while he used the strings of his old clone to create the 'Birdcage'.
You felt Pica appear from beneath you on time for you to use your powers to make yourself giant and surprise punch Pica's giant ugly face.
"Nice work (Y/N)!" - Luffy cheered before looking back at his friends.
"We have to escape, the castle is about to collapse!" - Viola warned as the previous walls and ceiling creating the room scattered thanks to your sudden shape shift.
"Come here, quick!" - You held out a hand for them to climb while being a giant and took a few steps into the city, away from the moving castle.
Away from danger, you returned your friends and captain back to solid ground and shrank yourself back to your original size.
"Is everyone alright?" - You asked, worried mostly for the legless warrior and probably tortured captain.
Both nodded, holding in their pain per usual.
"What is that?" - Luffy asked looking up at the sky.
"Doflamingo's birdcage. It's a prision made out of his string powers." - Your captain resumed looking quite annoyed at his failed plan.
"Watch out!" - The warrior yelled pointing in the castle direction, from where a massive rock Pica grew out of comingo your way.
The group ran, not wanting to be squached under all that weight, and after avoiding a few blows help finally came. Zoro confronted Pica about his coward move to run away mid battle and poked his ego enough to convince him to fight him.
While distracted, you cheered on Zoro, but that happiness didn't last long. Using all the sails present on the island, you heard Doffy propose a game of chase after his enemies, you, to his citizens, offering great quantities of gold to whoever caught you...
"That coward! Sending people to do his dirty work!" - Luffy growled in anger.
"Hey... what happened to all the toys?" - You noticed looking around only finding people in the streets.
Viola and the warrior, Kyros, explain the whole situation on Sugar's powers and how Doflamingo used them to trick everyone into becoming his slave. After a much bitter explanation you felt your hate for the blonde grow, no longer wanting to share you art work with him.
"I'm gonna Mingo's butt!" - You growled but this stired chaos between the group members.
"No way! I'm the one doing all the kicking!" - Luffy protested.
"This battle is none of your business. I have unfinished things with Doflamingo!" - Law joined in.
"Guys... Kyros already left to kill Doflamingo..." - Viola laughed awkwardly at your shocked looks.
"Why didn't you say something sooner?!" - You three yelled and ran after Kyros, back to where you escaped from...
After running all the way back, Robin, a new girl Rebecca and a group of people you never met before from the coliseum, including a major fanboy of Luffy, helped you get past the guards and reach the highest open level of the castle, where a little girl waited for you...
You were already in your new suit, using light to reflect and blind opponents that got in the way. You were loving it!
The child before you appeared to be lost and asked for your help to find her mommy. Both Luffy and Law remained in their 'battle mode' not showing much compassion over the little girl. Huffing to yourself you approached her, you were not particularly good with children, but also not the worst, but still you had to at least get het out of the fighting zone, or she too would get hurt.
Taking her hand in yours you uddenly found yourself being transformed into a toy, forever forgotten by everyone...
The two captains gasped, watching you poof into a shiny silver toy, just like your extravagant dress.
"(Y/-(Y..." - Law wanted to shout your name but for some reason he couldn't remember it.
He couldn't understand, he felt the need to be near that toy, to protect it and care for it, but he could not remember why. The only remaining feeling transmiting warmth and familiarity in his chest.
Usopp used his special attack to scare Sugar so bad she fainted and all the toys went back to their human forms, uncluding you.
You got up, being the only one left on the top level where the battle had already begun, and watched, just like the past minutes while you were still a weak useless toy.
There was nothing you could do to help, none of your suits reached the power of Doflamingo, your best bet was to stay out of Luffy and Law's way. They had trained for this, they were prepared, you completely trusted them to defeat Mingo. You just had to wait...
You had to avoid looking at some nasty moves pulled from both teams, the worst being Doffy ripping off your captain's arm. You cheered, not too loudly not to distract them, for your captain as he defeated the nasty Trevol snoty guy. Ew! He had to be the most disgusting enemy you had ever seen!
After that, Luffy went on defeating Doffy once and for all with his gear forth while you approached your bloody captain...
"Captain..." - You crawled your way over to his side to sit by his disabled arm.
"I'm not your captain anymore." - He spoke with difficulty due to imense pain.
"You remember..." - You smiled ignoring his words and hugged him close, pulling his head into your lap - "Have faith in Luffy, captain."
"Will do." - He huffed, not liking how it sounded like an order.
You wiped your tears away before he could see them, athough he did feel a few fall on his naked chest, and lifted his torso, hugging him close, slowly standing up.
"We have to get your arm back." - You said pulling his trembling body along nearing the edge - "Robin and help should be near."
Looking down you saw just who you needed, so signaling Robin for a hand, you jumped with your captain cursing you every way he knew, and falling in Robin's many arms attched in a web way.
You laughed at your captain's sensitive state but hurried to Leo, a friend of Robin's, who helped sew your captain's arm back together.
Soon you heard cheers from far. Viola came close running and yelling Doflamingo had been defeated.
You smiled watching everyone cheer, you looked to your side to see your captain's reaction but his face was so close you were the one reacting all flushed red to his proximity and smooth kiss.
Stoned, you never expected him to do that. When he broke the kiss you realized you hadn't responded because you didn't know how to react. You tried speaking, curious as to why now of all times but your mouth wasn't capable of much at the moment.
Law chuckled at your reaction and leaned in for another kiss, this time more passionate, to which you responded with just as much passion and pulling him in for a third and forth kiss, until he had had enough of your clingy nature.
Sitting on the flower field feeling the calm after the storm you felt eyes on you. Glancing sideways you saw Robin and Usopp with knowing looks. You blushed and hid your face in Law's neck, earning a confused look from him.
"Let's start party!" - Luffy declared and everyone cheered.
"Time to show off! Suit up!" - You yelled.
A/N: hope you guys liked it ;) Btw which dress was your favourite? I loved Cardi B and Kyle Jenner (despite hating her >->) 0:3
It was hard fitting a whole arc in one chapter but it was a good challenge xD
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