Captain Law x Cook Reader
It was a peaceful morning in the Heart Pirate's yellow submarine. The crew had been up early per usual, fed and started their daily routines around the sub... except for a late night owl named Trafalgar Law, who had yet to make his appearance.
Time flew by and the clock hit the number ten when a certain captain finally entered the kitchen with deep dark eye bags.
"Zombie?!?!?!??! Oh,wait, my bad! It's just the captain." - You faked surprise in a mocking way receiving only a tired groan from said man - "Not even botherind to reply? I wouldn't be surprised if your brain finally gave up after reading all those books."
He answered back with another groan but this time lauder and more animalistic, like an overnight tired tiger, while you prepared him a cup of coffee.
"Here. Drink it, I can't have animals in my kitchen!" - You scolded him as you put down the mug in front of him.
He tool it and like the adict he was he drank it all in one go, passing the mug to you right after as a sign for 'more'.
"Use words." - You faked being angry, it was fun teasing your captain in the mornings, he was always too tired for any decent comebacks and ended up acting like a grumpy child.
"'Offee." - He grunted.
"That wasn't even a whole word!!!" - You yelled.
You gasped dramatically before turning around and grasping the coffee machine to pour it all over his head.
"If you're gonna act like an animal then I'll treat you like one." -You huffed watching him sight and get up, not bothering to get mad - "Don't forget we have a lesson today! Come back before lunch!"
He actually came, you were surprised to say the least. He'd usually ignore your calls for your coocking lessons, but this time he managed to come! And you were going to make him wish he hadn't...
"First thing's first: wash your hands!" - You received a slow narrowed glare along with a small visible frown from your captain.
"Already did that. I'm not a child. Also don't order me around!" - Law hang his shoulders lazily, his posture screaming 'I'd rather be doing anything else but this'.
"Very well, doctor, then take your hat off and put this hair net on and we'll start cooking!" - You rolled your eyes dismissing his poor attitude, knowing how much it would bother him to not get proper attention/respect.
He looked at you for a solid minute with a look of surprise...
"Are you serious woman?" - His face paled as you kept your serious gaze on his.
You nodded, ignoring your guts screaming at you to make a comeback at his remark but knowing best not to scare the dear away and wait, like a patient hunter.
He groaned and bit his lower lip as his hands slowly brought down his precious white and black spotted hat, taking a good look at it before placing it on the empty dinning table behind you (the kitchen/galley being open to the dinning room).
You did your best not to laugh at the scene or his fragile state after he returned back to your side with the hair net now on.
"Can we start already?!" - Law asked, clearly frustrated.
"S-Sure." - He caught your grin and you immediately pulled your lips together to bit them.
After taking a few ingredients out and having done a few good breathing exercises you could control your laughter again.
"Today I'll teach you how to make soup. It's very simple and easy to make, good for quick meals and in case we're out of meat or fish, and/or emergent situations." - You pushed a medium wood board with a knife and a few potatoes and onions on top.
He nodded before taking the knife in his hand, but you stopped him right away by slapping his hand and making him drop the knife.
"This is a cooking knife, not a sword or a surgical knife. If you hold it like that you'll hurt yourself!" - You scolded him like a mother teaching his rebel teen son.
"You already did that for me." - He spit the words out rubbing his hurt hand with the other.
"Big baby..." - You whispered and received a pointy glare from the doctor - "Here, let me show you how it's done."
Instintively you take Law's hands in yours, place them on the board, one holding the previously peeled onion in place and the other holding the knife properly this time.
Your smaller figure was glued to his much bigger one on the side, shoulders , hips and legs touching, but unlike the surgeon's brain your's remained oblivious to the position.
"See? Gentle but firm, like this." - Your hands helped his cutting the onion, dismissing the strange sensation of his eyes on you - "Now you do it!"
You felt his body go tense as you leaned away from him. His posture had gone from lazy to rigid. His hands trembling every time he had to make a new cut.
Slowly he finished cutting the onion and sighed in relief once he did.
"Good, good! Now cut it in the other direction." - Law slightly jumped in panic but did as you told him.
You refrained from laughing at his once again tense stance and instead went for a close by drawer to take out an apron to put it around yourself and another one for the flinching doctor that jumped every time the onion squirt over his clothes.
Without saying a word, you unfolded the apron and positioned yourself right behind your captain. Your arms circled his waist, feeling the front of his jeans, as your chest was pressed against his back before coming back to tie the knot over his back waist.
You brought your hands once more to his front, close to his body, and lifted them to his neck, passing the apron's strings to the back. You had to stay on the tip of your toes to reach for his neck to tie the second knot.
His red ears and red neck didn't go unnoticed by your eyes and a smirk grew on your lips.
"Keep up the good work captain!" - You slapped his ass playfully to which he jolted unconsciously.
You went to his side again, this time to start working, ignoring his stare.
"It's quite unfair to treat your captain like this (Y/N)-ya, you too should change to cook." - He put the knife down and turned towards you.
"But I'm already dressed for cooking." - You stated the obvious, not seeing where he was going with this.
"Not on my crew's jumpsuit, you're not." - His signature smirk appeared and you pouted.
"But I don't want to dirty my clothes!" - You crossed your arms as did he wih a smug look on his face.
"Then don't." - You gave him a confused look before gasping, linking his words together.
"You want me to cook in my underware?!" - You blushed and noticed his cheeks slightly covered in pink.
"It's only fair. Plus I'm your captain, my words are rules, I already allowed you to order me around too much." - You two stayed in what would be best described as a staring contest, like two wolves silently fighting for the dominant alpha title.
Suddenly there was a switch in your brain...
"Ok fine, captain." - You turned your back towards him and placed your hands over your back and let the apron slipt to the ground as Law observed with suspicion on your quick submission.
Next you did the same thing to your white jumpsuit, only this time slowly pulling the fabric past your shoulders, the top stopping on your hips and then knees before finally reaching your feet. All while feeling his heated gaze on your bare back...
You grinned upon knowing your plan was working and to risk a little further you bent over with your knees straight to pick up both apron and jumpsuit, perking up your ass, knowing fully well there was only a white thin lacy thong protecting you from showing everything.
You heard coughing that quickly, you presumed, was covered as it became less evident. The sound of success!
You folded your jumpsuit and put it aside before tying your apron back on and turning back to your workstation.
Law stood leaning over the balcony facing forward not daring to look at you as his eyes were still watery and his cheeks held a pink smooth color.
"Where were we exactly?" - You smiled innocentlyand he cleared his throat before telling you you were cutting the ingredients - "Oh that's right!"
The two of you went back to work, with you finishing earlier and helping him finish his part. You put everything to boil but then remembered...
"We need spices!" - You almost facepalmed yourself for forgetting something that important!
You skipped to the side where you knew was the spice's cabinet while Law kept an eye on the soup, and being unable to reach it for being smaller, you climbed the balcony sitting on your butt.
As you searched inside the cabinet between all kinds of spices you felt your thong move and stretch, the area between your butt cheeks rubbing against the string making you whimper in pleasure.
Law, completely immersed in the scene before him, gulped feeling his pants getting tight. His wide eyes followed an almost invisible drop of your 'juice' rolling from between your ass cheeks until it dropped on the counter.
"Found them!" - You announced pulling your gead out of the cabinet with your arms up holding a few bottles.
Law quickly covered his bulge with his hand inside his pocket as you skipped your way over to the pot again, rudely pushing him as you squeezed yourself between him and the counter.
He could no longer hold it and his member burst through his jeans zipper, pushing the apron along with him, into your small thong...
You yelped in fright at the sudden feeling of something hard almost entering your vagina but being stopped by some force, which you doubted to be your thong.
You didn't know what to say, as much as your lips parted no words came out. Law on the other hand new what to do...
He pushed his way between your now trembling closed legs and put his arms over the counter, each by your side, his hard chest making your cold back warm.
"So h-how do you d-do it?" - Law forced his words out as he took deep breaths close to your neck.
You showed him how to properly temper the soup and even tried explaining how some of the spices worked best with some kinds of food but your mind always trailed back to the nasty thoughts your position gave you.
"Is that s-so?" - You nodded at his question but yelped once he put his arms around you and rubbed his bulge against your whole entrance - "Tell me (Y/N)-ya, what's the next step?..."
"W-Well... the only t-thing left to d-do is-is... to g-grind..." - You stuttered embarrassed, your plan had back fired.
"Can you show me how it's done (Y/N)-ya?" - He whispered in your ear sending shivers down your spine.
You obeyed: turned the stove off after everything was cooked, got the machine and prepared to grind...
As soon as the blades touch the water and you push the button to turn it on Law starts grinding his crotch against your entrance so hard you can almost feel him inside you... you can feel his tip pushing against the thin fabric filling your hole...
Until you do.
Your screams fill the room and Law's moans follow. His cock had pierced both his apron and your thong, thrusting inside your wet unprepared virgin vagina.
He kept his pace medium. The soup was finished and your immediately pushed it aside for safety.
Law bent you over and went faster and deeper into you ignoring your screams of both pain and pleasure. He inprisioned your hands behind your back in his and continued until you both released.
He then pulled you up and turned you around without getting out. Tired, you didn't fight him and let him have his way dominating the french kiss he just gave you... his hunger rose by the minute as you made out for a while.
Once you were both recovered he began thrusting into you again, faster than before, whispering dirty things, exposing his long desire to be inside you and to fuck you in that frilly apron you always wore...
After a few more thrusts you were the first to come this time, with Law following right after.
Sweaty but hot, he leaned his forehead against yours, his shimmery eyes showing hidden emotions such as longing and love. The sight made your heart melt and your lips collide with his as both your arms circled each other in a tight embrace.
"I never thought my apron would make you finally snap. I'll keep it's use in mind." - You sudjested with a playful smirk.
"I would sudjest you keep in mind that I'm your captain and I'll gladly use everything in this kitchen if it gets me between your legs." - He smirked back and you blushed hidding your face in his chest.
"Even... bread?" - You tipped your head up a little and grinned.
"I knew I smelled it the other day! Where is it?!?!?!?!?!" - He jolted backwards and began to ravish the entire kitchen while you giggled to yourself.
A/N: Hope you guys liked it and I'll be releasing the easter special with the winner soon :)
Byyeeeee <3
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