december 24th
"harry, go back to sleep, you oaf." louis murmured, turning on his side away from harry, who was peppering his face with repeated kisses.
"wake up, lou! it's your birthday." harry cheered, leaning up more so he could reach louis' face, continuing with the repeated pecks before louis buried his face in his pillow.
"another year of being older. whoop whoop." louis' voice was muffled from the pillow, and harry rolled his eyes with a smile. "come on, babe. my mum said she'd watch over the girls today while i set things up."
louis perked up in interest. "set what up?"
"you'll see. you just have to get out of bed." harry grinned, pecking his cheek once more before hopping up from the bed. he ruffled out his curls, heading out of the bedroom and downstairs, where he would feed the girls breakfast before anne came by to pick them up for the day.
the smell of pancakes and syrup sweetly filled the air, and once harry placed one on each of the four plates and poured glasses of milk, he set them all down carefully on the kitchen table.
small little eager footsteps were heard coming down the stairs, and harry smiled when seeing his daughters run in happily at the smell of the pancakes. even for just waking up, they were still as eager as ever.
they sat themselves down in each of the chairs at the table, instantly digging into their syrup covered pancakes. harry was about to walk out and upstairs to retrieve his husband, until willow spoke up. "daddy, isn't it daddy's birthday today?"
"it sure is," harry beamed happily, standing by the doorway. "i'm gonna go wake him up right now for breakfast. when we come back downstairs i want you two to give him the biggest hugs ever, okay?"
the girls happily obliged, turning back to their pancakes as they waited for louis' arrival in the kitchen.
harry headed upstairs and into the couple's bedroom, seeing louis now positioned as he sat on the edge of the bed, adjusting to the sunlight. he looked up when he heard harry's footsteps. "you're awake," harry teased with a smile, walking over to the tired boy. he grunted in response, giving harry the finger which only resulted in harry laughing. "you've always been so grumpy in the mornings."
"well, i'm not a morning person."
"trust me, i know. now c'mon, the girls are eating breakfast downstairs and my mum'll be here shortly." harry held his hand out, which louis gratefully took as he stood from the bed. louis leaned up on his tiptoes, planting a kiss to harry's cheek. not only was he moody in the mornings, but also sappy and cuddly.
the two walked back downstairs, where the girls were halfway through their meals, both giggling like little schoolgirls about god knows what.
when they heard footsteps return to the kitchen, they instantly sprung up from their seats, running and attacking louis in a big bear hug, their arms wrapped tightly around his torso. louis made an 'oof' sound, chuckling as he kneeled down to hug the girls back. "good morning to you girls, as well."
"happy birthday!" they cheered in unison, planting sticky kisses to each of his cheeks, causing louis to scrunch his nose up as he laughed. "sticky messes! pancakes for breakfast, huh?"
harry nodded proudly. he was always happy when he cooked for the family, it was just something that he loved to do.
louis smiled as he joined the girls back at the dining table, harry joining them as well as he took a seat next to louis. the two intertwined their hands together underneath of the table as they ate into the delicious pancakes, courtesy of harry styles.
"they're in good hands, you know this." anne chuckled as she kissed her son's cheek, both of the girls already in the backseat of her car.
harry nodded with a smile. "i know, i know. just a fatherly instinct that'll never go away, i suppose."
"now you know how i feel," anne laughed, bundling up her jacket closer to her body due to the crisp december air. "i'll have the girls back later tonight, and then i'll see you both tomorrow around noon."
"sounds good. i love you." harry kissed her cheek one last time before she had climbed into the driver's seat of the car.
"and i love you." anne smiled up at her son as she started the car, and within a matter of seconds she was backing up carefully out of the driveway, pulling off down the road.
harry headed back inside, sighing in relief once the warm air from the ambience of the comforting home. he walked over to where louis was sitting on the couch with his cup of tea he was holding between his sweater-paws. he was once again watching abc's christmas movie countdown. a christmas carol played on the television screen.
"did anne just leave?" louis looked up as he spoke, and harry nodded in response, taking a seat next beside his husband and pulling out his phone, beginning to type away. louis raised his eyebrows, attempting to peek over at the lit up screen curiously, but harry only pulled the phone out of his view. "ah ah ah, you can't know."
"you're not having some secret affair behind my back, are you?" louis raised an eyebrow, although he knew harry would never do such a thing.
"of course not, silly. i'm just texting some people and arranging a few things."
"like what?" louis perked up like early that morning, but harry only shook his head. "now that would ruin the element of surprise now, wouldn't it?"
"you arse." louis murmured, a small pout forming on his face. harry laughed. "don't give me that look, babe. the puppy dog eyes isn't going to work on me this time."
louis pressed further, turning in his seat to face harry, still giving him the pouty puppy dog look. harry shook his head. "nice try, boobear."
louis groaned, throwing his head back against the couch. "i thought that nickname was done and gone many years ago!"
"old habits die hard, my love." harry chuckled, continuing to text away on his phone as it vibrated in his hands.
"where are we going, harry?" louis has been asking this question for the past twenty minutes the two had been in the car, driving to the secret destination louis knew nothing about.
harry would only reply with, "you'll see, lou."
"i'm not going to get raped, am i?"
"it's not rape if you enjoy it." harry replied. that shut louis up the remainder of the car ride, his cheeks turning a bright pink; and not from the cold air.
finally, after what seemed like an agonizingly long decade, but was really only thirty minutes, harry pulled up the driveway of an unfamiliar home; at least, it was unfamiliar to louis.
"harry?" louis was beyond confused now.
"hush, love. just come on." harry took his car keys and got out of the car, walking to the front of the car as he met with louis once again, intertwining their fingers. the two walked up to the front door, and harry knocked a few times on the tall wooden door that had a wreath hanging up on it.
a familiar 'come in!' was heard from the inside of the house, and harry twisted the door handle, pushing the front door open. all of the lights in the living room were out, making the room look almost pitch dark besides from the little bit of sunlight shining through the windows and now the wide open front door.
louis was about to open his mouth again to ask what the hell was going on, but the lights suddenly flickered on, and three oh-so familiar lads popped up from behind the couches. "surprise!"
louis' mouth dropped a bit, staring in complete shock at the three boys he grew up with alongside harry. he hadn't spoken to any of them much, or even seen them, since the band split years back. but what surprised him the most was a raven haired boy standing behind the leather sofa, a grin plastered across his face.
"zayn?" louis spoke out. he hadn't seen zayn since he left the band first before anyone else, and after all of the twitter feuds and bickering he didn't expect him to be here. even though the two were well past that, especially by now.
"hey lou." zayn smiled, walking around the back of the couch. everyone knew that besides louis and harry, louis and zayn were pretty close as well.
a smile instantly made it's way onto louis' face, walking over to pull his long-time best friend into a hug. "how many years has it been?" louis murmured.
"too many, mate."
"this is too sappy for my liking." liam teased, giving niall and harry a knowing look before everyone was hugging. just like old times on stage with the group hugs.
"we got cake!" niall cheered happily once the hug broke, and the irish boy ran off to the kitchen where the cake was stored in the refrigerator. some people never change, huh?
everyone joined together in the kitchen, fetching paper plates from the cabinets along with some forks. candles were placed into the cake and lit with a lighter, being set in front of louis who was sat at the kitchen table.
the four began to sing to the oldest of the group, louis sitting with a sheepish smile and blushing cheeks as harry's hands rested on his shoulders, giving them a gentle squeeze.
"make a wish." harry leaned down to whisper in louis' ear, planting a kiss to his cheek. louis playfully rolled his eyes, taking a deep breath as he thought of a birthday wish.
as he thought, he realized that he already had everything he could ever dream of. what more was there to wish for?
louis looked down at the burning candles, before blowing them out all at once, struggling with one candle that refused to go out at first. the boys cheered around him like the little kids they still acted like. in a good way, of course.
harry smiled as he retrieved a knife from the utensil drawer, taking position back behind his husband.
his arms moved around his smaller figure, placing the knife safely in louis' hand, his larger hand placing over the handle that louis' hand was holding.
"haz, i know how to cut a cake." louis chuckled as the blade of the knife cut the cake nicely, harry turning it a bit to make another portioned slice.
"hush, it's romantic." harry smiled, peppering a few kisses to louis' neck as the couple cut the birthday cake together. "happy birthday, loubear."
this time, he let the nickname slide as he smiled happily.
"when should anne be dropping the girls back off?" louis asked as the couple walked back into their home after a long night out with the boys. they didn't do much, besides louis opening presents he received from the others and playing fifa on the xbox liam owned.
harry glanced over at the clock. 8:00.
"she texted me earlier saying she'd drop them off around nine thirty." harry responded, and louis nodded as he tiredly trudged to his room.
harry smiled, staying back in the living room to clean up a few things that were laying around; like the couch pillow sitting on the floor as well as the blanket.
when he headed upstairs to join with louis, he stood in the doorway as he saw the smaller boy resting back against the headboard of the bed, playing with his phone in his hands. he looked up when feeling harry's presence, his eyebrows raising. "you gonna come in, haz?"
"i never gave you your birthday present." harry smirked a bit, his arms crossed over his chest as he leaned against the doorway. he pushed himself off the wooden frame, walking over to louis.
"what birthday present?" louis obviously asked, laying down and placing his phone on the nightstand. harry rolled his eyes as he kicked his shoes off, crawling up onto the bed to hover over louis.
louis' eyes widened a bit as realization hit, but his expression was soon replaced with a smirk as harry leaned down and pressed his lips to the other's.
the two heatedly kissed, tongues grazing over each others' and lips becoming swollen fairly quickly from the occasional biting and tugging as the air filled with a mixture of love and hint of lust.
both shirts were quickly discarded to the floor, and when harry went to pull down on the waistband of louis' sweatpants, the two were suddenly flipped over.
"since when do i let you top?" louis breathed heavily, having lack of breath from the previous makeout session.
harry rolled his eyes, shaking his head. "we kinda share that, really," he mimicked louis from years ago, the smirk evident on his lips.
"you suck at imitating me." louis scoffed, leaning down to kiss his husband once more. harry pushed himself up off the bed, rolling the two over so he was back on top.
harry broke the kiss for a moment as he spoke, lips grazing over one another's. besides, you are the birthday boy."
louis ignored the cheeky statement, pulling harry closer by gripping the waistband of his sweatpants and tugging harshly, resulting in the obvious forming bulges in each of their pants to collide. grunts were heard from each of the two, the friction being undeniably irritating.
louis moved his hands around to place them on harry's bum, eagerly pushing the fabric down in one go. both harry's briefs and sweatpants came off in one swift motion, and harry kicked them off all the way, letting the clothing items join their shirts on the floor.
then it was harry's turn, blindly yanking down louis' sweatpants and briefs as he kissed him deeply, his tongue tracing over the lad's bottom lip, resulting louis to let out a small moan into the kiss.
louis helped with kicking the pants off, squirming in attempts to fasten the process. harry parted the kiss as he breathed heavily, looking up momentarily and reaching over to open the nightstand drawer, retrieving the container of lube and a condom.
harry sat up and twisted the lid off of the container, straddling louis' hips with the position they were in. setting it down on the bed beside him, louis bit his lip as he stared up at harry, who was slicking his fingers up with the slippery substance.
"ready, my angel?" harry set the container of lube aside as he hovered back above louis, his fingers moving and grazing just over the already withering boy's entrance.
"fuck, harry. stop being so sappy." louis breathed out, lifting his hips up in any attempts to gain contact. harry chuckled, his finger prodding only teasingly at louis' begging entrance, pushing in only halfway through and letting the warmth envelope.
harry could feel his husband tighten a bit around his finger, having to adjust to the foreign feeling after it being awhile. ever since the girls were adopted, it was rare that the two got some time alone like this. but when they did, they enjoyed every second of it.
louis' eyes fluttered shut as a breathy moan escaped his parted lips. "move around a bit."
harry let his finger curl in attempts to find the sensitive area that would have louis over the moon. after a few tries of finding it again, louis' back arched up in pleasure. "jesus christ, haz.."
he smirked, slipping in another finger without warning as he made sure to stay lined up with louis' sweet spot, his fingers pumping in and out in repeated rhyme, with each time he'd curl his fingers just to hear those soft and blissful moans escape his husband's lips.
"babe, just- get inside me." louis pleaded after a short amount of time, letting out a small whine. harry teasingly removed his fingers, quite slowly, and when he pulled them out louis whimpered at the now empty feeling.
harry tore the top off of the foil packet, carefully rolling it over his length as he hummed lazily to himself.
he loved teasing louis.
"stop being so slow, harry!" louis groaned, wiggling his hips in anticipation. the smirk only widened on harry's lips, slicking up the condom with more lube.
"needy." he shook his head, moving to hover back above his husband as louis spread his legs more, propping his knees up.
harry aligned himself before slowly pushing into louis, a small moan escaping his own lips from the pleasurable feeling. "you always feel so good, baby."
louis' lips parted once again, wincing at the sudden stretch before his face became relaxed, his body becoming less tense and the much fuller feeling soon turned to absolute pleasure.
harry pushed all the way into louis, his forearms resting on either side of the boy's head to balance himself steadily. he drew his hips back slowly, before pushing back inwards.
his name trembled from louis' lips, along with small pleads of harry to stop being such a fucking tease and to move his hips more.
harry's lips made their way to louis' neck, planting small kisses along the tan skin. louis tilted his head to the side for his husband to have more access, which gave harry the opportunity to suck a love-bite into louis' neck, leaving a small trail of them down his collarbone.
the older's eyes rolled to the back of his head a bit, his back arching up off of the bed as his heated chest pressed against harry's. moans filled the silent air of their bedroom, louis' stubby fingernails digging into harry's back, being sure to leave marks in the morning.
"harry," louis breathed out a moan. "harder."
and so harry listened, for he was far too over the edge now to continue with the agonizingly slow movements, letting out what sounded more like a low grunt against louis' neck.
louis could feel the clenching feeling forming in the pit of his stomach, and harry most certainly took notice as louis dug his nails harder into his back. his entire body tensed from the thrilling feeling, his head falling back against the pillow and a moan tumbled from those sinful and pretty lips.
"let go, darling."
harry's deep and rough voice was enough for the familiar warm ropes of white liquid to shoot enough all between the two, louis releasing onto both of their stomachs as his eyes screwed shut. he panted heavily in between moans while harry rode out his high and stroked himself, sending harry into the state of oblivion as well as he released into the condom.
it was always perfect in that moment, despite their sweaty bodies sticking together from both come and sweat. but neither minded, harry placing breathless kisses to louis' face and letting them both calm down from their highs, louis' fringe sticking to the side of his face and harry brushed it back away from his husband's forehead.
once the two had caught their breath, harry pulled out and received another whimper from louis due to the sensitivity. he knew he'd feel that in the morning. harry tied off the condom, leaning over and tossing it into the waste bin underneath of the nightstand.
harry collapsed down on the bed beside louis, who instantly curled into his lanky figure whilst harry wiped the both of them down with a few tissues.
he kissed the top of the brunette's head, wrapping his arms around him tiredly as he whispered, "happy birthday, lou."
that was my first time writing smut in any of my stories, and it sucked horribly i'm sorry hhh.
i figured that since this is a short story, (and it was lou's birthday), that i would include some smutty action.
there's maybe one, or two (not sure yet) parts left to this short story!
p.s. i wrote this in school lmao
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