The hot tub was outside her sliding glass doors, and under a small removable patio cover to prevent snow build up, and provide shade. There were other doors leading out, and that was good, because Monday had Danny down for the evening.
She snuck outside, and pressed the buttons on the patio stucco wall that indicated how to remove the cover, wondering what it would be like to hot tub in the snow. The wind was biting. She had a cover up on over her horrid stolen bathing suit, and with a grin, wished too late that she'd maybe bought something modest but closer to the right decade. Hadn't Coral said this thing was decades old? She chuckled to herself as she realized Raine already knew the story of the bathing suit, but the others didn't.
The bubbles came on at her touch as well, and she slipped out of the flip flops she'd donned, stripped quickly out of the cover up and draped it over a wooden storage box in the snow. The water tingled against her skin like fire, and she cringed as she lowered herself completely under, smoothing back her hair. This tub was a rather large one, with multi-jets, and a deep center that actually was big enough to settle on and slightly swim around.
Tracy surfaced, looking up at the night sky with just a few sparkling snowflakes catching the lights from the upstairs windows above. It looked for a few moments like that movie she'd seen a couple of years ago when it first came out--- the phenomenal Empire Strikes Back--- in a galaxy far, far away-- or else they were in warp speed, with the snow resembling stars.
She relaxed her head all the way under water, floating weightless, water insulating her ears, staring straight up. That was so cool. What a view. She sank beneath, letting her hair tangle around her for a bubbling luxurious moment.
She'd often been called a water rat for her love of swimming, but when she emerged she was startled to see Raine, Richard and Austin and the two starlets, with awestruck looks on their faces. For a split second she thought her bathing suit had come undone. As her hands rose to check it and shield herself, she caught the grins on all three male faces.
None of them cared to elaborate on why they'd been caught staring, but they all marveled privately at what they'd just seen. Tracy, submerged when they entered had come up out of the water unexpectedly, her hair so much a part of her normally as to mask her features, was now slicked back , leaving her face unaccustomedly naked and beautiful. Long dark lashes lay against rose petal cheeks unadorned with make-up. She looked her barely twenty years, young, fresh and perfectly sweet, and unusually enticing.
All three gained their aplomb quickly, with a little throat clearing and some adjustment of swimming trunks, they stepped into the water and Raine scooped his girl up and deposited her on the side of the pool, covering her with his body, and kissing the neckline of the suit unashamedly.
Tracy squealed---
Like a kid.
Her eyes glittered into his, as he let his lips drop to hers, not platonically. Not caring who saw, or what they thought.
The initial play ensued with a lot of splashing and chasing--- the starlets doing the majority of the squealing, and Austin and Richard doing quite a bit of playful bikini removal, and slightly erotic innuendo.
Tracy felt not just her barely twenty rather sheltered years, but her discomfort escalated as she noticed Richard's glassy eyes--- and the bottles of beer on the side of the pool. Not that she hadn't expected it. She shrugged inwardly. She was--
She knew--
A prude, and naive, and a party pooper. Always had been. Something about being raised with abusive alcoholic parents had turned her off of this kind of party revelry. Casey had completely broken her of her snobbery and she did her level best to ignore other people's preferences. But she admitted to herself that it didn't make her comfortable in their presence, especially with two now naked girls in the tub with them, and the amount of fondling going on.
Somebody asked Raine about the trouble in the Middle East and if he stood the risk of being deployed if it heated up. Her ears perked up, wondering for the first time what that would mean for their fledgling relationship. He admitted that it was very likely he'd be called onto active duty if war was declared. They speculated about the consequences and likelihood which shed a gloomier pallor over the occupants of the hot tub--- although it looked like Austin was going to seal the deal on the far side.
She heard music in her head---- for Raine's touch--- for Richard's eyes regarding her circumspectly as he fondled and kissed his starlet--- for the fascinating and somewhat disgusting moans and grunts coming from the obviously engaged couple.
"I'm cooked." She announced abruptly, and Richard let go of Marie just as abruptly.
"You just got out here." He shoved the girl to his side and adjusted his shorts comically. Tracy's brows lowered, and Raine took his own hands off her.
It was clear they were all--- including Raine--- baffled.
"I was thinking of promising a back massage to anyone who will throw themselves into the snow right now--- with me, of course."
"The polar dip?" Raine laughed.
"That would be in ice water." She returned, giving him her sexiest enigmatic grin. "This is a variation."
"Have you ever done it?" Richard challenged, keeping his naked starlet at bay, his eyes still very intent.
"Have you?"
"More than once, hot shot." He hefted himself to the edge of the tub, legs dangling, ready if she was.
"I dare you to go first." She pushed herself up and saw every single person in the pool assess her very strange bathing suit. More than four pairs of eyebrows rose to the uncovered stars in amazement.
"It's more fun at the same time." Richard coughed to cover his outright laugh as she stood on the upper step, waiting, poised.
"I thought you had to be buck naked." Raine pushed himself all the way out, as Tracy held Richard's eyes defiantly. He kept his arms on the side, really assessing her.
She figured he had just realized that it wasn't the pool but the company that offended her. Austin's unashamed groans of ecstasy were drowned as she leaned over and splashed them. "Take it upstairs!"
Raine steeled himself, took several deep breaths and grabbed Tracy around the waist, scooping her into his arms easily, he slipped and slid over to the snow covered steps leading to the deeper snow pile.
"Raine Maverick! This isn't how it's done!" She screamed, thrashing about like a raving banshee, screams echoing off the balcony. Everyone either jumped out, or stopped what they were doing--- even mid-carnal pleasures--- to watch their advent into the frozen north.
"Don't throw me!" She screeched, as he lowered her several times, barely skimming her backside against the ice, and then bringing her back to his chest.
"The guy's got abs." Austin said in appreciation, hefting himself and his shorts to the ledge.
Tracy twisted right as Raine hit the deeper snow. Both of them audibly caught their breath at exactly the same time, and then as he pitched forward, they both screamed. Raine let her go and she fell headlong into the snow, face first, knees and arms flailing off balance. As she braced herself for impact, she grabbed handfuls of snow and threw it at his retreating back.
He didn't make it back to the veranda before Richard and Austin were grappling with him, pushing him back toward her. Raine fell sideways as Tracy reached for the deck, and she whitewashed his face with the white fluff, and then threw more at the two laughing faces on the porch.
Raine gathered Tracy back into his arms and lifted her against him, returning to the hot tub as fast as he could. He jumped in with her in his arms and splashed everyone around. The shock of the heat after the extreme cold made them both scream again. It was like needles sticking them. Tracy went under and came up sputtering as Raine grabbed her face, half under water and pulled her to him. She thought he was going to kiss her, but then he head-locked her and rubbed his knuckles on her forehead as if she were his little brother. She squirmed and laughed really hard before he let her go.
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