
She looked around nervously. The front pews were taken up with several large families, so she and Danny, dressed in his little boy suit with the yellow shirt and blue and gold bow tie he was so proud of, sat a few rows back. She tried to stay still, listening to the prelude music, watching the Bishop greet people as they came in, but she fidgeted.

She had always been unable to sit perfectly still.

She had the required diaper bag filled with baggies of cheerios and cut up grapes. She had coloring books, a couple of toys and a felt notebook with pop ups she'd made for him to play with and stay quiet during church. Kirk and Coral didn't come with her, but that was okay.

She'd asked Raine to come, and he'd rather unexpectedly said he would. That gave her butterflies in her stomach. It had been twenty-four hours since they last spoke-- since they sat at the end of the pier in that teeny tiny snack bar with two tiny round tables and drank hot chocolate and told stories. But he hadn't been far from her thoughts.

She stared ahead and then risked a glance back over her shoulder, looking for the tall dark haired lieutenant she'd invited.

As she did, a hand clapped on her neck and a little voice cried in astonishment, as Danny scrambled up from the floor where he'd been running his "guys". "Daddy!"

Tracy swiveled too fast and made herself dizzy. Seriously, dizzy.

The hand pinched her cruelly. Tracy jerked away, her annoyed glare piercing his hostile eyes. "Keep your hands off me!" She hissed and scooted away from him as Danny climbed over her lap to sit on Casey's.

"Well, aren't you the sweet little church girl, all dressed in pink and white up to the neck and down to the calves? You don't even slightly resemble the rocker girl I made you." Casey whispered in her ear so no one else could hear. His arm lay along the back of the wooden pew and his eyes were calmly on the stand where the Bishop had just stood up to conduct.

Tracy shuddered in her seat, jerking her shoulders to get away from him. The last thing she needed or wanted right now was attention from Casey. Her anger at his callous treatment of her two days ago had not abated, and the image of Danny as she'd found him yesterday morning: alone, neglected, was still stamped on her brain.

A funny feeling overcame her as the place on her other side was suddenly occupied by none other than Raine Maverick. Their eyes met and his were troubled, seeing the possessive hand cupping her shoulders.

Tracy blinked in perplexion and then grabbed Casey's fingers, squeezed them too tight and placed them on his own lap, then she reached for Danny and forcefully took him out of his father's arms. The hands stayed where she'd put them as Casey's eyes roamed casually but intently over Raine's imposing physique, and his obvious proximity to Tracy. The Bishop started speaking.

Danny was showing his dad the new Voltron "guys", and Tracy was smoothing his clothing, trying to turn him away, as the organ started playing and the chorister stood to lead the hymn. Danny held his hand ready, as this action caught his attention. His mommy always moved his hand in time to the chorister's.

Raine's eyes slid to hers. She'd never felt as warm around a guy as she did right then. She knew her cheeks were flaming, and her eyes were luminous. The emotional war inside was unbearable meaning an instant migraine was coming on.

She didn't reach for the hymnal, but looked over as Raine opened his. Casey had opened one also. Tracy ignored him.

Raine's voice was tenor as he sang the part. Tracy drew in her breath sharply as his calm permeated her exterior. He was nothing if not calming to her. He moved slightly closer in order for her to see over the bulk of child pulled tightly to her side, half standing, half leaning against her fingering the lace at her neck.

He wore an amused expression, if not a downright curious one. And Tracy knew he was reminded that she'd said Casey brought on her headaches.

On the other side Casey was singing in his very polished and professional, signature voice unusual in a crowd where mostly everyone sang fairly quietly so as not to overpower each other. But Casey was instantly threatened by the appearance of a man in their row. And because she had leaned toward this man-- and sang with this man-- Casey had determined to outshine said man in all ways.

Tracy rolled her eyes.

Danny was oblivious to the drama playing out so close to him. He ran his little car over Tracy's shoulder and down her back. He ran it over his dad's arm which attempted numerous times to enfold his Mommy, but she was having none of it. He tried to lay his hand on her upper thigh, perhaps take her fingers when she adjusted the weight of their son. She jerked away without any pretense at all, till he finally gave up-- got up-- and left.

By that time the first meeting was over.

"So, we go to Primary." Tracy told Raine as they stood.

"Is this your home ward?" He knew she said she lived in Idaho, and went to college there.

"No. But it is Danny's."

"That man was Casey, I take it? Not too pleased with you."

She quirked her brows at him and shrugged as she hefted the diaper bag and the boy. She paused one second to look around at the familiar faces, familiar waves, familiar greetings as people filed past on their way to other meetings. With acute longing in her eyes she ate the sight up, wishing not for the first time that people knew her that well, accepted her, wanted her. But they did know her-- and knew she was a visiting celebrity and basically left her alone.

She noted that two rows back Jake was seated, busting the buttons on his navy blue suit. His salute to her was acknowledging. Not unpleased. She nodded and took Danny into Sunbeams.


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