[o6] Mad All the Time

"Her heart beats red wine, my toxic valentine.  Lays her halo on the pillow that used to be mine."

They were at a hotel.

After the show, the bands all headed to a hotel because, even though the next venue was not very far and they could've arrived overnight, the weather forecast warned them that it would be storming in a couple of hours. They didn't want to take any chances.

Colby had his own room, and after getting everything put away, he went in search of Carrie.

Most of Toxic Valentine had decided to check out the hotel's bar once they got things situated, but Carrie had declined their invitation.

When he found her room, he knocked on the door. A few seconds later, Savannah opened the door.

She raised an eyebrow. "Carrie's not here."

"Do you know where she is?" Colby asked.

"She said she was going up to the roof," She replied. "If you're about to go up there, make sure she doesn't stay too long. We don't want her out there when it starts storming."

"I'll make sure to do that," He replied. Savannah simply nodded, then shut the door.

Colby left, finding an elevator and going as high as it would take him. In order to get to the roof, he needed to go up a flight of stairs.

He'd only had to go up stairs once since his surgery, and he knew the main reason he had managed to make it up was because Saraya had been making fun of him, and he wanted to prove her wrong.

Saraya wasn't there, though, so he had to climb the stairs without her crude remarks. Luckily, he wasn't in nearly as much pain as last time, and while it was difficult to climb the stairs with crutches, it was easier than before.

He opened the door, stepping out onto the roof. There was a slight breeze, but it wasn't causing any problems, so he could understand why Carrie was up here.

He spotted her almost immediately, sitting down near the edge, a notebook in her lap and a pencil in her hand. She was looking down, and hadn't noticed Colby had arrived.

As he approached her, she began to hear his crutches hitting the ground. She looked up, saw it was him, and smiled.

"Hey," She greeted.

"Hey," He said back. "What are you doing up here?"

"Writing," She said, motioning toward the notebook in her lap. "It's quiet up here, and as much as I love the girls, they can get loud really quick."

"Do you have a lot written?" He asked.

She shrugged. "Not with this song. I just started writing it. But I've got three songs written so far. We're wanting to get back in the studio when this tour is over, so I started writing before we even started. Lindsay is going to sing the lead on a few songs, so she's also writing, but not as much as me."

Colby nodded. "Am I interrupting?"

"No," She said, shaking her head. "I need a break, anyway. Everything I've come up with sounds really cliché. I need to call Sam at some point; hearing his voice usually helps when I'm writing something."

"Sam?" He hadn't heard that name before.

"My boyfriend," She said. "He has a normal job, so he couldn't come on tour with us. I don't get to see him in person for another two weeks, so I've been calling him whenever I'm not busy."

"Oh." He paused. "So, um... Where are you guys from?"

"Tampa," She replied, smiling. "We're Florida natives, just like A Day to Remember."

"Must be why I like y'all so much," He said, smirking.

"Or it could be our charm and good looks," Carrie joked, smirking right back at him.

"You do look nicer than Jeremy," Colby pointed out.

"That must be why they let me sing on If It Means a Lot to You," She said. "To distract from his face."

Colby laughed. He felt something wet hit his face, and a few seconds later, it was sprinkling.

"Hey, let's get inside," He said. "Don't want to ruin your notebook."

Carrie stood up, shutting the notebook. "Yeah, you're right. Come on."

Once they were inside and had shut the door, she said, "Bet I can beat you down the stairs."

Colby stopped walking and gave her a look, which she saw when she turned to look at him. She glanced at his crutches.

Her eyes widened. "Oh, right. Sorry." She took a step down the stairs. "I'll let you win, if you want."

He just rolled his eyes.


"Why would I know that Carrie has a boyfriend?"

Saraya sounded both annoyed with Colby, and exhausted after the match she had just finished minutes before he called her.

"You're the one who dragged me to their concert," Colby pointed out.

"I met Carrie when you met her," She explained. "And I'd only talked to her once before that, for a few minutes before Kevin took the phone back."


"So, back off, okay?" Saraya told him. "She has a boyfriend. Let her live her life; she obviously likes this guy if she's writing songs about him. Just be happy for her."

"I am happy for her," He protested, frowning. "I just didn't know she had a boyfriend, so it caught me off guard. That's all."

"Yeah, sure." He couldn't see her, but Colby could tell that she just rolled her eyes. "Now, I have to go. Next time you call me, it better not be because someone has a boyfriend. Good bye, Colby."

Before he could respond, she hung up the phone.

Colby sighed, dropping his phone in his lap. He wasn't even sure why he cared so much about Sam. He didn't even know the guy, and he'd only known Carrie for a couple of days.

He wasn't even looking for a relationship, especially after his nasty breakup with Zahra. Saraya seemed to think he had a crush on Carrie, and for all he knew, she could be right. But she had a boyfriend, and he was going to respect that, because she didn't even like him like that anyway.

And he didn't have a crush on her.

He just wished she would write songs about him.


I'm really bad at writing songs and stuff, so I don't know if I'll actually include the song about Sam. xD Sorry about that.

Also, I decided to post the playlist for this story, so if you're interested in the songs I'm naming the chapters after, you should check it out. (There's at least 2 songs that actually get played on the radio lol)

Anyway, let me know what you thought! :)

(PS: check out the song at the top because it's super good + I just discovered the band and they're super good + it's what the chapter is named after.)

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