It had been a couple of weeks since the shooting and things in Beverly Hills had returned...somewhat normally. The boys had been off running drills nonstop for whatever important game was coming up. While Luna and Liv had been trying their best to heal from the trauma they had endured that night along with Spencer who was doing his best to get back into football.
Layla approached the two girls at their locker. "Hey, what are you two still doing here?"
Liv shut her locker to glance at her. "Uh, we've been talking to the counselor a couple of days a week since the, you know..."
"Yeah, I love Ms. Bailey," Layla shrugged. "She's great."
"Agreed," Luna grabbed her backpack off of the floor and slipped it over her shoulder. "She listens to me ramble on about literally everything."
"Same," Liv agreed. "It's kind of like a dry run for my podcast material."
"Oh, I listened to the latest episode of your podcast," Layla complimented. "So good. Just keeps getting better and better, Liv."
Liv smiled at her. "Thank you."
"Wait," Luna glanced at Layla. "Why are you still here?"
"Uh, extra credit," Layla answered. "I'm still trying to dig myself out of that hole I dug when I skipped all those classes."
"At least you seem happy," Liv shrugged.
"Well, enough about me!" Layla stressed. "Someone's birthday's coming up. Luna, what are we doing?"
"Wallowing in self-pity," she answered.
"Seriously?" Liv groaned. "Come on, you only turn 17 once."
"What's there to celebrate?" Luna sighed. "This year has sucked. My dad's been a lot more MIA than usual. Pretty sure he just outright abandoned me. I had a boyfriend and then I lost a boyfriend. Oh, and then I witnessed one of my closest friends getting shot and one of the stray bullets hit my arm. So, yeah, not really in the mood to celebrate my birthday this year."
"Okay," Layla uneasily stared at her. "So, are we not allowed to buy you gifts?"
"I will always accept gifts. Especially expensive ones," Luna looked at her friends. "But, if you'll excuse me, I have to get home."
She sent them a wave before running out of the hallway and towards the parking lot. Layla had given Olivia an apologetic smile before dashing right after in hopes of talking to her.
"Luna! Stop walking so fast!"
She stopped in her tracks and turned to face Layla with her eyebrows furrowed. "If this is about my birthday I do—"
"No," Layla cut her off. "It's not about your birthday. It's about the cotillion, I never got the chance to thank you for being there for me that night. Even though, I was probably the world's worst date."
"Oh, I've been on worst dates," Luna joked. "It was nothing, Layla, I...I just wanted to be there for you."
"I appreciate it," Layla smiled softly.
Something inside of Layla ignited as her eyes flickered towards Luna's lips, there was just something about her that was practically screaming kiss me. So, she took a step closer, allowing their noses to practically rub against each others considering they were close in height. Luna inhaled sharply at their closeness, not knowing where Layla was going with this. But, before she could speak a pair of soft lips were pressed up against hers.
Luna pulled away, softly jerking her head back. "We've never done that before..."
"I know," Layla sheepishly glanced at the floor. "It's just you know who you are. You're out and you've had experiences with girls. And I'm—"
"Curious?" she raised her eyebrow. "That's normal, Layla. Trust me. I was in this exact situation not too long ago. And as great of a kisser as you are, you just got out of rehab and you still have feelings for Spencer."
"And you still have feelings for Jordan," Layla sighed, running her hand through her hair. "So this kiss probably complicated things."
"Whatever feelings I may or may not have for Jordan," Luna shook her head. "Don't matter. And I won't tell anyone about the kiss if you don't want me to. It's not my place."
Layla gave her a grateful smile. "Thank you."
Luna's usual creative process had done a complete 180. She usually spent her time in her art room painting her heart away while listening to music in the background. But, it had seemed as if the shooting and literally everything else in her life had caused her to draw a blank. Literally. She hadn't painted, sketched or done anything creative, no matter how much she stood in her room and attempted to do so.
"Luna Ramirezzzz! Where are youuuu!"
Her ears perked up at the sound of JJ's voice bellowing through her empty hallways. She'd be lying if she said she wasn't confused as to what he was doing in her house. The only time he ever came over was either for Asher or for a party.
Jordan guided the blonde over to her art room and pushed the doors open, pointing his finger at her. "Told you, she'd be in here."
"What are you guys doing here?" she squinted her eyes. "And who let you in?"
JJ glanced around the room, nodding in approval as he picked up on of her pieces. "Your housekeeper let us in."
"Remind me to have a talk with her about allowing strange boys into my home," she huffed, turning to face them. "What do you guys want?"
"Well, we heard you haven't been your usual self, lately," JJ sighed. "For obvious reasons. But, we were hoping that you'd come to this frat party tonight. It'll be fun!"
"I don't know, JJ," she shook her head. "I'm sort of busy."
"How long have you been staring at that blank canvas?" JJ planted his hands on his hips.
"Doesn't matter," she argued. "But if you must, 2 hours?"
"See?" the blonde threw his hands up. "You're literally just wasting time. Get up and change out of these sweatpants. We'll be in the car."
She made her way over to them. "You're very persistent, JJ."
JJ grinned, patting her on the back before she made a run for her bedroom to look for an outfit. It's not like it was her first college party so she didn't have too much trouble deciding on an outfit. After she was done making herself look a bit more presentable she made her way out to the driveway and hopped into the backseat of JJ's SUV.
"Uh," Jordan cleared his throat, taking a peek at her. "We're gonna get Ash, Spencer, and Darnell, too."
"Darnell?" she poked her head in between the front seats. "That guy that lives with Spencer?"
"Sounds like you know him," Jordan scoffed. "But, yeah, that's him. Why?"
She settled back into the leather seats and shrugged. "This should be an interesting night."
"Are you like into Darnell or something?" Jordan continued. "Because if that's the ca—"
"Dude," JJ glanced at Jordan, sending him a look to shut up. "This night is supposed to be fun. So...shut up."
Jordan let out another scoff but he kept his mouth shut for the entire car ride. Even after they picked up Asher, Spencer, and Darnell. He could hear Luna and Darnell chatting with each other in the backseat but this night was about having fun and allowing Luna to finally get out of the funk that she's been in since the shooting and he didn't want to ruin it by being jealous. Because let's face it, Jordan Baker messed up first.
Once they arrived at the frathouse Darnell had muttered something about how they would even get in. But, JJ being JJ had waltzed up to the door and did some handshake with a guy and started going on about how he's a legacy there.
"Welcome to Psi Beta Tau!" a guy in an ugly shirt greeted them. "Drinks are everywhere."
"Hey," Asher leaned over to JJ. "How ugly is that dude's shirt?"
"You're asking him?" Luna glanced at Asher. "Have you seen his closet full of floral button-ups?"
"My button-ups are iconic," JJ glared at her. "And that guy's shirt isn't that bad."
"It almost gave me a seizure," Jordan groaned.
Once the ugly shirt guy recognized Darnell as one of the best quarterbacks in the country, he was immediately showered in affection. Creating the perfect distraction for both Spencer and Luna to walk away and over to the bar. Throwing back a shot or two while everyone was preoccupied.
"Look who's getting started without us," JJ walked over to them with the rest of their friends. "Yo, hook us up, Troy. Nice shirt by the way."
"Hey, Spence, this is your night too," Jordan picked up a shot. "We're all really proud of you."
After a couple of more shots, Luna had begun to feel overwhelmed, excusing herself and telling them that she needed some air. Jordan offered to go with her but she turned him down a bit too harshly which she regretted. But, she was quick to blame the tequila for her bluntness.
"Hey, you okay?"
Luna turned around to face the voice and smiled softly. "I'm fine, Darnell. Like I said, I just needed some air."
"You were gone for a while," Darnell pointed out. "Not that I was tracking how long you were gone or anything."
"Stalker much," she playfully stated. "I'm kidding."
Darnell quickly made his way over to the couch she was sitting on and sat beside her, allowing for their thighs to touch softly. "So...Luna Ramirez."
"Yes, Darnell Hayes?" she giggled. "Why are we using my whole government name?"
"Because you told me your last name in the car, earlier," he reminded. "We had a nice little conversation, right?"
"Yeah," she agreed. "We did."
"And from what I heard and seen," Darnell let out a soft chuckle. "You're single, now."
"That is also true," Luna shrugged. "Jordan and I broke up. Why?"
"Because when I saw you at the house I thought you were just about one of the prettiest girls I've ever seen," he complimented. "And not to sound too cocky, but I'm almost positive you were checking me out."
"I was checking you out," she confessed. "You're insanely attractive." She wasn't sure if it was the alcohol speaking or what as she blurted out the next words. "And not to sound too forward, but you keep looking at my lips. So, are you gonna kiss me or what?"
Darnell was taken aback by her question but he didn't seem to mind. He pushed a stray hair away from her face, pulling her face into his hands, and allowed for their lips to touch. He could taste a faint hint of tequila as their lips melted against each other. And as much as Luna wanted to keep kissing him something inside of her had made her push him away.
"I'm sorry," she blurted out. "The kiss was completely my idea but I'm sorry."
"It's fine," Darnell nodded. "Something's holdin' you back. ex?"
She let out a scoff. "No. We broke up a couple of months ago. I'm...I'm over him."
"That's why you couldn't keep kissing me," he raised his eyebrow. "Look, that dude's in love with you and you're clearly not over—"
"What did you just say?" she twisted her face up. "Jordan's not in love with me."
"Spencer told me that it was Jordan's idea to invite you to this party to get your mind off of the shooting," Darnell shoved his hands in his pocket. "I mean this was clearly a guy's night...and he invited his ex-girlfriend. Did you even notice that they didn't bother inviting any of your other friends?"
Luna bit down on her bottom lip, letting the words sink into her brain while Darnell had walked back into the house. She stayed there for a minute thinking about what the hell just happened, she had the most attractive guy kissing her and she pushed him away like an idiot. Then her phone began to vibrate with a text message from Spencer, informing her that they had been kicked out of a party, yet again.
Asher threw his hands up, watching her slip out the front door. "Where the hell have you been?"
"The back patio," she shrugged.
"You guys coming?" Jordan pointed at JJ's car.
Luna slipped her heels off of her feet and let out a dramatic sigh, heading straight for the sidewalk. "I think I need to walk."
"Beverly Hills is the opposite direction, sweetheart!" Jordan yelled.
Her heart began to beat at the nickname she had grown to love before she could even glance at him, Asher tugged on her arm. Guiding her in the right direction, the two complex teens both clearly needed a walk to clear their minds.
"I kissed Darnell," Luna blurted out.
Asher stopped in his tracks, bringing his hand down his face as if she was causing him literal stress. "I think I'm still drunk. Did you just say you kissed Darnell?"
Luna nodded, nervously fiddling with her heels in her hand. "I kissed him! Actually...I've kissed two people, today, Asher. Am I a...slut?"
"Who else did you kiss?" Asher scrunched his face up.
"I can't tell you," she shook her head. "But, they were of the same sex."
"Hmm," Asher let out a sound of amusement. "Well, I don't think you're a slut if you kiss two people in one day. Are you a little too friendly with your lips? Yes. But, I'm not one to speak."
"Jordan's your best friend, right?" she glanced at him for clarification. "Is he in love with me? Because that's what Darnell said."
"Yes," he answered, honestly. "He's been in love with you since...forever."
"Do you think I made a mistake when I broke up with him?" she questioned.
"As Jordan's best friend, I wanna say yes," Asher sighed. "But, as someone who cares about you, I think you made the right decision. I mean Jordan hurt you and you shouldn't be with someone you can't trust. But, if you want to be him then you should try. He clearly won't give up."
She shook her head, pulling her phone out of her purse, and tapped on the Uber app.
"Are you gonna go after him?" Asher perked up.
"No," Luna sighed. "My mind's not straight. We're going home."
"Actually," Asher stopped her. "I've got somewhere else to go."
Luna sent him a knowing look. "Tell my best friend I said hi."
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