The past two weeks had felt like an endless loop of absolutely nothing. Jordan had been sulking over his recent news about not being able to play football for the remainder of his senior year. Luna had tried her best to be a supportive girlfriend and reach out to her boyfriend but he wanted nothing to do with her and sent her multiple messages telling her to stay away from him.
So she went on with life as she normally would, going to school, attending cheer practice, and checking in with Liv to ask how Jordan was doing since clearly, he wasn't going to talk to her while he was in a funk.
Luna spent her free Saturday afternoon completing her unfinished college applications. She had been putting them off for a while but since she had all of this free time, she decided to work on them and she was even able to put the art portfolio that Jordan had put together to good use.
Asher walked into her room. "Hey, cousin."
"I thought we discussed this whole "cousin" thing," she squinted her eyes at him.
"You discussed," Asher pointed at her. "I just listened. Anyway, are you doing anything important right now?"
"If you count sending in my college applications important?" Luna sighed. "But, I just finished them up. So, what's up?"
He curiously peeked at her laptop. "What schools?"
"Don't worry about it," she scoffed. "Do you need something or did you just come here to bother me?"
"Have you talked to your boyfriend, lately?" Asher asked. "Or heard from him at least?"
"I've left him a few messages but he told me he would like to be left alone," Luna shrugged. "But, Mrs. Baker's been sort of texting me and asking if I'd go see him. I'm just a little hesitant."
"Well, isn't that convenient?" he raised his eyebrow. "His dad texted me asking me if I'd check on him. Do you wanna come with me?"
She rested her head against the wall. "I don't know. He made himself pretty clear on wanting me to stay away."
"Come on, I'm sure he misses you," Asher guilt-tripped her. "Plus, he's all alone and he just got some pretty devasting news."
Luna debated the idea in her head but eventually gave in. "You're lucky I don't have any plans."
She hopped off of her bed and slipped on some shoes, grabbing her keys off of her dresser and gestured towards the staircase. Despite Asher driving himself over to her house, Luna had insisted that she drive them over to Jordan's place, just so she could have the option to leave whenever she wanted to.
As they approached the front door, JJ had joined them. Leaving them in an awkward silence since there was still some unresolved tension from homecoming between Asher and JJ.
Jordan swung the door open, visibly getting annoyed once he saw them. "Why are you guys here?"
Luna gave him a sarcastic smile. "Your parents asked Asher and I to check on you."
"Big, J," JJ greeted him in a more upbeat tone. "What's up, brother?"
Jordan let out a frustrated sigh as he walked over to the couch and resumed his video game. "My parents text you, too?"
"Uh, nah," JJ denied. "Spencer called, but I was gonna swing by anyway."
"Well, newsflash, gentlemen...and lady," Jordan's eyes remained on the television. "I'm fine. So you three can report in and close my door on the way out. Thanks."
"I was gonna hit the field, do some light passing drills or something why don't you join?" Asher suggested.
"No, I'm good."
"Aw, come on, man," JJ sighed. "Hey, I'll even join, too, huh? And I'm sure Luna will be more than happy to watch us. It'll be good to get your body back in shape."
Jordan snapped. "JJ, why don't you focus on getting your body back in shape and, I don't know figure out how to not suck so bad as QB1 so we don't lose another game?"
"Damn," Asher whistled.
Luna's eyes bulged out of her head. "Jordan, what the hell's wrong with you?"
"I don't even know why you're here," Jordan turned to face her. "I thought I made myself pretty clear when I told you to leave me the hell alone. Go!"
Tears began to well in her eyes, Luna wasn't an emotional person but hearing the tone that came from her usually loving boyfriend definitely struck a nerve. "You're a dick."
It took everything in Asher not to reach over and beat the hell out of Jordan once he noticed that she was crying. But, that probably wouldn't end well so instead he just shook his head and ran after the emotional girl who was already waiting for him in the car. "Sorry about him."
"I told you coming here was a bad idea," she scoffed.
Asher nodded. "You were right."
Luna let out a sigh, glancing at him. "It's been like, three weeks. Why are you and JJ still being weird?"
"Because he's still upset!" Asher groaned.
"He's your best friend, I'm sure he'll come around," she optimistically stated. "Also, it's kind of his fault he made up this whole fake relationship with Vanessa in his mind. When everyone around clearly saw that she was into you and vice-versa. Just give him some time."
"Same goes for Jordan," Asher softly punched her on the arm. "Football's his whole life, he just needs some time to adjust."
Luna nodded her head as she pulled her car into the garage. Instead of Asher going in the opposite direction and heading into the direction of the driveway, he followed her into the house, causing her to suspiciously eye him over her shoulder.
"Dude...what's going on? You have a house, for once in your life, go there!"
Asher gasped. "I'm just grabbing a water and I'm on my way out."
"Next stop on the Jordan Baker apology tour: my gorgeous girlfriend Luna Ramirez!"
Luna turned her attention away from her television glancing at her boyfriend in the doorway in the doorway of her room, one hand clutching a strawberry milkshake and the other hand sending her a wave, while his face carried a guilty expression.
Luna let out a scoff. "Who let you in?"
"Your dad," Jordan shrugged. "I brought you a peace offering."
She picked up her phone, waving him off. "Put it on my nightstand and then you can let yourself out."
He fully entered her room, setting the drink down on her nightstand, and then moved to sit on her bed. "Babe, I'm sorry. I-I didn't mean to make you cry. I was a major asshole not only to you but, to Asher and JJ. I just didn't want you to see me on the couch and sulking."
"Thank you for apologizing," Luna set her phone down, glancing at him. "I'm sorry you're going through a hard time but taking it out on me is not okay. We're in a relationship we need to be able to communicate and talk about how we feel. Not just push each other away and be an asshole about it."
"So, am I forgiven?" a soft smile appeared on his face. "I'll do anything, I'll get on my knees and beg if I have to."
"Yes, you are forgiven," she sighed. "But, I wouldn't mind seeing you on your knees begging for my forgiveness."
Jordan raised an eyebrow at her. "I'd rather see you on your knees. Come on, when was the last time we did anything?"
"You think you get to make me cry and then have sex with me?" Luna pushed his shoulder. "Think again, Baker."
Jordan stretched out on his back, wrapping his arm around her. "Yeah, I deserve that one."
"Oh!" Luna perked up. "Guess what you missed while you were acting like a dick?"
"Again, I'm sorry," Jordan frowned. "But, what did I miss?"
"Simone apologized to me the night of the game," she informed him. "We even had lunch together at school the other day. She's not that bad."
Jordan shot up from his position on her bed and widened his eyes, turning his head to look at her. "Hold up, hold up. Simone Hicks? The girl that you threatened to slap? She...She apologized to you...and you forgave her?"
"Yes, she apologized to me for basically breaking us up," Luna nodded. "And then I apologized for threatening to slap her."
He pinched his eyebrows together. "So, what, you two are friends now?"
"Yes," Luna confirmed. "So, watch out because if you speak to me the way you did earlier. I might just ditch you for her."
Jordan rolled his eyes, used to her playful jokes. He rolled over and hovered over her, leaning down and brushing his lips against the shell of her ear. "You can threaten to leave me for all the guys and girls in the world but..." he softly squeezed her side. "No one can properly please you the way I do."
Luna inhaled sharply, wiggling underneath him. "I really hate you."
"I love you so much," Jordan cheekily smiled.
liked by simonehicks and 1530 more
jordanbaker i love you❤️
lunaramirez i expect you to be kissing my ass for at least 2 weeks🥰
→jordanbaker ill do more than kiss your ass😼🤰🏻
→lunaramirez that sounds like a threat...😭
livbaker ignoring the fact that you stole my girl..you two are cute🙄
→lunaramirez you're still my ride or die😘
spencerjames nice👍🏾
→jordanbaker why do you comment like a 50 year old man🤨
→lunaramirez leave spencer alone😡
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