
Unfortunately we had to take flight

"Why is that creepy dude here?"jay spoke looking at me

"Un-i mean Master Chen wanted me to compete this round" i spoke

All elemetal was arguing who is competing but Neuro was panicking saying he can't stand highs and questions where's Chen and there is he's on screen explaining to get a uninvited quest but i know already why i was there.could it be close figured out about that mysterious ninja?

And all had to get parachutes but i.i have my own tricks so i decided to teleport to ground and desiced to hunt down Lloyd Garamdon

Kaia's Pov:

"since they looking after me and not you i desiced a plan.that Samurai X symbol will lead where i am going and where u going is footsteps"Nya spoke

"Sounds like a plan"i spoke and we both went our way.the separate way

Orano's pov:

"Save ur energy it's best not to draw attention" Garamdon spoke to his son

"And that's the part where you failed"i stepped out of woods a bow in my hand.arrow was full of sleep drug"

"Clouse has scared you enough.scared of life.i heard what happened"Garamdon spoke to me

"What do you mean?"i spoke

"That the reason why you hunting us is because you're afraid to fail you're teacher.and what comes after that"he spoke,i slowly put the bow down

"You're right,but i have no choice"i sighed

"You have a choice, Ayatsuru,the choice to be with us instead after  us,so how about we start again,as friends"Lloyd spoke

"Fine"i spoke destroying a tracker on my feet"now you're safe"

And we keeped following the
Weird symbol

And Garmadon spoke his story, until i Heard about letter

"Let me tell you something what i think about love.its stupid, because once you found that one you truly love and when she tries to get close to you're heart she would do anything just to break it,and falling for someone because of stupid letter?how pathetic you old people can be"

Garamdon sighed"you propaly never experienced love"

"You're right i haven't but by stories i heard i am afraid to fall in love because maybe that would happen"

"Maybe one day you find one"Lloyd spoke and Garamdon countied his story

"Even after all this time you never told Wu about you're past with Chen?"Lloyd questioned

"What would i have said,i would have lost you're mother as well as my brother not to mention-"Garmadon panicked

"Someone once told me you need to control you're fear and not let fear control you"Lloyd spoke

Now that's a advice i will put behind my ear

"You're right,once we put all of this behind us I'll make things right but first we need to find Nya,come on"Garmadon spoke

I stopped and felt like something's wrong.very very wrong"Clouse is close,you must go...NOW!!!i will hold him back"i yelled at garmadon and Lloyd as i runned away and hided behind the tree,and i saw clouse fighting with that same ninja i failed to capture

"Okay who the hell puts an EYEshadow on a moustache,and who even gave you premission to use that like this?that gotta be crime aganist make-up Santa Clouse"

She succefully dodged every blast Clouse was trowing

"And why does Orano even have an tracker on his left leg when you can litteraly summon Portals everywhere?like you did to ronin and me back there when i fought with you're student?"

So that's what she saw earlier,but how did she knew i had tracer on my left leg

She gave her sharp kick into nutz

"i Waited FIVE YEARS FOR THIS and it was worth it" she yelled from victory

"You're black magic can't help you now"she spoke

I did shot her with my bow and poisonous arrow and my teacher seemed to get little effect of that so i helped my teacher so i teleported him back to our house and placed him to bed with my teleportation.i just wonder how i gonna explain Uncle Chen that accident.

"Ayatsuru?"Clouse looked at me

"Damn you just got you're butt kicked by a child.congratulations master"i spoke trying to annoy him

"Why did you save me?why didn't you let her kill me after all the bad things i done to you?"Clouse questioned

"What was i supposed to do?let you rot?you was right what you said earlier.that without you i would be just a poor orphan on try streets and you know what, you're right,if you wouldn't keeped me what i would turned into?"i spoke

"Thank you,son"Close spat before getting sleep

I was amazed about what Clouse just called me.he called me son?but now if i wonder little about this "Kaia Devorak" if what she said is true that were siblings than how does she happend to have all fancy stuff,that black-purple gi,these fans and those katanas,she mentioned that she stole from Ronin but she would been already caught by now by Ronin,okay she said she knows some old lady but also she grew to be a thief?i had suspicious feelings for her

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