03 | early thoughts
A/N: Here's a heads up that outcomes for each match have been chosen! I used a website to generate brackets and randomly decide the winner of each match, that way everyone had a fair shot. All that's left now is to watch it play out ;)
Also, the art of Kira was done by @MelLatte on Amino.
The Elemental Masters mill around the Chow House late that morning, grabbing food from the buffet before settling down. Some chat with each other, curious to get to know their fellow Masters, while others keep to themselves. The Ninja Team sits at the far end of the room, all five ninja and Garmadon crammed into a single booth.
"Chen can't seriously do this, can he?" Cole looks urgently to their Sensei. "I mean, pitting two of us against each other? That's a low blow."
Garmadon's expression is grim. "On his island, he can do whatever he pleases."
"I figured Chen had it out for us, but this is ridiculous," huffs Lloyd. "He's not even trying to be subtle." Beside him, Kira remains silent, dragging her spoon through her noodles with misty eyes.
"I fear this particular stunt isn't to strike at you, but me." Garmadon's voice is tight with guilt. "As the pupil that betrayed him so long ago, it only makes sense Chen would want to get back at me. And what better way to do that than to strike at my students? At my own son?"
"So...he's hurting them to hurt you?" Jay concludes. Garmadon nods. Kira whimpers and drops her spoon, biting her lip, and Lloyd presses against her.
"That's so screwed up," Kai huffs. "Who does that guy think he is?"
"Don't worry." Lloyd sets his jaw. "We're gonna find Zane and get off this island before any of us have to face each other."
A proud smile flickers on Garmadon's face. "That's my boy."
"Well, you know what'll lift our spirits in the meantime?" Jay asks with a mile-wide grin. "More socializing! We're surrounded by people like us, so let's make the most of it!"
He grabs his food tray and takes off, and Kai and Cole follow, albeit with some exasperation. "I'll, um...just stay here," Kira mumbles. Lloyd stays with his girlfriend, knowing she's never been the social type.
"Lloyd?" she whispers. "Fighting you is the last thing I ever want to do."
"Don't worry." Lloyd gives her hand a reassuring squeeze. "You won't have to. I promise."
While the couple eats with Garmadon in tense silence, the other Ninja have spread out around the Chow House, engaging in various conversations. Jay's found a place with Taylor and has struck up a conversation easily, talking and laughing with her in no time at all.
"Okay, how 'bout this one?" Taylor says. "Why do seagulls fly over the sea?"
"Why?" Jay asks through a mouthful of noodles.
"Because if they flew over the bay, they'd be bagels!"
Jay all but explodes with laughter, nearly doubling over as he clutches his sides. "Hey, that was pretty good!" he giggles. "What other material you got?"
"Oh, plenty." Taylor smiles, her blue eyes glinting. "Ooh, here's a good one! So a Serpentine slithers into a bar..."
A short distance away, Samuel and Ray sit side-by-side in another booth, with Ivan and Razhai across from them. "I wonder just how much of those riches the winner will get," Ivan says through a bite of their rice cake. "I mean, this guy's practically a king. He's gotta be loaded, right?"
"Your guess is as good as mine." Razhai shrugs her muscular shoulders. She observes Ivan with curious crimson eyes. "No offense, but you don't seem like the type who likes fighting. What's someone like you doing in a place like this?"
"I'm here for my parents." Ivan shifts in their seat, gaze flickering to the ground. "They won't admit it, but they've always struggled with money. If I win, they'll be set for life."
"Sounds like your parents and I are in the same boat," Samuel remarks. "I need money to move out and get an apartment, ASAP."
"What's wrong with the home you've got?" Razhai asks. Beside Samuel, Ray cocks their head, fixing them with an inquisitive look.
Samuel's face darkens a little. "Home's not the best place for me and Noodle." They gesture to the little snake, who's currently relaxing on their shoulder. Ray nods with understanding, their expression sympathetic as they reach out and give Samuel a comforting pat on the back. Samuel flashes them a grateful look.
"Oh, I'm so sorry." Guilt is evident on Razhai's face. "I didn't mean to bring up a sore subject..."
"No, it's okay. You didn't know." Samuel musters a weak grin. "I, um...noticed you've been staring at Noodle, by the way. You can pet him if you want."
"Really?" The master of time looks to Samuel timidly. "You're sure?"
"Of course. He loves attention."
Opening their palm, Samuel releases a tiny gust of wind, just strong enough to lift Noodle into the air and carry him across the table. The little snake lands gently in Razhai's outstretched hands, and she gives him a tentative stroke on the head with one finger. He coils around her fingers and flicks his tongue happily at her, making her giggle. Ivan, Ray, and Samuel can't help but smile.
On the other side of the Chow House, Kai and Cole sit across from Rain and Katlain. The masters of fire, animals, and earth converse casually, while the master of illusions nibbles on an egg roll, content to observe them rather intently.
"So, uh..." Kai directs his attention to Rain's animal features, "...are those real?"
Cole elbows him sharply in the side, earning an indignant squawk. "Dude! You can't just ask people if their body parts are real!"
Rain's fangs glint as she laughs. "It's okay, I don't mind. And yes, they're real. I'm part wolf and eagle."
"How exactly did that happen?"
Rain shrugs. "Best not to think about it."
Katlain leans forward slightly, looking intrigued. "So you can fly?"
"Mhm. It's not all I can do, but it helps."
"Interesting. What else can you—?"
Rain's digging into her plate before she can finish her question, scarfing it down more than a little hungrily.
"Wow, you're really wolfing that down," Kai remarks. Rain shoots him a look. "Uh, wait, I mean—"
"Smooth." The wolf-eagle snorts, looking slightly embarrassed. "Sorry, my table manners aren't great. Guess that's the animal in me."
"That's okay. Neither are Cole's, and he's completely human."
"He does snore like an animal, though."
"So, Master of Illusion?" Kai asks, turning his attention to Katlain instead of a very offended Cole. "How does that work? Can you, like, make people see stuff?"
"That's the gist of it, yeah," the dark-haired girl responds. "But there's a lot of focus and power that goes into it. I mean, you're literally altering reality."
"Wow," Cole remarks. "Sounds useful."
She grins, a glint in her black eyes as she winks playfully. "Yeah, so watch out for me."
From their booth, Lemon and Melody watch as Kira and Lloyd head for the buffet together."Awww," Lemon gushes. "Aren't those two just adorable?"
Melody smiles. "They sure do have chemistry."
"I mean, they're kind of sickening in my opinion," Apollo remarks as they walk past, a bit of a bounce in their step. "Personally, I'm hoping one of them loses, and I'm bettin' on the Green Ninja."
"I don't know if you've noticed, but he's...well, the Green Ninja. He's more powerful than, like, all of us combined," Melody points out. "I wouldn't want any trouble with him."
"That's exactly why he needs to go!" Apollo insists. "The sooner he's out, the better for the rest of us, right?"
"Why so negative?" Lemon frowns. "We're not enemies here. What happened to friendly competition?"
"You heard Chen! Only one can remain."
"You sound like you really wanna be that one."
"Of course I do!" Apollo chirps. "I'm one of the strongest fighters here, anyway. Certainly stronger than you, little girl." Lemon flinches and frowns deeper at them, looking indignant.
"Hey, don't talk to her like that!" Melody interjects, scowling at the older fighter. "All she's done is stay positive. Would it kill you to do the same?"
"Yes." Apollo's intense violet eyes snap to her. "And I'd watch who you're talking to if I were you, girly."
She bristles. "I'm not scared of you."
"You should be."
Melody's on her feet in an instant, hands clenched into fists. "Listen, I'm not sure what your problem is, but I will gladly put you in your place—"
"Hey, that's enough!" Lemon slips between the two Elementals and pushes them apart. "The Tournament doesn't start 'till this evening. Until then, there's no need to fight."
There's stillness for a moment. Melody and Apollo keep glaring at each other, neither party willing to back down. It's not until two guards start approaching that Apollo huffs and turns on their heel, stalking away to the nearest corner.
"Thanks for sticking up for me," Lemon says once they're gone. "Some people are just so sour."
Melody scoffs. "Tell me about it."
Rose watches the altercation from a booth of her own. As much as she'd love to socialize with other people, little incidents like that are exactly why she stops herself every time. Truthfully, she's always been a bigger fan of watching people than talking to them. She observes it all from her seat: everyone's faces, their unique features, and little things like the way their voices fluctuate or their mannerisms. Everyone has something special about them, and quite frankly, it's beautiful to her.
"Hey! Rose, right?"
The girl jumps, startled from her thoughts, and looks up to see Taylor grinning down at her.
"Y-yes," she stammers. "That's me. You're Taylor, right? Master of Space?"
"In the flesh." She flashes a friendly smile. "I was talking with Jay and couldn't help but notice you sitting alone. Mind if I join you?" Rose's eyes narrow the slightest bit, but she doesn't object.
"Oh! I meant to tell you earlier, but I love your hoodie! The purple looks great on you," Taylor chirps as she sits down. "Where'd you get it?"
Rose's face falls before she can stop herself. She bites her lip, instinctively starting to fiddle with one of the strings. "It was my sister's," she says carefully.
"Aww, really? What, was it like a birthday present or something?"
"Not exactly. She's...well, not around anymore. This is all I have to remember her by."
"Oh." Taylor's expression softens, her blue eyes flooding with understanding. "I'm so sorry."
"It's okay. Fate isn't always kind to everyone."
"Well, if it helps at all, I know how you feel. My brother and I were separated when we were kids...haven't seen him since." Her eyes start to water and she swipes at them, managing a weak smile. "So I guess we're kind of in the same boat."
"I...I suppose so." Rose takes that in. "I'm sorry about your brother, too. People don't realize how important the love of a sibling is."
"Ain't that the truth."
Rose hesitates. No one has shown her genuine kindness like this in a long time. "Why are you being so nice to me?" she blurts. "I thought we were all here to compete."
Taylor shrugs, smiling despite the hint of tears in her eyes. "Honestly, I don't think we have to be at each other's throats just because we're competing. I mean, this is an opportunity to meet other people like us. Better not to pass it up, right?"
"You do have a point." Rose's lips twitch into a hesitant but genuine smile. "In that case, I wish you luck, Taylor."
"Thanks, Rose. You too."
The two continue to eat, talking casually and comfortably. It's the first meaningful conversation either of them have had in a while.
Back at their booth, Lloyd and Kira share a bowl of noodles. "You know," Kira says as she swallows a small portion, "I'm not sure Chen is the only one who has it out for us."
"What do you mean?"
Her eyes drift to somewhere behind him. Lloyd follows her gaze, his blood running cold as he notices Apollo standing alone in the corner.
"I'm not sure what that person has against me," he says, turning back to her, "but I guess my dad was right. We're Ninja. People will be gunning for us, so we'll need to keep our guard up."
Kira gulps, smiling weakly. "Fun."
After breakfast, the fighters are all led to the guest hall and shown to their rooms. To add further insult to Chen's injury, Lloyd and Kira's rooms are the farthest apart, on complete opposite ends of the hall.
Wonderful, Kira thinks as a flock of Kabuki lead her away from her group.
All of the suites have been personalized to each Elemental's powers and styles. Ray's is dark and shadowy with minimal light, for instance, perfect for a master of shadow. Taylor finds hers is also dark, but has projectors set up around the room, giving the illusion of planets and stars on the walls and ceiling. Rain's suite is decorated with plants and faux trees made to resemble a forest, and Samuel is pleased to find their room includes a terrarrium for Noodle. Kira's is made to look like a cave, with glowing crystals hanging from the ceiling, and...
"A bed made of rock?" she utters, face-palming. "I wanna go home..."
Melody nods approvingly as she looks around her suite. There's plenty of space for her instruments; on top of that, the Kabuki said the walls are soundproof, meaning she can play and sing as loud as she wants without disturbing anyone. The master of music makes her way to the balcony, letting the afternoon breeze cool her skin and rustle her curls.
"Hey! Violin girl!"
Melody turns, startled, only for her eyes to widen. Cole stands on the balcony next door, waving to her. "Oh my gosh," she chokes out. "Y-you're Cole."
"Uh...yeah," the earth ninja responds. "I'm pretty sure I am, at least."
"Sorry, I'm just a huge fan," she smiles, trying to stand still as she tucks a stray curl behind her ear. "So, I guess we're neighbors?"
"Guess so." Cole grins and shifts in place a bit. "I'm curious, by the way. You said your last name's Kelly, right? You wouldn't happen to be related to Ryan Kelly, would you?"
"Yeah, he's my dad."
"No way!" Cole's eyes widen to the size of saucers. "Ryan was, like, the best performer Ninjago's ever seen! My dad was such a big fan, and so was I!" He pauses, expression softening. "I'm, um...really sorry he passed. He had such a bright future ahead of him."
"Ah, it's okay. Stuff happens." Melody shrugs, offering a weak smile. "If I win this Tournament, I'll have the money to follow in his footsteps. Become a musician like he and my mom were, y'know?"
"Aw. Well, best of luck to you, Melody."
"Thanks. You too, earth ninja."
That evening, everyone startles as incredibly loud fanfare starts to blare from the island's speakers. Rain barks in surprise, her tail fur spiking, and Ray almost disappears into the nearest shadow out of fright.
"Attention fighters!" Chen's voice booms over the intercom. "Hidden around my island are enough Jadeblades for every participant...except for one. The one who returns to the palace arena empty-handed loses!"
Kira startles, almost falling out of bed in her panic. It's starting?!
"The Tournament begins in 5..."
Samuel swallows, their entire body trembling. Ivan tries to calm their nerves with a deep breath. Ray braces themself.
Rose shuts her eyes and crosses her fingers. Taylor ties her hair back. Razhai stretches with narrowed eyes. Katlain smirks and readies her powers.
Apollo and Lemon bounce on their feet, both eager for some competition. Rain growls low in her throat, her fingernails instinctively extending into claws. Melody's ears are already open, ready to take in any and every sound.
Cole summons all his strength. Kai feels his fire already burning deep within him. Jay's fingertips crackle with electricity. Kira ties her hair up quickly, praying that her crystals won't fail her, while Lloyd prepares his energy. All five ninja flip up their masks.
The fanfare blares again, and the Tournament of Elements commences.
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