
heyyy :)

so I'm thinking about making an Empires book, would anyone read it? Also, I finally finished Outsiders and I will never recover.

anyway, enjoy! :)


"hello there mister major."

I glance up at the voice, only to see I'm still the only one here. I look around, still not seeing anyone. 

"Hello? Anyone there?" I catch a glimpse of red in the corner. turning, I see nothing, but I know who this is. 

"Joey, I know that's you. I'm sorry you know. just leave me alone." I see another flash of color before it disappears. 

"oh, I know Joey. but I'm not him. you know him too, don't you, Scott." I stand, turning around slowly. "h-how do you know my name? my full name, for that matter. who the hell are you?" I ask nervously. "don't worry about it." "oh, I will worry about it. tell me who the fuck are!" I shout at the mysterious voice. I heard a sigh. "all you need to know is I can bring back lauren." "yeah right. A bodiless voice that I randomly just heard in my head can get lauren back? be for real." I said sarcastically.

"Why yes actually. I could give her a little nudge in the right direction, and she'll come crawling back." "no. if she doesn't like me anymore, I won't force her to. She deserves a good friend, not an evil, short, gay necromancer." I spat. the words hurt, but it was the truth. she deserves an amazing friend who could be there for her. not me. 

"oh really? why not?" "Because I won't do it. now if you excuse me, I want to continue my pity party." I snarked. "what if I did it anyway?" the voice chuckled. I turn slowly behind me, knowing there's not going to be anyone there. sure enough, no one was there. "if you touch her, you're dead. also, you're not really selling your case. If you wanted to convince me, you should have just said your some random weirdo that thinks it can magically change someone's opinion of them." I say bluntly. "get out of my head, I'm done with you." "I'm afraid it doesn't work like that, mister major. you don't get to tell me when you're done. that's my job." it said coolly. 

"yeah, well I don't give a shit. leave." I respond just as coldly. I go to head over to the ladder, done with this conversation. "I'm afraid you can't just leave. you see, I'm in your head." the voice declared. "and where ever you go, I'm always right there. so you see, you can't escape me. I'm you, and you are me. we are the same." "yeah no thank you, I'm good I think." I snarled. I head to the ladder and place my feet on the first rung, but stopped at the next sentence.

"what if Milo were to come back?"

I stop in my tracks. milo? how is that possible? he died 4 years ago, by drowning. if this voice could bring him back...

I could have my life back.

with a heavy sigh, I climb back down. when I reach the bottom, I sigh again and stare at the floor, fidgeting with the piece of dark blue thread in my pocket. after his death, I was really paranoid, and fidgeting with something helped. I always had this thread in my pocket because it was his favorite color. In a way, it reminded me of Shelby. I continue to fidget as I thought about what the voice said. after a while, I spoke.


with a chuckle, the voice responded. 

"let me show you."

with an audible snap, I immediately yelped as I was thrown backward and into a mysterious tunnel, which eventually spits me out on a grassy field with poppies, bluebells, and tulips. 

tulips used to be my favorite flower, I thought as I sat up. running my finger along the petals of a poppy, I notice something. "what.. what the hell?" I exclaim. my black shirt and pants had become a white shirt with a rainbow on it, a green cardigan, and light blue jeans. spotting a pond in the distance, I stand and rush towards it. collapsing near the edge, I stare at my reflection. my jet black hair had become my old curly blond hair, and my eyes were my original light blue instead of dark green. with a gasp, I try to stand only to stumble and fall again. "what the hell is this?" I muttered. I glance around, only to double-take. I just notice the cottage in the middle of the field. I wander over to the little house. As I reach the gate, I notice that it looked... a lot like my house, just with blue and pink instead of black and green.

with a bang, the door flies open. I reach for my pocket, only to find it empty. the spell must have made it disappear. I look up to see brown eyes staring straight at me.


"oh hey sunshine," he laughed. "didn't mean to scare you." I just stared in shock. his smile slowly dropped at my expression, forming a concerned expression. "you ok sunshine? I didn't mean to scare you that bad. By the way, lauren, Cleo, and Eloise are coming over soon. we should probably get the lemonade out. ill add some strawberries for you!" he said, brightening up. 

"yeah I'm fine Milo, don't worry." I manage to say, still in shock. Cleo? Eloise? lauren? how are they here? just then, a little golden retriever rushed out the door and pawed at my legs. I laughed, recognizing the dog. "why hello Maxwell." I muttered, petting my dog. "how are you?" I watched as Milo softly smiled- god how I missed that smile- and went back inside. I sat there for a bit, just petting Maxwell, when I caught the smell of peanuts.

there's no way.

I turn to see 3 figures walking towards the gate, talking to each other. one with long red hair, one with short curly dirty-blond hair, and the third with purple and beige hair.

my friends?

"Scott!" Eloise shouted, tackling me to the ground. Cleo and lauren giggled as Milo emerged from the house holding five glasses of pink lemonade. my favorite. "hey guys! how are you?" he called. "great! I brought sandwiches. you wanted pickles and ham for yours right?" lauren asked. "yes that's perfect! how are the other witches?" "Joey's working on his ice magic, Shelby's with Pris at spawn having a tea party, and Tiff's working in her garden." Cleo said. "I brought the picnic blanket by the way." she added. "and I brought the projector!" Eloise told me excitedly. I grinned. "that's great, let's head over to the tulips. I set up the screen already, but can you help me with the lanterns Cleo?" "Of course," she said as they all started walking over to the field.  standing up, I brush off my jeans and follow behind. but as I reached the beginning of the field, I could move forward. "what- milo! wait!" as I yelled, Milo and my friends disintegrated and disappeared. "no! Please!" I shouted desperately, but it was done. they were gone. I suddenly flew back into the tunnel, finding myself back on the floor of my basement, my regular clothes back.

I felt the tears start running down my face, but I didn't stop them. how could I have been so stupid. of course it was real, this voice was just manipulating me. wiping my tears, I shakily stand. I hear the voice come back. "see what I can do? I can give you your perfect life, your dream. all you have to do is help me with a tiny favor." I pause. "what would that be?" "Oh, just a little potion. that's all you have to do. just make a potion and follow my instructions and I'll grant you your dream life." I think for a second. "that's all? just a potion?" "yes, and all your dreams come true. so, do we have a deal?"

I pause. if I take this deal, I could have everything back. Maxwell, Lauren, Cleo, Eloise...


with a deep breath, I answer with a shaky voice.



soo this happened

hehe :)

sorry this was pretty rushed. anyway, love you all platonically!

also props to you if you found the deal with destiny reference.

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