
I hate boats


three years ago...

I still remember the call.

I remember Quinn calling me in tears, barely able to speak. I remember how I was worried, I thought she was hurt. 

Then she told me.

I remember dropping my phone, my grandma asking what was wrong. running up to my room, collapsing on my bed, sobbing into my pillow for hours, my grandparents trying to get me to eat. I remember it all. but he was gone, and nothing I did could change that. 

Which is why I'm currently walking the deserted streets of Chromia, at nine o'clock at night. I haven't been out of my house for weeks, months even. I'm not sure, the days have been blending together. Owen has been trying to get me out of the house since it happened, and I'm grateful. for that and the hours he spent with me in my room, letting me stay under the covers as we (mostly him) watched movies and ate brownies. but I wasn't grateful for him dragging me out of the house, demanding that I needed fresh air, which is why we're currently walking towards the cafe. he turns to me, giving me his familiar mischievous grin, but there's a hint of sadness. there always is, since the incident. he and Milo were good friends.

"So, what are you going to get?" he asked, trying to make conservation. his hat twitched, probably his ears. ever since the incident, he had taken to hiding his ears under an orange beanie. it's not safe for witches anymore, let alone a hybrid. I sighed. "I don't know. you know I haven't been to a cafe in, what, a year?" "yeah, but there must be something." "Well, I don't have an answer for you, sorry." "you are impossible." "Thanks, I try."

He grinned, elbowing me in the ribs. "there's my favourite Scottish lad." "oh shut it." I rolled my eyes, clutching my stomach where he elbowed me. "Jesus, when did you get so strong?" "I've always been, you just haven't seen my giant muscles." "you've been spending too much time with Krow." his smile faded a little. "they all miss you, you know." I just stared at the concrete in response, ashamed.

Just then, we reached the cafe- with a closed sign on the door. Owen groaned. "oh come on." "Well, I guess I can go home now." I started to walk away, but the brunette grabbed my arm and dragged me away down the street. "absolutely not. come on, we'll find somewhere." "Owen, come on. It's nine o'clock. nothings open." He just shrugged. then, his eyes lit up. his grip tightened, and he almost ran, dragging me behind as I yelped in surprise. "Owen- slow down!" he didn't listen. he just continued walking until we reached a familiar brick building. my heart stopped.


"Scott, come on." Owen said, stepping into Shadows And Spells. "you need to move on." "yeah, but not like this. I'm going home." "Scott please." "you know I can't Owen." I turned to leave. 

"Milo would have wanted you to."

I stopped, taking in his words. I sighed, running a hand through my hair. I turned and walked through the door before I could change my mind. The hybrid was momently surprised, before snapping out of it and closing the door. behind the counter, Mrs. Shadow, or Lizzie as she insists we called her, was tapping at the cash register. her bubblegum pink hair was cropped right above her shoulder, and behind her round glasses peered ocean-blue eyes. her sliver wedding ring shimmered. she got married to the local potter, Joel four years ago. she looked up at the sound of the bell, smiling. "shop closes in ten, be quick." Owen gave a friendly wave and disappeared into the baking section.

I slowly walked through the aisles, scanning the shelves. I hadn't read a book in months, I tried, I really did, but it always hurt my heart, doing something that he loved. I still remember that whenever I came over, he would always be nose deep in a book, tuned out from the world. I would always sneak behind him and scare him, and oh his laugh-

I shook my head, clearing my head. I looked back at the shelves. maybe there was a new mystery, or a graphic novel, or a non fiction. anything really to take my mind off everything. I slid my fingers along the spines, stopping when I noticed something out of place. 

The Complete Book of Necromancy And The Undead

I glanced around, taking in the shelves. this was the kids section. why on earth was that here?

I slowly pulled the book of the shelf, thumbing through the pages. it seemed well worn, little notes in the corners of each page. it almost was if someone left it here for me. I could hear Lizzie calling us, telling us she was closing. I moved to put it back, but something stopped me. I paused. I should have put it back, forgot about it, never even come back to this section.

Instead, I slipped it into my bag.

I slipped out the door, watching as Lizzie locked the door and waved, taking off towards her loved one. me and Owen started home, him with a stack of books clutched in his arms, and me carrying the one thing that would change my life.

For better or worse, that's the question.


well, there you go

the start of scotts emo arc

have you guys seen the ai scar burn covers? because why are they actually really good-

anyways, we're halfway through the book! we're almost done :'D

-milly (hates boats)

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