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°•| Not quite famous 0.1 |•°
- Second Pov -
"Last time on total drama island, although it seemed that the killer bass might finally dodge their pathetic losing streak, they were proven wrong when one of the 'sleeping beauties' got onto the court and with a smart strategy, kicked their asses along side Owen! There were bruises, tears, risky moves and dangerous alliances.
And in the end, it was Tyler, the jock, who didn't see it coming. This week, another challenge will send one more camper on a cruise to loserville population... four. Who will sink, and who will stay afloat? Find out right now, on total. Drama. Island!"
"Okay, this is so- way- beyond, bad. I'm out of fake tanner, already." You woke up to Lindsay's complains, as you rubbed your eyes, looking out to her from your bed. You noticed Gwen got woken up as well, and you noticed her messy bed hair as well, which made you quietly chuckle, considering she was the one making fun of yours the last time.
"Whoa, that's tragic, Lindsay." Gwen remarked sarcastically, holding onto her knees.
"Now I have to actually like suntan, in the sun!" Lindsay complained, dropping all of the empty sun tanners on her bed.
Considering Tyler was the one who got voted out last night, Lindsay didn't seem too bothered by the fact he left. In fact, did she even know about it?
Lindsay then noticed your gaze at her, and her mood immediately lit up.
"Oh hii, [Y/n]!! Good morning!! Do you think I'd look pretty even without skin tan?" She said as she walked up to your bed and placed her hands on the brink of the bed, looking up at you.
You nodded, still tired. "Yeah, tan or not, you'll still be gorgeous, Linds." You told her with a smile making her cheeks turn pink, and eyes widen slightly, as her grin widened
"Really??" She asked to make sure, making you nod to confirm what you said earlier.
"Even if the sun made my skin shriveled and wrinkly?" Lindsay asked again, tilting her head to the side slightly making you nod.
"Mhm.. even if your skin was shriveled and wrinkly." You said, satisfying Lindsay enough to stop complaining, much to Gwen's relief.
°• Lindsay's confessional •°
"Okay, don't get me wrong, I know I am pretty and I always get called pretty, but hearing [Y/n] compliment me feels so.. different!" Lindsay said, holding her knees while sitting on the toilet.
°• Confessional end °•
After you got ready, you walked into the mess hall to get some food for yourself, but considering how late it already was, almost no one was there. Well, no one from your team was there.
"Hey, [Y/n]! Over here!" You noticed Courtney waving you over to her table where she, Bridgette and D.J. sat.
You grabbed your bowl filled with cereals and walked up to them, before sitting next to Courtney while Bridgette was in front of you.
"Oh hey there, [Y/n]." Bridgette said smiling at you while D.J. simply gave you a wave.
"Heya, what were you talking about before I came up to you, guys?" You asked curiously, placing the bowl on the table. You didn't really talk to D.J. and Bridgette before, nor did you pretty much talked to anyone on the opposite team expect Sadie, Katie and Courtney.
"Oh, we were actually just talking about what we think will be the next challenge." D.J. told you, making the two girls nod.
"Yeah, in my opinion, it will be something physical, maybe something like dodgeball." Courtney said eagerly.
"Maybe this time we'll finally beat you." Courtney said with a confident smirk.
"I think it might be something that will have to do with our intelligence. Some kind of puzzle, maybe." Bridgette shrugged and then turned her gaze towards D.J.
"Well, I think it will be something more chill. Like, you know, where we have a chance on finally catching up to your team." D.J. finished, and then they all turned towards you, waiting for you to voice out your opinion.
"Hm.. it might be probably something chill.. I mean, it's eight people against twelve.. Chris would probably.. nevermind I take that back he wouldn't care if you'd loose again." You said with your mouth full and then got interrupted by a loudspeaker.
"All right, campers. Enough beauty sleep. Time to show us what you're made of!" You groaned and then all of you got up and started walking to the place where you were supposed to meet.
"Are we gonna see a musical? I love musicals." Lindsay said while having her hands in her lap. "Especially the ones with singing and dancing." Lindsay chuckled and then when she noticed you, she gave you a wave, following Beth and Izzy giving you also a wave. Heather gave you a glare when she noticed who you were with, making you avoid her gaze.
"Yeesh, what's her problem..?" Bridgette asked you. "I mean, she threw a ball at Tyler the last challenge because he simply waved to Lindsay. Hopefully we're not next on her list now.." Bridgette joked, making you chuckle nervously as you parted away from them.
"Hey, [Y/n]! Saved you a seat." Trent said as he waved to you and you went to sit next to him. Cody then sat next to Trent, and Gwen then sat on your other side.
You then looked around, and noticed that Noah still wasn't there. You got slightly worried, but then noticed him as he went to take a seat next to Owen.
You let a small smile form on your lips and turned back to face the front, not noticing how both Trent and Cody sat in a certain way in order to impress you, which followed to Cody falling off the bench on his back. "Whoo..- whoa!"
You noticed that Cody fell of the bench, and then took his hand and helped him up. He looked at you in admiration, and then smiled confidently.
"Welcome to our brand-new deluxe, state-of-the-art outdoor amphitheater!" Chris announced after he walked up on the stage, making you curious.
"Okay, this week's challenge is a summer camp favourite, a talent contest!" He said as you grinned, glad that you and D.J. were sort of right.
"YES! Awesome!" Owen shouted and stood up from his seat, making Noah give him a small glare and then roll his eyes.
"Each team has eight hours to pick their three most talented campers. These three will represent them in the show tonight. Sing, dance, juggle. Anything as long as it's legal." Chris finished as he gave a stern stare towards Duncan, aiming the last sentence towards him.
"You will be judged by our resident talent scout, former D.J., V.J., and a rap legend. Grand..- master Chef! Who will show his approval via the chef-o-meter." Chris said as the chef-o-meter appeared above Chris.
"The team that loses will send one camper home tonight. Hopefully the killer bass will be able to turn the tables today and not send their fourth teammate home! Goodluck." Chris finally finished as he left the stage.
"Okay, I'm the team captain, so here's how it's going to work." Heather said as she stood in front of you.
"Wait, who said you were team captain?" Gwen asked as she stood up, holding onto something.
"She did. Just now." Lindsay said with a smile. "That's not what she meant." Noah remarked, giving Lindsay an unamused stare.
"Lindsay, Beth and I took a vote, and I won." Heather said
"Threatening them to vote for you, isn't exactly democratic.." Gwen said, making you let out a snort before covering your mouth, making her smile and look at you.
You then noticed Trent coming up to you, as he took a seat beside you, his guitar case on his back.
"Hey, snagged you an extra muffin." Trent said as he gave you one making you smile, unknown of the glares that were sent Trent's way.
"Trent, you're cool with me leading this project, aren't you?" Heather said as her tone turned innocently nice.
"Right on. Go for it." Trent said with a small glare towards her, making it obvious he didn't mean it.
"Good! And what about you, [Y/n]? You surely don't mind, do you?" Heather asked, her tone making you feel slightly sick as it wasn't anything but her.
"Uh, yeah, I don't really care.." You said, your tone gradually getting quieter making Heather smile in satisfication.
"Alright! Beth, Lindsay and I will be the judges." Heather said making Lindsay and Beth squeal in joy.
"Whatever." Gwen muttered to which you threw her a concerned look and motioned for her to sit beside you, as you offered her a half of your cupcake making her smile.
You watched Owen gulp down full bottle of water in one-go, making you raise your eyebrows.
"Are you gonna audition?" Trent asked you and Gwen making you shrug.
"Doubtful." Gwen muttered. "Nah, I don't think I have any talent worth it." You said. "You should be in this, though." Gwen told Trent, making raise his eyebrows. "Yeah! You play pretty good, we heard you the other night by the dock, you play really good!" You told him with a smile which made Gwen nod.
You then noticed Noah sitting alone and excused yourself from them and walked up to him. You then sat next to him as you nudged his side playfully with your elbow.
"Soo, are you gonna audition?" You asked him as he threw you an unamused look, as he tried to hide how happy he was that you approached him as the unamused look didn't bother you.
"As if, you think I have any talents?" He asked you as he raised his eyebrow, making you shrug. "Maybe, I mean.. you're pretty smart." You said with a smile, making Noah's cheeks turn red as he looked to the other side.
"Yeah right.." he mumbled, crossing his arms. You then felt someone lie their head on your lap, surprising you as you looked down at Izzy.
"What about you? Are you gonna audition?" She asked you with a wide grin, making Noah turn his attention back to you and her, as he got reminded of a certain challenge, where it happened to be him lying in your lap.
You shook your head with a smile. "Nah, I don't have any talents.. what about you Izzy?" You asked her in return as your gaze fell on her curly red hair that was splattered all over your lap. You then started to brush your fingers through her locks, satisfying her.
"Yeah, definitely!!" Izzy said, still having that big grin plastered on her face making you smile.
You then listened to Owen burp out the entire alphabet in one-go, disgusting you and the rest of the girls, while the dudes cheered for him, even Noah gave him a smirk.
"Yes!" Owen cheered and then Trent went to high-five him. "That was excellent, man!" Trent told him as he gave him finger-guns. Heather then coughed, making everyone turn their attention towards her.
"Well, you're not going to do that in this contest. That's disgusting." Heather said making you nod your head in agreement with her while you continued playing with Izzy's hair, occasionally making her giggle.
"Do you know how hard it is to burp out the entire alphabet in one go?" Trent started defending Owen as he wrapped his arm around his shoulder.
"I can also toot beethoven's fifth." Owen said as he took off his pants, showing his naked butt, making all of the girls and you scream out protests. "Nonono, Owen!"
Gwen then took her book and started to walk out making you turn your gaze towards her. "Where are you going?" Heather asked her sternly, giving her a glare.
"Anywhere, that's not here." Gwen told her before she left.
Next performance was Heather's ballerina dance, making you amazed at her skills as you clapped along side everyone else. "Thank you." She said and then turned her gaze towards Lindsay and Beth, who were talking amongst each other, not paying attention to her, pissing her off.
She then cleared her throat, catching their attention. "Oh, I vote for Heather to be in the contest." Lindsay said with a smile making Beth nod along side her. "I second that!"
"Guys, that's so sweet!" Heather said as she pretented to be touched by them, as she placed her hand on her chest. "Okay, so I guess I'm in. Why doesn't everyone take five?" Heather said as all parted, but you then noticed Heather stopping Lindsay harshly and planned on listening to them, but then Justin came up to you and wrapped his arm around your shoulder.
"[Y/n], is it just me or are you getting just simple more prettier every day you spend here on this island?" Justin said staring you in the eyes making you gulp nervously and your cheeks to turn slightly pink.
"O-oh, I.. I think it's.. just you?" You said, unsure on how to respond to him to which he let out a soft chuckle.
"You're simply adorable. I could recommend you to few modeling agencies if you'd like?" He asked you as you turned your attention back to Heather and Lindsay for a second, and then noticed them parting and holding radios as Justin led you away from them.
[A/n] HII GUYSS I'M BACK!! sorry it took so long for me to update again.. I tried to get into it last week but I got lazy... anyways hope you'll enjoy it anyway<33
Some of the interactions feel so forceddd i'm so sorry 💔💔 I just somehow want the reader to interact with the characters and strengthen their bonds for it to atleast make sense but I have no idea howw with the characters that barely get any screentime and I'm so unoriginal and uncreative..
And also I WILL TRY for my girls Courtney and Bridgette to have more time with [Y/n] ( can u tell I have favs )
But I'll try for [Y/n] to have moment with every character at this point and I plan on every character getting their own ( non-canon ) small ending as the canon ending where they don't end up with anyone will lead to TDA.
But like I don't 100% plan on that but I thought about it.
Anyways this chaoter is a bit shorter from the previous one ( I think the previous one was just too long that it feels short now ) and I hope you enjoyed it because I wrote this instead of learning for my exam and I am FUCKED <3
Vote, comment, I appreciate any type of attention!!<33
[ 2500 words ]
| Thu 30.11. 2023 |
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