Y/n's Lover?.
the girls were all hanging out in the cabins, you were enjoying a nice walk on the beach, looking at the sea when someone was behind you.
Gwen: Hey Y/n.
You look over your shoulder and see Gwen sitting on the beach drawing something in her book.
Y/n: Gwen, nice morning isn't it?.
Gwen: What are you doing up so early?. Normally you sleep in.
Y/n: Today's one of those days where you don't do the things you normally do.
Gwen: Don't you have games?.
Y/n: Yes, but today's a day where I want to enjoy this island for what it is, It's very pretty.
Gwen: Just like you-
Y/n: Thanks.
Gwen blushes and sketches in her book before a loud horn goes off making her cover her ears.
Gwen: Ow.
Chris: Good morning campers, hopefully, you are all awake, Today's challenge will test your memory on the things you love, so meet me right outside the mess hall for today's challenge.
Gwen: Man, I was almost done drawing.
Y/n: I'll help you finish it later, but right now, we've got a challenge to win.
Gwen smiles and stands up.
Gwen: Heck yeah we do.
You and Gwen find the others sitting on benches and you two take a seat at the end.
Mike: Uh, where's Chris?.
Geoff: What's with the big board?.
Lindsay: And the buzzers on the stands?.
A puff of smoke goes out making everyone couch before Chris appears wearing a flashy baby blue suit with a red tie.
Chris: Ahem.
Chris signals for interns to clap but they missed their cue so they clap and whistle for Chris who smirks.
Chris: Welcome Total Drama Contestants to Buzzfest.
Duncan: That's a lame name.
Chris: So is the name your mother gave you.
Everyone ooohs as Duncan growls at the host.
Chris: Now then, let's go over the rules, I'll ask a random question and two people will come down the walkway to the stands where if they know the answer they will buzz in the answer, first one to hit the buzzer will gain a point and if they answer the question or nobody gets it right, everyone gets shocked.
Chris pulls out a button and Chef has attached everyone with metal collars.
Chris: like this.
Chris pushes the button and everyone gets shocked for a few seconds before Chris lets go of the button.
Chris: Alright who's first?.
nobody wants to go first, not even moving.
Chris: Fine I'll just call random people, Brick and Amy, you two are first.
Brick and Amy head down to the buzzers and await the question.
Chris: Alright this one is for ten points, in which season did I introduce the singing during every episode.
Both buzz in but a light shines on Brick.
Chris: Brick.
Brick: World Tour.
Chris: Correct.
Chris presses a button that shocks your team and both Brick and Amy return to their seats.
Chris: Next up, Gwen and Trent.
Both Gwen and Trent slowly walk to the buzzers and Chris chuckles.
Chris: Let's see which one of you two will say this, Who did Gwen throw under the bus in order to save her own butt in the second season?.
Gwen buzzed the answer.
Gwen:...It was Trent.
Chris: Correct.
Trent curses as he gets shocked along with the rest of his team.
Chris: The score is one all next up is Heather and Alejandro.
Heather goes down to the buzzer and Alejandro flashes her a smile and she gives him the bird
Chris: Who was the one that failed to capture an olympic gold medal in greece?. Bonus if you get them both right-
Heather buzzes in.
Heather: Alejandro and Duncan.
Chris: That's correct, nice as for the lossers.
Chris shocks the boys team as the score is now 3-1.
It was now a lightning round of multiple questions and answers being thrown out and everyone was getting shocked
Jacques: LOKI! LOKI LOKI!.
Zoey: Lightning.
Lindsay: Tyler
Gwen: Season two.
Shawn: Sugar
Bridgette: Y/n.
Scott: Dawn
Alejandro: That was Cody.
Max: Scarlett, the traitor.
Emma: Kitty
Kitty: Emma
Chris: Okay we are at a score of 69-69, you guys really want the win don't you?.
Everyone was looking like they were about to drop dead with how many times Chris has shocked them.
Chris: Our next two contestants are...Y/n and Sam.
You slowly made it down to the buzzer and you were about to throw up from the voltage, Sam wasn't looking good either, his hair was standing straight up.
Chris: Okay this is for the tie-breaker, Which of these characters have never had their full name revealed?.
You and Sam both look up at Chris as well as everyone else.
Chris: Is it Dakota, Cody, Alejandro, or Courtney?.
You and Sam think long and hard about the question and clock keeps ticking down.
Chris: If neither of you answer, you'll all get shocked again.
Sam: Dakota!.
Sam hits the buzzer and gets shocked as well as his team.
Y/n: I got it.
You press the buzzer and point to Courtney.
Y/n: I'm going Courtney.
Chris: Correct, Courtney, anything you want to tell us?.
Courtney: No comment.
The score was 70-69 and your team had won again and the guys get shocked once again by Chris who has a sadisctic smile on his face as he does it.
The girls run up and hug you, not to tighly and you all stop as Chris laughs.
Chris: Aww isn't that cute, wait until you see the suprise I have in store.
Zoey: What surprise, is there a trick question?.
Chris: Nope but you can play a game Y/n, who's voice is this?.
A girl speaks out of the blue over the speakers and you put your head down.
Samey: Y/n, what's wrong?.
Gwen: Who is that?.
Y/n:...It's the reason why I quit acting...
A tall lanky and tan girl walks out from behind Chris, she had on a black ballcap with a screw on it, jean-shorts, a black crop-top, black socks with white sneakers, her dirty-blonde hair was long and went all the way down her back to her waist.
Chris: Everyone meet Harley, Y/n's GIRLFRIEND...ooh and by the way, Y/n's become a bit of a chick magnet as of late-
Chris: Because raitings and this show is called Total Drama and what better drama then brining in your girlfriend, who's feeling that she should make sure you are happy.
Harley walks up in front of you in a slow manner and all you can do is look down, when you look up you see your towering girlfriend standing over you.
Y/n:...Hey Halrs, nice tan.
Harley bends down to you and gives you a big hug, giving the other girls a Luigi style death stare and they all back away slowly, even some of the guys are terrified while Duncan smirks.
Duncan(Confessional): So geek boy's got a girlfriend?...that means one more (censerd) to feel my wrath and pain.
Meanwhile some of the girls were on the beach, relaxing after another win.
Gwen: So...what do you think of Y/n's girlfriend?.
Courtney: How much did she pay Chris to get onto the show?.
Heather: It's not fair, we got to him, hell, I even had a date with him and now he's got a girlfriend who shows up out of nowhere.
Chomper: I know sounds like lazy writing.
Chomper was in the ocean swimming.
Chomper: What?.
Ella: Why are you still out here?. Did you and Y/n become friends?.
Chomper: Yep, I deal with Duncan and he in return teaches me how to act like a normal human.
Zoey: Do you know anything about his girlfriend?.
Chomper: We only spoke about her once, all he said was she's very protective of him and she's the reason he got so buff.
Amy: So can you ask him to dump her?.
Chomper: And get thrown off a fifty-foot high cliff, yeah no thank you.
Sierra: Girls, I found something out about Harely and....oh...forget your chances with Y/n.
Gwen: Why?. She's not that bad is she?.
Sierra: Five time extreme heavyweight woman's boxing champion, body builder, model, altheic, outdoor explorer, influnencer, yeah it's best to go for someone like Duncan over Y/n.
All the girls shudder at the idea of dating Duncan.
Izzy: Let's blow her up!.
Everyone looks at Izzy and backs away.
Izzy: What?.
Courtney: There is something we can do but what?...
All the girls brainstorm while you are fixing your bed when you hear a knock on your doorway and freeze.
Harley: Hey handsome.
You slowly turn around and Harley was smirking as she closes the door.
Y/n: Oh hey Harls....what's up?.
Harley looks around your area of the giant room.
Harley: Needs a bit of touchup.
Y/n: Touchup?.
Harley smirks and bends over into her bag and you away from her.
Harley: Y/n, it's okay to stare-
Y/n: I'm not going to.
Harley: You sure?.
You fight the urge to stare and Harley pulls out a black can of spraypaint and sprays a screw on your bed, she hangs a heavy metal poster up by your bed.
Harley: There we go, what do you think?.
Y/n:...it looks great, Harley.
Harley gives you another hug and you blush a bit.
Harley: Wow, have you been getting taller?.
Y/n: SHUT UP!.
Harley laughs and she pats your head.
Harley: So who's this (censored) you've been dealing with?.
Y/n: His names Duncan, green mohawk, choaker, jorts.
Harely:...What happened to your eye?.
You still had a black eye from Duncan.
Y/n:...well we got into a fight and he gave me a blackeye-
Harley storms out of the cabin, and know exactly what's about to happen.
Y/n: Harls no!.
You see Harley was sprinting down the beach and follow her quickly catching up to her.
Y/n: Don't do this please!.
Harley: Nobody hits you and gets away with it.
Y/n: You don't know what he'll do, he's been in prison, he's a pyscho-
Harley stops and so do you.
Harley:...So am I Y/n.
Harely turns around and gives you a kiss on a cheek before grabbing sand and throwing it in your face.
Y/n: Ah!.
Harley: Sorry Y/n, can't let you stop me from kicking him where it hurts!.
Harley sprints into the forrest in search of Duncan and you quickly get back up and follow her into the forrest.
Gwen: What's going on!?.
Heather: Come on!.
The rest of the girls follow you and Harley into the forest.
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